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use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use DBIx::XHTML_Table;
use Test::More;
use Data::Dumper;
use FindBin qw($Bin);

plan skip_all => "must use DBIx::XHTML_Table v1.36 to generate tests"
    if $ARGV[0] && $DBIx::XHTML_Table::VERSION ne '1.36';

=for usage
Generate data files first:
    !perl % 1  

Then run tests as usual:
    !prove -vl %

It helps to generate tests on an older version prior to making
changes in the future. ;) (perlbrew can help via multiple distros)

eval "use DBD::CSV";
plan skip_all => "DBD::CSV required" if $@;

my @tests = get_tests();
plan tests => scalar( @tests ) + 1 unless @ARGV;

our $table = init_table();
my $exp_dir = "$Bin/../t/data/expected";

is $DBIx::XHTML_Table::VERSION, $DBIx::XHTML_Table::VERSION, "this is version $DBIx::XHTML_Table::VERSION";

for (0 .. $#tests) {
    my %args = %{ $tests[$_] };
    $args{mod_args} ||= [];
    $args{out_args} ||= {};

    my $file = sprintf( '%s/%03d-%s.html', $exp_dir, $_ + 1, $args{test} );

    # execute the modifications
    $table = init_table() unless $args{no_init};
    $args{mods}->( @{$args{mod_args}} );

    if ($ARGV[0]) {
        # generate tests
        open FH, '>', $file or die "Can't write $file: $!\n";
        print FH $DBIx::XHTML_Table::VERSION, $/;
        print FH $table->output( $args{out_args} );
        print STDOUT "wrote $file\n";

    } else {
        # run tests
        open FH, $file or die "Can't read $file: $!\n";
        chomp( my $from_version = <FH> );
        my $expected = do{ local $/; <FH> };
        is $table->output( $args{out_args} ), $expected, "$args{test} (generated from $from_version)";
    %args = ();
    close FH;

plan skip_all => "wrote tests" if @ARGV;

sub init_table {
    my $table = DBIx::XHTML_Table->new(
        DBI->connect ("dbi:CSV:", undef, undef, {
            f_ext      => ".csv/r",
            f_dir      => "$Bin/../t/data",
            RaiseError => 1,
    $table->exec_query ("select * from cookbook");
    return $table;
sub get_tests { return (
        test => "no-modifications",
        mods => sub { },
        test => "sorted-attributes",
        mod_args => [ v => { z => 1, b => 2 }, b => { w => 5, m => 3, a => 1 } ],
        mods => sub { $table->modify( table => {@_} ) },
        test => "table-border",
        mod_args => [ border => 5 ],
        mods => sub { $table->modify( table => {@_} ) },
        test => "table-inline-css",
        mod_args => [ style => { 'border-style' => 'outset', 'border-width' => '5px' } ],
        mods => sub { $table->modify( table => {@_} ) },
        test => "table-and-cell-inline-css",
        mod_args => [
            { style => { 'border-style' => 'outset', 'border-width' => 'thin' } },
            { style => { 'border-style' => 'inset',  'border-width' => 'thin' } },
        mods => sub {
            $table->modify( table => $_[0] );
            $table->modify( $_ => $_[1] ) for qw(th td);
        test => "align-th-right",
        mod_args => [ style => 'text-align: right' ],
        mods => sub { $table->modify( th => {@_} ) },
        test => "add-caption",
        mod_args => [],
        mods => sub { $table->modify( caption => 'Hello World' ) },
        test => "add-caption-css",
        mod_args => [ style => 'color: green; font-style: italic' ],
        mods => sub { $table->modify( caption => 'Hello World', {@_} ) },
        test => "add-caption-border",
        mod_args => [ style => { 'font-size' => 'x-large', 'border-style' => 'double' } ],
        mods => sub { $table->modify( caption => 'Hello Border', {@_} ) },
        test => "put-caption-at-bottom",
        mod_args => [ align => 'bottom', style => 'font-size: x-large' ],
        mods => sub { $table->modify( caption => 'Hello Border', {@_} ) },
        test => "no-header",
        mods => sub { },
        out_args => { no_head => 1 },
        test => "color-one-column",
        mod_args => [ style => { color => 'green', 'text-align' => 'center' } ],
        mods => sub { $table->modify( td => {@_}, 'bar' ) },
        test => "color-many-columns",
        mod_args => [ style => { color => 'red', 'text-align' => 'right' } ],
        mods => sub { $table->modify( td => {@_}, [qw(foo baz quf)] ) },
        test => "color-alternating-columns",
        mod_args => [ style => [ 'text-align: right; color: red', 'text-align: left; color: black' ] ],
        mods => sub { $table->modify( td => {@_}, [qw(foo baz quf)] ) },
        test => "add-column",
        mod_args => [ name => 'New', data => [10,20,30,40], before => 3 ],
        mods => sub { $table->add_cols({@_}) },
        test => "seperate-groups",
        mod_args => [ cellspacing => 0, rules => 'groups' ],
        mods => sub { 
            $table->modify( table => {@_} );
        test => "calc-totals",
        mod_args => [],
        mods => sub { $table->calc_totals },
        test => "calc-subtotals",
        mod_args => [],
        mods => sub {
        test => "arbitrary-foot-data",
        mod_args => [ qw(these are not the droids) ],
        mods => sub { $table->{totals} = [@_] },
        test => "copy-headers-to-foot",
        mod_args => [],
        mods => sub { $table->{totals} = [ map { ucfirst } @{$table->{fields_arry}} ] },
        test => "set-col-colors",
        mod_args => [ '#d0d0d0', '#f0f0f0' ],
        mods => sub { $table->set_col_colors( [@_] ) },
        test => "modify-three-colors",
        mod_args => [ style => { background => [ '#b0b0b0', '#d0d0d0', '#f0f0f0' ] } ],
        mods => sub { $table->modify( td => {@_} ) },
        test => "modify-four-colors",
        mod_args => [ style => { background => [ '#909090', '#b0b0b0', '#d0d0d0', '#f0f0f0' ] } ],
        mods => sub { $table->modify( td => {@_} ) },
        test => "modify-five-colors",
        mod_args => [ style => { background => [ '#707070', '#909090', '#b0b0b0', '#d0d0d0', '#f0f0f0' ] } ],
        mods => sub { $table->modify( td => {@_} ) },
) }