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package Chemistry::File::SLN;

$VERSION = "0.11";
# $Id:,v 1.4 2005/03/29 16:38:06 itubert Exp $

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base "Chemistry::File";
use Chemistry::Mol;
use Chemistry::File::SLN::Parser;
use Chemistry::Bond::Find 'assign_bond_orders';
use List::Util qw(sum);

=head1 NAME

Chemistry::File::SLN - SLN linear notation parser/writer


    use Chemistry::File::SLN;

    # parse a SLN string for benzene
    my $s = 'C[1]H:CH:CH:CH:CH:CH@1';
    my $mol = Chemistry::Mol->parse($s, format => 'sln');

    # print a SLN string
    print $mol->print(format => 'sln');

    # print a unique (canonical) SLN string
    print $mol->print(format => 'sln', unique => 1);

    # parse a multiline SLN file
    my @mols = Chemistry::Mol->read("file.sln", format => 'sln');

    # write a multiline SLN file
    Chemistry::Mol->write("file.sln", mols => [@mols]);


This module parses a SLN (Sybyl Line Notation) string. This is a File I/O
driver for the PerlMol project.  L<>. It registers the
'sln' format with Chemistry::Mol, and recognizes filenames ending in '.sln'.

Optional attributes for atoms, bonds, and molecules are stored as
$atom->attr("sln/attr"), $bond->attr("sln/attr"), and $mol->attr("sln/attr"), 
respectively. Boolean attributes are stored with a value of 'TRUE'. That's the
way boolean attributes are recognized when writing, so that they can be written
in the shortened form.

    $sln_attr->{backbone} = 1;
    # would be ouput as "C[backbone=1]"

    $sln_attr->{backbone} = 'TRUE';
    # would be ouput as "C[backbone]"

Also note that attribute names are normalized to lowercase on reading.

=head1 OPTIONS

The following options are available when reading:


=item kekulize

Assign bond orders for unsatisfied valences or for aromatic bonds. For example,
benzene read as C[1]H:CH:CH:CH:CH:CH@1 will be converted internally to 
something like C[1]H=CHCH=CHCH=CH@1. This is needed if another format or 
module expects a Kekule representation without an aromatic bond type.


The following options are available when writing:


=item mols

If this option points to an array of molecules, these molecules will be
written, one per line, as in the example in the SYNOPSYS.

=item aromatic

Detect aromaticity before writing. This will ensure that aromatic bond types
are used instead of alternate single and double bonds. 

=item unique

Canonicalize before writing, and produce a unique strucure. NOTE: this option
does not guarantee a unique representation for molecules with bracketed

=item name

Include the name of the molecule ($mol->name) in the output string.

=item coord3d, coords

Include the 3D coordinates of every atom in the molecule in the output string.
C<coord3d> and C<coords> may be used interchangeably.

=item attr

Output the atom, bond, and molecule attributes found in $mol->attr("sln/attr"),


=head1 CAVEATS

This version does not implement the full SLN specification. It supports
simple structures and some attributes, but it does not support any of the


=item Macro atoms

=item Pattern matching options

=item Markush structures

=item 2D Coordinates


The SLN specification is vague on several points, and I don't have a reference
implementation available, so I had to make several arbitrary decisions. Also,
this version of this module has not been tested exhaustively, so please report
any bugs that you find.

If the parser doesn't understand a string, it only says "syntax error", which
may not be very helpful.


my $Parser = Chemistry::File::SLN::Parser->new;

sub name_is {
    my ($self, $name) = @_;
    $name =~ /\.sln$/i;

sub file_is {

sub parse_string {
    my ($self, $string, %opts) = @_;

    my (@lines) = split /(?:\n|\r\n?)/, $string;
    my @mols;
    for my $line (@lines) {
        my $mol = $self->parse_single_line($line, %opts);
        return $mol unless wantarray;
        push @mols, $mol;

sub parse_single_line {
    my ($self, $string, %opts) = @_;

    my $mol_class = $opts{mol_class} || "Chemistry::Mol";

    # call the actual yapp-generated parser
    my $tree = $Parser->run($string) or return;
    #use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $tree;

    my $mol = $mol_class->new;
    my @nodes = @{$tree->{chain}};
    my %closures;
    my $last_atom;
    my @stack;
    while (my $node = shift @nodes) {
        if ($node eq '(') {
            push @stack, $last_atom;
        } elsif ($node eq ')') {
            $last_atom = pop @stack;
        } elsif($last_atom) { # bond
            my $next = shift @nodes;
            if ($next->{closure}) {
                my $atom = $closures{$next->{closure}};
                $self->compile_bond($mol, $node, $last_atom, $atom);
            } else {
                my $atom = $self->compile_atom($mol, $next, \%closures);
                $self->compile_bond($mol, $node, $last_atom, $atom);
                $last_atom = $atom;
        } else {  # first atom
            $last_atom = $self->compile_atom($mol, $node, \%closures);
    if ($opts{kekulize}) {
        assign_bond_orders($mol, method => "itub", use_coords => 0, 
            scratch => 0, charges => 0);
    my @sln_attr;
    while (my ($attr, $value) = each %{$tree->{attr}}) {
        if ($attr eq 'name') {
        } elsif ($attr eq 'type') {
        } elsif ($attr eq 'coord3d') {
            $self->read_coords($mol, $value);
        } else {
            push @sln_attr, $attr, $value;
    $mol->attr("sln/attr", {@sln_attr}) if @sln_attr;


sub compile_atom {
    my ($self, $mol, $node, $closures) = @_;
    my $atom = $mol->new_atom(
        symbol          => $node->{symbol},
        hydrogens       => $node->{hcount},
        formal_charge   => $node->{attr}{charge},
    $atom->attr("sln/attr", $node->{attr});
    delete $node->{attr}{charge};
    $closures->{$node->{id}} = $atom if $node->{id};

    '-' => 1,
    '=' => 2,
    '#' => 3,
    ':' => 1, 
    '.' => 0,

sub compile_bond {
    my ($self, $mol, $node, $atom1, $atom2) = @_;
    my $order = $TYPE_TO_ORDER{$node->{type}};
    if ($order) {
        my $bond = $mol->new_bond(
            type => $node->{type}, 
            atoms=>[$atom1, $atom2],
            order => $order,
        $bond->attr("sln/attr", $node->{attr});
        if ($node->{type} eq ':') { 
            $_->aromatic(1) for ($atom1, $atom2, $bond);

sub read_coords {
    my ($self, $mol, $coords_str) = @_;
    $coords_str =~ s/[()]//g;
    my (@coords) = split /,/, $coords_str;
    my $fh = $mol->formula_hash;
    my $n = sum(values %$fh);
    my $sprout = (@coords == 3*$n);
    for my $atom ($mol->atoms) {
        $atom->coords(splice @coords, 0, 3);
        if ($sprout) {
            for (1 .. $atom->implicit_hydrogens) {
                my $H = $mol->new_atom(symbol => 'H', 
                    coords => [splice @coords, 0, 3]);
                $mol->new_bond(atoms => [$atom, $H]);

########### WRITER #################

sub write_string {
    my ($self, $mol_ref, %opts) = @_;

    my $eol;
    my @mols;
    if ($opts{mols}) {
        @mols = @{$opts{mols}};
        $eol = "\n";
    } else {
        @mols = $mol_ref; 
        $eol = "";

    my $sln;
    for my $mol (@mols) {
        $sln .= $self->write_mol($mol, %opts) . $eol;

sub write_mol {
    my ($self, $mol, %opts) = @_;

    my $oldmol = $mol;
    $mol = $mol->clone; 

    my $sln = '';
    my @id_log;
    if ($mol->atoms) {
        my @atoms = $self->clean_mol($mol, %opts);

        my $visited = {};
        my @s;
        for my $atom (@atoms) {
            next if $visited->{$atom};
            my $ring_atoms = {};

            # first pass to find and number the ring bonds
            $self->find_ring_bonds($mol, \%opts, $atom, undef, {}, $ring_atoms);

            # second pass to actually generate the sln string
            push @s, $self->branch($mol, \%opts, $atom, undef, $visited, 
                $ring_atoms, \@id_log);
        $sln .= join '.', @s;

    $sln .= $self->format_ctab_attr($mol, \%opts, $oldmol, \@id_log);

sub clean_mol {
    my ($self, $mol, %opts) = @_;

    my @atoms = $mol->atoms;
    if ($opts{unique}) {
        unless ($atoms[0]->attr("canon/class")) {
            require Chemistry::Canonicalize;
        #$opts{aromatic} = 1; # all unique sln have to be aromatic
        @atoms = sort {
            $a->attr("canon/class") <=> $b->attr("canon/class")
        } @atoms;

    if ($opts{aromatic}) {
        require Chemistry::Ring;

sub format_ctab_attr {
    my ($self, $mol, $opts, $oldmol, $id_log) = @_;

    my $sln = '';
    if ($opts->{name} or $opts->{attr} or $opts->{coords} or $opts->{coord3d}) {
        no warnings 'uninitialized';
        my @attr;
        my $name = $mol->name;
        $name =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
        push @attr, 'name="' . $mol->name . '"' 
            if $opts->{name} and length $mol->name;
        my @coords;
        if ($opts->{coord3d} or $opts->{coords}) {
            my @all_atoms = map { 
                    grep {$_->symbol eq 'H'}
            } @$id_log;
            push @coords, sprintf("(%.3f,%.3f,%.3f)",$_->coords->array)
                for @all_atoms;
            push @attr, 'coord3d=' . join(',',@coords);
        if ($opts->{attr}) {
            push @attr, $self->format_sln_attr($mol);
        $sln .= '<' . join(';', @attr) . '>' if @attr;

sub find_ring_bonds {
    my ($self, $mol, $opts, $atom, $from_bond, $visited, $ring_atoms) = @_;

    $visited->{$atom}  = 1;
    for my $bn (sorted_bonds_neighbors($atom, $opts)) {
        my $nei  = $bn->{to};
        my $bond = $bn->{bond};
        next if $visited->{$bond};
        $visited->{$bond}  = 1;
        if ($visited->{$nei}) { # closed ring
            #print "closing ring\n";
        } else {
            $self->find_ring_bonds($mol, $opts, $nei, 
                $bond, $visited, $ring_atoms);

sub branch {
    my ($self, $mol, $opts, $atom, $from_bond, $visited, $digits, $id_log) = @_;

    my $prev_branch = "";
    my $sln;
    $sln .= $self->format_bond($from_bond, $opts);
    my $digit;
    if ($digits->{$atom}) {  # opening a ring
        $digit = $self->next_digit($digits);
        $digits->{$atom} = $digit;
    $sln .= $self->format_atom($atom, $opts, $digit);
    push @$id_log, $atom->id;

    $visited->{$atom}  = 1;
    my @bns = sorted_bonds_neighbors($atom, $opts);

    for my $bn (@bns) {
        my $nei  = $bn->{to};
        my $bond = $bn->{bond};
        next if $visited->{$bond};
        $visited->{$bond} = 1;
        if ($visited->{$nei}) { # closed a ring
            if ($prev_branch) {
                $sln .= "($prev_branch)";
            $prev_branch = $self->format_bond($bond, $opts) 
                . '@' . $digits->{$nei};
            $visited->{$bond} = 1;
        } else {
            my $branch = $self->branch($mol, $opts, $nei, $bond, $visited, 
                $digits, $id_log);
            if ($prev_branch) {
                $sln .= "($prev_branch)";
            $prev_branch = $branch;
    $sln .= "$prev_branch";

sub next_digit {
    my ($self, $digits) = @_;

sub collapse_hydrogens {
    my ($self, $mol) = @_;

    for my $atom (grep {$_->symbol eq 'H'} $mol->atoms) {
        my ($neighbor) = $atom->neighbors or next;
        my $h_count = $neighbor->hydrogens;

sub sorted_bonds_neighbors {
    my ($atom, $opts) = @_;
    my @bn = $atom->bonds_neighbors;
    if ($opts->{unique}) {
        @bn = sort { 
            $a->{to}->attr("canon/class") <=> $b->{to}->attr("canon/class") 
        } @bn;

    1 => '', 2 => '=', 3 => '#', 4 => '', 0 => '.', 

sub format_bond {
    my ($self, $bond, $opts) = @_;
    return '' unless $bond;
    my $s = $bond->aromatic ? ':' : $ORDER_TO_TYPE{$bond->order};
    my @attr;
    @attr = $self->format_sln_attr($bond) if $opts->{attr};
    if (@attr) {
        $s .= '[' . join(";", @attr) . ']';

sub format_atom {
    my ($self, $atom, $opts, $digit) = @_;
    my $s;
    no warnings 'uninitialized';
    my $h_count = $atom->hydrogens;
    my $charge  = $atom->formal_charge;
    my $symbol  = $atom->symbol;

    $charge  = $charge ? sprintf("%+d", $charge): '';
    $h_count = $h_count ? ($h_count > 1 ? "H$h_count" : 'H') : '';

    $s = $symbol;
    my @attr;
    @attr = $self->format_sln_attr($atom) if $opts->{attr};
    if ($charge or $digit or @attr) {
        $s .= '['; 
        $s .= $digit;
        unshift @attr, $charge if $charge;
        if (@attr) {
            $s .= ':' if $digit;
            $s .= join ';', @attr;
       $s .= ']';
    $s .= $h_count;

sub format_sln_attr {
    my ($self, $obj) = @_;
    my $sln_attr = $obj->attr("sln/attr") || {};
    my @attr;
    for my $key (sort keys %$sln_attr) {
        my $val = $sln_attr->{$key};
        push @attr, "$key" . ($val eq 'TRUE' ? "" : "=$val");


=head1 VERSION


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Chemistry::Mol>, L<Chemistry::File>, L<Chemistry::File::SMILES>

The PerlMol website L<>

Ash, S.; Cline, M. A.; Homer, R. W.; Hurst, T.; Smith, G. B., SYBYL Line
Notation (SLN): A Versatile Language for Chemical Structure Representation. J.
Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci; 1997; 37(1); 71-79.  DOI: 10.1021/ci960109j 

=head1 AUTHOR

Ivan Tubert-Brohman E<lt>itub@cpan.orgE<gt>


Copyright (c) 2004 Ivan Tubert-Brohman. All rights reserved. This program is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
Perl itself.
