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use warnings;
use strict;

package Jifty::Util;

=head1 NAME

Jifty::Util - Things that don't fit anywhere else



use Jifty ();
use File::Spec ();
use Cwd ();


=head2 absolute_path PATH

C<absolute_path> converts PATH into an absolute path, relative to the
application's root (as determined by L</app_root>)  This can be called
as an object or class method.


sub absolute_path {
    my $self = shift;
    my $path = shift || '';

    return $ABSOLUTE_PATH{$path} if (exists $ABSOLUTE_PATH{$path});
    $path = $self->canonicalize_path($path);
    return $ABSOLUTE_PATH{$path} = File::Spec->rel2abs($path , Jifty::Util->app_root);

=head2 canonicalize_path PATH

Takes a "path" style /foo/bar/baz and returns a canonicalized (but not necessarily absolute)
version of the path.  Always use C</> as the separator, even on platforms which recognizes
both C</> and C<\> as valid separators in PATH.


sub canonicalize_path {
    my $self = shift;
    my $path = shift;

    my @path = File::Spec->splitdir($path);

    my @newpath;

    for (@path)  {
        # If we have an empty part and it's not the root, skip it.
        if ( @newpath and ($_ =~ /^(?:\.|)$/)) {
        elsif( $_ ne '..')  {
        push @newpath, $_ ;
    } else {
        pop @newpath;


    return File::Spec::Unix->catdir(@newpath);


=head2 jifty_root

Returns the root directory that Jifty has been installed into.
Uses %INC to figure out where is.


sub jifty_root {
    my $self = shift;
    unless ($JIFTY_ROOT) {
        my ($vol,$dir,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath($INC{""});
        $JIFTY_ROOT = File::Spec->rel2abs($dir);   
    return ($JIFTY_ROOT);

=head2 share_root

Returns the 'share' directory of the installed Jifty module.  This is
currently only used to store the common Mason components, CSS, and JS
of Jifty and it's plugins.


sub share_root {
    my $self = shift;

    $SHARE_ROOT ||=  eval { File::Spec->rel2abs( File::ShareDir::module_dir('Jifty') )};
    if (not $SHARE_ROOT or not -d $SHARE_ROOT) {
        # XXX TODO: This is a bloody hack
        # Module::Install::ShareDir and File::ShareDir don't play nicely
        # together
        my @root = File::Spec->splitdir($self->jifty_root); # lib
        pop @root; # Jifty-version
        $SHARE_ROOT = File::Spec->catdir(@root,"share");
    return ($SHARE_ROOT);

=head2 app_root

Returns the application's root path.  This is done by searching upward
from the current directory, looking for a directory which contains a
C<bin/jifty>.  Failing that, it searches upward from wherever the
executable was found.

It C<die>s if it can only find C</usr> or C</usr/local> which fit
these criteria.


sub app_root {
    my $self = shift;

    return $APP_ROOT if ($APP_ROOT);
    my @roots;

    push( @roots, Cwd::cwd() );

    eval { Jifty::Util->require('FindBin') };
    if ( my $err = $@ ) {
        #warn $@;
    } else {
        push @roots, $FindBin::Bin;

    Jifty::Util->require('ExtUtils::MM') if $^O =~ /(?:MSWin32|cygwin|os2)/;
    for (@roots) {
        my @root = File::Spec->splitdir($_);
        while (@root) {
            my $try = File::Spec->catdir( @root, "bin", "jifty" );
            if (# XXX: Just a quick hack
                # MSWin32's 'maybe_command' sees only file extension.
                # Maybe we should check 'jifty.bat' instead on Win32,
                # if it is (or would be) provided.
                # Also, /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin should be taken from
                # %Config{bin} or %Config{scriptdir} or something like that
                # for portablility.
                # Note that to compare files in Win32 we have to ignore the case
                (-e $try or (($^O =~ /(?:MSWin32|cygwin|os2)/) and MM->maybe_command($try)))
                and lc($try) ne lc(File::Spec->catdir($Config::Config{bin}, "jifty"))
                and lc($try) ne lc(File::Spec->catdir($Config::Config{scriptdir}, "jifty")) )
                return $APP_ROOT = File::Spec->catdir(@root);
            pop @root;
    warn "Can't guess application root from current path ("
        . Cwd::cwd()
        . ") or bin path ($FindBin::Bin)\n";
    return ''; # returning undef causes tons of 'uninitialized...' warnings.

=head2 default_app_name

Returns the default name of the application.  This is the name of the
application's root directory, as defined by L</app_root>.


sub default_app_name {
    my $self = shift;
    my @root = File::Spec->splitdir( Jifty::Util->app_root);
    my $name =  pop @root;

    # Jifty-0.10211 should become Jifty
    $name = $1 if $name =~ /^(.*?)-(.*\..*)$/;

    # But don't actually allow "Jifty" as the name
    $name = "JiftyApp" if lc $name eq "jifty";

    return $name;

=head2 make_path PATH

When handed a directory, creates that directory, starting as far up the 
chain as necessary. (This is what 'mkdir -p' does in your shell).


sub make_path {
    my $self = shift;
    my $whole_path = shift;
    return 1 if (-d $whole_path);

=head2 require PATH

Uses L<UNIVERSAL::require> to require the provided C<PATH>.
Additionally, logs any failures at the C<error> log level.


sub require {
    my $self = shift;
    my $module = shift;
    $self->_require( module => $module,  quiet => 0);

sub _require {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = ( module => undef, quiet => undef, @_);
    my $class = $args{'module'};

    # Quick hack to silence warnings.
    # Maybe some dependencies were lost.
    unless ($class) {
        Jifty->log->error(sprintf("no class was given at %s line %d\n", (caller)[1,2]));
        return 0;

    return 1 if $self->already_required($class);

    local $UNIVERSAL::require::ERROR = '';
    my $retval = $class->require;
    if ($UNIVERSAL::require::ERROR) {
        my $error = $UNIVERSAL::require::ERROR;
        $error =~ s/ at .*?\n$//;
        if ($args{'quiet'} and $error =~ /^Can't locate/) {
            return 0;
        elsif ( $UNIVERSAL::require::ERROR !~ /^Can't locate/) {
            die $UNIVERSAL::require::ERROR;
        } else {
            Jifty->log->error(sprintf("$error at %s line %d\n", (caller(1))[1,2]));
            return 0;

    # If people forget the '1;' line in the dispatcher, don't eit them
    if ($class =~ /::Dispatcher$/ and ref $retval eq "ARRAY") {
        Jifty->log->error("$class did not return a true value; assuming it was a dispatcher rule");
        Jifty::Dispatcher::_push_rule($class, $_) for @{$retval};

    return 1;

=head2 try_to_require Module

This method works just like L</require>, except that it surpresses the error message
in cases where the module isn't found.


sub  try_to_require {
    my $self = shift;
    my $module = shift;
    $self->_require( module => $module,  quiet => 1);

=head2 already_required class

Helper function to test whether a given class has already been require'd.


sub already_required {
    my ($self, $class) = @_;
    my $path =  join('/', split(/::/,$class)).".pm";
    return ( $INC{$path} ? 1 : 0);

=head2 generate_uuid

Generate a new UUID using B<Data::UUID>.


my $Data_UUID_instance;
sub generate_uuid {
    ($Data_UUID_instance ||= do {
        require Data::UUID;

=head1 AUTHOR

Various folks at Best Practical Solutions, LLC.

