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package Win32::FileOp;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$Win32::FileOp::VERSION = '0.16.02';

use Win32::API;
use File::Find;
use File::Path;
use File::DosGlob qw(glob);
use Cwd;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
use Carp;

use Data::Lazy;
use File::Spec;
sub Relative2Absolute {#inplace
	foreach (@_) {
		$_ = File::Spec->rel2abs($_)
sub RelativeToAbsolute {
	if (@_ == 1) {
		return File::Spec->rel2abs($_[0]);
	my @list = @_;
	foreach (@list) {
		$_ = File::Spec->rel2abs($_)
	return @list;

require Exporter;
@Win32::FileOp::ISA = qw(Exporter);

$Win32::FileOp::BufferSize = 65534;

my @FOF_flags = qw(

my @OFN_flags = qw(

my @BIF_flags = qw(

my @CSIDL_flags = qw(

my @CONNECT_flags = qw(

my @SW_flags = qw(

@Win32::FileOp::EXPORT = (
 qw(  Recycle RecycleConfirm RecycleConfirmEach RecycleEx
      Delete DeleteConfirm DeleteConfirmEach DeleteEx
      Copy CopyConfirm CopyConfirmEach CopyEx
      Move MoveConfirm MoveConfirmEach MoveEx
      MoveAtReboot DeleteAtReboot MoveFile MoveFileEx CopyFile
      FillInDir UpdateDir
      FindInPATH FindInPath Relative2Absolute RelativeToAbsolute
      AddToRecentDocs EmptyRecentDocs
	  ReadINISectionKeys ReadINISections
      WriteToINI WriteToWININI ReadINI ReadWININI DeleteFromINI DeleteFromWININI
      OpenDialog SaveAsDialog BrowseForFolder
      DesktopHandle GetDesktopHandle WindowHandle GetWindowHandle
      Compress Uncompress UnCompress Compressed SetCompression GetCompression CompressedSize CompressDir UncompressDir UnCompressDir
      Map Connect Unmap Disconnect Mapped
      Subst Unsubst Substed SubstDev
	  GetLargeFileSize GetDiskFreeSpace ShellExecute ShellExecuteEx

*Win32::FileOp::EXPORT_OK = [@Win32::FileOp::EXPORT, @CONNECT_flags];

%Win32::FileOp::EXPORT_TAGS = (
    INI => [qw( ReadINISectionKeys ReadINISections WriteToINI WriteToWININI ReadINI ReadWININI DeleteFromINI DeleteFromWININI )],
    DIALOGS => [qw( OpenDialog SaveAsDialog BrowseForFolder),
               @OFN_flags, @BIF_flags, @CSIDL_flags],
    _DIALOGS => [@OFN_flags, @BIF_flags, @CSIDL_flags],
    HANDLES => [qw( DesktopHandle GetDesktopHandle WindowHandle GetWindowHandle )],
    BASIC => [qw(
               Delete DeleteConfirm DeleteConfirmEach DeleteEx
               Copy CopyConfirm CopyConfirmEach CopyEx
               Move MoveConfirm MoveConfirmEach MoveEx
               MoveAtReboot DeleteAtReboot MoveFile MoveFileEx CopyFile
    _BASIC => [@FOF_flags],
    RECENT => [qw(AddToRecentDocs EmptyRecentDocs)],
    DIRECTORY => [qw(UpdateDir FillInDir)],
    COMPRESS => [qw(Compress Uncompress UnCompress Compressed SetCompression GetCompression CompressedSize CompressDir UncompressDir UnCompressDir)],
    MAP => [qw(Map Connect Unmap Disconnect Mapped)],
	_MAP => \@CONNECT_flags,
    SUBST => [qw(Subst Unsubst Substed SubstDev)],
	EXECUTE => ['ShellExecute ShellExecuteEx', @SW_flags],
	_EXECUTE => \@SW_flags,

use vars qw($ReadOnly $DesktopHandle $fileop $ProgressTitle);
$Win32::FileOp::DesktopHandle = 0;
$Win32::FileOp::WindowHandle = 0;
sub Win32::FileOp::GetDesktopHandle;
sub Win32::FileOp::GetWindowHandle;
$Win32::FileOp::ProgressTitle = '';

sub FO_MOVE     () { 0x01 }
sub FO_COPY     () { 0x02 }
sub FO_DELETE   () { 0x03 }
sub FO_RENAME   () { 0x04 }

sub FOF_CREATEPROGRESSDLG     () { 0x0000 } # default
sub FOF_MULTIDESTFILES        () { 0x0001 } # more than one dest for files
#sub FOF_CONFIRMMOUSE         () { 0x0002 } # not implemented
sub FOF_SILENT                () { 0x0004 } # don't create progress/report
sub FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION     () { 0x0008 } # rename if coliding
sub FOF_NOCONFIRMATION        () { 0x0010 } # Don't prompt the user.
#sub FOF_WANTMAPPINGHANDLE    () { 0x0020 } # Fill in FILEOPSTRUCT.hNameMappings
sub FOF_ALLOWUNDO             () { 0x0040 } # recycle bin instead of delete
sub FOF_FILESONLY             () { 0x0080 } # on *.*, do only files
sub FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS        () { 0x0100 } # means don't show names of files
sub FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR        () { 0x0200 } # don't confirm making needed dirs
sub FOF_NOERRORUI             () { 0x0400 } # don't put up error UI
sub FOF_NOCOPYSECURITYATTRIBS () { 0x0800 } # dont copy file Security Attributes

sub MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING   () { 0x00000001 }
sub MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED       () { 0x00000002 }
sub MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT () { 0x00000004 }

sub OFN_READONLY              () { 0x00000001}
sub OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT       () { 0x00000002}
sub OFN_HIDEREADONLY          () { 0x00000004}
sub OFN_NOCHANGEDIR           () { 0x00000008}
sub OFN_SHOWHELP              () { 0x00000010}
sub OFN_ENABLEHOOK            () { #0x00000020;
    carp "OFN_ENABLEHOOK not implemented" }
sub OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE        () { #0x00000040;
    carp "OFN_ENABLEHOOK not implemented" }
sub OFN_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE  () { #0x00000080;
    carp "OFN_ENABLEHOOK not implemented" }
sub OFN_NOVALIDATE            () { 0x00000100}
sub OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT      () { 0x00000200}
sub OFN_EXTENSIONDIFFERENT    () { 0x00000400}
sub OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST         () { 0x00000800}
sub OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST         () { 0x00001000}
sub OFN_CREATEPROMPT          () { 0x00002000}
sub OFN_SHAREAWARE            () { 0x00004000}
sub OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN      () { 0x00008000}
sub OFN_NOTESTFILECREATE      () { 0x00010000}
sub OFN_NONETWORKBUTTON       () { 0x00020000}
sub OFN_NOLONGNAMES           () { 0x00040000} # // force no long names for 4.x modules
                                               #if(WINVER >() { 0x0400)
sub OFN_EXPLORER              () { 0x00080000} # // new look commdlg
sub OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS    () { 0x00100000}
sub OFN_LONGNAMES             () { 0x00200000} # // force long names for 3.x modules

sub OFN_SHARENOWARN       () { 1}
sub OFN_SHAREWARN         () { 0}

sub BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS   () { 0x0001 } #// For finding a folder to start document searching
sub BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN  () { 0x0002 } #// For starting the Find Computer
sub BIF_STATUSTEXT         () { 0x0004 } # Includes a status area in the dialog box.
      # The callback function can set the status text
      # by sending messages to the dialog box.

sub BIF_EDITBOX	() { 0x0010 } # Add an editbox to the dialog
sub BIF_VALIDATE	() { 0x0020 } # insist on valid result (or CANCEL)

sub BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE	() { 0x0040 } # Use the new dialog layout with the ability to resize
                                        # Caller needs to call OleInitialize() before using this API


sub BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEURLS	() { 0x0080 } # Allow URLs to be displayed or entered. (Requires BIF_USENEWUI)
sub BIF_UAHINT	() { 0x0100 } # Add a UA hint to the dialog, in place of the edit box. May not be combined with BIF_EDITBOX
sub BIF_NONEWFOLDERBUTTON	() { 0x0200 } # Do not add the "New Folder" button to the dialog.  Only applicable with BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE.
sub BIF_NOTRANSLATETARGETS	() { 0x0400 } # don't traverse target as shortcut

sub BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS  () { 0x0008 }
sub BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER  () { 0x1000 } # Browsing for Computers.
sub BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER   () { 0x2000 } # Browsing for Printers
sub BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES () { 0x4000 } # Browsing for Everything
sub BIF_SHAREABLE	() { 0x8000 } # sharable resources displayed (remote shares, requires BIF_USENEWUI)

#BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER	Only returns computers. If the user selects
#anything other than a computer, the OK button is grayed.

#BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER	Only returns printers. If the user selects
#anything other than a printer, the OK button is grayed.

#BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN	Does not include network folders below the
#domain level in the tree view control.

#BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS	Only returns file system ancestors. If the user
#selects anything other than a file system ancestor, the OK button is

#BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS	Only returns file system directories. If the
#user selects folders that are not part of the file system, the OK button
#is grayed.

#BIF_STATUSTEXT	Includes a status area in the dialog box. The callback
#function can set the status text by sending messages to the dialog box.

sub CSIDL_DESKTOP                   () { 0x0000 }
sub CSIDL_PROGRAMS                  () { 0x0002 }
sub CSIDL_CONTROLS                  () { 0x0003 }
sub CSIDL_PRINTERS                  () { 0x0004 }
sub CSIDL_PERSONAL                  () { 0x0005 }
sub CSIDL_FAVORITES                 () { 0x0006 }
sub CSIDL_STARTUP                   () { 0x0007 }
sub CSIDL_RECENT                    () { 0x0008 }
sub CSIDL_SENDTO                    () { 0x0009 }
sub CSIDL_BITBUCKET                 () { 0x000a }
sub CSIDL_STARTMENU                 () { 0x000b }
sub CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY          () { 0x0010 }
sub CSIDL_DRIVES                    () { 0x0011 }
sub CSIDL_NETWORK                   () { 0x0012 }
sub CSIDL_NETHOOD                   () { 0x0013 }
sub CSIDL_FONTS                     () { 0x0014 }
sub CSIDL_TEMPLATES                 () { 0x0015 }
sub CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU          () { 0x0016 }
sub CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS           () { 0x0017 }
sub CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP            () { 0x0018 }
sub CSIDL_APPDATA                   () { 0x001a }
sub CSIDL_PRINTHOOD                 () { 0x001b }

#sub FILE_SHARE_READ                 () { 0x00000001  }
#sub FILE_SHARE_WRITE                () { 0x00000002  }
#sub FILE_SHARE_DELETE               () { 0x00000004  }
#sub FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH         () { 0x80000000 }
#sub FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED            () { 0x40000000 }
#sub FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING          () { 0x20000000 }
#sub FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS         () { 0x10000000 }
#sub FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN       () { 0x08000000 }
#sub FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE       () { 0x04000000 }
#sub FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS      () { 0x02000000 }
#sub FILE_FLAG_POSIX_SEMANTICS       () { 0x01000000 }
#sub CREATE_NEW          () { 1 }
#sub CREATE_ALWAYS       () { 2 }
#sub OPEN_EXISTING       () { 3 }
#sub OPEN_ALWAYS         () { 4 }
#sub TRUNCATE_EXISTING   () { 5 }

sub DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH         () { 0x00000001 }
sub DDD_REMOVE_DEFINITION       () { 0x00000002 }
sub DDD_EXACT_MATCH_ON_REMOVE   () { 0x00000004 }
sub DDD_NO_BROADCAST_SYSTEM     () { 0x00000008 }

sub CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE () {0x00000001}
sub CONNECT_UPDATE_RECENT () {0x00000002}
sub CONNECT_TEMPORARY () {0x00000004}
sub CONNECT_INTERACTIVE () {0x00000008}
sub CONNECT_PROMPT () {0x00000010}
sub CONNECT_NEED_DRIVE () {0x00000020}
sub CONNECT_REFCOUNT () {0x00000040}
sub CONNECT_REDIRECT () {0x00000080}
sub CONNECT_LOCALDRIVE () {0x00000100}
sub CONNECT_CURRENT_MEDIA () {0x00000200}
sub CONNECT_DEFERRED () {0x00000400}
sub CONNECT_RESERVED () {0xFF000000}

sub SW_HIDE () { 0 }
sub SW_SHOWNORMAL () { 1 }
sub SW_NORMAL () { 1 }
sub SW_MAXIMIZE () { 3 }
sub SW_SHOW () { 5 }
sub SW_MINIMIZE () { 6 }
sub SW_SHOWNA () { 8 }
sub SW_RESTORE () { 9 }
sub SW_SHOWDEFAULT () { 10 }
sub SW_FORCEMINIMIZE () { 11 }
sub SW_MAX () { 11 }

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

tie $Win32::FileOp::fileop, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
  new Win32::API("shell32", "SHFileOperation", ['P'], 'I')
  die "new Win32::API::SHFileOperation: $!\n"

%Win32::FileOp::SHFileOperation_ret = (
	0x71 => 'The source and destination files are the same file.',
	0x72 => 'Multiple file paths were specified in the source buffer, but only one destination file path.',
	0x73 => 'Rename operation was specified but the destination path is a different directory. Use the move operation instead.',
	0x74 => 'The source is a root directory, which cannot be moved or renamed.',
	0x75 => 'The operation was cancelled by the user, or silently cancelled if the appropriate flags were supplied to SHFileOperation.',
	0x76 => 'The destination is a subtree of the source.',
	0x78 => 'Security settings denied access to the source.',
	0x79 => 'The source or destination path exceeded or would exceed MAX_PATH.',
	0x7A => 'The operation involved multiple destination paths, which can fail in the case of a move operation.',
	0x7C => 'The path in the source or destination or both was invalid.',
	0x7D => 'The source and destination have the same parent folder.',
	0x7E => 'The destination path is an existing file.',
	0x80 => 'The destination path is an existing folder.',
	0x81 => 'The name of the file exceeds MAX_PATH.',
	0x82 => 'The destination is a read-only CD-ROM, possibly unformatted.',
	0x83 => 'The destination is a read-only DVD, possibly unformatted.',
	0x84 => 'The destination is a writable CD-ROM, possibly unformatted.',
	0x85 => 'The file involved in the operation is too large for the destination media or file system.',
	0x86 => 'The source is a read-only CD-ROM, possibly unformatted.',
	0x87 => 'The source is a read-only DVD, possibly unformatted.',
	0x88 => 'The source is a writable CD-ROM, possibly unformatted.',
	0xB7 => 'MAX_PATH was exceeded during the operation.',
	0x402 => 'An unknown error occurred. This is typically due to an invalid path in the source or destination. This error does not occur on Windows Vista and later.',
	0x10000 => 'An unspecified error occurred on the destination.',
	0x10074 => 'Destination is a root directory and cannot be renamed.',
	0 => undef,

tie $Win32::FileOp::copyfile, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
  new Win32::API("KERNEL32", "CopyFile", [qw(P P I)], 'I')
  die "new Win32::API::CopyFile: $!\n";

tie $Win32::FileOp::movefileexDel, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API("KERNEL32", "MoveFileEx", ['P','L','N'], 'I')
    die "new Win32::API::MoveFileEx for delete: $!\n";

tie $Win32::FileOp::movefileex, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API("KERNEL32", "MoveFileEx", ['P','P','N'], 'I')
    die "new Win32::API::MoveFileEx: $!\n";

tie $Win32::FileOp::SHAddToRecentDocs, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API("shell32", "SHAddToRecentDocs", ['I','P'], 'I')
    die "new Win32::API::SHAddToRecentDocs: $!\n";

tie $Win32::FileOp::writeINI, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API("KERNEL32", "WritePrivateProfileString", [qw(P P P P)], 'I')
    die "new Win32::API::WritePrivateProfileString: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::writeWININI, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API("KERNEL32", "WriteProfileString", [qw(P P P)], 'I')
    die "new Win32::API::WriteProfileString: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::deleteINI, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API("KERNEL32", "WritePrivateProfileString", [qw(P P L P)], 'I')
    die "new Win32::API::WritePrivateProfileString for delete: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::deleteWININI, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API("KERNEL32", "WriteProfileString", [qw(P P L)], 'I')
    die "new Win32::API::WriteProfileString for delete: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::readINI, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API("KERNEL32", "GetPrivateProfileString", [qw(P P P P N P)], 'N')
    die "new Win32::API::GetPrivateProfileString: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::readWININI, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API("KERNEL32", "GetProfileString", [qw(P P P P N)], 'N')
    die "new Win32::API::GetProfileString: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::GetOpenFileName, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API("comdlg32", "GetOpenFileName", ['P'], 'N')
    die "new Win32::API::GetOpenFileName: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::GetSaveFileName, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API("comdlg32", "GetSaveFileName", ['P'], 'N')
    die "new Win32::API::GetSaveFileName: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::CommDlgExtendedError, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API("comdlg32", "CommDlgExtendedError", [], 'N')
    die "new Win32::API::CommDlgExtendedError: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::CreateFile, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API( "kernel32", "CreateFile", [qw(P N N P N N P)], 'N')
    die "new Win32::API::CreateFile: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::CloseHandle, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API( "kernel32", "CloseHandle", ['N'], 'N')
    die "new Win32::API::CloseHandle: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::GetFileSize, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API( "kernel32", "GetFileSize", ['N','P'], 'N')
    die "new Win32::API::GetFileSize: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::GetDiskFreeSpaceEx, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API( "kernel32", "GetDiskFreeSpaceEx", ['P','P','P','P'], 'N')
    die "new Win32::API::GetDiskFreeSpaceEx: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::DeviceIoControl, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
    new Win32::API( "kernel32", "DeviceIoControl", ['N', 'N', 'P', 'N', 'P', 'N', 'P', 'P'], 'N')
    die "new Win32::API::DeviceIoControl: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::SHBrowseForFolder, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
   new Win32::API("shell32", "SHBrowseForFolder", ['P'], 'N')
   die "new Win32::API::SHBrowseForFolder: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::SHGetPathFromIDList, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
   new Win32::API("shell32", "SHGetPathFromIDList", ['N','P'], 'I')
   die "new Win32::API::SHGetPathFromIDList: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::SHGetSpecialFolderLocation, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
   new Win32::API("shell32", "SHGetSpecialFolderLocation", ['N','I','P'], 'I')
   die "new Win32::API::SHGetSpecialFolderLocation: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::CoTaskMemFree, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
   new Win32::API("Ole32", "CoTaskMemFree", ['P'], 'V')
   die "new Win32::API::CoTaskMemFree: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::GetFileVersionInfoSize, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
   new Win32::API( "version", "GetFileVersionInfoSize", ['P', 'P'], 'N')
   die "new Win32::API::GetFileVersionInfoSize: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::GetFileVersionInfo, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
   new Win32::API( "version", "GetFileVersionInfo", ['P', 'N', 'N', 'P'], 'N')
   die "new Win32::API::GetFileVersionInfo: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::GetCompressedFileSize, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
   new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetCompressedFileSize", ['P','P'], 'L')
   die "new Win32::API::GetCompressedFileSize: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::VerQueryValue, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
   new Win32::API( "version", "VerQueryValue", ['P', 'P', 'P', 'P'], 'N')
   die "new Win32::API::VerQueryValue: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::WNetAddConnection3, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
  new Win32::API("mpr.dll", "WNetAddConnection3", ['L','P','P','P','L'], 'L')
  die "new Win32::API::WNetAddConnection3: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::WNetGetConnection, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
  new Win32::API("mpr.dll", "WNetGetConnection", ['P','P','P'], 'L')
  die "new Win32::API::WNetGetConnection: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::WNetCancelConnection2, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
  new Win32::API("mpr.dll", "WNetCancelConnection2", ['P','L','I'], 'L')
  die "new Win32::API::WNetCancelConnection2: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::GetLogicalDrives, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
  new Win32::API("kernel32.dll", "GetLogicalDrives", [], 'N')
  die "new Win32::API::GetLogicalDrives: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::QueryDosDevice, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
  new Win32::API("kernel32.dll", "QueryDosDevice", ['P','P','L'], 'L')
  die "new Win32::API::QueryDosDevice: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::DefineDosDevice, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
  new Win32::API("kernel32.dll", "DefineDosDevice", ['L','P','P'],'I')
  die "new Win32::API::DefineDosDevice: $!\n"

tie $Win32::FileOp::ShellExecute, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
  new Win32::API("shell32", "ShellExecute", ['N','P','P','P','P','N'], 'I')
  die "new Win32::API::ShellExecute: $!\n"

		DWORD     cbSize;
		ULONG     fMask;
		HWND      hwnd;
		LPCTSTR   lpVerb;
		LPCTSTR   lpFile;
		LPCTSTR   lpParameters;
		LPCTSTR   lpDirectory;
		int       nShow;
		LPVOID    lpIDList;
		LPCTSTR   lpClass;
		HKEY      hkeyClass;
		DWORD     dwHotKey;
		HANDLE    hIcon;
		HANDLE    hProcess;

tie $Win32::FileOp::ShellExecuteEx, 'Data::Lazy', sub {
  new Win32::API('shell32', 'BOOL ShellExecuteEx(SHELLEXECUTEINFO &shellex)')
  die "new Win32::API::ShellExecuteEx: $!\n"

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub ShellExecute {
	my ($operation, $file, $params, $dir, $show, $handle) = @_;
	if (@_ == 1) { #ShellExecute( $file)
		$file = $operation;
		$operation = undef;
	} elsif (ref $file) { #ShellExecute( $file, {options})
		($params, $file, $operation) = ($file, $operation, undef);
	if (ref $params) {
		$params = { map {lc($_) => $params->{$_}} keys %$params}; # lowercase the keys
		$show = $params->{show};
		$dir = $params->{dir};
		$handle = $params->{handle};
		$params = $params->{params};
	if (defined $show) {
	} else {
	$handle = Win32::FileOp::GetWindowHandle unless defined $handle;
	return unless $handle;

	my $result;
	if (ref($operation) eq 'ARRAY') {
		foreach my $op (@$operation) {
			$result = $Win32::FileOp::ShellExecute->Call( $handle, $op, $file, $params, $dir, $show);
			last if $result != 31; # 31 = unknown operation
	} else {
		$result = $Win32::FileOp::ShellExecute->Call( $handle, $operation, $file, $params, $dir, $show);

	return $result > 32;

sub ShellExecuteEx {
	my ($operation, $file, $params, $dir, $show, $handle, $expand, $unicode) = @_;

	if (@_ == 1) { #ShellExecuteEx( $file)
		$file = $operation;
		$operation = undef;
	} elsif (ref $file) { #ShellExecuteEx( $file, {options})
		($params, $file, $operation) = ($file, $operation, undef);
	if (ref $params) {
		$params = { map {lc($_) => $params->{$_}} keys %$params}; # lowercase the keys
		$show = $params->{show};
		$dir = $params->{dir};
		$handle = $params->{handle};
		$expand = $params->{expand};
		$unicode = $params->{unicode};
		$params = $params->{params};
	if (defined $show) {
	} else {
	$handle = Win32::FileOp::GetWindowHandle unless defined $handle;

	my $mask = ($unicode) ? 0x4000 : 0;
	$mask |= 0x200 if $expand || ! defined $expand;

	my $shellex = Win32::API::Struct->new('SHELLEXECUTEINFO');

	$shellex->{'cbSize'} = $shellex->sizeof();

	# I would like to offer a value of 0x100 for fMask, to wait for completion, but it does not work.
	$shellex->{'fMask'} = $mask;
	$shellex->{'hwnd'} = $handle;

	$shellex->{'lpVerb'} = (defined($operation) ? $operation."\0" : undef);
	$shellex->{'lpFile'} = $file."\0";
	$shellex->{'lpParameters'} = (defined($params) ? $params."\0" : undef);
	$shellex->{'lpDirectory'} = (defined($dir) ? $dir."\0" : undef);
	$shellex->{'nShow'} = $show;
	$shellex->{'hInstApp'} = 0;

	return $Win32::FileOp::ShellExecuteEx->Call($shellex);

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub Recycle {

sub RecycleConfirm { &DeleteEx (@_, FOF_ALLOWUNDO); }

sub RecycleEx { my $opt = pop; $opt |= FOF_ALLOWUNDO; &DeleteEx (@_, $opt); }

sub Delete {

sub DeleteConfirm { &DeleteEx (@_, FOF_CREATEPROGRESSDLG); }

sub DeleteEx {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my $options = pop;
    my ($opstruct, $filename);
    my @files = map {if (/[*?]/) {glob($_)} elsif (-e $_) {$_} else {()}} @_; # since we change the names, make a copy of the list
    return unless @files;

    # pass all files at once, join them by \0 and end by \0\0

    # fix to full paths
    Relative2Absolute @files;

    $filename = join "\0", @files;
    $filename .= "\0\0";        # double term the filename

	my $handle = Win32::FileOp::GetWindowHandle;

    # pack fileop structure (really more like lLppIilP)
    # sizeof args = l4, L4, p4, p4, I4, i4, l4, P4 = 32 bytes
    if ($Win32::FileOp::ProgressTitle and $options & FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS) {
        $Win32::FileOp::ProgressTitle .= "\0" unless $Win32::FileOp::ProgressTitle =~ /\0$/;
        $opstruct = pack ('LLpLILC2p', $handle, FO_DELETE,
                            $filename, 0, $options, 0, 0,0, $Win32::FileOp::ProgressTitle);
    } else {
        $opstruct = pack ('LLpLILLL', $handle, FO_DELETE,
                            $filename, 0, $options, 0, 0, 0);
    # call delete SHFileOperation with structure

	my $ret = $Win32::FileOp::fileop->Call($opstruct);
    return 1 if $ret == 0;

	$Win32::FileOp::Error = (exists ($Win32::FileOp::SHFileOperation_ret{$ret}) ? $Win32::FileOp::SHFileOperation_ret{$ret} : "Unknown result code $ret");

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub RecycleConfirmEach { &_DeleteConfirmEach (@_, FOF_ALLOWUNDO); }

sub DeleteConfirmEach  { &_DeleteConfirmEach (@_, FOF_CREATEPROGRESSDLG); }

sub _DeleteConfirmEach {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my $options =  pop;

    return unless @_;

    my $res = 0;
    my ($filename,$opstruct);
	my $handle = Win32::FileOp::GetWindowHandle;

    while (defined($filename = shift)) {

        Relative2Absolute $filename;
        $filename .= "\0\0";        # double term the filename
        my $was = -e $filename;

        if ($Win32::FileOp::ProgressTitle and $options & FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS) {
            $Win32::FileOp::ProgressTitle .= "\0" unless $Win32::FileOp::ProgressTitle =~ /\0$/;
            $opstruct = pack ('LLpLILC2p', $handle, FO_DELETE,
                                $filename, 0, $options, 0, 0,0, $Win32::FileOp::ProgressTitle);
        } else {
            $opstruct = pack ('LLpLILLL', $handle, FO_DELETE,
                                $filename, 0, $options, 0, 0, 0);

		my $ret = $Win32::FileOp::fileop->Call($opstruct);
        if ($ret == 0) {
            $res++ if ($was and !-e $filename);
        } else {
			$Win32::FileOp::Error = (exists ($Win32::FileOp::SHFileOperation_ret{$ret}) ? $Win32::FileOp::SHFileOperation_ret{$ret} : "Unknown result code $ret");

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub Copy {
      , FO_COPY);

sub CopyConfirm { &_MoveOrCopyEx (@_, FOF_CREATEPROGRESSDLG, FO_COPY); }

*CopyConfirmEach = \&CopyConfirm;

sub CopyEx { &_MoveOrCopyEx (@_, FO_COPY); }

sub Move   {
      , FO_MOVE);

sub MoveConfirm { &_MoveOrCopyEx (@_, FOF_CREATEPROGRESSDLG, FO_MOVE); }

*MoveConfirmEach = \&MoveConfirm;

sub MoveEx { &_MoveOrCopyEx (@_, FO_MOVE); }

sub _MoveOrCopyEx {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my $func = pop;
    my $options = pop;
    my ($opstruct, $filename, $hash, $res, $from, $to);

    if (@_ % 2) { die "Wrong number of arguments to Win32::FileOp::CopyEx!\n" };

	my $handle = Win32::FileOp::GetWindowHandle;

    my $i = 0;
    while (defined ($from = $_[$i++]) and defined ($to = $_[$i++])) {

    # fix to full paths

        if (UNIVERSAL::isa($from, "ARRAY")) {

            my @files = map {
                my $s = $_;
                Relative2Absolute $s;
            } @$from;
            $from = join "\0", @files;

        } else {

            Relative2Absolute $from;
            $from =~ s#/#\\#g;

            # if to ends in slash, get filename from from

            if ($to =~ m{[\\/]$} and $to !~ /^\w:\\$/) {
                my $tmp = $from;
                $tmp =~ s#^.*[\\/](.*?)$#$1#;
                $to .= $tmp;
            $to .= '\\' if $to =~ /:$/;
        $from .= "\0\0";        # double term the filename

        my $options = $options;
        if (UNIVERSAL::isa($to, "ARRAY")) {
            my $strto='';
            foreach (@$to) {
                $strto .= RelativeToAbsolute($_) . "\0";
            $to = $strto;
            $options |= FOF_MULTIDESTFILES;
        } else {
        $to .= "\0\0";        # double term the filename
        $to =~ s#/#\\#g;

        if ($Win32::FileOp::ProgressTitle and $options & FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS) {

            $Win32::FileOp::ProgressTitle .= "\0" unless $Win32::FileOp::ProgressTitle =~ /\0$/;
            $opstruct = pack ('LLppILC2p', $handle, $func,
              $from, $to, $options, 0, 0,0, $Win32::FileOp::ProgressTitle);

        } else {

            $opstruct = pack ('LLppILLL', $handle, $func,
              $from, $to, $options, 0, 0, 0);


        unless ($Win32::FileOp::fileop->Call($opstruct)) {
        } else {

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub MoveFile {

sub MoveAtReboot {
    if (Win32::IsWinNT) {
    } else {
        undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
        my @a;
        my $i=0;
        while ($_[$i]) {
            $a[$i+1]= Win32::GetShortPathName $_[$i];
            ($a[$i]= $_[$i+1]) =~ s#^(.*)([/\\].*?)$#Win32::GetShortPathName($1).$2#e;

sub CopyFile {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my ($from,$to);

    while (defined($from = shift) and defined($to = shift)) {
#        Relative2Absolute($to,$from);
        $to .= "\0";
        $from .= "\0";
        $Win32::FileOp::copyfile->Call($from,$to, 0);

sub DeleteAtReboot {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    if (Win32::IsWinNT)  {
        my $file;
        while (defined($file = shift)) {
            $Win32::FileOp::movefileexDel->Call($file, 0, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT);
    } else {
        my @a;
        foreach (@_) {
            my $tmp=$_;
            $tmp = Win32::GetShortPathName $tmp;
            push @a, 'NUL', $tmp;

sub MoveFileEx {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my $options = pop;

    my ($from,$to);
    while (defined($from = shift) and defined($to = shift)) {
        $to .= "\0";
        $from .= "\0";
        $Win32::FileOp::movefileex->Call($from,$to, $options);

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub UpdateDir {
 undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
 local ($Win32::FileOp::from,$Win32::FileOp::to,$Win32::FileOp::callback) = @_;
 -d $Win32::FileOp::from or return;
 -d $Win32::FileOp::to or File::Path::mkpath $Win32::FileOp::to, 0777 or return;
 my $olddir = cwd;
 chdir $Win32::FileOp::from;
 find(\&_UpdateDir, '.');
 chdir $olddir;

sub _UpdateDir {
  undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
  my $fullto = "$Win32::FileOp::to\\$File::Find::dir\\$_";
  $fullto =~ s#/#\\#g;
  $fullto =~ s#\\\.\\#\\#;
  if (-d $_) {
    return if /^\.\.?$/ or -d $fullto;
    mkdir $fullto, 0777;
  } else {
    my $age = -M($fullto);
    if (! -e($fullto) or $age > -M($_)) {
      if (! defined $Win32::FileOp::callback or &$Win32::FileOp::callback()) {
        CopyFile $_, $fullto;

sub FillInDir {
 undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
 local ($Win32::FileOp::from,$Win32::FileOp::to,$Win32::FileOp::callback) = @_;
 -d $Win32::FileOp::from or return;
 -d $Win32::FileOp::to or File::Path::mkpath $Win32::FileOp::to, 0777 or return;
 my $olddir = cwd;
 chdir $Win32::FileOp::from;
 find(\&_FillInDir, '.');
 chdir $olddir;

sub _FillInDir {
  my $fullto = "$Win32::FileOp::to\\$File::Find::dir\\$_";
  $fullto =~ s#/#\\#g;
  $fullto =~ s#\\\.\\#\\#;
  if (-d $_) {
    return if /^\.\.?$/ or -d $fullto;
    mkdir $fullto, 0777;
  } else {
    if (! -e($fullto)) {
      if (! defined $Win32::FileOp::callback or &$Win32::FileOp::callback()) {
        CopyFile $_, $fullto;

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub AddToRecentDocs {
 undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;

 my $file;
 my $res=0;
 while (defined($file = shift)) {
  next unless -e $file;
  $file .= "\0";

sub EmptyRecentDocs {
 undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
 my $x = 0;

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub WriteToINI {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my ($INI) = RelativeToAbsolute(shift());$INI .= "\0";
    my $section = shift;$section .= "\0";
    my ($name,$value);
    while (defined($name = shift) and defined($value = shift)) {
        $name .= "\0";$value .= "\0";
        or return;

sub WriteToWININI {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my $section = shift;$section .= "\0";
    my ($name,$value);
    while (defined($name = shift) and defined($value = shift)) {
        $name .= "\0";$value .= "\0";
        or return;

sub DeleteFromINI {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my ($INI) = RelativeToAbsolute(shift());$INI .= "\0";
    my $section = shift;$section .= "\0";
    my $name;
    while (defined($name = shift)) {
        $name .= "\0";
        or return;

sub DeleteFromWININI {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my $section = shift;$section .= "\0";
    my $name;
    while (defined($name = shift)) {
        $name .= "\0";
        or return;

sub ReadINI {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my ($INI) = RelativeToAbsolute(shift());$INI .= "\0";
    my $section = shift;$section .= "\0";
    my $name = shift;$name .= "\0";
    my $default = shift;$default .= "\0";
    my $value = _ReadINI($section,$name,$default,$INI);

    $value =~ s/\0.*$// or return;
    return $value;

# MTY hack : Michael Yamada <>
sub ReadINISectionKeys {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my ($INI) = RelativeToAbsolute(shift());$INI='win.ini' unless $INI;$INI .= "\0";
    my $section = shift;$section .= "\0";
	my $name = 0; # pass null to API
	my $default = "\0";
	my @values;

	@values = split(/\0/,_ReadINI($section,$name,$default,$INI));
	@{$_[0]} = @values if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "ARRAY"));
	return wantarray() ? @values : (@values ? \@values : undef);
# END MTY Hack

sub ReadINISections {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my ($INI) = RelativeToAbsolute(shift());$INI='win.ini' unless $INI;$INI .= "\0";
    my $section = 0; # pass null to API
	my $name = 0;
	my $default = "\0";
	my @values;

	@values = split(/\0/,_ReadINI($section,$name,$default,$INI));
	@{$_[0]} = @values if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "ARRAY"));
	return wantarray() ? @values : (@values ? \@values : undef);

sub ReadWININI {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my $section = shift;$section .= "\0";
    my $name = shift;$name .= "\0";
    my $default = shift;$default .= "\0";
    my $value = "\0" x 2048;

    or return;

    $value =~ s/\0.*$// or return;
    return $value;

sub _ReadINI { # $section, $name, $default, $INI
	my $size = 10;#24;
    my $value = "\0" x $size; # large buffer to accomodate many keys
    my $retsize = $size-2;
    while ($size-$retsize <=2) {
     $size*=2;$value = "\0" x $size;
     $retsize = $Win32::FileOp::readINI->Call($_[0],$_[1],$_[2],$value,$size,$_[3])
     or return '';
    return $value;

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub OpenDialog {

sub SaveAsDialog {

sub OpenOrSaveDialog {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my $fun = shift;
    my $params;
    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], "HASH")) {
        $params = $_[0];
        $params->{filename} = $_[1] if defined $_[1];
    } else {
        if (@_ % 2) {
            my $filename = pop;
            $params = {@_};
            $params->{filename} = $filename;
        } else {
            $params = {@_};
    foreach (grep {s/^-//} keys %$params) {$params->{$_} = $params->{"-$_"};delete $params->{"-$_"}};

    $params->{handle} = 'self' unless exists $params->{handle};
    $params->{options} = 0 unless exists $params->{options};

    my $lpstrFilter = '';
    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($params->{filters}, "HASH")) {
        foreach (keys %{$params->{filters}}) {
            $lpstrFilter .= $_ . "\0" . $params->{filters}->{$_} . "\0";
    } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($params->{filters}, "ARRAY")) {
        my ($title,$filter,$i);
        while ($title = ${$params->{filters}}[$i++] and $filter = ${$params->{filters}}[$i++]) {
            $lpstrFilter .= $title . "\0" . $filter . "\0";
        $params->{defaultfilter} = $title if $title && !$params->{defaultfilter};
    } elsif ($params->{filters}) {
        $lpstrFilter = $params->{filters};
        $lpstrFilter .= "\0\0" unless $lpstrFilter =~ /\0\0$/
    } else {
        $lpstrFilter = "\0\0";

local $^W = 0;

    my $nFilterIndex = $params->{defaultfilter};
    $nFilterIndex = 1 unless $nFilterIndex>0; # to be sure it's a reasonable number

    my $lpstrFile = $params->{filename}."\0".
    ($params->{options} & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT
     ? ' ' x ($Win32::FileOp::BufferSize - length $params->{filename})
     : ' ' x 256

    my $lpstrFileTitle = "\0";
    my $lpstrInitialDir = $params->{dir} . "\0";
    my $lpstrTitle  = $params->{title} . "\0";
    my $Flags = $params->{options};
    my $nFileExtension = "\0\0";
    my $lpstrDefExt = $params->{extension}."\0";
    my $lpTemplateName = "\0";
    my $Handle = $params->{handle};
    if ($Handle =~ /^self$/i) {$Handle = GetWindowHandle()};

#    my $struct = pack "LLLpLLLpLpLppLIIpLLp",
    my $struct = pack "LLLpLLLpLpLppLIppLLp",
      76,                        #'lStructSize'       #  DWORD
      $Handle,                   #'hwndOwner'         #  HWND
      0,                         #'hInstance'         #  HINSTANCE
      $lpstrFilter,              #'lpstrFilter'       #  LPCTSTR
#     $lpstrCustomFilter,        #'lpstrCustomFilter' #  LPTSTR
#     length $lpstrCustomFilter, #'nMaxCustFilter'    #  DWORD
#I'm not able to make it work with CustomFilter

      $nFilterIndex,                         #'nFilterIndex'      #  DWORD
      $lpstrFile,                #'lpstrFile'         #  LPTSTR
      length $lpstrFile,         #'nMaxFile'          #  DWORD
      $lpstrFileTitle,           #'lpstrFileTitle'    #  LPTSTR
      length $lpstrFileTitle,    #'nMaxFileTitle'     #  DWORD
      $lpstrInitialDir,          #'lpstrInitialDir'   #  LPCTSTR
      $lpstrTitle,               #'lpstrTitle'        #  LPCTSTR
      $Flags,                    #'Flags'             #  DWORD
      0,                         #'nFileOffset'       #  WORD
#      0,                         #'nFileExtension'    #  WORD
      $nFileExtension,           #'nFileExtension'    #  WORD
      $lpstrDefExt,              #'lpstrDefExt'       #  LPCTSTR
      0,                         #'lCustData'         #  DWORD
      0,                         #'lpfnHook'          #  LPOFNHOOKPROC
      $lpTemplateName            #'lpTemplateName'    #  LPCTSTR

   if ($fun->Call($struct)) {
        $Flags = unpack("L", substr $struct, 52, 4);
        $Win32::FileOp::SelectedFilter = unpack("L", substr $struct, 6*4, 4);

        $Win32::FileOp::ReadOnly = ($Flags & OFN_READONLY);

        if ($Flags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT) {
            $lpstrFile =~ s/\0\0.*$//;
            my @result;
            if ($Flags & OFN_EXPLORER) {
                @result = split "\0", $lpstrFile;
            } else {
                @result = split " ", $lpstrFile;
            my $dir = shift @result;
            $dir =~ s/\\$//; # only happens in root
            return $dir unless @result;
            return map {$dir . '\\' . $_} @result;
        } else {
           $lpstrFile =~ s/\0.*$//;
           return $lpstrFile;
#   } else {
#    my $err = $Win32::FileOp::Error = $Win32::FileOp::CommDlgExtendedError->Call();
#    if ($err == 12291)  {
#        print "Sh!t, the buffer was too small!\n";
#        $fun->Call($struct);
#    }


sub BrowseForFolder {
   undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
   my $lpszTitle = shift() || "\0";
   my $nFolder = shift();
   my $ulFlags= (shift() || 0) | 0x0000;
   my $hwndOwner = (defined $_[0] ? shift() : GetWindowHandle());

   my ($pidlRoot, $pszDisplayName, $lpfn, $lParam, $iImage, $pszPath)
      = ("\0"x260, "\0"x260, 0, 0, 0, "\0"x260 );

   $nFolder = CSIDL_DESKTOP() unless defined $nFolder;

   $Win32::FileOp::SHGetSpecialFolderLocation->Call($hwndOwner, $nFolder, $pidlRoot)
   and return;

   my $pidlRootUnpacked = hex unpack 'H*',(join'', reverse split//, $pidlRoot);

   my $browseinfo = pack 'LLppILLI',
      ($hwndOwner, $pidlRootUnpacked, $pszDisplayName, $lpszTitle,
       $ulFlags, $lpfn, $lParam, $iImage);

   my $bool = $Win32::FileOp::SHGetPathFromIDList->Call(

   $pszPath =~ s/\0.*$//s;

   $bool ? $pszPath : undef;

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub FindInPATH {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my $file = shift;
    return $file if -e $file;
    foreach (split ';',$ENV{PATH}) {
        return $_.'/'.$file if -e $_.'/'.$file;
*FindInPath = \&FindInPATH;

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub GetDesktopHandle {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my ($function, $handle);

# if handle already saved, use that one

    return $Win32::FileOp::DesktopHandle if $Win32::FileOp::DesktopHandle != 0;

# find GetDesktopWindow routine

$function = new Win32::API("user32", "GetDesktopWindow", [], 'I') or
  die "new Win32::API::GetDesktopHandle: $!\n";

# call it, get window handle back, save it and return it

$Win32::FileOp::DesktopHandle = $function->Call();


sub GetWindowHandle {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    if (! $Win32::FileOp::WindowHandle) {
        my $GetConsoleTitle = new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetConsoleTitle", ['P','N'],'N');
        my $SetConsoleTitle = new Win32::API("kernel32", "SetConsoleTitle", ['P'],'N');
        my $SleepEx = new Win32::API("kernel32", "SleepEx", ['N','I'],'V');
        my $FindWindow = new Win32::API("user32", "FindWindow", ['P','P'],'N');

        my $oldtitle = " " x 1024;
        $GetConsoleTitle->Call($oldtitle, 1024);
        my $newtitle = sprintf("PERL-%d-%d", Win32::GetTickCount(), $$);
        $Win32::FileOp::WindowHandle = $FindWindow->Call(0, $newtitle);
    return $Win32::FileOp::WindowHandle;

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub SetCompression {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my $file;
    my $flag;
    if ($_[-1] eq ($_[-1]+0)) {
        $flag = pop
    } else {
        $flag = 1;
    $_[0] = $_ unless @_;
    while (defined($file = shift)) {

#print "\t$file\n";

     my $handle;
     $handle = $Win32::FileOp::CreateFile->Call($file, 0xc0000000, # FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES |
		7, 0, 3, 0x2000000, 0);
#     $handle = $Win32::FileOp::CreateFile->Call($file, FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED,

     if($handle != -1) {
         my $br = pack("L", 0);
         my $inbuffer = pack("S", $flag);
         my $comp = $Win32::FileOp::DeviceIoControl->Call(
             $handle, 639040, $inbuffer, 2, 0, 0, $br, 0,
         if(!$comp) {
             $Win32::FileOp::Error = "DeviceIoControl failed: "
                . Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError);
     } else {
         $Win32::FileOp::Error = "CreateFile failed: "
            . Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError);
    return 1;

sub GetCompression {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my ($file) = @_;
    $file = $_ unless defined $file;
    my $permission = 0x0080; # FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES
    my $handle = $Win32::FileOp::CreateFile->Call($file, $permission, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0);
    if($handle != -1) {
        my $br = pack("L", 0);
        my $outbuffer = pack("S", 0);
        my $comp = $Win32::FileOp::DeviceIoControl->Call(
            $handle, 589884, 0, 0, $outbuffer, 2, $br, 0,
        if(!$comp) {
            $Win32::FileOp::Error = "DeviceIoControl failed: "
               . Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError);
        return unpack("S", $outbuffer);
    } else {
        $Win32::FileOp::Error = "CreateFile failed: "
			. Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError);

sub Compress {SetCompression(@_,1)}
sub Uncompress {SetCompression(@_,0)}
*UnCompress = \&Uncompress;
sub Compressed {&GetCompression}

sub CompressedSize {
 my $file = $_[0];
 my $hsize = "\0" x 4;
 my $lsize = $Win32::FileOp::GetCompressedFileSize->Call( $file, $hsize);
 return $lsize + 0x10000*unpack('L',$hsize);

sub UncompressDir {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    if (ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE') {
        my $fun = pop;
        find( sub{Uncompress if &$fun}, @_);
    } else {
        find( sub {Uncompress}, @_);
*UnCompressDir = \&UncompressDir;

sub CompressDir {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    if (ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE') {
        my $fun = pop;
        find( sub{Compress if &$fun}, @_);
    } else {
        find( sub {Compress}, @_);

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub GetLargeFileSize {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my ($file) = @_;
    my $handle = $Win32::FileOp::CreateFile->Call($file, 0x0080, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0); # 0x0080 = FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES
    if($handle != -1) {
        my $buff = "\0" x 4;
        my $size1 = $Win32::FileOp::GetFileSize->Call(
            $handle, $buff
		$size1 = $size1 & 0xFFFFFFFF;
		if (wantarray()) {
			return ($size1,unpack('L',$buff));
		} else {
			return unpack('L',$buff)*0xFFFFFFFF + $size1
    } else {
        $Win32::FileOp::Error = "CreateFile failed: " . Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError);

sub GetDiskFreeSpace {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    my ($file) = @_;
	$file .= '\\' if $file =~ /^\\\\/ and $file !~ /\\$/;
	$file .= ':' if $file =~ /^[a-zA-Z]$/;
    my ($freePerUser,$total, $free) = ("\x0" x 8) x 3;

	$Win32::FileOp::GetDiskFreeSpaceEx->Call($file, $freePerUser,$total, $free)
		or return;

	if (wantarray()) {
		my @res;
		for ($freePerUser,$total, $free) {
			my ($lo,$hi) = unpack('LL',$_);
			push @res, ($hi & 0xFFFFFFFF) * 0xFFFFFFFF + ($lo & 0xFFFFFFFF);
		return @res;
	} else {
		my ($lo,$hi) = unpack('LL',$freePerUser);
		return ($hi & 0xFFFFFFFF) * 0xFFFFFFFF + ($lo & 0xFFFFFFFF);

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub FreeDriveLetters {
   undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
   my (@dr, $i);

   my $bitmask = $Win32::FileOp::GetLogicalDrives->Call();
   for $i(0..25) {
     push (@dr, ('A'..'Z')[$i]) unless $bitmask & 2**$i;

sub Map {
 undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
 my $disk = $_[0] =~ m#^[\\/]# ? (FreeDriveLetters())[-1] : shift;
 if (!defined $disk or $disk eq '') {
  undef $disk;
 } else {
  $disk =~ s/^(\w)(:)?$/$1:/;
  $disk .= "\0";
 my $type = 0; # RESOURCETYPE_ANY
 my $share = shift || croak('Ussage: Win32::FileOp::Map([$drive,]$share[,\%options])',"\n");
 $share =~ s{/}{\\}g;
 $share .= "\0";

 my $opt = shift || {};
 croak 'Ussage: Win32::FileOp::Map([$drive,]$share[,\%options])',"\n"
  unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($opt, "HASH"));
 my $username = 0;
 if (defined $opt->{user}) {
  $username = $opt->{user}."\0";
#  $username =~ s/(.)/\0$1/g if Win32::IsWinNT;
 my $passwd = 0;
 if (defined $opt->{passwd} or defined $opt->{password} or defined $opt->{pwd}) {
  $passwd = ($opt->{passwd} || $opt->{password} || $opt->{pwd})."\0";
#  $passwd =~ s/(.)/\0$1/g if Win32::IsWinNT;
 my $options = 0;
 $options += CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE if $opt->{persistent};
 $options += CONNECT_INTERACTIVE if $opt->{interactive};
 $options += CONNECT_PROMPT if $opt->{prompt};
 $options += CONNECT_REDIRECT if $opt->{redirect};


 my $struct = pack('LLLLppLL',0,$type,0,0,$disk,$share,0,0);
 my $res;
 my $handle = undef;
 if ($opt->{interactive}) {
	 $handle = $opt->{interactive}+0;
	 $handle = GetWindowHandle() || GetDesktopHandle();

 if ($res = $Win32::FileOp::WNetAddConnection3->Call( $handle, $struct, $passwd, $username, $options)) {
    if (($res == 1202 or $res == 85) and ($opt->{overwrite} or $opt->{force_overwrite})) {
        Unmap($disk,{force => $opt->{force_overwrite}})
			or return;
		$Win32::FileOp::WNetAddConnection3->Call( $handle, $struct, $passwd, $username, $options)
			and return;
	} elsif ($res == 997) { # Overlapped I/O operation is in progress.
		return 1;
    } else {
 if (defined $disk and $disk) {$disk} else {1};

sub Connect {

sub Disconnect {
 undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
 croak 'Ussage: Win32::FileOp::Map([$drive,]$share[,\%options])',"\n"
  unless @_;
 my $disk = shift() . "\0";$disk =~ s/^(\w)\0$/$1:\0/;
 my $opt = shift() || {};
 croak 'Ussage: Win32::FileOp::Map([$drive,]$share[,\%options])',"\n"
  unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($opt, "HASH"));
 my $options = $opt->{persistent} ? 1 : 0;
 my $force   = $opt->{force} ? 1 : 0;

  and return;

sub Unmap {
    undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
    if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[1], "HASH")) {
        $_[1]->{persistent} = 1 unless exists $_[1]->{persistent};
    } else {
        $_[1] = {persistent => 1}
    goto &Disconnect;

sub Mapped {
 undef $Win32::FileOp::Error;
 goto &_MappedAll unless (@_);
 my $disk = shift();
 if ($disk =~ m#^[\\/][\\/]#) {
    $disk =~ tr#/#\\#;
    $disk = uc $disk;
    my %drives = _MappedAll();
    my ($drive,$share);
    while (($drive,$share) = each %drives) {
        return uc($drive).':' if (uc($share) eq $disk);
 } else {
  $disk =~ s/^(\w)$/$1:/;$disk.="\0";
  my $size = 1024;
  my $share = "\0" x $size;

  $size = pack('L',$size);
   and return;
  $share =~ s/\0.*$//;
  return $share;

sub _MappedAll {
    my %hash;
    my $share;
    foreach (('A'..'Z')) {
        $share = Mapped $_
    return %hash;

sub Connected {
	# use WNetOpenEnum , WNetEnumResource and WNetCloseEnum

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

sub Subst {
 my $drive = shift;
 return unless $drive =~ s/^(\w):?$/$1:\0/;
 my $path = shift();
 return unless -e $path;

sub SubstDev {
 my $drive = shift;
 return unless $drive =~ s/^(\w):?$/$1:\0/;
 my $path = shift();
# return unless -e $path;
 $path = "\\Device\\$path" unless $path =~ /\\Device\\/i;

sub Unsubst {
 my $drive = shift;
 return unless $drive =~ s/^(\w):?$/$1:\0/;

sub Substed {
 my $drive = shift;
 if (defined $drive) {
  return unless $drive =~ s/^(\w):?$/$1:\0/;
  my $path = "\0" x 1024;
  my $device;
   or return;

  $path =~ s/\0.*$//;

  $path =~ s/^\\\?\?\\UNC/\\/ and $device = 'UNC'
  $path =~ s/\\Device\\(.*?)\\\w:/\\/ and $device = $1
  $path =~ s/\\Device\\(.*)$// and $device = $1;

  return wantarray ? ($path,$device) : $path;
 } else {
  my ($drive,$path,%data);
  foreach $drive (('A'..'Z')) {
    $path = Substed($drive);
    $data{$drive} = $path if defined $path;
  return wantarray() ? %data : \%data;

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

package Win32::FileOp::Error;
require Tie::Hash;

    my $pkg = shift;
    my %hash = @_;
    my $self = \%hash;
    bless $self, $pkg;

sub FETCH { $_[0]->{$_[1]} || Win32::FormatMessage($_[1]) || "Unknown error ($_[1])" };

package Win32::FileOp;

tie %Win32::FileOp::ERRORS, 'Win32::FileOp::Error', (
 12291 => 'The buffer was too small!'

#- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



=head1 NAME

Win32::FileOp - 0.16.02


Module for file operations with fancy dialog boxes, for moving files
to recycle bin, reading and updating INI files and file operations in general.

Unless mentioned otherwise all functions work under WinXP, Win2k, WinNT, WinME and Win9x.
Let me know if not.

Version 0.16.02

=head2 Functions

C<GetDesktopHandle> C<GetWindowHandle>

C<Copy> C<CopyConfirm> C<CopyConfirmEach> C<CopyEx>

C<Move> C<MoveConfirm> C<MoveConfirmEach> C<MoveEx>

C<MoveFile> C<MoveFileEx> C<CopyFile> C<MoveAtReboot>

C<Recycle> C<RecycleConfirm> C<RecycleConfirmEach> C<RecycleEx>

C<Delete> C<DeleteConfirm> C<DeleteConfirmEach> C<DeleteEx> C<DeleteAtReboot>

C<UpdateDir> C<FillInDir>

C<Compress> C<Uncompress> C<Compressed> C<SetCompression> C<GetCompression>
C<CompressDir> C<UncompressDir>

C<GetLargeFileSize> C<GetDiskFreeSpace>

C<AddToRecentDocs> C<EmptyRecentDocs>


C<DeleteFromINI> C<DeleteFromWININI>

C<OpenDialog> C<SaveAsDialog> C<BrowseForFolder>

C<Map> C<Unmap> C<Disconnect> C<Mapped>

C<Subst> C<Unsubst> C<Substed>

C<ShellExecute> C<ShellExecuteEx>

To get the error message from most of these functions, you should not use $!, but
$^E or Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError())!

=over 2

=item GetDesktopHandle

 use Win32::FileOp
 $handle = GetDesktopHandle()

Same as: $handle = $Win32::FileOp::DesktopHandle

Used to get desktop window handle when confirmation is used.
The value of the handle can be gotten from $Win32::FileOp::DesktopHandle.

Returns the Desktop Window handle.

=item GetWindowHandle

 use Win32::FileOp;
 my $handle = GetWindowHandle();

Used to get the console window handle for operations that display dialog boxes.

If you are using Tk or any other GUI toolkit this is most probably not what you want.
Even if the console is shown. You need to find the Windows handle of one of your windows
and pass it to the functions.

If you use Tk you can get the handle like this:

	$windowHandle = hex ($windowobject->id);

Please let me know if you find out how to get the handle from the other toolkits.

Not all functions allow you to pass the handle so you can set the
$Win32::FileOp::WindowHandle to the handle of the window you want
to tie the dialog boxes to.

=item Copy

 Copy ($FileName => $FileOrDirectoryName [, ...])
 Copy (\@FileNames => $DirectoryName [, ...] )
 Copy (\@FileNames => \@FileOrDirectoryNames [, ...])

Copies the specified files. Doesn't show any confirmation nor progress dialogs.

It may show an error message dialog, because I had to omit FOF_NOERRORUI
from its call to allow for autocreating directories.

You should end the directory names by backslash so that they are
not mistaken for filenames. It is not necessary if
the directory already exists or if you use Copy \@filenames => $dirname.

Returns true if successful.

Rem: Together with Delete, Move, DeleteConfirm, CopyConfirm,
MoveConfirm, CopyEx, MoveEx, DeleteEx and Recycle based on Win32 API function

=item CopyConfirm

 CopyConfirm ($FileName => $FileOrDirectoryName [, ...])
 CopyConfirm (\@FileNames => $DirectoryName [, ...] )
 CopyConfirm (\@FileNames => \@FileOrDirectoryNames [, ...])

Copies the specified files. In case of a collision, shows a confirmation dialog.
Shows progress dialogs.

Returns true if successful.

=item CopyConfirmEach

The same as CopyConfirm.

=item CopyEx

 CopyEx ($FileName => $FileOrDirectoryName, [...], $options)
 CopyEx (\@FileNames => $DirectoryName, [...], $options)
 CopyEx (\@FileNames => \@FileOrDirectoryNames, [...], $options)

Copies the specified files. See below for the available options (C<FOF_> constants).

Returns true if successful.

=item Move

Moves the specified files. Parameters as C<Copy>

It may show an error message dialog, because I had to omit FOF_NOERRORUI
from its call to allow for autocreating directories.

=item MoveConfirm

Moves the specified files. Parameters as C<CopyConfirm>

=item MoveConfirmEach

The same as MoveConfirm

=item MoveEx

Moves the specified files. Parameters as C<CopyEx>

=item MoveAtReboot

 MoveAtReboot ($FileName => $DestFileName, [...])

This function moves the file during the next start of the system.

=item MoveFile

 MoveFile ($FileName => $DestFileName [, ...])

Move files. This function uses API function MoveFileEx as well
as MoveAtReboot. It may be a little quicker than C<Move>, but
it doesn't understand wildcards and the $DestFileName may not be a directory.

REM: Based on Win32 API function MoveFileEx().

=item MoveFileEx

 MoveFileEx ($FileName => $DestFileName [, ...], $options)

This is a simple wrapper around the API function MoveFileEx, it calls the function
for every pair of files with the $options you specify.
See below for the available options (C<FOF_>... constants).

REM: Based on Win32 API function MoveFileEx().

=item CopyFile

 CopyFile ($FileName => $DestFileName [, $FileName2 => $DestFileName2 [, ...]])

Copy a file somewhere. This function is not able to copy directories!

REM: Based on Win32 API function CopyFile().

=item Recycle

 Recycle @filenames

Send the files into the recycle bin. You will not get any confirmation dialogs.

Returns true if successful.

=item RecycleConfirm

 RecycleConfirm @filenames

Send the files into the recycle bin. You will get a confirmation dialog if you
have "Display delete confirmation dialog" turned on in your recycle bin. You
will confirm the deletion of all the files at once.

Returns true if successful. Please remember that this function is successful
even if the user chose [No] on the confirmation dialog!

=item RecycleConfirmEach

 RecycleConfirmEach @filenames

Send the files into the recycle bin. You will get a separate confirmation
dialog for each file if you have "Display delete confirmation dialog" turned
on in your recycle bin. You will confirm the deletion of all the files at once.

Returns the number of files that were successfully deleted.

=item RecycleEx

 RecycleEx @filenames, $options

Send the files into the recycle bin. You may specify the options for deleting,
see below.  You may get a confirmation dialog if you have "Display delete
confirmation dialog" turned on in your recycle bin, if so, you will confirm the
deletion of all the files at once.

Returns true if successful. Please remember that this function is successful
even if the user chose [No] on the confirmation dialog!

The $options may be constructed from C<FOF_>... constants.

=item Delete

 Delete @filenames

Deletes the files. You will not get any confirmation dialogs.

Returns true if successful.

=item DeleteConfirm

 DeleteConfirm @filenames

Deletes the the files. You will get a confirmation dialog to confirm
the deletion of all the files at once.

Returns true if successful. Please remember that this function is successful
even if the user selected [No] on the confirmation dialog!

=item DeleteConfirmEach

 DeleteConfirmEach @filenames

Deletes the files. You will get a separate confirmation dialog for each file.

Returns the number of files that were successfully deleted.

=item DeleteEx

 DeleteEx @filenames, $options

Deletes the files. You may specify the options for deleting,
see below.  You may get a confirmation dialog if you have "Display delete
confirmation dialog" turned on in your recycle bin.

Returns true if successful. Please remember that this function is successful
even if the user selected [No] on the confirmation dialog!

=item DeleteAtReboot

 DeleteAtReboot @files

This function moves the file during the next start of the system.

=item UpdateDir

 UpdateDir $SourceDirectory, $DestDirectory [, \&callback]

Copy the newer or updated files from $SourceDir to $DestDir. Processes subdirectories!
The &callback function is called for each file to be copied.
The parameters it gets are exactly the same as the callback function
in File::Find. That is $_, $File::Find::dir and $File::Find::name.

If this function returns a false value, the file is skipped.


  UpdateDir 'c:\dir' => 'e:\dir', sub {print '.'};
  UpdateDir 'c:\dir' => 'e:\dir', sub {if (/^s/i) {print '.'}};

=item FillInDir

 FillInDir $SourceDirectory, $DestDirectory [, \&callback]

Copy the files from $SourceDir not present in $DestDir. Processes subdirectories!
The &callback works the same as in UpdateDir.

=item Compress

 Compress $filename [, ...]

Compresses the file(s) or directories using the transparent WinNT compression
(The same as checking the "Compressed" checkbox in Explorer properties
fo the file).

It doesn't compress all files and subdirectories in a directory you
specify. Use ComressDir for that. Compress($directory) only sets the compression flag for
the directory so that the new files are compressed by default.

WinNT only!

REM: Together with other compression related functions based
on DeviceIoControl() Win32 API function.

=item Uncompress

 Uncompress $filename [, ...]

Uncompresses the file(s) using the transparent WinNT compression
(The same as unchecking the "Compressed" checkbox in Explorer properties
fo the file).

WinNT only!

=item Compressed

 Compressed $filename

Checks the compression status for a file.

=item SetCompression

 SetCompression $filename [, $filename], $value

Sets the compression status for file(s). The $value should be
either 1 or 0.

=item GetCompression

 GetCompression $filename

Checks the compression status for a file.

=item CompressDir

 CompressDir $directory, ... [, \&callback]

Recursively descends the directory(ies) specified and compresses all files
and directories within. If you specify the \&callback, the specified function
gets executed for each of the files and directories. If the callback returns false,
no compression is done on the file/directory.

The parameters the callback gets are exactly the same as the callback function
in File::Find. That is $_, $File::Find::dir and $File::Find::name.

=item UncompressDir

 UncompressDir $directory, ... [, \&callback]

The counterpart of CompressDir.

=item GetLargeFileSize

	($lo_word, $hi_word) = GetLargeFileSize( $path );
	# or
	$file_size = GetLargeFileSize( $path );

This gives you the file size for too big files (over 4GB).
If called in list context returns the two 32 bit words, in scalar context
returns the file size as one number ... if the size is too big to fit in
an Integer it'll be returned as a Float. This means that if it's above
cca. 10E15 it may get slightly rounded.

=item GetDiskFreeSpace

	$freeSpaceForUser = GetDiskFreeSpace $path;
	# or
	($freeSpaceForUser, $totalSize, $totalFreeSpace) = GetDiskFreeSpace $path;

In scalar context returns the amount of free space available to current user
(respecting quotas), in list context returns the free space for current user, the total size
of disk and the total amount of free space on the disk.

Works OK with huge disks.

Requires at least Windows 95 OSR2 or WinNT 4.0.

=item AddToRecentDocs

 AddToRecentDocs $filename [, ...]

Add a shortcut(s) to the file(s) into the Recent Documents folder.
The shortcuts will appear in the Documents submenu of Start Menu.

The paths may be relative.

REM: Based on Win32 API function SHAddToRecentDocs().

=item EmptyRecentDocs


Deletes all shortcuts from the Recent Documents folder.

REM: Based on Win32 API function SHAddToRecentDocs(). Strange huh?

=item WriteToINI

 WriteToINI $INIfile, $section, $name1 => $value [, $name2 => $value2 [, ...]]

Copies a string into the specified section of the specified initialization file.
You may pass several name/value pairs at once.

Returns 1 if successful, undef otherwise. See Win32::GetLastError &
Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError) if failed for the error code and message.

REM: Based on Win32 API function WritePrivateProfileString().

=item WriteToWININI

 WriteToWININI $section, $name1 => $value1 [, $name2 => $value2 [, ...]]

Copies a string into the specified section of WIN.INI.
You may pass several name/value pairs at once.

Please note that some values or sections of WIN.INI and some other INI
files are mapped to registry so they do not show up
in the INI file even if they were successfully written!

REM: Based on Win32 API function WriteProfileString().

=item ReadINI

    $value = ReadINI $INIfile, $section, $name [, $defaultvalue]

Reads a value from an INI file. If you do not specify the default
and the value is not found you'll get undef.

REM: Based on Win32 API function GetPrivateProfileString().

=item ReadWININI

    $value = ReadWININI $section, $name [, $defaultvalue]

Reads a value from WIN.INI file. If you do not specify the default
and the value is not found you'll get undef.

Please note that some values or sections of WIN.INI and some other INI
files are mapped to registry so even that they do not show up
in the INI file this function will find and read them!

REM: Based on Win32 API function GetProfileString().

=item DeleteFromINI

 DeleteFromINI $INIfile, $section, @names_to_delete

Delete a value from an INI file.

REM: Based on Win32 API function WritePrivateProfileString().

=item DeleteFromWININI

 DeleteFromWININI $section, @names_to_delete

Delete a value from WIN.INI.

REM: Based on Win32 API function WriteProfileString().

=item ReadINISections

 @sections = ReadINISections($inifile);
 \@sections = ReadINISections($inifile);

Enumerate the sections in a INI file. If you do not specify the INI file,
it enumerates the contents of win.ini.

REM: Based on Win32 API function GetPrivateProfileString().

=item ReadINISectionKeys

 @sections = ReadINISectionKeys($inifile, $section);
 \@sections = ReadINISectionKeys($inifile, $section);
 ReadINISectionKeys($inifile, $section, \@sections);

Enumerate the keys in a section of a INI file. If you do not specify the
INI file, it enumerates the contents of win.ini.

REM: Based on Win32 API function GetPrivateProfileString().

=item OpenDialog

 $filename = OpenDialog \%parameters [, $defaultfilename]
 @filenames = OpenDialog \%parameters [, $defaultfilename]

 $filename = OpenDialog %parameters [, $defaultfilename]
 @filenames = OpenDialog %parameters [, $defaultfilename]

Creates the standard Open dialog allowing you to select some files.

Returns a list of selected files or undef if the user pressed [Escape].
It also sets two global variables :

 $Win32::FileOp::ReadOnly = the user requested a readonly access.
 $Win32::FileOp::SelectedFilter = the id of filter selected in the dialogbox

  title => the title for the dialog, default is 'Open'
        'Open file'
  filters => definition of file filters
        { 'Filter 1' => '*.txt;*.doc', 'Filter 2' => '*.pl;*.pm'}
        [ 'Filter 1' => '*.txt;*.doc', 'Filter 2' => '*.pl;*.pm']
        [ 'Filter 1' => '*.txt;*.doc', 'Filter 2' => '*.pl;*.pm' , $default]
        "Filter 1\0*.txt;*.doc\0Filter 2\0*.pl;*.pm"
  defaultfilter => the number of the default filter counting from 1.
                   Please keep in mind that hashes do not preserve
  dir => the initial directory for the dialog, default is the current directory
  filename => the default filename to be showed in the dialog
  handle => the handle to the window which will own this dialog
            Default is the console of the perl script.
            If you do not want to tie the dialog to any window use
            handle => 0
  options => options for the dialog, see bellow OFN_... constants

There is a little problem with the underlying function. You have to
preallocate a buffer for the selected filenames and if the buffer is too
smallyou will not get any results. I've consulted this with the guys on
Perl-Win32-Users and there is not any nice solution. The default size of
buffer is 256B if the options do not include OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT and
64KB if they do. You may change the later via variable

NOTE: I have been notified about a strange behaviour under Win98.
If you use UNCs you should always use backslashes in the paths.
\\server/share doesn't work at all under Win98 and //server/share works
only BEFORE calling the Win32::FileOp::OpenDialog(). I have no idea what
is the cause of this behaviour.

REM: Based on Win32 API function GetOpenFileName().

=item SaveAsDialog

Creates the Save As dialog box, parameters are the same as for OpenDialog.

REM: Based on Win32 API function GetSaveFileName().

=item BrowseForFolder

 BrowseForFolder [$title [, $rootFolder [, $options [, $window_handle ]]]]

Creates the standard "Browse For Folder" dialog.
The $title specifies the text to be displayed below the title of the dialog.
The $rootFolder may be one of the C<CSIDL_>... constants.
For $options you should use the C<BIF_>... constants.
The $window_handle (if specified) is the handle of the window to which the dialog will be modal.
If not specified, the dialog will be modal to the console. If this parameter is 0 the dialog will not be modal.
Description of the constants is bellow.

(MSDN says) You must initialize Component Object Model (COM) using CoInitializeEx
with the COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED flag set in the dwCoInit parameter
prior to calling SHBrowseForFolder. You can also use CoInitialize or OleInitialize,
which always use apartment threading. If COM is initialized using CoInitializeEx with the COINIT_MULTITHREADED flag,
SHBrowseForFolder fails if the caller uses the BIF_USENEWUI or BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE
flag in the BROWSEINFO structure.

REM: Based on Win32 API function SHBrowseForFolder().

=item Map

 Map $drive => $share;
 $drive = Map $share;
 Map $drive => $share, \%options;
 $drive = Map $share, \%options;

Map a drive letter or LTPx to a network resource. If successfull returns the drive letter/LPTx.

If you do not specify the drive letter, the function uses the last free
letter, if you specify undef or empty string as the drive then the share is connected,
but not assigned a letter.

Since the function doesn't require the ':' in the drive name you
may use the function like this:

 Map H => '\\\\server\share';
 as well as
 Map 'H:' => '\\\\server\share';

  persistent => 0/1
	  should the connection be restored on next logon?

  user => $username
	  username to be used to connect the device
  passwd => $password
	  password to be used to connect the device
  overwrite => 0/1
	  should the drive be remapped if it was already connected?
  force_overwrite => 0/1
	  should the drive be forcefully disconnected and
	  remapped if it was already connected?
  interactive = 0 / 'yes' / $WindowHandle
	  if necessary displays a dialog box asking the user
	  for the username and password.
  prompt = 0/1
	  if used with interactive=> the user is ALWAYS asked for the username
	  and password, even if you supplied them in the call. If you did not specify
	  interactive=> then prompt=> is ignored.
  redirect = 0/1
	  forces the redirection of a local device when making the connection

  Map I => '\\\\servername\share', {persistent=>1,overwrite=>1};

Notes: 1) If you use the C<interactive> option the user may Cancel that dialog. In that case
the Map() fails, returns undef and Win32::GetLastError() returns 1223
and $^E is equals to 1223 in numerical context and to "The operation was canceled by the user."
in string context.

2) You should only check the Win32::GetLastError() or $^E if the function failed.
If you do check it even if it succeeded you may get error 997 "Overlapped I/O operation is in progress.".
This means that it worked all right and you should not care about this bug!

REM: Based on Win32 API function WNetAddConnection3().

=item Connect

	Connect $share
	Connect $share, \%options

Connects a share without assigning a drive letter to it.

REM: Based on Win32 API function WNetAddConnection3().

=item Disconnect

 Disconnect $drive_or_share;
 Disconnect $drive_or_share, \%options;

Breaks an existing network connection. It can also be used to remove
remembered network connections that are not currently connected.

$drive_or_share specifies the name of either the redirected local device
or the remote network resource to disconnect from. If this parameter
specifies a redirected local resource, only the specified redirection is
broken; otherwise, all connections to the remote network resource are

  persistent = 0/1, if you do not use persistent=>1, the connection will be closed, but
               the drive letter will still be mapped to the device
  force      = 0/1, disconnect even if there are some open files

 See also: Unmap

REM: Based on Win32 API function WNetCancelConnection2().

=item Unmap

 Unmap $drive_or_share;
 Unmap $drive_or_share, \%options;

The only difference from Disconnect is that persistent=>1 is the default.

REM: Based on Win32 API function WNetCancelConnection2().

=item Mapped

 %drives = Mapped;
 $share = Mapped $drive;
 $drive = Mapped $share; # currently not implemented !!!

This function retrieves the name of the network resource associated with a local device.
Or vice versa.

If you do not specify any parameter, you get a hash of drives and shares.

To get the error message from most of these functions, you should not use $!, but
Win32::FormatMessage(Win32::GetLastError()) or $^E !

REM: Based on Win32 API function WNetGetConnection().

=item Subst

 Subst Z => 'c:\temp';
 Subst 'Z:' => '\\\\servername\share\subdir';

This function substitutes a drive letter for a directory, both local and UNC.

Be very carefull with this, cause it'll allow you to change the
substitution even for C:. ! Which will most likely be lethal !

Works only on WinNT.

REM: Based on DefineDosDevice()

 =item SubstDev

 SubstDev F => 'Floppy0';
 SubstDev G => 'Harddisk0\Partition1';

Allows you to make a substitution to devices. For example if you want to
make an alias for A: ...

To get the device mapped to a drive letter use Substed() in list context.

Works only on WinNT.

REM: Based on DefineDosDevice()

=item Unsubst

 Unsubst 'X';

Deletes the substitution for a drive letter. Again, be very carefull with this!

Works only on WinNT.

REM: Based on DefineDosDevice()

=item Substed

 %drives = Substed;
 $substitution = Substed $drive;
 ($substitution, $device) = Substed $drive;

This function retrieves the name of the resource(s) associated with a drive letter(s).

If used with a parameter :

In scalar context you get the substitution. If the drive is the root of
a local device you'll get an empty string, if it's not mapped to
anything you'll get undef.

In list context you'll get both the substitution and the device/type of device :

 Substed 'A:' => ('','Floppy0')
 Substed 'B:' => undef
 Substed 'C:' => ('','Harddisk0\Partition1')
 Substed 'H:' => ('\\\\servername\homes\username','UNC')
  # set by subst H: \\servername\homes\username
 Substed 'S:' => ('\\\\servername\servis','LanmanRedirector')
  # set by net use S: \\servername\servis
 Substed 'X:' => ()
  # not mapped to anything

If used without a parameter gives you a hash of drives and their
corresponding sunstitutions.

Works only on WinNT.

REM: Based on Win32 API function QueryDosDevice().

=item ShellExecute

	ShellExecute $filename;
	ShellExecute $operation => $filename;
	ShellExecute $operation => $filename, $params, $dir, $showOptions, $handle;
	ShellExecute $filename,
		{params => $params, dir => $dir, show => $showOptions, handle => $handle};
	ShellExecute $operation => $filename,
		{params => $params, dir => $dir, show => $showOptions, handle => $handle};

This function instructs the system to execute whatever application is assigned to the file
type as the specified action in the registry.

	ShellExecute 'open' => $filename;
	ShellExecute $filename;

is equivalent to doubleclicking the file in the Explorer,

	ShellExecute 'edit' => $filename;

is equivalent to rightclicking it and selecting the Edit action.


$operation : specifies the action to perform. The set of available operations depends on the file type.
Generally, the actions available from an object's shortcut menu are available verbs.

Since version 0.17 you can specify more operations. The first operation that is defined for that type of file will be used.

	ShellExecute ['edit', 'open'] => $filename;

For executables there are two interesting werbs. "runas" allows you to run the application as an administrator
and "runasuser" allowing you to run the aplication as a different user.

$filename : The file to execute the action for.

$params : If the $filename parameter specifies an executable file, $params is a string that specifies
the parameters to be passed to the application. The format of this string is determined by
the $operation that is to be invoked. If $filename specifies a document file, $params should be undef.

$dir : the default directory for the invoked program.

$showOptions : one of the SW_... constants that specifies how the application is to be displayed
when it is opened.

$handle : The handle of the window that gets any message boxes that may be invoked by this.
Be default the handle of the console that this script runs in.

You can either find the list of actions if you manualy rightclick a
file of that type in Windows Explorer (the topmost section of the
menu except "Open With") or go to the registry (regedit.exe) go to
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ext, look at the default value (the type of the
file), then go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<the_type>\Shell and the subkeys
are the different available actions. ShellExecute lets you use either
the name of the subkeys or the title specified in the default value
in that subkey.

If you need to find the list of actions programaticaly you just use
Win32::Registry or Tie::Registry to do the same. Find the type from
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ext, go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<the_type>\Shell and
list the subkeys.

REM: Based on Win32 API function ShellExecute


=item ShellExecuteEx

	ShellExecuteEx $filename;
	ShellExecuteEx $operation => $filename;
	ShellExecuteEx $operation => $filename, $params, $dir, $showOptions, $handle, $expand, $unicode;
	ShellExecuteEx $filename,
		{params => $params, dir => $dir, show => $showOptions, handle => $handle, expand => $expand, unicode => $unicode};
	ShellExecuteEx $operation => $filename,
		{params => $params, dir => $dir, show => $showOptions, handle => $handle, expand => $expand, unicode => $unicode};

This function instructs the system to execute whatever application is assigned to the file
type as the specified action in the registry.

	ShellExecuteEx 'open' => $filename;
	ShellExecuteEx $filename;

is equivalent to doubleclicking the file in the Explorer,

	ShellExecuteEx 'edit' => $filename;

is equivalent to rightclicking it and selecting the Edit action.


$operation : specifies the action to perform. The set of available operations depends on the file type.
Generally, the actions available from an object's shortcut menu are available verbs.

For executables there are two interesting werbs. "runas" allows you to run the application as an administrator
and "runasuser" allowing you to run the aplication as a different user.

$filename : The file to execute the action for.

$params : If the $filename parameter specifies an executable file, $params is a string that specifies
the parameters to be passed to the application. The format of this string is determined by
the $operation that is to be invoked. If $filename specifies a document file, $params should be undef.

$dir : the default directory for the invoked program.

$showOptions : one of the SW_... constants that specifies how the application is to be displayed
when it is opened.

$handle : The handle of the window that gets any message boxes that may be invoked by this.
Be default the handle of the console that this script runs in.

$expand: Expand any environment variables specified in the string given by the $dir or $filename parameter.

$unicode : Use this flag to indicate a Unicode application.

You can either find the list of actions if you manualy rightclick a
file of that type in Windows Explorer (the topmost section of the
menu except "Open With") or go to the registry (regedit.exe) go to
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ext, look at the default value (the type of the
file), then go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<the_type>\Shell and the subkeys
are the different available actions. ShellExecute lets you use either
the name of the subkeys or the title specified in the default value
in that subkey.

If you need to find the list of actions programaticaly you just use
Win32::Registry or Tie::Registry to do the same. Find the type from
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ext, go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<the_type>\Shell and
list the subkeys.

REM: Based on Win32 API function ShellExecuteEx


=head2 Options

=over 2

=item FOF_

 FOF_SILENT = do not show the progress dialog
 FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION = rename the file in case of collision
            ('file.txt' -> 'Copy of file.txt')
 FOF_NOCONFIRMATION = do not show the confirmation dialog
 FOF_ALLOWUNDO = send file(s) to RecycleBin instead of deleting
 FOF_FILESONLY = skip directories
 FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS = do not show the filenames in the process dialog
 FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR = do not confirm creating directories
 FOF_NOERRORUI = do not report errors
 FOF_NOCOPYSECURITYATTRIBS = do not copy security attributes

=item OFN_


Specifies that the File Name list box allows multiple selections. If you
also set the OFN_EXPLORER flag, the dialog box uses the Explorer-style
user interface; otherwise, it uses the old-style user interface.


If the user specifies a file that does not exist, this flag causes the
dialog box to prompt the user for permission to create the file. If the
user chooses to create the file, the dialog box closes and the function
returns the specified name; otherwise, the dialog box remains open.


Since I cannot implement hook procedures through Win32::API (AFAIK),
this option in not necessary.


Specifies that the user can type only names of existing files in the
File Name entry field. If this flag is specified and the user enters an
invalid name, the dialog box procedure displays a warning in a message
box. If this flag is specified, the OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST flag is also used.


Hides the Read Only check box.


For old-style dialog boxes, this flag causes the dialog box to use long
filenames. If this flag is not specified, or if the OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT
flag is also set, old-style dialog boxes use short filenames (8.3
format) for filenames with spaces. Explorer-style dialog boxes ignore
this flag and always display long filenames.


Restores the current directory to its original value if the user changed
the directory while searching for files.


Directs the dialog box to return the path and filename of the selected
shortcut (.LNK) file. If this value is not given, the dialog box returns
the path and filename of the file referenced by the shortcut


For old-style dialog boxes, this flag causes the dialog box to use short
filenames (8.3 format). Explorer-style dialog boxes ignore this flag and
always display long filenames.


Hides and disables the Network button.


Specifies that the returned file does not have the Read Only check box
checked and is not in a write-protected directory.


Specifies that the file is not created before the dialog box is closed.
This flag should be specified if the application saves the file on a
create-nonmodify network sharepoint. When an application specifies this
flag, the library does not check for write protection, a full disk, an
open drive door, or network protection. Applications using this flag
must perform file operations carefully, because a file cannot be
reopened once it is closed.


Specifies that the dialog boxes allow invalid characters in the returned


Causes the Save As dialog box to generate a message box if the selected
file already exists. The user must confirm whether to overwrite the


Specifies that the user can type only valid paths and filenames. If this
flag is used and the user types an invalid path and filename in the File
Name entry field, the dialog box function displays a warning in a
message box.


Causes the Read Only check box to be checked initially when the dialog
box is created. If the check box is checked when the dialog box is closed
$Win32::FileOp::ReadOnly is set to true.


Specifies that if a call to the OpenFile function fails because of a
network sharing violation, the error is ignored and the dialog box
returns the selected filename.


Causes the dialog box to display the Help button. The hwndOwner member
must specify the window to receive the HELPMSGSTRING registered messages
that the dialog box sends when the user clicks the Help button.

=item BIF_


Does not include network folders below the domain level in the tree view


Only returns file system directories. If the user selects folders that
are not part of the file system, the OK button is grayed.


Only returns file system ancestors. If the user selects anything other
than a file system ancestor, the OK button is grayed.

This option is strange, cause it seems to allow you to select only computers.
I don't know the definition of a filesystem ancestor, but I didn't think
it would be a computer. ?-|


Only returns computers. If the user selects anything other than a
computer, the OK button is grayed.


Only returns printers. If the user selects anything other than a
printer, the OK button is grayed.


Since it is currently impossible to define callbacks, this options is


Include an edit control in the browse dialog box that allows the user to type the name of an item.


insist on valid result (or CANCEL)


Use the new user interface. Setting this flag provides the user with a larger
dialog box that can be resized. The dialog box has several new capabilities
including: drag and drop capability within the dialog box, reordering, shortcut menus,
new folders, delete, and other shortcut menu commands. To use this flag, you must
call OleInitialize or CoInitialize before calling SHBrowseForFolder.




The browse dialog box can display URLs. The BIF_USENEWUI and BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES
flags must also be set. If these three flags are not set, the browser dialog box will reject URLs.
Even when these flags are set, the browse dialog box will only display URLs if the folder that
contains the selected item supports them.


Add a UA hint to the dialog, in place of the edit box. May not be combined with BIF_EDITBOX


Do not add the "New Folder" button to the dialog.  Only applicable with BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE.


Don't traverse target as shortcut


The browse dialog box can display shareable resources on remote systems.
It is intended for applications that want to expose remote shares on a local system.
The BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE flag must also be set.

=item CSIDL_

This is a list of available options for BrowseForFolder().


Recycle bin --- file system directory containing file objects in the
user's recycle bin. The location of this directory is not in the
registry; it is marked with the hidden and system attributes to prevent
the user from moving or deleting it.


Control Panel --- virtual folder containing icons for the control panel


Windows desktop --- virtual folder at the root of the name space.


File system directory used to physically store file objects on the
desktop (not to be confused with the desktop folder itself).


My Computer --- virtual folder containing everything on the local
computer: storage devices, printers, and Control Panel. The folder may
also contain mapped network drives.


Virtual folder containing fonts.


File system directory containing objects that appear in the network


Network Neighborhood --- virtual folder representing the top level of the
network hierarchy.


File system directory that serves as a common repository for documents.


Printers folder --- virtual folder containing installed printers.


File system directory that contains the user's program groups (which are
also file system directories).


File system directory that contains the user's most recently used


File system directory that contains Send To menu items.


File system directory containing Start menu items.


File system directory that corresponds to the user's Startup program


File system directory that serves as a common repository for document

Not all options make sense in all functions!

=item SW_


Hides the window and activates another window.


Maximizes the specified window.


Minimizes the specified window and activates the next top-level window in the z-order.


Activates and displays the window. If the window is minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and position. An application should specify this flag when restoring a minimized window.


Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position.


Sets the show state based on the SW_ flag specified in the STARTUPINFO structure passed to the CreateProcess function by the program that started the application. An application should call ShowWindow with this flag to set the initial show state of its main window.


Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window.


Activates the window and displays it as a minimized window.


Displays the window as a minimized window. The active window remains active.


Displays the window in its current state. The active window remains active.


Displays a window in its most recent size and position. The active window remains active.


Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and position. An application should specify this flag when displaying the window for the first time.


=head2 Variables


This variable (if defined) contains the text to be displayed on
the progress dialog if using FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS. This allows you
to present the user with your own message about what is happening
to his computer.

If the options for the call do not contain FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS, this
variable is ignored.

=head2 Examples

    use Win32::FileOp;

    CopyConfirm ('c:\temp\' => 'c:\temp\copy\\',
                 ['\temp\', 'temp\']
                 => ['c:\temp\', 'c:\temp\']);

    $Win32::FileOp::ProgressTitle = "Moving the temporary files ...";
    MoveEx 'c:\temp\file.txt' => 'd:\temp\\',
           ['c:\temp\file1.txt','c:\temp\file2.txt'] => 'd:\temp',
    undef $Win32::FileOp::ProgressTitle;

    Recycle 'c:\temp\';

=head2 Handles

All the functions keep Win32::API handles between calls. If you want to free the handles
you may undefine them, but NEVER EVER set them to anything else than undef !!!
Even  "$handlename = $handlename;" would destroy the handle without repair!
See docs for for explanation.

List of handles and functions that use them:

 $Win32::FileOp::fileop : Copy, CopyEx, CopyConfirm, Move, MoveEx, MoveConfirm
  Delete, DeleteEx, DeleteConfirm, Recycle, RecycleEx, RecycleConfirm
 $Win32::FileOp::movefileex : MoveFileEx MoveFile MoveAtReboot
 $Win32::FileOp::movefileexDel : DeleteAtReboot
 $Win32::FileOp::copyfile : CopyFile
 $Win32::FileOp::writeINI : WriteToINI MoveAtReboot DeleteAtReboot
 $Win32::FileOp::writeWININI : WriteToWININI
 $Win32::FileOp::deleteINI : DeleteFromINI
 $Win32::FileOp::deleteWININI : DeleteFromWININI
 $Win32::FileOp::readINI : ReadINI
 $Win32::FileOp::readWININI : ReadWININI
 $Win32::FileOp::GetOpenFileName : OpenDialog
 $Win32::FileOp::GetSaveFileName : SaveAsDialog
 $Win32::FileOp::SHAddToRecentDocs : AddToRecentDocs EmptyRecentDocs
 $Win32::FileOp::WindowHandle : OpenDialog SaveDialog
 $Win32::FileOp::WNetAddConnection3 : Map
 $Win32::FileOp::WNetGetConnection : Mapped
 $Win32::FileOp::WNetCancelConnection2 : Unmap Disconnect Map
 $Win32::FileOp::GetLogicalDrives : FreeDriveLetters Map

=head1 Notes

By default all functions are exported! If you do not want to polute your
namespace too much import only the functions you need.
You may import either single functions or whole groups.

The available groups are :

 BASIC = Move..., Copy..., Recycle... and Delete... functions plus constants
 _BASIC = FOF_... constants only
 HANDLES = DesktopHandle GetDesktopHandle WindowHandle GetWindowHandle
 INI = WriteToINI WriteToWININI ReadINI ReadWININI ReadINISectionKeys
       DeleteFromINI DeleteFromWININI
 DIALOGS = OpenDialog, SaveAsDialog and BrowseForFolder plus OFN_...,
           BIF_... and CSIDL_... constants
 _DIALOGS = only OFN_..., BIF_... and CSIDL_... constants
 RECENT = AddToRecentDocs, EmptyRecentDocs
 DIRECTORY = UpdateDir, FillInDir
 COMPRESS => Compress Uncompress Compressed SetCompression GetCompression
             CompressedSize CompressDir UncompressDir
 MAP => Map Unmap Disconnect Mapped
 SUBST => Subst Unsubst Substed SubstDev


 use Win32::FileOp qw(:BASIC GetDesktopHandle);
 use Win32::FileOp qw(:_BASIC MoveEx CopyEx);
 use Win32::FileOp qw(:INI :_DIALOGS SaveAsDialog);

This module contains all methods from Win32::RecycleBin. The only change
you have to do is to use this module instead of the old Win32::RecycleBin.
Win32:RecycleBin is not supported anymore!

=head1 TO-DO

WNetConnectionDialog, WNetDisconnectDialog


Copyright (c) 1997-2013 Jan Krynicky <>, $Bill Luebkert <> and Mike Blazer <>. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHORS

 Module built by :
  Jan Krynicky <>
  $Bill Luebkert <>
  Mike Blazer <>
  Aldo Calpini <>
  Michael Yamada <>
  "Steve Waring" <>
