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#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw/GetOptionsFromArray/;
use Pod::Usage;
use App::PgCryobit;
use Log::Log4perl qw/:easy/;

## First log init (before the real thing):

my @config_paths =  ('pg_cryobit.conf',
		     ( $ENV{HOME} // '.' ).'/pg_cryobit.conf',
		     '/etc/pg_cryobit.conf' );


my $COMMAND = shift @OPTIONS_ARRAY if ( @OPTIONS_ARRAY &&  ( $OPTIONS_ARRAY[0] !~ /--/ ) );

my $opts_result = 

## Deal with help and exit
pod2usage(1) unless $COMMAND;
pod2usage(1) if $COMMAND eq 'help' ;
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $COMMAND eq 'man';

my $log_level = $OPTIONS_HASH{verbose} || 'INFO';
if( $OPTIONS_HASH{quiet} ){
  $log_level = 'ERROR';

unless( $log_level =~ /^(TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL)$/ ){
  WARN("Specified log level $log_level is invalid. Falling back to default INFO");
  $log_level = 'INFO';

## We know the log level.
Log::Log4perl->easy_init({ level => $log_level,
                           layout => '%-5p - %m%n'

if ( $OPTIONS_HASH{conf} ){
  @config_paths = ( $OPTIONS_HASH{conf} );
my $app =  App::PgCryobit->new({ config_paths => \@config_paths });
# Store the given options in the application.

## Check the app can perform the command
my $command_method = 'feature_'.$COMMAND;
pod2usage(1) unless $app->can($command_method);

## Always check the config. It might have change since last call.
my $conf_code = $app->feature_checkconfig();
exit($conf_code) if ( $conf_code );

my $command_code  = $app->$command_method();


=head1 NAME

pg_cryobit - Manage PostgreSQL continuous backup


pg_cryobit help|man|checkconfig|archivewal|rotatewal|archivesnapshot|fullarchive [options]

This is pg_cryobit v.03 - Copyright Jerome Eteve 2010-2012

=head1 OPTIONS


=over 8

=item B<checkconfig>

Checks the configuration file is correct.

=item B<archivewal>

Archive a given WAL file using the configured shipper. Requires options --file.

=item B<rotatewal>

Forces a wal rotation. Checks the rotated file has been shipped. No required options.

=item B<archivesnapshot>

Take a snapshot archive of the whole database. No required options.

=item B<fullarchive>

rotatewal and archivesnapshot. Options apply.



=over 8

=item  --conf=<file>

Specify configuration file on the command line. Applies to all commands.

=item --file=<file>

Specify file to handle. Applies to archivewal

=item --deepclean

Remove anything earlier than the last archivesnapshot. Applies to archivesnapshot

=item --quiet

Same as --verbose=ERROR


Sets the verbosity level. Default is INFO. You probably want to avoid using FATAL only.



If no --conf option is given, pg_cryobit looks for a pg_cryobit.conf file in the following directories:

- The current directory

- Your HOME directory (HOME is defined)

- Your system /etc directory.


Configuration files examples can be found at

Here's one of them:

 ## An example configuration file for pg_cryobit
 data_directory /path/to/postgresql/data_directory

 ## This is optional. Will use /tmp/ is not present.
 #snapshooter_dir /path/to/where/you/want/your/snapshots/to/be/build

 ## This is mandatory. pg_cryobit MUST be able to
 ## connect to your database using this string.
 dsn "dbi:Pg:dbname=PGDATABASE;host=PGHOST;port=PGPORT;user=PGUSER;password=PGPASSWORD"
 ## Valid options include:
 #  Parameter  Environment Variable  Default
 #  ---------  --------------------  --------------
 #  dbname     PGDATABASE            current userid
 #  host       PGHOST                localhost
 #  port       PGPORT                5432
 #  options    PGOPTIONS             ""
 #  tty        PGTTY                 ""
 #  user       PGUSER                current userid
 #  password   PGPASSWORD            ""

 ## The shipper configuration.
  plugin CopyFactory
  ## This is where you want your backups and wal logs to be saved.
  ## This MUST be a safe place, like a SAN location.
  ## This MUST be writable by the user running pg_cryobit
  backup_dir /tmp/backupdir/

=head2 SEE ALSO

perldoc App::PgCryobit


Copyright 2010-11 by Jerome Eteve.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
