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package DBIx::DBSchema::Table;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION $DEBUG %create_params);
use Carp;
#use Exporter;
use DBIx::DBSchema::_util qw(_load_driver _dbh _parse_opt);
use DBIx::DBSchema::Column 0.14;
use DBIx::DBSchema::Index;
use DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Unique;
use DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Index;

$VERSION = '0.08';
$DEBUG = 0;

=head1 NAME

DBIx::DBSchema::Table - Table objects


  use DBIx::DBSchema::Table;

  #new style (preferred), pass a hashref of parameters
  $table = new DBIx::DBSchema::Table (
      name        => "table_name",
      primary_key => "primary_key",
      columns     => \@dbix_dbschema_column_objects,
      #deprecated# unique      => $dbix_dbschema_colgroup_unique_object,
      #deprecated# 'index'     => $dbix_dbschema_colgroup_index_object,
      indices     => \@dbix_dbschema_index_objects,

  #old style (VERY deprecated)
  $table = new DBIx::DBSchema::Table (

  $table->addcolumn ( $dbix_dbschema_column_object );

  $table_name = $table->name;

  $primary_key = $table->primary_key;

  #deprecated# $dbix_dbschema_colgroup_unique_object = $table->unique;
  #deprecated# $table->unique( $dbix_dbschema__colgroup_unique_object );

  #deprecated# $dbix_dbschema_colgroup_index_object = $table->index;
  #deprecated# $table->index( $dbix_dbschema_colgroup_index_object );

  %indices = $table->indices;
  $dbix_dbschema_index_object = $indices{'index_name'};
  @all_index_names = keys %indices;
  @all_dbix_dbschema_index_objects = values %indices;

  @column_names = $table->columns;

  $dbix_dbschema_column_object = $table->column("column");

  @sql_statements = $table->sql_create_table( $dbh );
  @sql_statements = $table->sql_create_table( $datasrc, $username, $password );

  #possible problems
  @sql_statements = $table->sql_create_table( $datasrc );
  @sql_statements = $table->sql_create_table;


DBIx::DBSchema::Table objects represent a single database table.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item new HASHREF

Creates a new DBIx::DBSchema::Table object.  The preferred usage is to pass a
hash reference of named parameters.

    name          => TABLE_NAME,
    primary_key   => PRIMARY_KEY,
    columns       => COLUMNS,
    indices       => INDICES,
    local_options => OPTIONS,
    #deprecated# unique => UNIQUE,
    #deprecated# index  => INDEX,

TABLE_NAME is the name of the table.  PRIMARY_KEY is the primary key (may be
empty).  COLUMNS is a reference to an array of DBIx::DBSchema::Column objects
(see L<DBIx::DBSchema::Column>).  INDICES is a reference to an array of 
DBIx::DBSchema::Index objects (see L<DBIx::DBSchema::Index>), or a hash
reference of index names (keys) and DBIx::DBSchema::Index objects (values).
OPTIONS is a scalar of database-specific table options, such as "WITHOUT OIDS"
for Pg or "TYPE=InnoDB" for mysql.

Deprecated options:

UNIQUE was a DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Unique object (see
L<DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Unique>).  INDEX was a
DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Index object (see


sub new {
  my $proto = shift;
  my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;

  my $self;
  if ( ref($_[0]) ) {

    $self = shift;
    $self->{column_order} = [ map { $_->name } @{$self->{columns}} ];
    $self->{columns} = { map { $_->name, $_ } @{$self->{columns}} };

    $self->{indices} = { map { $_->name, $_ } @{$self->{indices}} }
       if ref($self->{indices}) eq 'ARRAY';

  } else {

    carp "Old-style $class creation without named parameters is deprecated!";
    #croak "FATAL: old-style $class creation no longer supported;".
    #      " use named parameters";

    my($name,$primary_key,$unique,$index,@columns) = @_;

    my %columns = map { $_->name, $_ } @columns;
    my @column_order = map { $_->name } @columns;

    $self = {
      'name'         => $name,
      'primary_key'  => $primary_key,
      'unique'       => $unique,
      'index'        => $index,
      'columns'      => \%columns,
      'column_order' => \@column_order,


  #check $primary_key, $unique and $index to make sure they are $columns ?
  # (and sanity check?)

  bless ($self, $class);

  $_->table_obj($self) foreach values %{ $self->{columns} };



Creates a new DBIx::DBSchema::Table object from the supplied DBI database
handle for the specified table.  This uses the experimental DBI type_info
method to create a table with standard (ODBC) SQL column types that most
closely correspond to any non-portable column types.   Use this to import a
schema that you wish to use with many different database engines.  Although
primary key and (unique) index information will only be imported from databases
with DBIx::DBSchema::DBD drivers (currently MySQL and PostgreSQL), import of
column names and attributes *should* work for any database.

Note: the _odbc refers to the column types used and nothing else - you do not
have to have ODBC installed or connect to the database via ODBC.


%create_params = (
#  undef             => sub { '' },
  ''                => sub { '' },
  'max length'      => sub { $_[0]->{PRECISION}->[$_[1]]; },
  'precision,scale' =>
    sub { $_[0]->{PRECISION}->[$_[1]]. ','. $_[0]->{SCALE}->[$_[1]]; }

sub new_odbc {
  my( $proto, $dbh, $name) = @_;

  my $driver = _load_driver($dbh);
  my $sth = _null_sth($dbh, $name);
  my $sthpos = 0;

  my $indices_hr =
    ( $driver
        ? eval "DBIx::DBSchema::DBD::$driver->indices(\$dbh, \$name)"
        : {}

    'name'        => $name,
    'primary_key' => scalar(eval "DBIx::DBSchema::DBD::$driver->primary_key(\$dbh, \$name)"),

    'columns'     => [
      map { 

            my $col_name = $_;

            my $type_info = scalar($dbh->type_info($sth->{TYPE}->[$sthpos]))
              or die "DBI::type_info ". $dbh->{Driver}->{Name}. " driver ".
                     "returned no results for type ".  $sth->{TYPE}->[$sthpos];

            my $length = &{ $create_params{ $type_info->{CREATE_PARAMS} } }
                          ( $sth, $sthpos++ );

            my $default = '';
            if ( $driver ) {
              $default = ${ [
                eval "DBIx::DBSchema::DBD::$driver->column(\$dbh, \$name, \$_)"
              ] }[4];

                'name'    => $col_name,
                #'type'    => "SQL_". uc($type_info->{'TYPE_NAME'}),
                'type'    => $type_info->{'TYPE_NAME'},
                'null'    => $sth->{NULLABLE}->[$sthpos],
                'length'  => $length,          
                'default' => $default,
                #'local'   => # DB-local


    #old-style indices
    #  $driver
    #   ? [values %{eval "DBIx::DBSchema::DBD::$driver->unique(\$dbh, \$name)"}]
    #   : []
    #  $driver
    #  ? [ values %{eval "DBIx::DBSchema::DBD::$driver->index(\$dbh, \$name)"} ]
    #  : []

    #new-style indices
    'indices' => { map { my $indexname = $_;
                         $indexname =>
                       keys %$indices_hr



Creates a new DBIx::DBSchema::Table object from the supplied DBI database
handle for the specified table.  This uses database-native methods to read the
schema, and will preserve any non-portable column types.  The method is only
available if there is a DBIx::DBSchema::DBD for the corresponding database
engine (currently, MySQL and PostgreSQL).


sub new_native {
  my( $proto, $dbh, $name) = @_;
  my $driver = _load_driver($dbh);

  my $indices_hr =
  ( $driver
      ? eval "DBIx::DBSchema::DBD::$driver->indices(\$dbh, \$name)"
      : {}

    'name'        => $name,
    'primary_key' => scalar(eval "DBIx::DBSchema::DBD::$driver->primary_key(\$dbh, \$name)"),
    'columns'     => [
      map DBIx::DBSchema::Column->new( @{$_} ),
          eval "DBIx::DBSchema::DBD::$driver->columns(\$dbh, \$name)"

    #old-style indices
    #  [ values %{eval "DBIx::DBSchema::DBD::$driver->unique(\$dbh, \$name)"} ]
    #  [ values %{eval "DBIx::DBSchema::DBD::$driver->index(\$dbh, \$name)"} ]
    #new-style indices
    'indices' => { map { my $indexname = $_;
                         $indexname =>
                       keys %$indices_hr


=item addcolumn COLUMN

Adds this DBIx::DBSchema::Column object. 


sub addcolumn {
  my($self, $column) = @_;
  ${$self->{'columns'}}{$column->name} = $column; #sanity check?
  push @{$self->{'column_order'}}, $column->name;

=item delcolumn COLUMN_NAME

Deletes this column.  Returns false if no column of this name was found to
remove, true otherwise.


sub delcolumn {
  my($self,$column) = @_;
  return 0 unless exists $self->{'columns'}{$column};
  delete $self->{'columns'}{$column};
  @{$self->{'column_order'}}= grep { $_ ne $column } @{$self->{'column_order'}};  1;

=item name [ TABLE_NAME ]

Returns or sets the table name.


sub name {
  if ( defined($value) ) {
    $self->{name} = $value;
  } else {

=item local_options [ OPTIONS ]

Returns or sets the database-specific table options string.


sub local_options {
  if ( defined($value) ) {
    $self->{local_options} = $value;
  } else {
    defined $self->{local_options} ? $self->{local_options} : '';

=item primary_key [ PRIMARY_KEY ]

Returns or sets the primary key.


sub primary_key {
  if ( defined($value) ) {
    $self->{primary_key} = $value;
  } else {
    #hmm.  maybe should untaint the entire structure when it comes off disk 
    # cause if you don't trust that, ?
    $self->{primary_key} =~ /^(\w*)$/ 
      or die "Illegal primary key: ", $self->{primary_key};

=item unique [ UNIQUE ]

This method is deprecated and included for backwards-compatibility only.
See L</indices> for the current method to access unique and non-unique index

Returns or sets the DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Unique object.


sub unique {
    my $self = shift;

    carp ref($self) . "->unique method is deprecated; see ->indices";
    #croak ref($self). "->unique method is deprecated; see ->indices";


sub _unique {

  my ($self,$value)=@_;

  if ( defined($value) ) {
    $self->{unique} = $value;
  } else {

=item index [ INDEX ]

This method is deprecated and included for backwards-compatibility only.
See L</indices> for the current method to access unique and non-unique index

Returns or sets the DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Index object.


sub index { 
  my $self = shift;

  carp ref($self). "->index method is deprecated; see ->indices";
  #croak ref($self). "->index method is deprecated; see ->indices";


sub _index {

  if ( defined($value) ) {
    $self->{'index'} = $value;
  } else {

=item columns

Returns a list consisting of the names of all columns.


sub columns {
  #keys %{$self->{'columns'}};
  #must preserve order
  @{ $self->{'column_order'} };

=item column COLUMN_NAME

Returns the column object (see L<DBIx::DBSchema::Column>) for the specified


sub column {

=item indices COLUMN_NAME

Returns a list of key-value pairs suitable for assigning to a hash.  Keys are
index names, and values are index objects (see L<DBIx::DBSchema::Index>).


sub indices {
  my $self = shift;
  exists( $self->{'indices'} )
    ? %{ $self->{'indices'} }
    : ();

=item unique_singles

Meet exciting and unique singles using this method!

This method returns a list of column names that are indexed with their own,
unique, non-compond (that's the "single" part) indices.


sub unique_singles {
  my $self = shift;
  my %indices = $self->indices;

  map { ${ $indices{$_}->columns }[0] }
      grep { $indices{$_}->unique && scalar(@{$indices{$_}->columns}) == 1 }
           keys %indices;


Returns a list of SQL statments to create this table.

Optionally, the data source can be specified by passing an open DBI database
handle, or by passing the DBI data source name, username and password.  

The data source can be specified by passing an open DBI database handle, or by
passing the DBI data source name, username and password.  

Although the username and password are optional, it is best to call this method
with a database handle or data source including a valid username and password -
a DBI connection will be opened and the quoting and type mapping will be more

If passed a DBI data source (or handle) such as `DBI:mysql:database', will use
MySQL- or PostgreSQL-specific syntax.  Non-standard syntax for other engines
(if applicable) may also be supported in the future.


sub sql_create_table { 
  my($self, $dbh) = ( shift, _dbh(@_) );

  my $driver = _load_driver($dbh);

#should be in the DBD somehwere :/
#  my $saved_pkey = '';
#  if ( $driver eq 'Pg' && $self->primary_key ) {
#    my $pcolumn = $self->column( (
#      grep { $self->column($_)->name eq $self->primary_key } $self->columns
#    )[0] );
##AUTO-INCREMENT#    $pcolumn->type('serial') if lc($pcolumn->type) eq 'integer';
#    $pcolumn->local( $pcolumn->local. ' PRIMARY KEY' );
#    #my $saved_pkey = $self->primary_key;
#    #$self->primary_key('');
#    #change it back afterwords :/
#  }

  my @columns = map { $self->column($_)->line($dbh) } $self->columns;

  push @columns, "PRIMARY KEY (". $self->primary_key. ")"
    if $self->primary_key && ! grep /PRIMARY KEY/i, @columns;

  my $indexnum = 1;

  my @r = (
    "CREATE TABLE ". $self->name. " (\n  ". join(",\n  ", @columns). "\n)\n".

  if ( $self->_unique ) {

    warn "WARNING: DBIx::DBSchema::Table object for ". $self->name.
         " table has deprecated (non-named) unique indices\n";

    push @r, map {
                   #my($index) = $self->name. "__". $_ . "_idx";
                   #$index =~ s/,\s*/_/g;
                   my $index = $self->name. $indexnum++;
                   "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX $index ON ". $self->name. " ($_)\n"
                 } $self->unique->sql_list;


  if ( $self->_index ) {

    warn "WARNING: DBIx::DBSchema::Table object for ". $self->name.
         " table has deprecated (non-named) indices\n";

    push @r, map {
                   #my($index) = $self->name. "__". $_ . "_idx";
                   #$index =~ s/,\s*/_/g;
                   my $index = $self->name. $indexnum++;
                   "CREATE INDEX $index ON ". $self->name. " ($_)\n"
                 } $self->index->sql_list;

  my %indices = $self->indices;
  #push @r, map { $indices{$_}->sql_create_index( $self->name ) } keys %indices;
  foreach my $index ( keys %indices ) {
    push @r, $indices{$index}->sql_create_index( $self->name );

  #$self->primary_key($saved_pkey) if $saved_pkey;


Returns a list of SQL statements to alter this table so that it is identical
to the provided table, also a DBIx::DBSchema::Table object.

The data source can be specified by passing an open DBI database handle, or by
passing the DBI data source name, username and password.  

Although the username and password are optional, it is best to call this method
with a database handle or data source including a valid username and password -
a DBI connection will be opened and used to check the database version as well
as for more reliable quoting and type mapping.  Note that the database
connection will be used passively, B<not> to actually run the CREATE

If passed a DBI data source (or handle) such as `DBI:mysql:database' or
`DBI:Pg:dbname=database', will use syntax specific to that database engine.
Currently supported databases are MySQL and PostgreSQL.

If not passed a data source (or handle), or if there is no driver for the
specified database, will attempt to use generic SQL syntax.


#gosh, false laziness w/DBSchema::sql_update_schema

sub sql_alter_table {
  my($self, $opt, $new, $dbh) = ( shift, _parse_opt(\@_), shift, _dbh(@_) );

  my $driver = _load_driver($dbh);

  my $table = $self->name;

  my @r = ();
  my @r_later = ();
  my $tempnum = 1;

  # columns (add/alter)

  foreach my $column ( $new->columns ) {

    if ( $self->column($column) )  {

      warn "  $table.$column exists\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
      push @r, $self->column($column)->sql_alter_column( $new->column($column),

    } else {
      warn "column $table.$column does not exist.\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
      push @r, $new->column($column)->sql_add_column( $dbh );

  # indices

  my %old_indices = $self->indices;
  my %new_indices = $new->indices;

  foreach my $old ( keys %old_indices ) {

    if ( exists( $new_indices{$old} )
         && $old_indices{$old}->cmp( $new_indices{$old} )
      warn "index $table.$old is identical; not changing\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
      delete $old_indices{$old};
      delete $new_indices{$old};

    } elsif ( $driver eq 'Pg' and $dbh->{'pg_server_version'} >= 80000 ) {

      my @same = grep { $old_indices{$old}->cmp_noname( $new_indices{$_} ) }
                      keys %new_indices;

      if ( @same ) {

        #warn if there's more than one?
        my $same = shift @same;

        warn "index $table.$old is identical to $same; renaming\n"
          if $DEBUG > 1;

        my $temp = 'dbs_temp'.$tempnum++;

        push @r, "ALTER INDEX $old RENAME TO $temp";
        push @r_later, "ALTER INDEX $temp RENAME TO $same";

        delete $old_indices{$old};
        delete $new_indices{$same};




  foreach my $old ( keys %old_indices ) {
    warn "removing obsolete index $table.$old ON ( ".
         $old_indices{$old}->columns_sql. " )\n"
      if $DEBUG > 1;
    push @r, "DROP INDEX $old".
             ( $driver eq 'mysql' ? " ON $table" : '');

  foreach my $new ( keys %new_indices ) {
    warn "creating new index $table.$new\n" if $DEBUG > 1;
    push @r, $new_indices{$new}->sql_create_index($table);

  # columns (drop)

  foreach my $column ( grep !$new->column($_), $self->columns ) {

    warn "column $table.$column should be dropped.\n" if $DEBUG;

    push @r, $self->column($column)->sql_drop_column( $dbh );

  # return the statements
  push @r, @r_later;

  warn join('', map "$_\n", @r)
    if $DEBUG && @r;



sub sql_drop_table {
  my( $self, $dbh ) = ( shift, _dbh(@_) );

  my $name = $self->name;

  ("DROP TABLE $name");

sub _null_sth {
  my($dbh, $table) = @_;
  my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE 1=0")
    or die $dbh->errstr;
  $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;


=head1 AUTHOR

Ivan Kohler <>

Thanks to Mark Ethan Trostler <> for a patch to allow tables
with no indices.


Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Ivan Kohler
Copyright (c) 2000 Mail Abuse Prevention System LLC
Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Freeside Internet Services, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 BUGS

sql_create_table() has database-specific foo that probably ought to be
abstracted into the DBIx::DBSchema::DBD:: modules (or no?  it doesn't anymore?).

sql_alter_table() also has database-specific foo that ought to be abstracted
into the DBIx::DBSchema::DBD:: modules.

sql_create_table() may change or destroy the object's data.  If you need to use
the object after sql_create_table, make a copy beforehand.

Some of the logic in new_odbc might be better abstracted into etc.

Add methods to get and set specific indices, by name? (like column COLUMN_NAME)

indices method should be a setter, not just a getter?

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<DBIx::DBSchema>, L<DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Unique>,
L<DBIx::DBSchema::ColGroup::Index>, L<DBIx::DBSchema::Column>, L<DBI>

