package Business::OnlinePayment::InternetSecure;

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp;
use Encode;
use Net::SSLeay qw(make_form post_https);
use XML::Simple qw(xml_in xml_out);

use base qw(Business::OnlinePayment Exporter);

our $VERSION = '0.05';

use constant SUCCESS_CODES => qw(2000 90000 900P1);

use constant CARD_TYPES => {
				AM => 'American Express',
				JB => 'JCB',
				MC => 'MasterCard',
				NN => 'Discover',
				VI => 'Visa',

# Convenience functions to avoid undefs and escape products strings
sub _def($) { defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : '' }
sub _esc($) { local $_ = shift; tr/|:/ /s; tr/"`/'/s; return $_ }

sub set_defaults {
	my ($self) = @_;


				receipt_number	order_number	uuid	guid
				card_type	cardholder
				total_amount	tax_amounts
				avs_code	cvv2_response
	# Just in case someone tries to call tax_amounts() *before* submit()
	$self->tax_amounts( {} );

# Backwards-compatible support for renamed fields
sub avs_response { shift()->avs_code(@_) }
sub sales_number { shift()->order_number(@_) }

# Combine get_fields and remap_fields for convenience.  Unlike OnlinePayment's
# remap_fields, this doesn't modify content(), and can therefore be called
# more than once.  Also, unlike OnlinePayment's get_fields in 3.x, this doesn't
# exclude undefs.
sub get_remap_fields {
	my ($self, %map) = @_;

	my %content = $self->content();
	my %data;

	while (my ($to, $from) = each %map) {
		$data{$to} = $content{$from};

	return %data;

# Since there's no standard format for expiration dates, we try to do our best
sub parse_expdate {
	my ($self, $str) = @_;

	local $_ = $str;

	my ($y, $m);

	if (/^(\d{4})\W(\d{1,2})$/ ||		# YYYY.MM  or  YYYY-M
			/^(\d\d)\W(\d)$/ ||	# YY/M  or  YY-M
			/^(\d\d)[.-](\d\d)$/) {	# YY-MM
		($y, $m) = ($1, $2);
	} elsif (/^(\d{1,2})\W(\d{4})$/ ||	# MM-YYYY  or  M/YYYY
			/^(\d)\W(\d\d)$/ ||	# M/YY  or  M-YY
			/^(\d\d)\/?(\d\d)$/) {	# MM/YY  or  MMYY
		($y, $m) = ($2, $1);
	} else {
		croak "Unable to parse expiration date: $str";

	$y += 2000 if $y < 2000;  # Aren't we glad Y2K is behind us?

	return ($y, $m);

# Convert a single product into a product string
sub prod_string {
	my ($self, $currency, %data) = @_;

	croak "Missing amount in product" unless defined $data{amount};

	my @flags = ($currency);

	my @taxes;
	if (ref $data{taxes}) {
		@taxes = @{ $data{taxes} };
	} elsif ($data{taxes}) {
		@taxes = split ' ' => $data{taxes};

	foreach (@taxes) {
		croak "Unknown tax code $_" unless /^(GST|PST|HST)$/i;
		push @flags, uc $_;

	if ($self->test_transaction) {
		push @flags, $self->test_transaction < 0 ? 'TESTD' : 'TEST';

	return join '::' =>
				sprintf('%.2f' => $data{amount}),
				$data{quantity} || 1,
				_esc _def $data{sku},
				_esc _def $data{description},
				join('' => map "{$_}" => @flags),

# Generate the XML document for this transaction
sub to_xml {
	my ($self) = @_;

	my %content = $self->content;

	# Backwards-compatible support for exp_date
	if (exists $content{exp_date} && ! exists $content{expiration}) {
		$content{expiration} = delete $content{exp_date};

	$self->required_fields(qw(action card_number expiration));

	croak "Unsupported transaction type: $content{type}"
		if $content{type} &&
			! grep lc($content{type}) eq lc($_),
				values %{+CARD_TYPES}, 'CC';
	croak 'Unsupported action'
		unless $content{action} =~ /^Normal Authori[zs]ation$/i;
	$content{currency} = uc($content{currency} || 'CAD');
	croak "Unknown currency code ", $content{currency}
		unless $content{currency} =~ /^(CAD|USD)$/;
	my %data = $self->get_remap_fields(qw(
			xxxCard_Number		card_number

			xxxName			name
			xxxCompany		company
			xxxAddress		address
			xxxCity			city
			xxxProvince		state
			xxxPostal		zip
			xxxCountry		country
			xxxPhone		phone
			xxxEmail		email

			xxxShippingName		ship_name
			xxxShippingCompany	ship_company
			xxxShippingAddress	ship_address
			xxxShippingCity		ship_city
			xxxShippingProvince	ship_state
			xxxShippingPostal	ship_zip
			xxxShippingCountry	ship_country
			xxxShippingPhone	ship_phone
			xxxShippingEmail	ship_email
	$data{MerchantNumber} = $self->merchant_id;

	$data{xxxCard_Number} =~ tr/- //d;
	$data{xxxCard_Number} =~ s/^[^3-6]/4/ if $self->test_transaction;

	my ($y, $m) = $self->parse_expdate($content{expiration});
	$data{xxxCCYear} = sprintf '%.4u' => $y;
	$data{xxxCCMonth} = sprintf '%.2u' => $m;

	if (defined $content{cvv2} && $content{cvv2} ne '') {
		$data{CVV2} = 1;
		$data{CVV2Indicator} = $content{cvv2};
	} else {
		$data{CVV2} = 0;
		$data{CVV2Indicator} = '';
	if (ref $content{description}) {
		$data{Products} = join '|' => map $self->prod_string(
						taxes => $content{taxes},
					@{ $content{description} };
	} else {
		$data{Products} = $self->prod_string(
					taxes       => $content{taxes},
					amount      => $content{amount},
					description => $content{description},

	# The encode() makes sure to a) strip off non-Latin-1 characters, and
	# b) turn off the utf8 flag, which confuses XML::Simple
	encode('ISO-8859-1', xml_out(\%data,
		NoAttr		=> 1,
		RootName	=> 'TranxRequest',
		SuppressEmpty	=> undef,
		XMLDecl		=> '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>',

# Map the various fields from the response, and put their values into our
# object for retrieval.
sub infuse {
	my ($self, $data, %map) = @_;

	while (my ($k, $v) = each %map) {
		no strict 'refs';

sub extract_tax_amounts {
	my ($self, $response) = @_;

	my %tax_amounts;

	my $products = $response->{Products};
	return unless $products;

	foreach my $node (@$products) {
		my $flags = $node->{flags};
		if ($flags &&
			grep($_ eq '{TAX}', @$flags) &&
			grep($_ eq '{CALCULATED}', @$flags))
			$tax_amounts{ $node->{code} } = $node->{subtotal};

	return %tax_amounts;

# Parse the server's response and set various fields
sub parse_response {
	my ($self, $response) = @_;


	local $/ = "\n";  # Make sure to avoid bug #17687
	$response = xml_in($response,
 			ForceArray => [qw(product flag)],
 			GroupTags => { qw(Products product flags flag) },
 			KeyAttr => [],
 			SuppressEmpty => undef,
			result_code	=> 'Page',
			error_message	=> 'Verbiage',
			authorization	=> 'ApprovalCode',
			avs_code	=> 'AVSResponseCode',
			cvv2_response	=> 'CVV2ResponseCode',

			receipt_number	=> 'ReceiptNumber',
			order_number	=> 'SalesOrderNumber',
			uuid		=> 'GUID',
			guid		=> 'GUID',

			date		=> 'Date',
			cardholder	=> 'xxxName',
			card_type	=> 'CardType',
			total_amount	=> 'TotalAmount',
	$self->is_success(scalar grep $self->result_code eq $_, SUCCESS_CODES);

	# Completely undocumented field that sometimes override <Verbiage>
	$self->error_message($response->{Error}) if $response->{Error};

	# Delete error_message if transaction was successful
	$self->error_message(undef) if $self->is_success;
	$self->tax_amounts( { $self->extract_tax_amounts($response) } );

	return $self;

sub submit {
	my ($self) = @_;

	croak "Missing required argument 'merchant_id'"
		unless defined $self->{merchant_id};

	my ($page, $response, %headers) = 
					xxxRequestMode => 'X',
					xxxRequestData => $self->to_xml,

	croak 'Error connecting to server' unless $page;
	croak 'Server responded, but not in XML' unless $page =~ /^<\?xml/;

	# The response is marked UTF-8, but it's really Latin-1.  Sigh.
	$page =~ s/^(<\?xml.*?) encoding="utf-8"/$1 encoding="iso-8859-1"/si;




=head1 NAME

Business::OnlinePayment::InternetSecure - InternetSecure backend for Business::OnlinePayment


  use Business::OnlinePayment;

  $txn = new Business::OnlinePayment 'InternetSecure',
  					merchant_id => '0000';

	action		=> 'Normal Authorization',

  	type		=> 'Visa',			# Optional
	card_number	=> '4111 1111 1111 1111',
	expiration	=> '2004-07',
	cvv2		=> '000',			# Optional

	name		=> "Fr\x{e9}d\x{e9}ric Bri\x{e8}re",
	company		=> '',
	address		=> '123 Street',
	city		=> 'Metropolis',
	state		=> 'ZZ',
	zip		=> 'A1A 1A1',
	country		=> 'CA',
	phone		=> '(555) 555-1212',
	email		=> '',

	amount		=> 49.95,
	currency	=> 'CAD',
	taxes		=> 'GST PST',
	description	=> 'Test transaction',


  if ($txn->is_success) {
  	print "Card processed successfully: " . $tx->authorization . "\n";
  } else {
  	print "Card was rejected: " . $tx->error_message . "\n";


C<Business::OnlinePayment::InternetSecure> is an implementation of
C<Business::OnlinePayment> that allows for processing online credit card
payments through InternetSecure.

See L<Business::OnlinePayment> for more information about the generic
Business::OnlinePayment interface.

=head1 CREATOR

Object creation is done via C<Business::OnlinePayment>; see its manpage for
details.  The B<merchant_id> processor option is required, and corresponds
to the merchant ID assigned to you by InternetSecure.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 Transaction setup and transmission

=over 4

=item content( CONTENT )

Sets up the data prior to a transaction.  CONTENT is an associative array
(hash), containing some of the following fields:

=over 4

=item action (required)

What to do with the transaction.  Only C<Normal Authorization> is supported
at the moment.

=item type

Transaction type, being one of the following:

=over 4

=item - Visa

=item - MasterCard

=item - American Express

=item - Discover

=item - JCB

=item - CC


(This is actually ignored for the moment, and can be left blank or undefined.)

=item card_number (required)

Credit card number.  Spaces and dashes are automatically removed.

=item expiration (required)

Credit card expiration date.  Since C<Business::OnlinePayment> does not specify
any syntax, this module is rather lax regarding what it will accept.  The
recommended syntax is C<YYYY-MM>, but forms such as C<MM/YYYY> or C<MMYY> are
allowed as well.

=item cvv2

Three- or four-digit verification code printed on the card.  This can be left
blank or undefined, in which case no check will be performed.  Whether or not a
transaction will be declined in case of a mismatch depends on the merchant
account configuration.

This number may be called Card Verification Value (CVV2), Card Validation
Code (CVC2) or Card Identification number (CID), depending on the card issuer.

=item description

A short description of the transaction.  See L<"Products list syntax"> for
an alternate syntax that allows a list of products to be specified.

=item amount (usually required)

Total amount to be billed, excluding taxes if they are to be added separately
by InternetSecure.

This field is required if B<description> is a string, but should be left
undefined if B<description> contains a list of products instead, as outlined
in L<"Products list syntax">.

=item currency

Currency of all amounts for this order.  This can currently be either
C<CAD> (default) or C<USD>.

=item taxes

Taxes to be added automatically to B<amount> by InternetSecure.  Available
taxes are C<GST>, C<PST> and C<HST>.

This argument can either be a single string of taxes concatenated with spaces
(such as C<GST PST>), or a reference to an array of taxes (such as C<[ "GST",
"PST" ]>).

=item name / company / address / city / state / zip / country / phone / email

Customer information.  B<country> should be a two-letter code taken from ISO


=item submit()

Submit the transaction to InternetSecure.


=head2 Post-submission methods

=over 4

=item is_success()

Returns true if the transaction was submitted successfully.

=item result_code()

Response code returned by InternetSecure.

=item error_message()

Error message if the transaction was unsuccessful; C<undef> otherwise.  (You
should not rely on this to test whether a transaction was successful; use
B<is_success>() instead.)

=item receipt_number()

Receipt number (a string, actually) of this transaction, unique to all
InternetSecure transactions.

=item order_number()

Sales order number of this transaction.  This is a number, unique to each
merchant, which is incremented by 1 each time.

=item uuid()

Universally Unique Identifier associated to this transaction.  This is a
128-bit value returned as a 36-character string such as
C<f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6>.  See RFC 4122 for more details on

B<guid>() is provided as an alias to this method.

=item authorization()

Authorization code for this transaction.

=item avs_code() / cvv2_response()

Results of the AVS and CVV2 checks.  See the InternetSecure documentation for
the list of possible values.

=item date()

Date and time of the transaction.  Format is C<YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss>.

=item total_amount()

Total amount billed for this order, including taxes.

=item tax_amounts()

Returns a I<reference> to a hash that maps taxes, which were listed under the
B<taxes> argument to B<submit>(), to the amount that was calculated by

=item cardholder()

Cardholder's name.  This is currently a mere copy of the B<name> field passed
to B<submit>().

=item card_type()

Type of the credit card used for the submitted order, being one of the

=over 4

=item - Visa

=item - MasterCard

=item - American Express

=item - Discover

=item - JCB



=head1 NOTES

=head2 Products list syntax

Optionally, the B<description> field of B<content>() can contain a reference
to an array of products, instead of a simple string.  Each element of this
array represents a different product, and must be a reference to a hash with
the following fields:

=over 4

=item amount (required)

Unit price of this product.

=item quantity

Ordered quantity of this product.

=item sku

Internal code for this product.

=item description

Description of this product

=item taxes

Taxes that should be automatically added to this product.  If specified, this
overrides the B<taxes> field passed to B<content>().


When using a products list, the B<amount> field passed to B<content>() should
be left undefined.

=head2 Character encoding

When using non-ASCII characters, all data provided to B<contents>() should
have been decoded beforehand via the C<Encode> module, unless your data is in
ISO-8859-1 and you haven't meddled with the C<encoding> pragma.  (Please

InternetSecure currently does not handle characters outside of ISO-8859-1, so
these will be replaced with C<?> before being transmitted.

=head1 EXPORT

None by default.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Original author: Frédéric Brière, E<lt>fbriere@fbriere.netE<gt>.  Please don't
bother Frédéric with emails about this module.

Currentuly (minimally) maintained by Ivan Kohler.  See to submit patches and bug reports.


Copyright (C) 2006 by Frédéric Brière

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
