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package App::SD::ForeignReplica;
use Any::Moose;
use Params::Validate qw/:all/;

extends 'Prophet::ForeignReplica';
sub integrate_changeset {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = validate(
        {   changeset          => { isa      => 'Prophet::ChangeSet' },
            resolver           => { optional => 1 },
            resolver_class     => { optional => 1 },
            resdb              => { optional => 1 },
            conflict_callback  => { optional => 1 },
            reporting_callback => { optional => 1 }

    my $changeset = $args{'changeset'};
    return if $self->last_changeset_from_source( $changeset->original_source_uuid) >= $changeset->original_sequence_no;

=head2 integrate_change $change $changeset

Given a change (and the changeset it's part of), this routine will load
the push encoder for the foreign replica's type and call integrate_change
on it.

To avoid publishing prophet-private data, It skips any change with a record type
that record_type starts with '__'.

This is probably a bug.


sub integrate_change {
    my $self = shift;
    my ( $change, $changeset ) = validate_pos(
        { isa => 'Prophet::Change' },
        { isa => 'Prophet::ChangeSet' }

    # don't push internal records
    return if $change->record_type =~ /^__/;

    Prophet::App->require( $self->push_encoder());
    my $recoder = $self->push_encoder->new( { sync_source => $self } );

=head2 record_pushed_transactions

Walk the set of transactions on the ticket whose id you've passed in, looking for updates by the 'current user' which happened after start_time and before now. Then mark those transactions as ones that originated in SD, so we don't accidentally push them later.


=item ticket

=item changeset

=item start_time



sub record_pushed_transactions {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = validate( @_,
        { ticket => 1, changeset => { isa => 'Prophet::ChangeSet' }, start_time => 1} );

    my $earliest_valid_txn_date;

    # walk through every transaction on the ticket, starting with the latest
    for my $txn ( $self->get_txn_list_by_date($args{ticket}) ) {
        # walk backwards through all transactions on the ticket we just updated
        # Skip any transaction where the remote user isn't me, this might include any transaction
        # RT created with a scrip on your behalf
        next unless $txn->{creator} eq $self->foreign_username;

        # get the completion time _after_ we do our next round trip to rt to try to make sure
        # a bit of lag doesn't skew us to the wrong side of a 1s boundary
       if (!$earliest_valid_txn_date){
            my $change_window =  time() - $args{start_time};
            # skip any transaction created more than 5 seconds before the push started.
            # I can't think of any reason that number shouldn't be 1, but clocks are fickle
            $earliest_valid_txn_date = $txn->{created} - ($change_window + 5); 

        last if $txn->{created} < $earliest_valid_txn_date;

        # if the transaction id is older than the id of the last changeset
        # we got from the original source of this changeset, we're done
        last if $txn->{id} <= $self->app_handle->handle->last_changeset_from_source($args{changeset}->original_source_uuid);
        # if the transaction from RT is more recent than the most recent
        # transaction we got from the original source of the changeset
        # then we should record that we sent that transaction upstream

            transaction => $txn->{id},
            changeset   => $args{'changeset'},
            record      => $args{'ticket'}

=head2 record_pushed_transaction $foreign_transaction_id, $changeset

Record that this replica was the original source of $foreign_transaction_id 
(with changeset $changeset)


sub record_pushed_transaction {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = validate( @_,
        { transaction => 1, changeset => { isa => 'Prophet::ChangeSet' }, record => 1 } );

    my $key =  join('-', "foreign-txn-from" , $self->uuid , 'record' , $args{record} , 'txn' , $args{transaction} );
    my $value = join(':', $args{changeset}->original_source_uuid, $args{changeset}->original_sequence_no );

    $self->store_local_metadata($key => $value);


=head2 foreign_transaction_originated_locally $transaction_id $foreign_record_id

Given a transaction id, will return true if this transaction
originated in Prophet and was pushed to the foreign replica or
originated in the foreign replica and has already been pulled to
the Prophet replica.

This is a mapping of all the transactions we have pushed to the
remote replica we'll only ever care about remote sequence #s greater
than the last transaction # we've pulled from the remote replica
once we've done a pull from the remote replica, we can safely expire
all records of this type for the remote replica (they'll be

We use this cache to avoid integrating changesets we've pushed to the 
remote replica when doing a subsequent pull


sub foreign_transaction_originated_locally {
    my $self = shift;
    my ( $id, $record ) = validate_pos( @_, 1, 1 );
    return $self->fetch_local_metadata(
        "foreign-txn-from-" . $self->uuid . '-record-' . $record . '-txn-' . $id );

sub traverse_changesets {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = validate( @_,
        {   after    => 1,
            callback => 1,
            before_load_changeset_callback => { type => CODEREF, optional => 1},
            reporting_callback => { type => CODEREF, optional => 1 },

    Prophet::App->require( $self->pull_encoder());
    my $recoder = $self->pull_encoder->new( { sync_source => $self } );
    my ( $changesets ) = $recoder->run( after => $args{'after'} );
    for my $changeset (@$changesets) {
        if ( $args{'before_load_changeset_callback'} ) {
            my $continue = $args{'before_load_changeset_callback'}->(
                changeset_metadata => $self->_construct_changeset_index_entry($changeset)

            next unless $continue;


            changeset                 => $changeset,
            after_integrate_changeset => sub {
                    $changeset->original_source_uuid => $changeset->original_sequence_no );

              # We're treating each individual ticket in the foreign system as its own 'replica'
              # because of that, we need to hint to the push side of the system what the most recent
              # txn on each ticket it has.
                my $previously_modified
                    = App::SD::Util::string_to_datetime( $self->upstream_last_modified_date || '');
                my $created_datetime = App::SD::Util::string_to_datetime( $changeset->created );
                $self->record_upstream_last_modified_date( $changeset->created )
                    if ( ( $created_datetime ? $created_datetime->epoch : 0 )
                    > ( $previously_modified ? $previously_modified->epoch : 0 ) );

        $args{reporting_callback}->($changeset) if ($args{reporting_callback});



sub _construct_changeset_index_entry {
    my $self = shift;
    my $changeset = shift;

    return [ $changeset->sequence_no, $changeset->original_source_uuid, $changeset->original_sequence_no, $changeset->calculate_sha1];


sub remote_uri_path_for_id {
    die "your subclass needs to implement this to be able to ".
        "map a remote id to /ticket/id or soemthing";


=head2 uuid_for_remote_id $id

lookup the uuid for the remote record id. If we don't find it, 
construct it out of the remote url and the remote uri path for the record id;


sub uuid_for_remote_id {
    my ( $self, $id ) = @_;

    return $self->_lookup_uuid_for_remote_id($id)
        ||$self->_url_based_uuid_for_remote_ticket_id( $id);

sub _lookup_uuid_for_remote_id {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($id) = validate_pos( @_, 1 );

    return $self->fetch_local_metadata('local_uuid_for_'.  $self->_url_based_uuid_for_remote_ticket_id( $id));

sub _set_uuid_for_remote_id {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = validate( @_, { uuid => 1, remote_id => 1 } );
    return $self->store_local_metadata('local_uuid_for_'.
        $self->_url_based_uuid_for_remote_ticket_id( $args{'remote_id'} ),

sub _url_based_uuid_for_remote_ticket_id {
    my $self = shift;
    my $id = shift;

    return $self->uuid_for_url(
        . $self->remote_uri_path_for_id( $id )


# This mapping table stores uuids for tickets we've synced from a remote database
# Basically, if we created the ticket to begin with, then we'll know its uuid
# if we pulled the ticket from the foreign replica then its uuid will be generated
# based on a UUID-from-ticket-url scheme

sub remote_id_for_uuid {
    my ( $self, $uuid_or_luid ) = @_;

    require App::SD::Model::Ticket;
    my $ticket = App::SD::Model::Ticket->new(
        app_handle => $self->app_handle,
        type   => 'ticket'
    $ticket->load( $uuid_or_luid =~ /^\d+$/? 'luid': 'uuid', $uuid_or_luid )
        or do {
            warn "couldn't load ticket #$uuid_or_luid";
            return undef;

    my $prop = $self->uuid . '-id';
    my $id = $ticket->prop( $prop )
        or warn "ticket #$uuid_or_luid has no property '$prop'";
    return $id;

sub _set_remote_id_for_uuid {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = validate(
        {   uuid      => 1,
            remote_id => 1

    require App::SD::Model::Ticket;
    my $ticket = App::SD::Model::Ticket->new(
        app_handle => $self->app_handle,
        type   => 'ticket'
    $ticket->load( uuid => $args{'uuid'} );
    $ticket->set_props( props => { $self->uuid.'-id' => $args{'remote_id'} } );


=head2 record_remote_id_for_pushed_record

When pushing a record created within the prophet cloud to a foreign replica, we
need to do bookkeeping to record the prophet uuid to remote id mapping.


sub record_remote_id_for_pushed_record {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = validate(
        {   uuid      => 1,
            remote_id => 1

sub record_upstream_last_modified_date {
    my $self = shift;
    my $date = shift;
    return $self->store_local_metadata('last_modified_date' => $date);

sub upstream_last_modified_date {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->fetch_local_metadata('last_modified_date');

no Any::Moose;
