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package W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document;

# Created on: 2012-05-26 15:46:31
# Create by:  Ivan Wills
# $Id$
# $Revision$, $HeadURL$, $Date$
# $Revision$, $Source$, $Date$

use Moose;
use warnings;
use version;
use Carp qw/carp croak cluck confess longmess/;
use Scalar::Util;
use List::Util;
#use List::MoreUtils;
use Data::Dumper qw/Dumper/;
use English qw/ -no_match_vars /;
use Path::Class;
use XML::LibXML;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use TryCatch;
use URI;
use W3C::SOAP::Exception;
use W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document::Element;
use W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document::ComplexType;
use W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document::SimpleType;
use W3C::SOAP::Utils qw/normalise_ns/;

extends 'W3C::SOAP::Document';

our $VERSION     = version->new('0.0.7');

has imports => (
    is         => 'rw',
    isa        => 'ArrayRef[W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document]',
    builder    => '_imports',
    lazy_build => 1,
has imported => (
    is         => 'rw',
    isa        => 'HashRef[W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document]',
    builder    => '_imported',
    lazy_build => 1,
has includes => (
    is         => 'rw',
    isa        => 'ArrayRef[W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document]',
    builder    => '_includes',
    lazy_build => 1,
has include => (
    is         => 'rw',
    isa        => 'HashRef[W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document]',
    builder    => '_include',
    lazy_build => 1,
has simple_types => (
    is         => 'rw',
    isa        => 'ArrayRef[W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document::SimpleType]',
    builder    => '_simple_types',
    lazy_build => 1,
has simple_type => (
    is         => 'rw',
    isa        => 'HashRef[W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document::SimpleType]',
    builder    => '_simple_type',
    lazy_build => 0,
has anon_simple_type_count => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => 'Int',
    traits  => [qw/Counter/],
    default => -1,
    handles => { simple_type_count => 'inc' },
has complex_types => (
    is         => 'rw',
    isa        => 'ArrayRef[W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document::ComplexType]',
    builder    => '_complex_types',
    lazy_build => 1,
has complex_type => (
    is         => 'rw',
    isa        => 'HashRef[W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document::ComplexType]',
    builder    => '_complex_type',
    lazy_build => 0,
has anon_complex_type_count => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => 'Int',
    traits  => [qw/Counter/],
    default => -1,
    handles => { complex_type_count => 'inc' },
has elements => (
    is         => 'rw',
    isa        => 'ArrayRef[W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document::Element]',
    builder   => '_elements',
    lazy_build => 1,
has element => (
    is         => 'rw',
    isa        => 'HashRef[W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document::Element]',
    builder   => '_element',
    lazy_build => 1,
has module => (
    is        => 'rw',
    isa       => 'Str',
    builder   => '_module',
    lazy_build => 1,
has ns_name => (
    is        => 'rw',
    isa       => 'Str',
    builder   => '_ns_name',
    lazy_build => 1,
has ns_map => (
    is         => 'rw',
    isa        => 'HashRef[Str]',
    predicate  => 'has_ns_map',
    builder    => '_ns_map',
    lazy_build => 1,

sub _imports {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my @imports;
    my @nodes = $self->xpc->findnodes('//xsd:import');

    for my $import (@nodes) {
        next if $import->getAttribute('namespace') && $import->getAttribute('namespace') eq '';

        my $location = $import->getAttribute('schemaLocation');
        if ($location) {

            if ( $self->location && $self->location =~ m{^(?:https?|ftp)://} ) {
                $location = URI->new_abs($location, $self->location)->as_string;

            push @imports, __PACKAGE__->new(
                location      => $location,
                ns_module_map => $self->ns_module_map,
                module_base   => $self->module_base,
        else {
            warn "Found import but no schemaLocation so no schema imported!\n\t" . $import->toString . "\n\t";

    return \@imports;

sub _imported {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my %import;
    for my $import (@{ $self->imports }) {
        $import{$import->name} = $import;
    return \%import;

sub _includes {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my @includes;
    my @nodes = $self->xpc->findnodes('//xsd:include');

    for my $include (@nodes) {
        next if $include->getAttribute('namespace') && $include->getAttribute('namespace') eq '';

        my $location = $include->getAttribute('schemaLocation');
        if ($location) {

            if ( $self->location && $self->location =~ m{^(?:https?|ftp)://} ) {
                $location = URI->new_abs($location, $self->location)->as_string;

            push @includes, __PACKAGE__->new(
                location      => $location,
                ns_module_map => $self->ns_module_map,
                module_base   => $self->module_base,
        else {
            warn "Found include but no schemaLocation so no schema included!\n\t" . $include->toString . "\n\t";

    return \@includes;

sub _include {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my %include;
    for my $include (@{ $self->include }) {
        $include{$include->name} = $include;
    return \%include;

sub _simple_types {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my @simple_types;
    my @nodes = $self->xpc->findnodes('//xsd:simpleType');

    for my $node (@nodes) {
        push @simple_types, W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document::SimpleType->new(
            document => $self,
            node   => $node,

    return \@simple_types;

sub _simple_type {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my %simple_type;

    for my $type (@{ $self->simple_types }) {
        my $name = $type->name;
        if ( !$name ) {
            my $parent = $type->node->parentNode;
            $name = $parent->getAttribute('name');
            $name = $name ? $name . '_type' : 'anon'.$self->simple_type_count;
        confess "No name for simple type ".$type->node->parentNode->toString if !$name;
        $simple_type{$name} = $type;

    return \%simple_type;

sub _complex_types {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my @complex_types;
    my @nodes = $self->xpc->findnodes('/*/xsd:complexType');

    for my $node (@nodes) {
        # get all top level complex types
        try {
            push @complex_types, W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document::ComplexType->new(
                document => $self,
                node     => $node,
        catch ($e) {
            warn Dumper {
                document => $self,
                node     => $node,
            die $e;


    # now itterate over all document level elements and elements of complex types
    my @elements = ( @{ $self->elements }, map {@{ $_->sequence }} @complex_types );

    while ( my $element = shift @elements ) {
        # Get the elements first sub complex type (if any)
        my ($node) = $self->xpc->findnodes('xsd:complexType', $element->node);
        next unless $node;

        try {
            push @complex_types, W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document::ComplexType->new(
                parent_node => $element,
                document    => $self,
                node        => $node,
            push @elements, @{ $complex_types[-1]->sequence };
        catch ($e) {
            warn Dumper {
                parent_node => $element->node->toString,
                document    => $self,
                node        => $node,
            die $e;

    return \@complex_types;

sub _complex_type {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my %complex_type;
    for my $type (@{ $self->complex_types }) {
        my $name = $type->name;
        if ( !$name ) {
            my $parent = $type->node->parentNode;
            $name = $parent->getAttribute('name');
            $name = $name ? $name . 'Type' : 'Anon'.$self->complex_type_count;
        confess "No name for complex type ".$type->node->parentNode->toString if !$name;
        $complex_type{$name} = $type;

    return \%complex_type;

sub _elements {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my @elements;
    my @nodes = $self->xpc->findnodes('/*/xsd:element');

    for my $node (@nodes) {
        push @elements, W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document::Element->new(
            document => $self,
            node   => $node,

    return \@elements;

sub _element {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my %element;
    for my $element (@{ $self->elements }) {
        $element{$element->name} = $element;
    return \%element;

sub _ns_name {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my %rev = reverse %{ $self->ns_map };
    if ( !$rev{$self->target_namespace} ) {
        delete $self->ns_map->{''};
        my $ns = $self->target_namespace;
        $ns =~ s/:/_/g;
        $rev{$self->target_namespace} = $ns;
        $self->ns_map->{$ns} = $self->target_namespace;
    confess "No ns name\n".Dumper \%rev, $self->target_namespace if !$rev{$self->target_namespace};
    return $rev{$self->target_namespace};

sub _ns_map {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my %map
        = map {$_->name =~ /^xmlns:?(.*)$/; ($1 => $_->value)}
        grep { $_->name =~ /^xmlns/ }

    my %rev;
    for my $name ( keys %map ) {
        $rev{$map{$name}} ||= $name;
    if ( $rev{$self->target_namespace} && $map{''} && $map{''} eq $self->target_namespace ) {
        delete $map{''};

    my $ns = $self->target_namespace;
    $ns =~ s/:/_/g;
    $map{$ns} = $self->target_namespace if !$rev{$self->target_namespace};

    return \%map;

sub get_ns_uri {
    my ($self, $ns_name, $node) = @_;
    confess "No namespace passed when trying to map a namespace uri!\n" if !defined $ns_name;

    return $self->ns_map->{$ns_name} if $self->ns_map->{$ns_name};

    if ( $ns_name =~ /:/ ) {
        my $tmp_ns_name = $ns_name;
        $tmp_ns_name =~ s/:/_/g;
        return $self->ns_map->{$tmp_ns_name} if $self->ns_map->{$tmp_ns_name};

    while ($node) {
        my $ns = $node->getAttribute("xmlns:$ns_name");
        return $ns if $ns;
        $ns = $node->getAttribute("targetNamespace");
        return $ns if $ns;
        $node = $node->parentNode;
        last if ref $node eq 'XML::LibXML::Document';

    confess "Couldn't find the namespace '$ns_name' to map\nMap has:\n", Dumper $self->ns_map if !$self->ns_map->{$ns_name};

    return $self->ns_map->{$ns_name};

sub get_module_base {
    my ($self, $ns) = @_;

    confess "Trying to get module mappings when none specified!\n" if !$self->has_ns_module_map;
    confess "No mapping specified for the namespace $ns!\n"        if !$self->ns_module_map->{normalise_ns($ns)};

    return $self->ns_module_map->{normalise_ns($ns)};



=head1 NAME

W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document - Represents a XMLSchema Document

=head1 VERSION

This documentation refers to W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document version 0.0.7.


   use W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document;

   my $xsd = W3C::SOAP::XSD::Document->new(
        location => 'my.xsd',
        ns_base => {
            '' => 'MyApp::SomeTing',


Takes a XMLSchema Document and makes the contents available in a convenient


=over 4

=item C<get_ns_uri ()>

=item C<get_module_base ()>



=over 4

=item C<imports>

=item C<imported>

=item C<includes>

=item C<include>

=item C<simple_types>

=item C<simple_type>

=item C<complex_types>

=item C<complex_type>

=item C<elements>

=item C<element>

=item C<module>

=item C<ns_map>

=item C<ns_module_map>







Please report problems to Ivan Wills (

Patches are welcome.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ivan Wills - (


Copyright (c) 2012 Ivan Wills (14 Mullion Close Hornsby Heights NSW Australia).
All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>.  This program is
distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
