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use warnings;
use strict;

package Jifty::View::Declare::Helpers;
use Template::Declare::Tags;
use base qw/Template::Declare Exporter/;

our @EXPORT = (
    qw(hyperlink tangent redirect new_action
    form_submit form_return form_next_page page content
    wrapper request get set render_param current_user
    render_action render_region),

=head1 NAME

Jifty::View::Declare::Helpers - Additional subroutines for Jifty TD templates


This library provides mixins to help build your application's user interface.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 form CODE

Takes a subroutine reference or block of perl as its only argument and renders it as a Jifty C<form>. 


    no warnings qw/redefine/;
    sub form (&;$) {
        my $code = shift;

        smart_tag_wrapper {
          outs_raw( Jifty->web->form->start(@_) );
          outs_raw( Jifty->web->form->end );
          return '';

=head2 hyperlink 

Shortcut for L<Jifty::Web/link>.


sub hyperlink(@) {
    _function_wrapper( link => @_);

sub _function_wrapper {
    my $function = shift;
    my $once= Jifty->web->$function(@_)->render || '';
    my $content = Template::Declare->buffer->data() ||'';
    outs_raw( $content.$once); 
    return '';


=head2 tangent

Shortcut for L<Jifty::Web/tangent>.


sub tangent(@) {
    _function_wrapper( tangent => @_);

=head2 redirect

Shortcut for L<Jifty::Web/redirect>.


sub redirect(@) {
    return '';

=head2 new_action

Shortcut for L<Jifty::Web/new_action>.


sub new_action(@) {
    return Jifty->web->new_action(@_);

=head2 render_region 

A shortcut for Jifty::Web::PageRegion->new(@_)->render which does the
Template::Declare magic necessary to not mix its output with your current


sub render_region(@) {
    unshift @_, 'name' if @_ % 2;
    my $args = {@_};
    my $path = $args->{path} ||= '/__jifty/empty';
    if ($Template::Declare::Tags::self && $path !~ m|^/|) {
	$args->{path} = $Template::Declare::Tags::self->path_for($path);
    local $Template::Declare::Tags::self = undef;
    my $content = Template::Declare->buffer->data();

=head2 render_action $action_object, $fields, $args_to_pass_to_action

Renders an action out of whole cloth.



=item $action_object

A Jifty::Action object which has already been initialized

=item $fields

A reference to an array of fields that should be rendered when
displaying this action. If left undefined, all of the 
action's fields will be rendered.

=item $args_to_pass_to_action

A hashref of arguments that should be passed to $action->form_field for
every field of this action.



sub render_action(@) {
    my ( $action, $fields, $field_args ) = @_;
    my @f = ($fields && ref ($fields) eq 'ARRAY') ? @$fields : $action->argument_names;
    foreach my $argument (@f) {
        outs_raw( $action->form_field( $argument, %$field_args ) );

=head2 form_return

Shortcut for L<Jifty::Web::Form/return>.


sub form_return(@) {
    outs_raw( Jifty->web->form->return(@_) );

=head2 form_submit

Shortcut for L<Jifty::Web::Form/submit>.


sub form_submit(@) {
    outs_raw( Jifty->web->form->submit(@_) );

=head2 form_next_page

Shortcut for L<Jifty::Web::Form/next_page>.


sub form_next_page(@) {

=head2 request

Shortcut for L<Jifty::Web/request>.


sub request {

=head2 current_user

Shortcut for L<Jifty::Web/current_user>.


sub current_user {

=head2 get args

Returns arguments as set in the dispatcher or with L</set> below.
If called in scalar context, pulls the first item in C<args> and returns it.
If called in list context, returns the values of all items in C<args>.


sub get {
    if (wantarray) {
        map { request->argument($_) } @_;
    } else {
        request->argument( $_[0] );

=head2 set key => val [ key => val ...]

Sets arguments for later grabbing with L<get>.


sub set {
    while ( my ( $arg, $val ) = splice(@_, 0, 2) ) {
        request->argument( $arg => $val );


=head2 render_param $action @args

Takes an action and one or more arguments to pass to L<Jifty::Action->form_field>.


sub render_param {
    my $action = shift;
    outs_raw( $action->form_field(@_) );
    return '';

=head2 page

 template 'foo' => page {{ title is 'Foo' } ... };


 template 'foo' => page { title => 'Foo' } content { ... };

Renders an HTML page wrapped in L</wrapper>, after calling
"/_elements/nav" and setting a content type. Generally, you shouldn't
be using "/_elements/nav" but a Dispatcher rule instead.

If C<page/content> calling convention is used, the return value of the
first sub will be passed into wrapper as the second argument as a
hashref, as well as the last argument for the content sub.


sub page (&;$) {
    unshift @_, undef if $#_ == 0;
    my ( $meta, $code ) = @_;
    sub {
        my $self = shift;
        Jifty->handler->apache->content_type('text/html; charset=utf-8');
        my $wrapper = Jifty->app_class('View')->can('wrapper') || \&wrapper;
        my @metadata = $meta ? $meta->() : ();
        my $metadata = $#metadata == 0 ? $metadata[0] : {@metadata};
        local *is::title = sub { warn "Can't use 'title is' when mixing mason and TD" };
        $wrapper->( sub { $code->( $self, $metadata ) }, $metadata );

=head2 content

Helper function for page { ... } content { ... }


sub content (&;$) {
    # XXX: Check for only 1 arg
    return $_[0];

=head2 wrapper $coderef

Render a page. $coderef is a L<Template::Declare> coderef. 
This badly wants to be redone.


sub wrapper {
    my $app_class = get_current_attr('PageClass') || 'View::Page';
    delete $Template::Declare::Tags::ATTRIBUTES{ 'PageClass' };

    my $page_class = Jifty->app_class( $app_class );
    $page_class = 'Jifty::View::Declare::Page'
        unless Jifty::Util->_require( module => $page_class, quiet => 1 );
    # XXX: fallback, this is ugly
    Jifty::Util->require( $page_class );

    my $page = $page_class->new({ content_code => shift });

    my ($spa) = Jifty->find_plugin('Jifty::Plugin::SinglePage');

    # XXX: spa hooks should be moved to page handlers
    if ($spa && $page->allow_single_page) {
	# If it's a single page app, we want to either render a
	# wrapper and then get the region or render just the content
        if ( !Jifty->web->current_region ) {
            $page->render_body(sub {
                render_region( $spa->region_name,
                    path => Jifty->web->request->path );
        } else {
    else {
	$page->render_body( sub { $page->render_page->() });
