The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

    unshift @INC, 't';
    require Config;
    if (($Config::Config{'extensions'} !~ /\bB\b/) ){
        print "1..0 # Skip -- Perl configured without B module\n";
        exit 0;

use warnings;
use strict;
    # BEGIN block is acutally a subroutine :-)
    return unless $] > 5.009;
    require feature;
use Test::More tests => 85;
use Config ();

use B::Deparse;
my $deparse = B::Deparse->new();

# Tell B::Deparse about our ambient pragmas
{ my ($hint_bits, $warning_bits, $hinthash);
 BEGIN { ($hint_bits, $warning_bits, $hinthash) = ($^H, ${^WARNING_BITS}, \%^H); }
 $deparse->ambient_pragmas (
     hint_bits    => $hint_bits,
     warning_bits => $warning_bits,
     '$['         => 0 + $[,
     '%^H'	  => $hinthash,

$/ = "\n####\n";
while (<DATA>) {
    # This code is pinched from the t/lib/ for TODO.
    # It's not clear how to avoid duplication
    # Now tweaked a bit to do skip or todo
    my %reason;
    foreach my $what (qw(skip todo)) {
	s/^#\s*\U$what\E\s*(.*)\n//m and $reason{$what} = $1;
	# If the SKIP reason starts ? then it's taken as a code snippet to
	# evaluate. This provides the flexibility to have conditional SKIPs
	if ($reason{$what} && $reason{$what} =~ s/^\?//) {
	    my $temp = eval $reason{$what};
	    if ($@) {
		die "# In \U$what\E code reason:\n# $reason{$what}\n$@";
	    $reason{$what} = $temp;

    my ($num, $testname) = $1 =~ m/(\d+)\s*(.*)/;

    if ($reason{skip}) {
	# Like this to avoid needing a label SKIP:

    my ($input, $expected);
    if (/(.*)\n>>>>\n(.*)/s) {
	($input, $expected) = ($1, $2);
    else {
	($input, $expected) = ($_, $_);

    my $coderef = eval "sub {$input}";

    if ($@) {
	diag("$num deparsed: $@");
	ok(0, $testname);
    else {
	my $deparsed = $deparse->coderef2text( $coderef );
	my $regex = $expected;
	$regex =~ s/(\S+)/\Q$1/g;
	$regex =~ s/\s+/\\s+/g;
	$regex = '^\{\s*' . $regex . '\s*\}$';

	local $::TODO = $reason{todo};
        like($deparsed, qr/$regex/, $testname);

use constant 'c', 'stuff';
is((eval "sub ".$deparse->coderef2text(\&c))->(), 'stuff');

my $a = 0;
is("{\n    (-1) ** \$a;\n}", $deparse->coderef2text(sub{(-1) ** $a }));

use constant cr => ['hello'];
my $string = "sub " . $deparse->coderef2text(\&cr);
my $val = (eval $string)->() or diag $string;
is(ref($val), 'ARRAY');
is($val->[0], 'hello');

my $path = join " ", map { qq["-I$_"] } @INC;

$a = `$^X $path "-MO=Deparse" -anlwi.bak -e 1 2>&1`;
$a =~ s/-e syntax OK\n//g;
$a =~ s/.*possible typo.*\n//;	   # Remove warning line
$a =~ s{\\340\\242}{\\s} if (ord("\\") == 224); # EBCDIC, cp 1047 or 037
$a =~ s{\\274\\242}{\\s} if (ord("\\") == 188); # $^O eq 'posix-bc'
$b = <<'EOF';
BEGIN { $^I = ".bak"; }
BEGIN { $^W = 1; }
BEGIN { $/ = "\n"; $\ = "\n"; }
LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
    chomp $_;
    our(@F) = split(' ', $_, 0);
is($a, $b);

$a = `$^X $path "-MO=Deparse" -e "use constant PI => 4" 2>&1`;
$a =~ s/-e syntax OK\n//g;
is($a, "use constant ('PI', 4);\n",
   "Proxy Constant Subroutines must not show up as (incorrect) prototypes");

#Re: perlbug #35857, patch #24505
#handle warnings::register-ed packages properly.
package B::Deparse::Wrapper;
use strict;
use warnings;
use warnings::register;
sub getcode {
   my $deparser = B::Deparse->new();
   return $deparser->coderef2text(shift);

package Moo;
use overload '0+' => sub { 42 };

package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant GLIPP => 'glipp';
use constant PI => 4;
use constant OVERLOADED_NUMIFICATION => bless({}, 'Moo');
use Fcntl qw/O_TRUNC O_APPEND O_EXCL/;
BEGIN { delete $::Fcntl::{O_APPEND}; }
use POSIX qw/O_CREAT/;
sub test {
   my $val = shift;
   my $res = B::Deparse::Wrapper::getcode($val);
   like( $res, qr/use warnings/);
my ($q,$p);
my $x=sub { ++$q,++$p };
eval <<EOFCODE and test($x);
   package bar;
   use strict;
   use warnings;
   use warnings::register;
   package main;

# 2
# 3
    no warnings;
# 4
my $test;
++$test and $test /= 2;
my $test;
$test /= 2 if ++$test;
# 5
-((1, 2) x 2);
# 6
    my $test = sub : lvalue {
	my $x;
# 7
    my $test = sub : method {
	my $x;
# 8
# Was sub : locked method { ... }
# This number could be re-used.
# 9
continue {
# 10
my $x;
print $main::x;
# 11
my @x;
print $main::x[1];
# 12
my %x;
# 13
my $foo;
$_ .= <ARGV> . <$foo>;
# 14
my $foo = "Ab\x{100}\200\x{200}\377Cd\000Ef\x{1000}\cA\x{2000}\cZ";
# 15
# 16 - various lypes of loop
{ my $x; }
# 17
while (1) { my $k; }
# 18
my ($x,@a);
$x=1 for @a;
my($x, @a);
$x = 1 foreach (@a);
# 19
for (my $i = 0; $i < 2;) {
    my $z = 1;
# 20
for (my $i = 0; $i < 2; ++$i) {
    my $z = 1;
# 21
for (my $i = 0; $i < 2; ++$i) {
    my $z = 1;
# 22
my $i;
while ($i) { my $z = 1; } continue { $i = 99; }
# 23
foreach my $i (1, 2) {
    my $z = 1;
# 24
my $i;
foreach $i (1, 2) {
    my $z = 1;
# 25
my $i;
foreach my $i (1, 2) {
    my $z = 1;
# 26
foreach my $i (1, 2) {
    my $z = 1;
# 27
foreach our $i (1, 2) {
    my $z = 1;
# 28
my $i;
foreach our $i (1, 2) {
    my $z = 1;
# 29
my @x;
print reverse sort(@x);
# 30
my @x;
print((sort {$b cmp $a} @x));
# 31
my @x;
print((reverse sort {$b <=> $a} @x));
# 32
our @a;
print $_ foreach (reverse @a);
# 33
our @a;
print $_ foreach (reverse 1, 2..5);
# 34  (bug #38684)
our @ary;
@ary = split(' ', 'foo', 0);
# 35 (bug #40055)
do { () }; 
# 36 (ibid.)
do { my $x = 1; $x }; 
# 37 <>
my $f = sub {
} ;
# 38 (bug #43010)
# 39 (ibid.)
# 40 (ibid.)
# 41 (ibid.)
# 42
my $bar;
# 43
# 44
# SKIP ?$] < 5.010 && "say not implemented on this Perl version"
# 45 say
say 'foo';
# SKIP ?$] < 5.010 && "state vars not implemented on this Perl version"
# 46 state vars
state $x = 42;
# SKIP ?$] < 5.010 && "state vars not implemented on this Perl version"
# 47 state var assignment
    my $y = (state $x = 42);
# SKIP ?$] < 5.010 && "state vars not implemented on this Perl version"
# 48 state vars in anoymous subroutines
$a = sub {
    state $x;
    return $x++;
# SKIP ?$] < 5.011 && 'each @array not implemented on this Perl version'
# 49 each @array;
each @ARGV;
each @$a;
# SKIP ?$] < 5.011 && 'each @array not implemented on this Perl version'
# 50 keys @array; values @array
keys @$a if keys @ARGV;
values @ARGV if values @$a;
# 51 Anonymous arrays and hashes, and references to them
my $a = {};
my $b = \{};
my $c = [];
my $d = \[];
# SKIP ?$] < 5.010 && "smartmatch and given/when not implemented on this Perl version"
# 52 implicit smartmatch in given/when
given ('foo') {
    when ('bar') { continue; }
    when ($_ ~~ 'quux') { continue; }
    default { 0; }
# 53 conditions in elsifs (regression in change #33710 which fixed bug #37302)
if ($a) { x(); }
elsif ($b) { x(); }
elsif ($a and $b) { x(); }
elsif ($a or $b) { x(); }
else { x(); }
# 54 interpolation in regexps
my($y, $t);
# TODO new undocumented cpan-bug #33708
# 55  (cpan-bug #33708)
%{$_ || {}}
# TODO hash constants not yet fixed
# 56  (cpan-bug #33708)
use constant H => { "#" => 1 }; H->{"#"}
# TODO optimized away 0 not yet fixed
# 57  (cpan-bug #33708)
foreach my $i (@_) { 0 }
# 58 tests with not, not optimized
my $c;
x() unless $a;
x() if not $a and $b;
x() if $a and not $b;
x() unless not $a and $b;
x() unless $a and not $b;
x() if not $a or $b;
x() if $a or not $b;
x() unless not $a or $b;
x() unless $a or not $b;
x() if $a and not $b and $c;
x() if not $a and $b and not $c;
x() unless $a and not $b and $c;
x() unless not $a and $b and not $c;
x() if $a or not $b or $c;
x() if not $a or $b or not $c;
x() unless $a or not $b or $c;
x() unless not $a or $b or not $c;
# 59 tests with not, optimized
my $c;
x() if not $a;
x() unless not $a;
x() if not $a and not $b;
x() unless not $a and not $b;
x() if not $a or not $b;
x() unless not $a or not $b;
x() if not $a and not $b and $c;
x() unless not $a and not $b and $c;
x() if not $a or not $b or $c;
x() unless not $a or not $b or $c;
x() if not $a and not $b and not $c;
x() unless not $a and not $b and not $c;
x() if not $a or not $b or not $c;
x() unless not $a or not $b or not $c;
x() unless not $a or not $b or not $c;
my $c;
x() unless $a;
x() if $a;
x() unless $a or $b;
x() if $a or $b;
x() unless $a and $b;
x() if $a and $b;
x() if not $a || $b and $c;
x() unless not $a || $b and $c;
x() if not $a && $b or $c;
x() unless not $a && $b or $c;
x() unless $a or $b or $c;
x() if $a or $b or $c;
x() unless $a and $b and $c;
x() if $a and $b and $c;
x() unless not $a && $b && $c;
# 60 tests that should be constant folded
x() if 1;
x() if GLIPP;
x() if !GLIPP;
x() if GLIPP && GLIPP;
x() if !GLIPP || GLIPP;
x() if do { GLIPP };
x() if do { no warnings 'void'; 5; GLIPP };
x() if do { !GLIPP };
if (GLIPP) { x() } else { z() }
if (!GLIPP) { x() } else { z() }
if (GLIPP) { x() } elsif (GLIPP) { z() }
if (!GLIPP) { x() } elsif (GLIPP) { z() }
if (GLIPP) { x() } elsif (!GLIPP) { z() }
if (!GLIPP) { x() } elsif (!GLIPP) { z() }
if (!GLIPP) { x() } elsif (!GLIPP) { z() } elsif (GLIPP) { t() }
if (!GLIPP) { x() } elsif (!GLIPP) { z() } elsif (!GLIPP) { t() }
if (!GLIPP) { x() } elsif (!GLIPP) { z() } elsif (!GLIPP) { t() }
do {
do {
do {
do {
do {
do {
do {
# TODO constant deparsing has been backed out for 5.12
# XXXTODO ? $Config::Config{useithreads} && "doesn't work with threads"
# 61 tests that shouldn't be constant folded
# It might be fundamentally impossible to make this work on ithreads, in which
# case the TODO should become a SKIP
x() if $a;
if ($a == 1) { x() } elsif ($b == 2) { z() }
if (do { foo(); GLIPP }) { x() }
if (do { $a++; GLIPP }) { x() }
x() if $a;
if ($a == 1) { x(); } elsif ($b == 2) { z(); }
if (do { foo(); GLIPP }) { x(); }
if (do { ++$a; GLIPP }) { x(); }
# TODO constant deparsing has been backed out for 5.12
# 62 tests for deparsing constants
warn PI;
# TODO constant deparsing has been backed out for 5.12
# 63 tests for deparsing imported constants
warn O_TRUNC;
# TODO constant deparsing has been backed out for 5.12
# 64 tests for deparsing re-exported constants
warn O_CREAT;
# TODO constant deparsing has been backed out for 5.12
# 65 tests for deparsing imported constants that got deleted from the original namespace
warn O_APPEND;
# TODO constant deparsing has been backed out for 5.12
# XXXTODO ? $Config::Config{useithreads} && "doesn't work with threads"
# 66 tests for deparsing constants which got turned into full typeglobs
# It might be fundamentally impossible to make this work on ithreads, in which
# case the TODO should become a SKIP
warn O_EXCL;
eval '@Fcntl::O_EXCL = qw/affe tiger/;';
warn O_EXCL;
# TODO constant deparsing has been backed out for 5.12
# 67 tests for deparsing of blessed constant with overloaded numification
# TODO Only strict 'refs' currently supported
# 68 strict
no strict;
# TODO Subsets of warnings could be encoded textually, rather than as bitflips.
no warnings 'deprecated';
my $x;
# TODO Better test for CPAN #33708 - the deparsed code has different behaviour
use strict;
no warnings;

foreach (0..3) {
    my $x = 2;
	my $x if 0;
	print ++$x, "\n";
my $pi = 4;
no warnings;
my $pi := 4;
no warnings;
my $pi = 4;
my $pi : = 4;
my $pi = 4;
our @a;
my @b;
@a = sort @a;
@b = sort @b;
our @a;
my @b;
@a = reverse @a;
@b = reverse @b;
my($r, $s, @a);
@a = split(/foo/, $s, 0);
$r = qr/foo/;
@a = split(/$r/, $s, 0);
    package Foo;
    label: print 123;