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# xxx list dir_types

# xxx convert all module version numbers
#     use hg keywords (?)
#                            equivalent
#  decimal    zero-padded    dotted-decimal
#  -------    -----------    --------------
#  1.2        1.200          v1.200.0
#  1.02       1.020          v1.20.0
#  1.002      1.002          v1.2.0
#  1.0023     1.002300       v1.2.300
#  1.00203    1.002030       v1.2.30
#  1.002003   1.002003       v1.2.3

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;

my $VERSION = $File::Namaste::VERSION;

use Pod::Usage;
# this :config allows -h24w80 for '‐h 24 ‐w 80', -vax for --vax or --Vax
use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling_override);

use File::Namaste ':all';
use File::OM;

my %opt = (
	portable	=> undef,	# NOT 0 because does
		# if defined(...) to check if $portable_default applies
	help		=> 0,
	man		=> 0,
	version		=> 0,
	directory	=> 0,
	format		=> 0,
	verbose		=> 0,

# main
	) or pod2usage(1);

	help(), exit(0)
		if $opt{help};
	pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2)
		if $opt{man};
	print "$VERSION\n" and exit(0)
		if $opt{version};
	help(), exit(1)
		unless @ARGV > 0;

	$opt{listformats} and
		print(join("\n", File::OM::listformats()), "\n"),
		exit 0;

	my $format = $opt{format} || 'Plain';	# given format name
	my %om_opt = (
		outhandle	=> *STDOUT,
	my $om = File::OM->new($format, \%om_opt) or
		pod2usage("$0: unknown format: $format");

	my $dir = $opt{directory} || "";

	my $cmd = lc shift @ARGV;
	my ($num, $fname, $fvalue, $msg, @nnv);
	my $delete = 0;

	if ($cmd eq "add") {	# easiest, since don't need to check existence
		@ARGV > 1 or
			pod2usage("$cmd: needs at least two arguments");
		($msg = nam_add($dir, $opt{portable}, @ARGV)) and
			die $msg;
		exit 0;
	elsif (($delete = $cmd eq "rm") || $cmd eq "set") {

		pod2usage("$cmd what? (more arguments needed)")
			if (@ARGV == 0);

		# same args for command as for nam_get()
		@nnv = ($delete
			? nam_get($dir, @ARGV)		# delete all args or
			: nam_get($dir, $ARGV[0]));	# just 1st for "set"
		# @nnv may contain multiple tags (even for "set") to delete

		while (defined($num = shift @nnv)) {
			$fname = shift @nnv;
			$fvalue = shift @nnv;
			unlink($fname) or
				print STDERR "$fname: $!";
		$delete and		exit 0;		# since we're done
		# "set" case
		($msg = nam_add($dir, $opt{portable}, @ARGV)) and
			die $msg;
		exit 0;
	elsif (($delete = $cmd eq "rmall") || $cmd eq "get") {

		# same args for command as for nam_get()
		@nnv = nam_get($dir, @ARGV);
		while (defined($num = shift @nnv)) {
			$fname = shift @nnv;
			$fvalue = shift @nnv;
			if ($delete) {		# we're doing a delete
				unlink($fname) or
					print STDERR "$fname: $!";
			$om->elem(File::Namaste::num2label($num), $fvalue);
			$opt{verbose} and
				$om->elem("file", $fname, '#');
		exit 0;
	elsif ($cmd eq "elide") {
		$om->elem('elide', nam_elide(@ARGV));
		exit 0;
	pod2usage("$cmd: unrecognized command");

# One of the main benefits of this help text is to make it easy to find
# out what the numeric assignments are.  Absent a command for tracking
# the current assignments, it is a priority to track them here.
sub help {
	print << 'EOI';

nam - manage Namaste (NAMe-AS-TExt) tag files for describing directories

     nam [options] set|add N string [[maxlen] ellipsis]
     nam [options] get|rm [N ...]
     nam [options] rmall
     nam elide string [[maxlen] ellipsis]

A Namaste tag file holds a single metadata value and its filename is derived
from that value.  N specifies Dublin Core Kernel metadata elements, roughly:

     0   dir_type   directory type (e.g., bagit_0.97)
     1    who       creator (or contributor or publisher)
     2    what      title (human-oriented name or identifier)
     3    when      date of creation or collection of content
     4    where     machine-oriented identifier

Commands (set, add, get, rm) act as you would expect, but "rmall" removes
all tags and "elide" just returns an elided string, operating on no files.
Use the "-d directory" option for tag files not in the current directory.
See "nam --man" for full documentation.

	return 1;



=for roff
.nr PS 12p
.nr VS 14.4p

=head1 NAME

nam - command to set, get, and remove Namaste tag files



=item B<nam> [I<options>] B<add> I<N> I<string> [[I<maxlen>] I<ellipsis>]

=item B<nam> [I<options>] B<set> I<N> I<string> [[I<maxlen>] I<ellipsis>]

=item B<nam> [I<options>] B<get> [I<N> ...]

=item B<nam> [I<options>] B<rm> [I<N> ...]

=item B<nam> [I<options>] B<rmall>

=item B<nam> [I<options>] B<elide> I<string> [[I<maxlen>] I<ellipsis>]



The B<nam> command manages Namaste (Name-as-text) tag files, which are
useful for describing directories.  A Namaste tag file holds a single
metadata string and its name is a filesystem-safe derivation of that
string.  The name of the file consists of an integer I<N>, an '=', and
the derivative string.

For example, consider a large collection of publically downloadable
digital objects, each one in a directory that looks something like

  $ ls
  m_abbyy.gz  m_djvu.txt         m_meta.xml
  m_bw.pdf    m_djvu.xml   m_marc.xml        m_orig_jp2.tar
  m_dc.xml    m_files.xml  m_meta.mrc        m.pdf
  m.djvu      m.gif        m_metasource.xml  

The directory layout reveals little to someone not already familiar with
this kind of digital object.  But if Namaste tags were added, a visitor
who asks for a directory listing could be greeted by this instead:

  $ ls
  0=oca_book_1.1          m_abbyy.gz  m_djvu.xml   m_meta.mrc
  1=Carmichael, Orton H.  m_bw.pdf    m_files.xml  m_metasource.xml
  2=Lincoln's Gettysbu..  m_dc.xml    m.gif        m_meta.xml
  3=1917                  m.djvu    m_orig_jp2.tar
  4=ark:=13960=t50g49p5m  m_djvu.txt  m_marc.xml   m.pdf

In the first column of the listing, the filenames themselves contain
abbreviated metadata designed to permit a human being (e.g., an end user
or a system administrator) with no training in this collection or in
bibliographic description to quickly form a mental picture and to start a
discussion about it (e.g., when using the content for schoolroom
instruction or when notifying the collection manager of a system

The integers correspond to simple metadata, mostly as per Dublin Core
Kernel and roughly as follows:

  0   dir_type   directory type (e.g., bagit_0.97)
  1    who       creator (or contributor or publisher)
  2    what      title (human-oriented name or identifier)
  3    when      date of creation or collection of content
  4    where     machine-oriented identifier

Setting the above Namaste tags was done with

  $ nam set 0 'oca_book_1.1' 20
  $ nam set 1 'Carmichael, Orton H.' 20
  $ nam set 2 "Lincoln's Gettysburg address" 20
  $ nam set 3 '1917' 20
  $ nam set 4 'ark:/13960/t50g49p5m' 20

Tranforming the given metadata values into tag filenames may involve
converting unsafe characters (e.g., '/' becomes '=') and truncation.
The optional "20" on the end of each command above specifies the maximum
width of a created tag name.  Any filename that would be longer will be
truncated and the missing part replaced by an ellipsis, which could have
been given as a final optional argument.  The maximum length (default 16)
can be adjusted according to the desired "greeting" experience, or given
as 0 to prevent truncation.  For example, changing the "20" to "16m" in
all the above settings would leave more display space for proper files.

  $ ls
  0=oca_book_1.1      m_abbyy.gz  m_djvu.xml   m_meta.mrc
  1=Carmic...rton H.  m_bw.pdf    m_files.xml  m_metasource.xml
  2=Lincol...address  m_dc.xml    m.gif        m_meta.xml
  3=1917              m.djvu    m_orig_jp2.tar
  4=ark:=1...0g49p5m  m_djvu.txt  m_marc.xml   m.pdf
In this case, the "m" in "16m" specifies truncation in the middle of the
string, as opposed to "s" (start) or "e" (end, the default).  The
ellipsis normally defaults to "..", but for middle truncation it defaults
to "...".  Tags in the same directory can be created with different
truncation policies.  For example, some values carry more specific or
more interesting information towards the end of the string, as with many
identifiers, rather than the beginning.  If tag 4 above had been created
with "16s" truncation, the last line of the listing would look like

  4=..3960=t50g49p5m  m_djvu.txt  m_marc.xml   m.pdf

Additional tags corresponding to an existing tag number can be created
with B<add> (but all tags for a given number are replaced with B<set>):

  $ nam add 1 Lennon
  $ nam add 1 McCartney

The verbatim metadata value (unabbreviated and not transformed to comply
with filesystem naming rules) is stored as the content of the
corresponding file, where it can be conveniently retrieved by tag number,

  $ nam get 2
  Lincoln's Gettysburg address

or all at once with

  $ nam get
  Carmichael, Orton H.
  Lincoln's Gettysburg address

A fully labeled record can be retrieved by specifying a format such as

  $ name --format anvl get > Namaste.txt
  $ cat Namaste.txt
  dir_type: oca_book_1.1
  who: Carmichael, Orton H.
  what: Lincoln's Gettysburg address
  when: 1917
  where: ark:/13960/t50g49p5m

Tag files can always be removed with L<rm(1)>, but it is much more
convenient to use B<nam> with a tag number, as in,

  $ nam rm 3

or to remove them all at once with

  $ nam rmall

Use B<elide> for raw access to the same general-purpose string ellision
functionality as described above, but without any filesystem-safe
character transformations.  It involves no interaction with the
filesystem at all.

  $ nam elide 'The question is this: why and/or how?' 24s '**'
  ** this: why and/or how?

=head2 Portability

In creating filesystem-safe derivations of metadata values, lossy
transformations may occur.  Since the primary beneficiaries of tag
filenames are human, the default mapping for Unix systems tries to
convert as few characters as possible.  It converts '/' to '=', runs of
newlines and other whitespace to a single SPACE, and control characters
to '?'.

The default mapping for Windows systems is more lossy but more portable
than that for Unix.  Filenames created with it will remain unchanged when
transferred between Windows and Unix systems.  In addition to the above
mappings, it converts the characters

    " * : < > ? \ |
to '.' (period).  To request the more portable mapping explicitly, use
the B<--portable> option.

=head1 OPTIONS


=item B<-d> I<directory>, B<--directory> I<directory>

Use I<directory> instead of the current directory to look for tag files.

=item B<-m> I<format>, B<--format> I<format>

Output in the given I<format>, currently one of "ANVL", "XML",
"JSON", or "Plain" (default).

=item B<--portable>

Request the most portable transformation of metadata values into tag

=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>

Output ancillary information (the tag filename itself) as a comment.

=item B<-h>, B<--help>

Print extended help documentation.

=item B<--man>

Print full documentation.

=item B<--version>

Print the current version number and exit.


=head1 SEE ALSO

Directory Description with Namaste Tags

Dublin Core Kernel Metadata


=head1 AUTHOR

John Kunze I<jak at ucop dot edu>


Copyright 2009-2010 UC Regents.  Open source BSD license.

=begin CPAN

=head1 README

Manage Namaste tag files.


=end CPAN


#  LocalWords:  LocalWords Getopt GetOptions ARGV