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# Test::LaTeX::CatSuit
#   Module for testing the LaTeX::CatSuit module
#   Andrew Ford <>
#   Copyright (C) 2007 Andrew Ford.   All Rights Reserved.
#   This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#   modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
#   * New file - but portions extracted from the Template::Latex
#     module (AF, 2007-09-19)
#   * finish off commenting and documentation
#   * integrate with Test::More

package Test::LaTeX::CatSuit;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Config;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use Getopt::Long;

use Test::More;
require Exporter;

our @ISA    = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(get_test_params test_dvifile tidy_directory find_program dvitype
                 $testno $basedir $docname $docpath
                 $debug $debug_prefix @DEBUGOPTS $no_cleanup);

our $WIN32  = ($^O eq 'MSWin32');

our $level  = 0;
our $debug  = 0;
our $no_cleanup = 0;
our $debug_prefix  = '# [latex]: ';

my $dvitype = find_program($ENV{PATH}, "dvitype");

GetOptions("debug"      => \$debug,
           "level=i"    => \$level,
           "no_cleanup" => \$no_cleanup);

$debug = $level if $level;

our @DEBUGOPTS = ( DEBUG => $debug, DEBUGPREFIX => $debug_prefix);

our ($testno, $basedir, $docname, $docpath) = get_test_params();

sub get_test_params {
    my $basename = $0;
    $basename =~ s{ ^ .* / }{}x;
    $basename =~ s/\.t$//;
    my ($testno) = $basename =~ m/^(\d+)/;
    die "cannot determine test no from script name $0" unless $testno;
    my $basedir      = "$Bin/testdata/$basename";
    my $docpath = "$basedir/${basename}.tex";
    return ($testno, $basedir, $basename, $docpath);

sub dvitype {
    return $dvitype;

# find_program($path, $prog)
# Find a program, $prog, by traversing the given directory path, $path.
# Returns full path if the program is found.
# Written by Craig Barratt, Richard Tietjen add fixes for Win32.
# abw changed name from studly caps findProgram() to find_program() :-)

sub find_program {
    my($path, $prog) = @_;

    foreach my $dir ( split($Config{path_sep}, $path) ) {
        my $file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $prog);
        if ( !$WIN32 ) {
            return $file if ( -x $file );
        } else {
            # Windows executables end in .xxx, exe precedes .bat and .cmd
            foreach my $dx ( qw/exe bat cmd/ ) {
                return "$file.$dx" if ( -x "$file.$dx" );


# tidy_directory($dir, $docname, $debug)
# Cleans up the temporary files for the document $docname in the
# directory $dir.  The temporary files are:
#   .aux	LaTeX auxilliary file
#   .toc	LaTeX table of contents
#   .lof	LaTeX list of figures
#   .lot	LaTeX list of tables
#   .log	LaTeX log file
#   .idx	raw index file       
#   .ibk	.idx backup file (generated by LaTeX::CatSuit)
#   .ind        formatted index
#   .ilg        makeindex log file
#   .cit        citation file (generated by LaTeX::CatSuit)
#   .cit        backup citation file (generated by LaTeX::CatSuit)
#   .bbl
#   .dvi
#   .ps
#   .pdf
#   STDERR The STDERR captured file.

sub tidy_directory {
    my ($dir, $docname, $debug) = @_;

    # Suppress undefined value warnings
    $debug = 0 unless defined($debug); 

    diag("tidying directory '$dir'") if $debug > 1;

    die "directory $dir does not exist" unless -d $dir;
    die "filename $docname contains a directory part" if $docname =~ m!/!;

    foreach my $ext (qw(aux toc lof lot log
                        ind idx ilg ibk
                        bbl blg cit cbk
                        dvi ps pdf)) {
      my $file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, "${docname}.$ext");
      if (-e $file) {
        diag("removing file '$file'") if $debug > 1;
        my $rc = unlink($file);
        diag("unlink returned $rc") if $debug > 2;
        diag("couldn't remove file '$file'") if $debug > 1 and -e $file;
      else {
        diag("file '$file' does not exist") if $debug > 3;
    my $file = File::Spec->catfile($dir, 'STDERR');
    if( -e $file ){
      diag("removing file $file") if $debug > 1;
      unlink($file) || die "Cannot unlink '$file'";
      diag("file '$file' does not exist") if $debug > 3;

# test_dvifile($drv, $pattern_seq)
# Examines the TeX DVI file generated an looks for the sequence of
# patterns specified

sub test_dvifile {
    my $drv = shift;
    my @patterns = ref $_[0] ? @{$_[0]} : @_;
    my $file = $drv->basepath . ".dvi";
    if (! -f $file) {
	fail("dvifile $file does not exist");
        skip "cannot find dvitype", 1 unless $dvitype;

        my $dvioutput =  `$dvitype $file`; 
        my $total = @patterns;
        my $found = 0;
        my $pattern = shift @patterns;
        foreach (split(/\n/, $dvioutput)) {
            next unless /^\[(.*)\]$/;
            my $string = $1;
            if ($string =~ /$pattern/) {
                if (@patterns) {
                    $pattern = shift @patterns;
                else {
                    pass($drv->basename . ".dvi contains the $total patterns specified");
                    return 1;
        fail("pattern '$pattern' not found in " . $drv->basename . ".dvi (found $found of $total patterns)");


=head1 NAME




=head1 AUTHOR

Jerome Eteve E<lt>jeteve@cpan.orgE<gt>
Andrew Ford E<lt><gt>


Copyright (C) 2012 Jerome Eteve. All rights Reserved.
Copyright (C) 2007 Andrew Ford.  All Rights Reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


# Local Variables:
# mode: perl
# perl-indent-level: 4
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:
# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: