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package Dancer::Session::DBI;

# ABSTRACT: DBI based session engine for Dancer

=head1 NAME

Dancer::Session::DBI - DBI based session engine for Dancer


This module implements a session engine by serializing the session, 
and storing it in a database via L<DBI>. The default serialization method is L<JSON>,
though one can specify any serialization format you want. L<YAML> and L<Storable> are
viable alternatives.

JSON was chosen as the default serialization format, as it is fast, terse, and portable.

Supported databases are MySQL > 4.1.1, PostgreSQL > 9.1, and SQLite > 3.0

=head1 USAGE

In config.yml

  session: "DBI"
      dsn:      "DBI:mysql:database=testing;host=;port=3306" # DBI Data Source Name
      table:    "sessions"  # Name of the table to store sessions
      user:     "user"      # Username used to connect to the database
      password: "password"  # Password to connect to the database

Alternatively, you can set the database handle in your application, by passing
an anonymous sub that returns an active DBH connection. Specifying a custom
serializer / deserializer is also possible

    set 'session_options' => {
        dbh          => sub { DBI->connect( 'DBI:mysql:database=testing;host=;port=3306', 'user', 'password' ); },
        serializer   => sub { YAML::Dump(@_); },
        deserializer => sub { YAML::Load(@_); },
        table        => 'sessions',

The following schema is the minimum requirement.

    CREATE TABLE `sessions` (
        `id`           CHAR(40) PRIMARY KEY,
        `session_data` TEXT

If using a C<Memory> table, you must use a C<VARCHAR> type for the C<session_data> field, as that
table type doesn't support C<TEXT>

A timestamp field that updates when a session is updated is recommended, so you can expire sessions
server-side as well as client-side. You can do this in MySQL with the following SQL. Other database
engines are left as an exercise for the reader.


This session engine will not automagically remove expired sessions on the server, but with a timestamp
field as above, you should be able to to do this manually.


use strict;
use parent 'Dancer::Session::Abstract';

use Dancer qw(:syntax);
use DBI;
use Try::Tiny;

our $VERSION = '1.2.1';

=head1 METHODS

=head2 create()

Creates a new session. Returns the session object.


sub create {
    return Dancer::Session::DBI->new->flush;

=head2 flush()

Write the session to the database. Returns the session object.


sub flush {
    my $self = shift;

    my $quoted_table = $self->_quote_table;

    # There is no simple cross-database way to do an "upsert"
    # without race-conditions. So we will have to check what database driver
    # we are using, and issue the appropriate syntax.
    my $driver = lc $self->_dbh->{Driver}{Name};

    if ($driver eq 'mysql') {

        # MySQL 4.1.1 made this syntax actually work. Best be extra careful
        if ($self->_dbh->{mysql_serverversion} < 40101) {
            die "A minimum of MySQL 4.1.1 is required";

        my $sth = $self->_dbh->prepare(qq{
            INSERT INTO $quoted_table (id, session_data)
            VALUES (?, ?)
            ON DUPLICATE KEY
            UPDATE session_data = ?

        $sth->execute($self->id, $self->_serialize, $self->_serialize);

        $self->_dbh->commit() unless $self->_dbh->{AutoCommit};

    } elsif ($driver eq 'sqlite') {

        # All stable versions of DBD::SQLite use an SQLite version that support upserts
        my $sth = $self->_dbh->prepare(qq{
            INSERT OR REPLACE INTO $quoted_table (id, session_data)
            VALUES (?, ?)

        $sth->execute($self->id, $self->_serialize);
        $self->_dbh->commit() unless $self->_dbh->{AutoCommit};

    } elsif ($driver eq 'pg') {

        # Upserts need writable CTE's, which only appeared in Postgres 9.1
        if ($self->_dbh->{pg_server_version} < 90100) {
            die "A minimum of PostgreSQL 9.1 is required";

        my $sth = $self->_dbh->prepare(qq{
            WITH upsert AS (
                UPDATE $quoted_table
                SET session_data = ?
                WHERE id = ?
                RETURNING id

            INSERT INTO $quoted_table (id, session_data)
            SELECT ?, ?
            WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM upsert);

        my $session_data = $self->_serialize;
        $sth->execute($session_data, $self->id, $self->id, $session_data);
        $self->_dbh->commit() unless $self->_dbh->{AutoCommit};

    } else {

        die "SQLite, MySQL > 4.1.1, and PostgreSQL > 9.1 are the only supported databases";


    return $self;

=head2 retrieve($id)

Look for a session with the given id.

Returns the session object if found, C<undef> if not. Logs a debug-level warning
if the session was found, but could not be deserialized.


sub retrieve {
    my ($self, $session_id) = @_;

    my $quoted_table = $self->_quote_table;

    my $sth = $self->_dbh->prepare(qq{
        SELECT session_data
        FROM $quoted_table
        WHERE id = ?

    my ($session_data) = $sth->fetchrow_array();

    # Bail early if we know we have no session data at all
    if (!defined $session_data) {
        debug "Could not retrieve session ID: $session_id";

    # No way to check that it's valid JSON other than trying to deserialize it
    my $session = try {
    } catch {
        debug "Could not deserialize session ID: $session_id - $_";

    bless $session, __PACKAGE__ if $session;

=head2 destroy()

Remove the current session object from the database.


sub destroy {
    my $self = shift;

    if (!defined $self->id) {
        debug "No session ID passed to destroy method";

    my $quoted_table = $self->_quote_table;

    my $sth = $self->_dbh->prepare(qq{
        DELETE FROM $quoted_table
        WHERE id = ?


# Returns a dbh handle, either created from the DSN
# or using the one passed as a DBH argument.
sub _dbh {
    my $self = shift;
    my $settings = setting('session_options');

    # Prefer an active DBH over a DSN.
    return $settings->{dbh}->() if defined $settings->{dbh};

    # Check the validity of the DSN if we don't have a handle
    my $valid_dsn = DBI->parse_dsn($settings->{dsn} || '');

    die "No valid DSN specified" if !$valid_dsn;

    if (!defined $settings->{user} || !defined $settings->{password}) {
        die "No user or password specified";

    # If all the details check out, return a fresh connection
    return DBI->connect($settings->{dsn}, $settings->{user}, $settings->{password});

# Quotes table names to prevent SQLi,
# and check that we have a table name specified
sub _quote_table {
    my $self = shift;
    my $settings = setting('session_options');

    die "No table selected for session storage" if !$settings->{table};

    return $self->_dbh->quote_identifier( $settings->{table} );

# Default Serialize method
sub _serialize {
    my $self = shift;
    my $settings = setting('session_options');

    if (defined $settings->{serializer}) {
        return $settings->{serializer}->({%$self});

    # A session is by definition ephemeral - Store it compactly
    # This is the Dancer function, not from
    return to_json({%$self}, { pretty => 0 });

# Default Deserialize method
sub _deserialize {
    my ($self, $json) = @_;
    my $settings = setting('session_options');

    if (defined $settings->{deserializer}) {
        return $settings->{deserializer}->($json);

    # This is the Dancer function, not from
    return from_json($json);

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Dancer>, L<Dancer::Session>, L<Plack::Session::Store::DBI>

=head1 AUTHOR

James Aitken <>


This software is copyright (c) James Aitken.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

