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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /;


=head2 @SupportedDrivers

Array of all supported DBD drivers.


our @SupportedDrivers = qw(

=head2 @AvailableDrivers

Array that lists only drivers from supported list
that user has installed.


our @AvailableDrivers = grep { eval "require DBD::". $_ } @SupportedDrivers;


=head2 get_handle

Returns new DB specific handle. Takes one argument DB C<$type>.
Other arguments uses to construct handle.


sub get_handle
	my $type = shift;
	my $class = 'DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::'. $type;
	eval "require $class";
	die $@ if $@;
	my $handle;
	$handle = $class->new( @_ );
	return $handle;

=head2 handle_to_driver

Returns driver name which gets from C<$handle> object argument.


sub handle_to_driver
	my $driver = ref($_[0]);
	$driver =~ s/^.*:://;
	return $driver;

=head2 connect_handle

Connects C<$handle> object to DB.


sub connect_handle
	my $call = "connect_". lc handle_to_driver( $_[0] );
	return unless defined &$call;
	goto &$call;

=head2 connect_handle_with_driver($handle, $driver)

Connects C<$handle> using driver C<$driver>; can use this to test the
magic that turns a C<DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle> into a C<DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::Foo>
on C<Connect>.


sub connect_handle_with_driver
	my $call = "connect_". lc $_[1];
	return unless defined &$call;
	@_ = $_[0];
	goto &$call;

sub connect_sqlite {

    my ( $fh, $filename ) = tempfile();
    my $handle = shift;
    return $handle->Connect(
        Driver   => 'SQLite',
        Database => $filename

sub connect_mysql
	my $handle = shift;
	return $handle->Connect(
		Driver => 'mysql',
		Database => $ENV{'SB_TEST_MYSQL'},
		User => $ENV{'SB_TEST_MYSQL_USER'} || 'root',
		Password => $ENV{'SB_TEST_MYSQL_PASS'} || '',

sub connect_pg
	my $handle = shift;
	return $handle->Connect(
		Driver => 'Pg',
		Database => $ENV{'SB_TEST_PG'},
		User => $ENV{'SB_TEST_PG_USER'} || 'postgres',
		Password => $ENV{'SB_TEST_PG_PASS'} || '',

sub connect_oracle
	my $handle = shift;
	return $handle->Connect(
		Driver   => 'Oracle',
		Database => $ENV{'SB_TEST_ORACLE'},
		Host     => $ENV{'SB_TEST_ORACLE_HOST'},
		User     => $ENV{'SB_TEST_ORACLE_USER'} || 'test',
		Password => $ENV{'SB_TEST_ORACLE_PASS'} || 'test',

=head2 should_test

Checks environment for C<SB_TEST_*> variables.
Returns true if specified DB back-end should be tested.
Takes one argument C<$driver> name.


sub should_test
	my $driver = shift;
	return 1 if lc $driver eq 'sqlite';
	my $env = 'SB_TEST_'. uc $driver;
	return $ENV{$env};

=head2 had_schema

Returns true if C<$class> has schema for C<$driver>.


sub has_schema
	my ($class, $driver) = @_;
	my $method = 'schema_'. lc $driver;
	return UNIVERSAL::can( $class, $method );

=head2 init_schema

Takes C<$class> and C<$handle> and inits schema by calling
C<schema_$driver> method of the C<$class>.
Returns last C<DBI::st> on success or last return value of the
SimpleQuery method on error.


sub init_schema
	my ($class, $handle) = @_;
	my $call = "schema_". lc handle_to_driver( $handle );
	my $schema = $class->$call();
	$schema = ref( $schema )? $schema : [$schema];
	my $ret;
	foreach my $query( @$schema ) {
		$ret = $handle->SimpleQuery( $query );
		return $ret unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $ret, 'DBI::st' );
	return $ret;

=head2 cleanup_schema

Takes C<$class> and C<$handle> and cleanup schema by calling
C<cleanup_schema_$driver> method of the C<$class> if method exists.
Always returns undef.


sub cleanup_schema
	my ($class, $handle) = @_;
	my $call = "cleanup_schema_". lc handle_to_driver( $handle );
	return unless UNIVERSAL::can( $class, $call );
	my $schema = $class->$call();
	$schema = ref( $schema )? $schema : [$schema];
	foreach my $query( @$schema ) {
		eval { $handle->SimpleQuery( $query ) };

=head2 init_data


sub init_data
	my ($class, $handle) = @_;
	my @data = $class->init_data();
	my @columns = @{ shift @data };
	my $count = 0;
	foreach my $values ( @data ) {
		my %args;
		for( my $i = 0; $i < @columns; $i++ ) {
			$args{ $columns[$i] } = $values->[$i];
		my $rec = $class->new( $handle );
		my $id = $rec->Create( %args );
		die "Couldn't create record" unless $id;
	return $count;
