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use warnings;
use strict;
use Prophet::Test tests => 33;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir tempfile);
use Params::Validate;
use Prophet::Util;

my ($bug_uuid, $pullall_uuid);

my $alice_published = tempdir(CLEANUP => ! $ENV{PROPHET_DEBUG});

as_alice {
    ok( run_command( qw(init) ), 'replica init' );

    # check that new config section has been created with uuid variable
    my $config_contents = Prophet::Util->slurp($ENV{PROPHET_APP_CONFIG});
    $config_contents =~ s!\\\\!\\!g;
    my $replica_uuid = replica_uuid();
    like($config_contents, qr/\[core\]
	config-format-version = \d+
\[replica ".*?"\]
	uuid = \Q$replica_uuid\E
/, 'replica section created in config file after init');

    my $output
        = run_command( qw(create --type Bug -- --status new --from alice ) );
    my $expected = qr/Created Bug \d+ \((\S+)\)(?{ $bug_uuid = $1 })/;
    like( $output, $expected, 'Created a Bug record as alice' );

    ok($bug_uuid, "got a uuid for the Bug record");

        = run_command( qw(search --type Bug --regex .) );
    $expected = qr/new/;
    like( $output, $expected, 'Found our record' );

    ok( run_command( qw(publish --to), $alice_published ), 'publish --to' );

    # check that publish-url config key has been created correctly
    $config_contents = Prophet::Util->slurp($ENV{PROPHET_APP_CONFIG});
    $config_contents =~ s!\\\\!\\!g;
    like($config_contents, qr/\[core\]
	config-format-version = \d+
\[replica "(.*?)"\]
	uuid = \Q$replica_uuid\E
	publish-url = \Q$alice_published\E
/, 'publish-url variable created correctly in config');
    my ($replica_name) = ($config_contents =~ /\[replica "(.*?)"\]/);

    # change name in config
    my $new_config_contents = $config_contents;
    $new_config_contents =~ s/\Q$replica_name\E/alice/;
    $new_config_contents =~ s!\\!\\\\!g;
        file => $ENV{PROPHET_APP_CONFIG},
        content => $new_config_contents,

    # publish again to a different location
    my $new_published = tempdir( CLEANUP => ! $ENV{PROPHET_DEBUG} );
    ok( run_command( qw(publish --to), $new_published ),
        'publish again to different location',
    # make sure the subsection name was changed and the publish-url
    # was updated, rather than a new section being created
    $config_contents = Prophet::Util->slurp($ENV{PROPHET_APP_CONFIG});
    $config_contents =~ s!\\\\!\\!g;
    like($config_contents, qr/\[core\]
	config-format-version = \d+
\[replica "alice"\]
	uuid = \Q$replica_uuid\E
	publish-url = \Q$new_published\E
/, 'publish-url variable changed correctly in config');

    # check to make sure that publish doesn't fall back to using
    # url, since that would never make sense
    my ($uuid)
        = ($new_config_contents =~ /uuid = ($Prophet::CLIContext::ID_REGEX)/);
    $new_published = tempdir( CLEANUP => ! $ENV{PROPHET_DEBUG} );
    $new_published =~ s!\\!\\\\!g;
    my $bogus_name = tempdir( CLEANUP => ! $ENV{PROPHET_DEBUG} );
    $bogus_name =~ s!\\!\\\\!g;
        file => $ENV{PROPHET_APP_CONFIG},
        content => <<EOF,
[replica "$bogus_name"]
	uuid = $uuid
	url = $new_published
    ok( run_command( qw(publish --to), $bogus_name ),
        'publish to bogus name',
    ok( ! -f File::Spec->catfile( $new_published, 'config' )
        && -f File::Spec->catfile( $bogus_name, 'replica-uuid' ),
        'did not fall back to url variable' );

my $path = $alice_published;

as_bob {
    ok( run_command( 'clone', '--from', "file://$path" ),
        'clone as bob',
    my $config_contents = Prophet::Util->slurp($ENV{PROPHET_APP_CONFIG});
    $config_contents =~ s!\\\\!\\!g;
    my $replica_uuid = replica_uuid();
    like($config_contents, qr|\[core\]
	config-format-version = \d+
\[replica "file://\Q$path\E"\]
	url = file://\Q$path\E
	uuid = \Q$replica_uuid\E
|, 'replica section created in config file after clone');

    my $output = run_command( qw(search --type Bug --regex .));
    my $expected = qr/new/;
    like( $output, $expected, 'Found our record' );

as_alice {
    my $output
        = run_command( qw(create --type Pullall -- --status new --from alice ));
    my $expected = qr/Created Pullall \d+ \((\S+)\)(?{ $pullall_uuid = $1 })/;
    like( $output, $expected, 'Created a Pullall record as alice' );

    ok($pullall_uuid, "got a uuid $pullall_uuid for the Pullall record");

    ok( run_command( qw(publish --to), $alice_published ),
        "publish as alice to $alice_published" );

as_bob {
    # change name in config
    my $config_contents = Prophet::Util->slurp($ENV{PROPHET_APP_CONFIG});
    $config_contents =~ s!\\\\!\\!g;
    my ($replica_name) = ( $config_contents =~ /\[replica "(.*?)"\]/ );
    my $new_config_contents = $config_contents;
    $new_config_contents =~ s/\Q$replica_name\E/alice/;
    $new_config_contents =~ s!\\!\\\\!g;
        file => $ENV{PROPHET_APP_CONFIG},
        content => $new_config_contents,

    ok( run_command( 'pull', '--from', 'alice' ), 'pull from name');
    my $output = run_command( qw(search --type Pullall --regex .));
    like( $output, qr/new/, 'Found our record' );

    $new_config_contents =~ s/url/pull-url/;
        file => $ENV{PROPHET_APP_CONFIG},
        content => $new_config_contents,
    ok( run_command( 'pull', '--from', 'alice' ),
        'pull from name works with pull-url var',

    $new_config_contents .= "\turl = don't-use-this";
        file => $ENV{PROPHET_APP_CONFIG},
        content => $new_config_contents,
    ok( run_command( 'pull', '--from', 'alice' ),
        'pull-url is preferred over url',

as_charlie {
    ok( run_command( 'clone', '--from', "file://$path" ),
        'clone as charlie',

is(database_uuid_for('alice'), database_uuid_for('charlie'), "pull propagated the database uuid properly");
isnt(replica_uuid_for('alice'), replica_uuid_for('charlie'), "pull created a new replica uuid");

as_alice { check_replica('alice') };
as_bob { check_replica('bob') };
as_charlie { check_replica('charlie') };

sub check_replica {

    my $user = shift;

    my $cli = Prophet::CLI->new();
    my $replica = $cli->handle;
    my $changesets = $replica->fetch_changesets(after => 0);

    is(@$changesets, 2, "two changesets for $user");

        changeset   => $changesets->[0],
        user        => $user,
        record_type => 'Bug',
        record_uuid => $bug_uuid,
        sequence_no => 1,
        merge       => $user ne 'alice',
        name        => "$user\'s first changeset",
        changeset   => $changesets->[1],
        user        => $user,
        record_type => 'Pullall',
        record_uuid => $pullall_uuid,
        sequence_no => 2,
        merge       => $user ne 'alice',
        name        => "$user\'s second changeset",

sub changeset_ok {
    local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;

    my %args = validate(@_, {
        changeset   => 1,
        user        => 1,
        sequence_no => 1,
        record_type => 1,
        record_uuid => 1,
        merge       => 1,
        name        => 0,

    my $changeset = $args{changeset}->as_hash;

    my $changes = {
        $args{record_uuid} => {
            change_type  => 'add_file',
            record_type  => $args{record_type},
            prop_changes => {
                status => {
                    old_value => undef,
                    new_value => 'new',
                from => {
                    old_value => undef,
                    new_value => 'alice',
                creator => {
                    old_value => undef,
                    new_value => '',
                original_replica => {
                    old_value => undef,
                    new_value => replica_uuid_for('alice'),

    if ($args{merge}) {
        my $change_type = $args{sequence_no} > 1
                        ? 'update_file'
                        : 'add_file';

        my $prev_changeset_num = $args{sequence_no} > 1
                               ? $args{sequence_no} - 1
                               : undef;


    is_deeply($changeset, {
        creator              => '',
        created              => $changeset->{created},
        is_resolution        => undef,
        is_nullification     => undef,
        sequence_no          => $args{sequence_no},
        source_uuid          => replica_uuid_for($args{user}),
        original_sequence_no => $args{sequence_no},
        original_source_uuid => replica_uuid_for('alice'),
        changes              => $changes,
    }, $args{name});