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# $Id:,v 1.1 1995/12/26 10:06:36 willijar Exp $ 
=head1 NAME

  Math::Brent - Single Dimensional Function Minimisation


    use Math::Brent qw(FindMinima BracketMinimum Brent Minimise1D);
    my ($x,$y)=Minimise1D($guess,$scale,\&func,$tol,$itmax);
    my ($ax,$bx,$cx,$fa,$fb,$fc)=BracketMinimum($ax,$bx,$cx,\&func);
    my ($x,$y)=Brent($ax,$bx,$cx,\&func,$tol,$itmax);


This is an implementation of Brents method for One-Dimensional
minimisation of a function without using derivatives. This algorithm
cleverly uses both the Golden Section Search and parabolic

The main function B<Brent>, given a function reference B<\&func> and a
bracketing triplet of abcissas B<$ax>, B<$bx>, B<$cx> (such that
B<$bx> is between B<$ax> and B<$cx> and B<func($bx)> is less than both
B<func($ax)> and B<func($cx)>), isolates the minimum to a fractional
precision of about B<$tol> using Brents method. A maximum number of
iterations B<$itmax> may be specified for this search - it defaults to
100. Returned is an array consisting of the abcissa of the minum and
the function value there.

The function B<BracketMinimum>, given a function B<\&func> and
distinct initial points B<$ax> and B<$bx> searches in the downhill
direction (defined by the function as evaluated at the initial points)
and returns an array of the three points B<$ax>, B<$bx>, B<$cx> which
bracket the minimum of the function and the function values at those

The function B<Minimise1D> provides a simple interface to the above
two routines. Given a function B<\&func>, an initial guess for its
minimum, and its scaling (B<$guess>,B<$scale>) this routine isolates
the minimum to a fractional precision of about B<$tol> using Brents
method. A maximum number of iterations B<$itmax> may be specified for
this search - it defaults to 100. It returns an array consisting of
the abcissa of the minum and the function value there.

=head1 EXAMPLE

    use Math::Brent qw(Minimise1D);
    sub func {
      my $x=shift ;
      return $x ? sin($x)/$x: 1;
   my ($x,$y)=Minimise1D(1,1,\&func,1e-7);
   print "Minimum is func($x)=$y\n";

produces the output

    Minimum is func(5.236068)=-.165388470697432
=head1 HISTORY

$Log:,v $
Revision 1.1  1995/12/26 10:06:36  willijar
Initial revision

=head1 BUGS

Let me know of any problems.

=head1 AUTHOR

John A.R. Williams <>

=head1 SEE ALSO

"Numerical Recipies: The Art of Scientific Computing"
W.H. Press, B.P. Flannery, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling.
Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0 521 30811 9.


require Exporter;
package Math::Brent;
@EXPORT_OK=qw(FindMinima BracketMinimum Brent Minimise1D);
use Math::VecStat qw(max min);
use Math::Fortran qw(sign);
use strict;
use Carp;

sub Minimise1D {
    my ($guess,$scale,$func,$tol,$itmax)=@_;
    my ($a,$b,$c)=BracketMinimum($guess-$scale,$guess+$scale,$func);
    return Brent($a,$b,$c,$func,$tol,$itmax);

# BracketMinimum
# BracketMinimum is MNBRAK minimum bracketing routine from section 10.1
# of numerical recipies
# Given a function func, and distinct initial points ax & bx this
# routine searches in the downhill direction and returns new points ax,
# bx, cx which bracket the minimum. The function values at the 3 points
# are returned in fa, fb, fc respectively.
my $GOLD=1.618034; # default magnification ratio for intervals
my $GLIMIT=100.0; # Max magnification for parabolic fit step
my $TINY=1E-20;
sub BracketMinimum {
    my ($ax,$bx,$func)=@_;
    my ($fa,$fb)=(&$func($ax),&$func($bx));
    if ($fb>$fa) { my $t=$ax; $ax=$bx; $bx=$t; $t=$fa; $fa=$fb; $fb=$t; }
    my $cx=$bx+$GOLD*($bx-$ax);
    my $fc=&$func($cx);
    while($fb >= $fc) {	# Loop here until we bracket
	my $r=($bx-$ax)*($fb-$fc); # Compute U by parabolic extrapolation from
	my $q=($bx-$cx)*($fb-$fa); # a,b,c. TINY used to prevent div by zero
	my $u=$bx-(($bx-$cx)*$q-($bx-$ax)*$r)/
	my $ulim=$bx+$GLIMIT*($cx-$bx); # We won't go further than this
	my $fu;
	if (($bx-$u)*($u-$cx)>0.0) { # parabolic U between B & C - try it
	    if ($fu < $fc) { # Minimum between B & C
		$ax=$bx; $fa=$fb; $bx=$u;  $fb=$fu; next;
	    elsif ($fu > $fb) { # Minimum between A & U
		$cx=$u; $fc=$fu; next;
	elsif (($cx-$u)*($u-$ulim)>0) { #p arabolic  fit between C and limit
	    if ($fu < $fc) {
		$bx=$cx; $cx=$u;
		$fb=$fc; $fc=$fu;
	elsif (($u-$ulim)*($ulim-$cx)>=0) { # Limit parabolic U to maximum
	    $u=$ulim; $fu=&$func($u);
	else { # eject  parabolic U, use default magnification
	# Eliminate oldest point & continue
	$ax=$bx; $bx=$cx; $cx=$u;
	$fa=$fb; $fb=$fc; $fc=$fu;
    return ($ax,$bx,$cx,$fa,$fb,$fc);

my $CGOLD=0.3819660;
my $ZEPS=1e-10;
sub Brent {
    my ($ax,$bx,$cx,$func,$tol,$ITMAX)=@_;
    if (!defined $ITMAX) { $ITMAX=100; }
    if (!defined $tol) { $tol=1e-8; }
    my $a=min($ax,$cx);
    my $b=max($ax,$cx);
    my ($d,$u,$x,$w,$v,$fu,$fx,$fw,$fv); # ordinates & function evaluations
    my $e=0.0; # will be distance moved on the step before last
    my ($xm,$tol1,$tol2,$iter);
    for($iter=0; $iter<$ITMAX; $iter++) {
	if (abs($x-$xm) <= ($tol2-0.5*($b-$a))) { last; }
	if (abs($e)>$tol1) {
	    my $r=($x-$w)*($fx-$fv);
	    my $q=($x-$v)*($fx-$fw);
	    my $p=($x-$v)*$q-($x-$w)*$r;
	    if (($q=2*($q-$r)) > 0.0) { $p=-$p; }
	    my $etemp=$e;
	    if ( (abs($p)>=abs(0.5*$q*$etemp)) ||
		($p<=$q*($a-$x)) || ($p>=$q*($b-$x)) ) {
		goto gsec;
	    # parabolic step OK here - take it
	    $d=$p/$q; $u=$x+$d;
	    if ( (($u-$a)<$tol2) || (($b-$u)<$tol2) ) {
	    goto dcomp;
      gsec: # We arrive here for a Golden section step
	$e = (($x>=$xm) ? $a : $b)-$x;
	$d=$CGOLD*$e; # Golden section step
      dcomp: # We arrive here with d from Golden section or parabolic step
	$u=$x+( (abs($d)>=$tol1) ? $d : sign($tol1,$d));
	$fu=&$func($u); # 1 &$function evaluation per iteration
	if ($fu<=$fx) { # Decide what to do with &$function evaluation
	    if ($u>=$x) { $a=$x; } else { $b=$x; }
	    $v=$w; $fv=$fw;
	    $w=$x; $fw=$fx;
	    $x=$u; $fx=$fu;
	else {
	    if ($u<$x) { $a=$u; } else { $b=$u; }
	    if ($fu<=$fw || $w==$x) {
		$v=$w; $fv=$fw;
		$w=$u; $fw=$fu;
	    elsif ( $fu<=$fv || $v==$x || $v==$w ) { $v=$u; $fv=$fu; }
    if ($iter>=$ITMAX) { carp "Brent Exceed Maximum Iterations.\n"; }
    return ($x,$fx);
