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package Prophet::CLI::Command::Config;
use Any::Moose;
use Params::Validate qw/validate/;
extends 'Prophet::CLI::Command';

with 'Prophet::CLI::TextEditorCommand';

has config_filename => (
    is => 'rw',
    isa => 'Str',
    lazy => 1,
    default => sub {

has old_errors => (
    is => 'rw',
    isa => 'Str',
    default => '',

sub ARG_TRANSLATIONS { shift->SUPER::ARG_TRANSLATIONS(),  a => 'add', d => 'delete', s => 'show' };

sub usage_msg {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cmd = $self->cli->get_script_name;

    return <<"END_USAGE";
usage: ${cmd}config [show]
       ${cmd}config edit [--global|--user]
       ${cmd}config <section.subsection.var> [<value>]

sub run {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->print_usage if $self->has_arg('h');

    my $config = $self->config;

    if ($self->has_arg('global')) {
    elsif ($self->has_arg('user')) {

    # add is the same as set
    if ( $self->context->has_arg('add') && !$self->has_arg('set') ) {
        $self->context->set_arg('set', $self->arg('add') )

    if ( $self->has_arg('set') || $self->has_arg('delete') ) {
        if ( $self->has_arg('set') ) {
            my $value = $self->arg('set');
            if ( $value =~ /^\s*(.+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/ ) {
                my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2);
                $self->_warn_unknown_args( $key, $value );
                    key      => $key,
                    value    => $value,
                    filename => $self->config_filename,
            # no value given, just print the current value
            else {
                $self->_warn_unknown_args( $self->arg('set') );
                my $value = $config->get( key => $self->arg('set') );
                if ( defined $value ) {
                    print $config->get( key => $self->arg('set') ) . "\n";
                else {
                    print "Key " . $self->arg('set') . " is not set.\n";
        elsif ( $self->has_arg('delete') ) {
            my $key = $self->arg('delete');

            $self->_warn_unknown_args( $key );

                key => $key,
                filename => $self->config_filename,

    elsif ( $self->has_arg('edit') ) {
        my $done = 0;

        die "You don't have write permissions on "
            .$self->config_filename.", can't edit!\n"
            if (-e $self->config_filename && ! -w $self->config_filename)
                || ! -w (File::Spec->splitpath($self->config_filename))[1];
        my $template = $self->make_template;

        while ( !$done ) {
            $done = $self->try_to_edit( template => \$template );
    else {
        # if no args are given, print out the contents of the currently loaded
        # config files
        print "Configuration:\n\n";
        my @files =@{$config->config_files};
        if (!scalar @files) {
            print $self->no_config_files;
        print "Config files:\n\n";
        for my $file (@files) {
            print "$file\n";
        print "\nYour configuration:\n\n";

sub _warn_unknown_args {
    my $self = shift;
    my $key = shift;
    my $value = shift;

    # help users avoid frustration if they accidentally do something
    # like config add = push --to
    my %args = %{$self->args};
    for my $arg ( qw(show edit add delete set user global) ) {
        delete $args{$arg};
    if ( keys %args != 0 ) {
        my $args_str = join(q{ }, keys %args);
        print "W: You have args set that aren't used by this command! Quote your\n"
            . "W: key/value if this was accidental.\n"
            . "W: - offending args: ${args_str}\n"
            . "W: - running command with key '$key'";
        print ", value '$value'" if defined $value;
        print "\n";

sub make_template {
    my $self = shift;

    return -f $self->config_filename
            ? Prophet::Util->slurp( $self->config_filename ) : '';

sub process_template {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = validate( @_, { template => 1, edited => 1, record => 0 } );

    # Attempt parsing the config. If we're good, remove any previous error
    # sections, write to disk and load.
    eval {
            content => $args{edited},
            error => sub {
                Config::GitLike::error_callback( @_, filename =>
                    $self->config_filename );
    if ($@) {
        chomp $@;
        my @error_lines = split "\n", $@;
        my $error = join "\n", map { "# Error: '$_'" } @error_lines;
            rtype => 'configuration',
            template_ref => $args{template},
            bad_template => $args{edited},
            errors_pattern => '',
            error => $error,
            old_errors => $self->old_errors,
        return 0;
    my $old_errors = $self->old_errors;
        file => $self->config_filename,
        content => $args{edited},
    return 1;

sub no_config_files {
    my $self = shift;
    return "No configuration files found. "
         . " Either create a file called
         "' or set the PROPHET_APP_CONFIG environment variable.\n\n";

sub parse_cli_arg {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($cmd, $arg) = @_;

    use Text::ParseWords qw(shellwords);
    my @args = shellwords($arg);

    if ( $args[0] eq 'show' ) {
        $self->context->set_arg(show => 1);
    elsif ( $args[0] eq 'edit' ) {
        $self->context->set_arg(edit => 1);
    elsif ( $args[0] eq 'delete' ) {
        $self->_setup_delete_subcmd( "$cmd delete", @args[1..$#args] );
    # all of these may also contain add|set after alias
    # prophet alias "foo bar" = "foo baz"
    # prophet alias foo = bar
    # prophet alias foo bar = bar baz
    # prophet alias foo bar = "bar baz"
    elsif ( $args[0] =~ /^(add|set)$/
        || (@args >= 3 && grep { m/(^=|=$)/ } @args)
        || (@args == 2 && $args[1] =~ /=/) ) {
        my $subcmd = $1;
        shift @args if $args[0] =~ /^(?:add|set)$/;

        $self->_setup_old_syntax_add_subcmd( $cmd, $subcmd, @args );
    # alternate syntax (preferred):
    # prophet alias "foo bar" "bar baz", prophet alias foo "bar baz",
    # prophet alias foo bar, etc.
    # (can still have add|set at the beginning)
    else {
        my $subcmd = q{};
        if ( $args[0] =~ /^(add|set)$/ ) {
            shift @args;
            $subcmd = $1;

        $self->_setup_new_syntax_add_subcmd( $cmd, $subcmd, @args );

sub _setup_delete_subcmd {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cmd = shift;
    my @args = @_;

    if ( @args ) {
        my $remainder = join(q{ }, @args);
        $self->context->set_arg(delete => $remainder);
    else {
        if ( $cmd =~ /delete/ ) {
                usage_method => sub {
                    $self->delete_usage_msg( $cmd );
        else {

sub _setup_old_syntax_add_subcmd {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cmd = shift;
    my $subcmd = shift;
    my @args = @_;

    if ( @args > 1 ) {
        # divide words up into two groups split on =
        my (@orig_words, @new_words);
        my $seen_equals = 0;
        for my $word (@args) {
            if ( $seen_equals ) {
                push @new_words, $word;
            else {
                if ( $word =~ s/=$// ) {
                    $seen_equals = 1;
                    # allows syntax like alias add foo bar= bar baz
                    push @orig_words, $word if $word;
                elsif ( $word =~ s/^=// ) {
                    $seen_equals = 1;
                    # allows syntax like alias add foo bar =bar baz
                    push @new_words, $word if $word;
                push @orig_words, $word;
        # join each group together to get what we're setting
        my $orig = join( q{ }, @orig_words );
        my $new  = join( q{ }, @new_words );

        $orig = "'$orig'" if $cmd =~ /^alias/ && $orig =~ /\./;
        $self->context->set_arg(set => "$orig=$new");
    # all of these may also contain add|set after alias
    # prophet alias "foo = bar"
    # prophet alias "foo bar = foo baz"
    elsif ( defined $args[0] && $args[0] =~ /=/ ) {
        $self->context->set_arg(set => $args[0]);
    else {
            usage_method      => sub {
                $self->add_usage_msg($cmd, $subcmd);

sub _setup_new_syntax_add_subcmd {
    my $self   = shift;
    my $cmd    = shift;
    my $subcmd = shift;
    my @args   = @_;

    if ( @args <= 2 ) {
        my ($orig, $new) = ($args[0], $args[1]);
        $orig = "'$orig'" if $cmd =~ /alias/ && $orig =~ /\./;
        if ( $new ) {
            $self->context->set_arg(set => "$orig=$new");
        else {
            $self->context->set_arg(set => $orig);
    else {
            usage_method      => sub {
                $self->add_usage_msg($cmd, $subcmd);

sub delete_usage_msg {
    my $self = shift;
    my $app_cmd = $self->cli->get_script_name;
    my $cmd = shift;

    qq{usage: ${app_cmd}${cmd} section.subsection.var\n};

sub add_usage_msg {
    my $self = shift;
    my $app_cmd = $self->cli->get_script_name;
    my ($cmd, $subcmd) = @_;

    qq{usage: ${app_cmd}${cmd} ${subcmd} section.subsection.var ["key value"]\n};

no Any::Moose;
