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package Hypatia::Chart::Clicker::Bubble;
  $Hypatia::Chart::Clicker::Bubble::VERSION = '0.022';
use Moose;
use MooseX::Aliases;
use Hypatia::Columns;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Chart::Clicker;
use Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet;
use Chart::Clicker::Data::Series::Size;
use Chart::Clicker::Renderer::Bubble;
use namespace::autoclean;

extends 'Hypatia::Chart::Clicker';

#ABSTRACT: Line Charts with Hypatia and Chart::Clicker

subtype 'HypatiaBubbleColumns' => as class_type("Hypatia::Columns");
coerce "HypatiaBubbleColumns",from "HashRef", via {Hypatia::Columns->new({columns=>$_,column_types=>[qw(x y size)]})};

has '+cols'=>(isa=>'HypatiaBubbleColumns');

sub chart
	my $self=shift;
	my $data_arg=shift;
	my $data;
	if(defined $data_arg and $self->_validate_input_data($data_arg))
		$data=$self->_get_data(qw(x y size));
	my $cc=Chart::Clicker->new;
	my $dataset=$self->_build_data_set($data);
	unless(blessed($dataset) eq "Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet")
		confess "Returned value from the _build_data_set method is not a Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet";
	my $dc=$cc->get_context("default");
	return $cc;

alias graph=>'chart';

sub _build_data_set
	my $self=shift;
	my $data=shift;
	my ($x,$y,$size)=($self->columns->{x},$self->columns->{y},$self->columns->{size});
	my $series_array_ref=[];
		$_=[$_] unless ref($_);
	my $x_cols; #Either n copies of $x->[0] (if there's only one $x column) or just $x (if there's more than one $x column)
			push @$x_cols,$x->[0];
	my @names=@$y;
		foreach my $i(0..(scalar(@{$self->data_series_names})-1))
			if (defined($self->data_series_names->[$i]) and $i<@$y)
		my @x_data;
		my @y_data;
		my @size_data;
			my @raw_x_data=@{$data->{$x_cols->[$_]}};
			my @raw_y_data=@{$data->{$y->[$_]}};
			my @raw_size_data=@{$data->{$size->[$_]}};
			#sorting y by the values of x:
			#ditto for size
		push @$series_array_ref,Chart::Clicker::Data::Series::Size->new(
	return Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet->new(series=>$series_array_ref);


override '_guess_columns' =>sub
    my $self=shift;
    my @columns=@{$self->_setup_guess_columns};
    my $col_types={};
    if(@columns < 3)
	confess "One or two columns are insufficient to form a bubble chart";
    elsif(@columns == 3)
	$col_types->{x} = $columns[0];
        $col_types->{y} = $columns[1];
	$col_types->{size} = $columns[2];
    elsif(scalar(@columns) % 3 == 0)
		push @{$col_types->{x}},shift @columns;
		push @{$col_types->{y}},shift @columns;
		push @{$col_types->{size}},shift @columns;
    elsif(scalar(@columns) % 2)
	$col_types->{x}=shift @columns;
		push @{$col_types->{y}}, shift @columns;
		push @{$col_types->{size}}, shift @columns;
	confess "Unable to guess which columns correspond to which type. Please use the 'columns' attribute";
    $self->cols(Hypatia::Columns->new({columns=>$col_types,column_types=>[qw(x y size)]}));

override '_validate_input_data',sub
	my $self=shift;
	my $data=shift;
	return undef unless defined $data;
	my $first=1;
	my $num_rows;
	my @column_list;
	foreach my $type(keys %{$self->columns})
		my $col=$self->columns->{$type};
		if(ref $col eq ref [])
			foreach my $c(@$col)
				push @column_list,$c unless grep{$c eq $_}@column_list;
			push @column_list,$col unless grep{$col eq $_}@column_list;
	foreach my $col(@column_list)
		unless(grep{$_ eq $col}(keys %$data))
			warn "WARNING: Column \"$col\" not found as a key in the input_data attribute\n";
			return undef;
		my @column=@{$data->{$col}};
		unless(@column == grep{defined $_}@column)
			warn "WARNING: Undefined values found in the input_data for column $col";
			return undef;
			unless(@{$data->{$col}} == $num_rows)
				warn "WARNING: Mismatch for number of elements in input_data values";
				return undef;
	return 1;





=head1 NAME

Hypatia::Chart::Clicker::Bubble - Line Charts with Hypatia and Chart::Clicker

=head1 VERSION

version 0.022


This module extends L<Hypatia::Chart::Clicker>.  The C<graph> method (also known as the C<chart> method) returns the C<Chart::Clicker> object built from the relevant data and options provided.


=head2 columns

The required column types are C<x>, C<y>, and C<size>.  Each of the values for this attribute may be either a string (indicating one column) or an array reference of strings (indicating several columns).  If C<y> and C<size> are array references, then they must be the same size.  If C<x> is an array reference, then it also must be the same size as C<y> and C<size> (and in this case, each C<x> column will serve as x-axis values corresponding to the C<y> and C<size> columns).  Otherwise, if C<x> is a string, then the single C<x> column will serve as a common set of x-values for all C<y> and C<size> values.

Of course, since C<size> represents size values for the given data set(s), please make sure that the data stored in any C<size> columns contains nonnegative values.

If this column isn't provided, then Hypatia will do its best job to guess which column names of your data correspond to which types, as follows:

=over 4

=item 1. If there are three columns, then they'll be assigned to C<x>, C<y>, and C<size> (respectively).
=item 2. Otherwise, if the number of columns is a multiple of 3, then the corresponding types will be

	x, y, size, x, y, size,..., x, y, size

(ie each consecutive triple will be assigned to C<x>, C<y>, and C<size>, respectively).

=item 3. If the number of columns is odd, larger than 3, but not divisible by 3, then the first column will be assigned to type C<x>, and the remaining columns will be paired off as types:

	y, size, y, size,..., y, size

=item 4. If none of the above are the case, then an error is thrown.


=head1 METHODS

=head2 chart([$data]), a.k.a graph([$data])

This method returns the relevant L<Chart::Clicker> object.  If neither the C<dbi> nor the C<input_data> attributes have been set, then you can input your data as an argument here.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jack Maney <>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Jack Maney.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
