#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use lib 't/lib';
use MBTest tests => 115;

use_ok 'Module::Build';

my $tmp = MBTest->tmpdir;

use DistGen;
my $dist = DistGen->new( dir => $tmp );


use Config;
use File::Spec::Functions qw( catdir splitdir splitpath );


# We need to create a well defined environment to test install paths.
# We do this by setting up appropriate Config entries.

my @installstyle = qw(lib perl5);
my $mb = Module::Build->new_from_context(
  installdirs => 'site',
  config => {
    installstyle    => catdir(@installstyle),

    installprivlib  => catdir($tmp, @installstyle),
    installarchlib  => catdir($tmp, @installstyle,
			      @Config{qw(version archname)}),
    installbin      => catdir($tmp, 'bin'),
    installscript   => catdir($tmp, 'bin'),
    installman1dir  => catdir($tmp, 'man', 'man1'),
    installman3dir  => catdir($tmp, 'man', 'man3'),
    installhtml1dir => catdir($tmp, 'html'),
    installhtml3dir => catdir($tmp, 'html'),

    installsitelib      => catdir($tmp, 'site', @installstyle, 'site_perl'),
    installsitearch     => catdir($tmp, 'site', @installstyle, 'site_perl',
				  @Config{qw(version archname)}),
    installsitebin      => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'bin'),
    installsitescript   => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'bin'),
    installsiteman1dir  => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'man', 'man1'),
    installsiteman3dir  => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'man', 'man3'),
    installsitehtml1dir => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'html'),
    installsitehtml3dir => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'html'),
isa_ok( $mb, 'Module::Build::Base' );

# Get us into a known state.

# Check install_path() accessor
    my( $map, $path );

    $map = $mb->install_path();
    is_deeply( $map, {}, 'install_path() accessor' );

    $path = $mb->install_path('elem' => '/foo/bar');
    is( $path, '/foo/bar', '  returns assigned path' );

    $path = $mb->install_path('elem');
    is( $path, '/foo/bar', '  can read stored path' );

    $map = $mb->install_path();
    is_deeply( $map, { 'elem' => '/foo/bar' }, '  can access map' );

    $path = $mb->install_path('elem' => undef);
    is( $path, undef, '  can delete a path element' );

    $map = $mb->install_path();
    is_deeply( $map, {}, '  deletes path from map' );

# Check install_base_relpaths() accessor
    my( $map, $path );

    $map = $mb->install_base_relpaths();
    is( ref($map), 'HASH', 'install_base_relpaths() accessor' );

    eval{ $path = $mb->install_base_relpaths('elem' => '/foo/bar') };
    like( $@, qr/Value must be a relative path/, '  emits error if path not relative' );

    $path = $mb->install_base_relpaths('elem' => 'foo/bar');
    is( $path, catdir(qw(foo bar)), '  returns assigned path' );

    $path = $mb->install_base_relpaths('elem');
    is( $path, catdir(qw(foo/bar)), '  can read stored path' );

    $map = $mb->install_base_relpaths();
    is_deeply( $map->{elem}, [qw(foo bar)], '  can access map' );

    $path = $mb->install_base_relpaths('elem' => undef);
    is( $path, undef, '  can delete a path element' );

    $map = $mb->install_base_relpaths();
    is( $map->{elem}, undef, '  deletes path from map' );

# Check prefix_relpaths() accessor
    my( $map, $path );

    $map = $mb->prefix_relpaths();
    is( ref($map), 'HASH', 'prefix_relpaths() accessor' );

    is_deeply( $mb->prefix_relpaths(), $mb->prefix_relpaths('site'),
               '  defaults to \'site\'' );

    eval{ $path = $mb->prefix_relpaths('site', 'elem' => '/foo/bar') };
    like( $@, qr/Value must be a relative path/, '  emits error if path not relative' );

    $path = $mb->prefix_relpaths('site', 'elem' => 'foo/bar');
    is( $path, catdir(qw(foo bar)), '  returns assigned path' );

    $path = $mb->prefix_relpaths('site', 'elem');
    is( $path, catdir(qw(foo bar)), '  can read stored path' );

    $map = $mb->prefix_relpaths();
    is_deeply( $map->{elem}, [qw(foo bar)], '  can access map' );

    $path = $mb->prefix_relpaths('site', 'elem' => undef);
    is( $path, undef, '  can delete a path element' );

    $map = $mb->prefix_relpaths();
    is( $map->{elem}, undef, '  deletes path from map' );

# Check that we install into the proper default locations.
    is( $mb->installdirs, 'site' );
    is( $mb->install_base, undef );
    is( $mb->prefix,       undef );

    test_install_destinations( $mb, {
      lib     => catdir($tmp, 'site', @installstyle, 'site_perl'),
      arch    => catdir($tmp, 'site', @installstyle, 'site_perl',
			@Config{qw(version archname)}),
      bin     => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'bin'),
      script  => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'bin'),
      bindoc  => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'man', 'man1'),
      libdoc  => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'man', 'man3'),
      binhtml => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'html'),
      libhtml => catdir($tmp, 'site', 'html'),

# Is installdirs honored?
    is( $mb->installdirs, 'core' );

    test_install_destinations( $mb, {
      lib     => catdir($tmp, @installstyle),
      arch    => catdir($tmp, @installstyle, @Config{qw(version archname)}),
      bin     => catdir($tmp, 'bin'),
      script  => catdir($tmp, 'bin'),
      bindoc  => catdir($tmp, 'man', 'man1'),
      libdoc  => catdir($tmp, 'man', 'man3'),
      binhtml => catdir($tmp, 'html'),
      libhtml => catdir($tmp, 'html'),

    is( $mb->installdirs, 'site' );

# Check install_base()
    my $install_base = catdir( 'foo', 'bar' );
    $mb->install_base( $install_base );

    is( $mb->prefix,       undef );
    is( $mb->install_base, $install_base );

    test_install_destinations( $mb, {
        lib     => catdir( $install_base, 'lib', 'perl5' ),
        arch    => catdir( $install_base, 'lib', 'perl5', $Config{archname} ),
        bin     => catdir( $install_base, 'bin' ),
        script  => catdir( $install_base, 'bin' ),
        bindoc  => catdir( $install_base, 'man', 'man1'),
        libdoc  => catdir( $install_base, 'man', 'man3' ),
        binhtml => catdir( $install_base, 'html' ),
        libhtml => catdir( $install_base, 'html' ),

# Basic prefix test.  Ensure everything is under the prefix.
    $mb->install_base( undef );
    ok( !defined $mb->install_base );

    my $prefix = catdir( qw( some prefix ) );
    $mb->prefix( $prefix );
    is( $mb->{properties}{prefix}, $prefix );

    test_prefix($prefix, $mb->install_sets('site'));

# And now that prefix honors installdirs.
    is( $mb->installdirs, 'core' );

    my $prefix = catdir( qw( some prefix ) );

    is( $mb->installdirs, 'site' );

# Try a config setting which would result in installation locations outside
# the prefix.  Ensure it doesn't.
    # Get the prefix defaults
    my $defaults = $mb->prefix_relpaths('site');

    # Create a configuration involving weird paths that are outside of
    # the configured prefix.
    my @prefixes = (
                    [qw(foo bar)],

    my %test_config;
    foreach my $type (keys %$defaults) {
        my $prefix = shift @prefixes || [qw(foo bar)];
        $test_config{$type} = catdir(File::Spec->rootdir, @$prefix, 

    # Poke at the innards of MB to change the default install locations.
    my $old =  $mb->install_sets->{site} = \%test_config;
    $mb->config(siteprefixexp => catdir(File::Spec->rootdir, 
					'wierd', 'prefix'));

    my $prefix = catdir('another', 'prefix');
    test_prefix($prefix, \%test_config);
    $mb->install_sets->{site} = $old;

# Check that we can use install_base after setting prefix.
    my $install_base = catdir( 'foo', 'bar' );
    $mb->install_base( $install_base );

    test_install_destinations( $mb, {
        lib     => catdir( $install_base, 'lib', 'perl5' ),
        arch    => catdir( $install_base, 'lib', 'perl5', $Config{archname} ),
        bin     => catdir( $install_base, 'bin' ),
        script  => catdir( $install_base, 'bin' ),
        bindoc  => catdir( $install_base, 'man', 'man1'),
        libdoc  => catdir( $install_base, 'man', 'man3' ),
        binhtml => catdir( $install_base, 'html' ),
        libhtml => catdir( $install_base, 'html' ),

sub test_prefix {
    my ($prefix, $test_config) = @_;

    local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;

    foreach my $type (qw(lib arch bin script bindoc libdoc binhtml libhtml)) {
        my $dest = $mb->install_destination( $type );
	ok $mb->dir_contains($prefix, $dest), "$type prefixed";

        SKIP: {
	    skip( "'$type' not configured", 1 )
	      unless $test_config && $test_config->{$type};

	    have_same_ending( $dest, $test_config->{$type},
			      "  suffix correctish " .
			      "($test_config->{$type} + $prefix = $dest)" );

sub have_same_ending {
  my ($dir1, $dir2, $message) = @_;

  $dir1 =~ s{/$}{} if $^O eq 'cygwin'; # remove any trailing slash
  my (undef, $dirs1, undef) = splitpath $dir1;
  my @dir1 = splitdir $dirs1;

  $dir2 =~ s{/$}{} if $^O eq 'cygwin'; # remove any trailing slash
  my (undef, $dirs2, undef) = splitpath $dir2;
  my @dir2 = splitdir $dirs2;

  is $dir1[-1], $dir2[-1], $message;

sub test_install_destinations {
    my($build, $expect) = @_;

    local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;

    while( my($type, $expect) = each %$expect ) {
        is( $build->install_destination($type), $expect, "$type destination" );
