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package W3C::SOAP::WSDL::Parser;

# Created on: 2012-05-27 18:58:29
# Create by:  Ivan Wills
# $Id$
# $Revision$, $HeadURL$, $Date$
# $Revision$, $Source$, $Date$

use Moose;
use warnings;
use version;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper qw/Dumper/;
use English qw/ -no_match_vars /;
use Path::Class;
use W3C::SOAP::Utils qw/ns2module/;
use W3C::SOAP::XSD::Parser;
use W3C::SOAP::WSDL::Document;
use W3C::SOAP::WSDL::Meta::Method;
use File::ShareDir qw/dist_dir/;

    as_is => ['load_wsdl'],

extends 'W3C::SOAP::Parser';

our $VERSION = version->new('0.08');

has '+document' => (
    isa      => 'W3C::SOAP::WSDL::Document',
    required => 1,
    handles  => {
        module          => 'module',
        has_module      => 'has_module',
        ns_module_map   => 'ns_module_map',
        module_base     => 'module_base',
        has_module_base => 'has_module_base',
has location => (
    is  => 'rw',
    isa => 'Str',
has xsd_parser => (
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => 'W3C::SOAP::XSD::Parser',
    builder => '_xsd_parser',
    lazy    => 1,

sub write_modules {
    my ($self) = @_;
    confess "No lib directory setup" if !$self->has_lib;
    confess "No module name setup"   if !$self->has_module;
    confess "No template object set" if !$self->has_template;

    my $wsdl = $self->document;
    my $template = $self->template;
    my $file     = $self->lib . '/' . $self->module . '.pm';
    $file =~ s{::}{/}g;
    $file = file $file;
    my $parent = $file->parent;
    my @missing;
    while ( !-d $parent ) {
        push @missing, $parent;
        $parent = $parent->parent;
    mkdir $_ for reverse @missing;
    my $xsd_parser = $self->get_xsd;
    my @modules = $xsd_parser->write_modules;

    confess "No XSD modules found!\n" unless @modules;

    my $data = {
        wsdl        => $wsdl,
        module      => $self->module,
        xsd         => shift @modules,
        modules     => \@modules,
        location    => $self->location,
        w3c_version => $VERSION,
    $template->process('wsdl/', $data, "$file");
    confess "Error in creating $file ( ". $template->error."\n"
        if $template->error;

    return ( $file, $xsd_parser->written_modules );

sub _xsd_parser {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my @args;
    push @args, ( template      => $self->template ) if $self->has_template;
    push @args, ( lib           => $self->lib      ) if $self->has_lib     ;
    if ( $self->has_module_base ) {
        my $base = $self->module_base;
        $base =~ s/WSDL/XSD/;
        $base .= '::XSD' if $base !~ /XSD/;
        push @args, ( module_base => $base );

    my $parse = W3C::SOAP::XSD::Parser->new(
        document      => [],
        ns_module_map => $self->ns_module_map,

    return $parse;

sub get_xsd {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $parse = $self->xsd_parser;

    for my $xsd (@{ $self->document->schemas }) {

        push @{ $parse->document }, $xsd;

            if !$parse->document->[-1]->has_target_namespace;

    return $parse;

my %cache;
sub load_wsdl {
    my ($location) = @_;

    return $cache{$location} if $cache{$location};

    my $parser = __PACKAGE__->new(
        location      => $location,
        ns_module_map => {},
        module_base   => 'Dynamic::WSDL',

    my $class = $parser->dynamic_classes;

    return $cache{$location} = $class->new;

sub dynamic_classes {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my @classes = $self->get_xsd->dynamic_classes;

    $self->module_base('Dynamic::WSDL') if !$self->has_module_base;
    my $class_name = $self->module_base . '::' . ns2module($self->document->target_namespace);

    my $wsdl = $self->document;
    my %method;
    for my $service (@{ $wsdl->services }) {
        for my $port (@{ $service->ports }) {
            for my $operation (@{ $port->binding->operations }) {
                my $in_element  = eval { $operation->port_type->inputs->[0]->message->element };
                my $in_header_element  = eval { $operation->port_type->inputs->[0]->header->element };
                my $out_element = eval { $operation->port_type->outputs->[0]->message->element };
                my $out_header_element  = eval { $operation->port_type->outputs->[0]->header->element };
                my @faults = eval {
                    map {{
                        class => $_->message->element->module,
                        name  => $_->message->element->perl_name,
                    @{ $operation->port_type->faults }

                $method{ $operation->perl_name } = W3C::SOAP::WSDL::Meta::Method->wrap(
                    body           => sub { shift->_request($operation->perl_name => @_) },
                    package_name   => $class_name,
                    name           => $operation->perl_name,
                    wsdl_operation => $operation->name,
                    $in_element  ? ( in_class      => $in_element->module     ) : (),
                    $in_element  ? ( in_attribute  => $in_element->perl_name  ) : (),
                    $in_header_element  ? ( in_header_class      => $in_header_element->module     ) : (),
                    $in_header_element  ? ( in_header_attribute  => $in_header_element->perl_name  ) : (),
                    $out_element ? ( out_class     => $out_element->module    ) : (),
                    $out_element ? ( out_attribute => $out_element->perl_name ) : (),
                    $out_header_element  ? ( out_header_class      => $out_header_element->module     ) : (),
                    $out_header_element  ? ( out_header_attribute  => $out_header_element->perl_name  ) : (),
                    @faults ? ( faults => \@faults ) : (),

                if ( $ENV{W3C_SOAP_NAME_STYLE} eq 'both' && $operation->name ne $operation->perl_name ) {
                    my $name = $operation->perl_name;
                    $method{ $operation->name } = Moose::Meta::Method->wrap(
                        body         => sub { shift->$name(@_) },
                        package_name => $class_name,
                        name         => $operation->name,

    my $class = Moose::Meta::Class->create(
        superclasses => [ 'W3C::SOAP::WSDL' ],
        methods      => \%method,

        default  => $wsdl->services->[0]->ports->[0]->address,
        required => 1,

    return $class_name;



=head1 NAME

W3C::SOAP::WSDL::Parser - Parses WSDL documents to generate Perl client
libraries to access the Web Service defined.

=head1 VERSION

This documentation refers to W3C::SOAP::WSDL::Parser version 0.08.


   use W3C::SOAP::WSDL::Parser qw/load_wsdl/;

   # quick/simple usage
   # create a SOAP client
   $url = '';
   my $client = load_wsdl($url);
   my $result = $client->some_action(...);

   # Create a new object
   my $wsdl = W3C::SOAP::WSDL::Parser->new(
       location => $url,
       module   => 'MyApp::WSDL',
       lib      => './lib',
       template => Template->new(...),
       ns_module_map => {
           '' => 'MyAPP::XSD::Example',
           'some.other.namespace'             => 'MyApp::XSD::SomeOther',

   # Write the generated WSDL module to disk
   # may generate the files
   #   lib/MyApp/
   #   lib/MyApp/XSD/
   #   lib/MyApp/XSD/


This module parses a WSDL file so that it can produce a client to talk to the
SOAP service.

There are two ways of using this file:

=over 4

=item 1

Dynamic : C<load_wsdl(...)> or C<<W3C::SOAP::WSDL->new()->dynamic_classes>>

These return an in memory generated WSDL client which you can use to talk
to the specified web service.

=item 2

Static : C<<W3C::SOAP::WSDL->new()->write_modules()>> or use L<wsdl-parser>
command line script.

This writes perl modules to disk so that you can C<use> the modules in your
later. This has the advantage that you don't have to recompile the WSDL
every time you run your code but it has the disadvantage that your client
may be out of date compared to the web service's WSDL.


Both interfaces are identical once you have the client object. If you want
to change at a later point the code change should be adding or removing a
use statement and switching from a C<<Module->new>> to C<load_wsdl()>.



=over 4

=item C<load_wsdl ($location)>

Helper method that takes the supplied location and creates the dynamic WSDL
client object.



=over 4

=item C<new (%args)>

Create the new object C<new> accepts the following arguments:

=over 4

=item location

This is the location of the WSDL file, it may be a local file or a URL, it
is used to create the C<document> attribute if not supplied.

=item document

A L<W3C::SOAP::Document> object representing the WSDL file.

=item module

This is the name of the module to be generated, it is required when writing
the SOAP client to disk, the dynamic client generator creates a semi random

=item lib

The library directory where modules should be stored. only required when
calling C<write_modules>

=item template

The Template Toolkit object used for the generation of on static modules
when using the L</write_modules> method.

=item ns_module_map

The mapping of XSD namespaces to perl Modules.




=over 4

=item C<<$wsdl->write_modules ()>>

Writes out a module that is a SOAP Client to interface with the contained
WSDL document, also writes any referenced XSDs.

=item C<<$wsdl->dynamic_classes ()>>

Creates a dynamic SOAP client object to talk to the WSDL this object was
created for

=item C<<$wsdl->get_xsd ()>>

Creates the L<W3C::SOAP::XSD::Parser> object that represents the XSDs that
are used by the specified WSDL file.







There are no known bugs in this module.

Please report problems to Ivan Wills (

Patches are welcome.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ivan Wills - (


Copyright (c) 2012 Ivan Wills (14 Mullion Close, Hornsby Heights, NSW Australia 2077).
All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>.  This program is
distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
