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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=0:
# vim: set expandtab:

=head1 NAME

Rex::Commands::Sync - Sync directories


This module can sync directories between your Rex system and your servers without the need of rsync.


 use Rex::Commands::Sync;

 task "prepare", "mysystem01", sub {
   # upload directory recursively to remote system.
   sync_up "/local/directory", "/remote/directory";

   sync_up "/local/directory", "/remote/directory", {
     # setting custom file permissions for every file
     files => {
       owner => "foo",
       group => "bar",
       mode  => 600,
     # setting custom directory permissions for every directory
     directories => {
       owner => "foo",
       group => "bar",
       mode  => 700,
     exclude => [ '*.tmp' ],
     on_change => sub {
      my (@files_changed) = @_;

   # download a directory recursively from the remote system to the local machine
   sync_down "/remote/directory", "/local/directory";


package Rex::Commands::Sync;

use strict;
use warnings;

require Rex::Exporter;
use base qw(Rex::Exporter);
use vars qw(@EXPORT);

use Data::Dumper;
use Rex::Commands;
use Rex::Commands::Run;
use Rex::Commands::MD5;
use Rex::Commands::Fs;
use Rex::Commands::File;
use Rex::Commands::Download;
use Rex::Helper::Path;
use JSON::XS;

@EXPORT = qw(sync_up sync_down);

sub sync_up {
  my ( $source, $dest, @option ) = @_;

  my $options = {};

  if ( ref( $option[0] ) ) {
    $options = $option[0];
  else {
    $options = {@option};

  $source = resolv_path($source);
  $dest   = resolv_path($dest);

  # 0. normalize local path
  $source = get_file_path( $source, caller );

  # first, get all files on source side
  my @local_files = _get_local_files($source);

  #print Dumper(\@local_files);

  # second, get all files from destination side

  my @remote_files = _get_remote_files($dest);

  #print Dumper(\@remote_files);

  # third, get the difference

  my @diff = _diff_files( \@local_files, \@remote_files );

  #print Dumper(\@diff);

  # fourth, build excludes list

  my $excludes = $options->{exclude} ||= [];
  $excludes = [$excludes] unless ref($excludes) eq 'ARRAY';

  my @excluded_files;
  foreach my $ex (@$excludes) {
    LOCAL {
      if ( is_dir $ex) {
        map {
          push( @excluded_files,
            sprintf( '/%s', File::Spec->canonpath("$ex/$_->{name}") ) )
        } _get_local_files($ex);
      else {
        foreach my $path ( glob $ex ) {
          push( @excluded_files,
            sprintf( '/%s', File::Spec->canonpath($path) ) );

  # fifth, upload the different files

  for my $file (@diff) {
    next if grep { $_ eq $file->{name} } @excluded_files;

    my ($dir)        = ( $file->{path} =~ m/(.*)\/[^\/]+$/ );
    my ($remote_dir) = ( $file->{name} =~ m/\/(.*)\/[^\/]+$/ );

    my ( %dir_stat, %file_stat );
    LOCAL {
      %dir_stat  = stat($dir);
      %file_stat = stat( $file->{path} );

    # check for overwrites
    my %file_perm = ( mode => $file_stat{mode} );
    if ( exists $options->{files} && exists $options->{files}->{mode} ) {
      $file_perm{mode} = $options->{files}->{mode};

    if ( exists $options->{files} && exists $options->{files}->{owner} ) {
      $file_perm{owner} = $options->{files}->{owner};

    if ( exists $options->{files} && exists $options->{files}->{group} ) {
      $file_perm{group} = $options->{files}->{group};

    my %dir_perm = ( mode => $dir_stat{mode} );
    if ( exists $options->{directories}
      && exists $options->{directories}->{mode} )
      $dir_perm{mode} = $options->{directories}->{mode};

    if ( exists $options->{directories}
      && exists $options->{directories}->{owner} )
      $dir_perm{owner} = $options->{directories}->{owner};

    if ( exists $options->{directories}
      && exists $options->{directories}->{group} )
      $dir_perm{group} = $options->{directories}->{group};
    ## /check for overwrites

    if ($remote_dir) {
      mkdir "$dest/$remote_dir", %dir_perm;

      "(sync_up) Uploading $file->{path} to $dest/$file->{name}");
    if ( $file->{path} =~ m/\.tpl$/ ) {
      my $file_name = $file->{name};
      $file_name =~ s/\.tpl$//;

      file "$dest/" . $file_name,
        content => template( $file->{path} ),
    else {
      file "$dest/" . $file->{name},
        source => $file->{path},

  if ( exists $options->{on_change}
    && ref $options->{on_change} eq "CODE"
    && scalar(@diff) > 0 )
    Rex::Logger::debug("Calling on_change hook of sync_up");
    $options->{on_change}->( map { $dest . $_->{name} } @diff );


sub sync_down {
  my ( $source, $dest, @option ) = @_;

  my $options = {};

  if ( ref( $option[0] ) ) {
    $options = $option[0];
  else {
    $options = {@option};

  $source = resolv_path($source);
  $dest   = resolv_path($dest);

  # first, get all files on dest side
  my @local_files = _get_local_files($dest);

  #print Dumper(\@local_files);

  # second, get all files from source side

  my @remote_files = _get_remote_files($source);

  #print Dumper(\@remote_files);

  # third, get the difference

  my @diff = _diff_files( \@remote_files, \@local_files );

  #print Dumper(\@diff);

  # fourth, build excludes list

  my $excludes = $options->{exclude} ||= [];
  $excludes = [$excludes] unless ref($excludes) eq 'ARRAY';

  my @excluded_files;
  foreach my $ex (@$excludes) {
    LOCAL {
      if ( is_dir $ex) {
        map {
          push( @excluded_files,
            sprintf( '/%s', File::Spec->canonpath("$ex/$_->{name}") ) )
        } _get_local_files($ex);
      else {
        foreach my $path ( glob $ex ) {
          push( @excluded_files,
            sprintf( '/%s', File::Spec->canonpath($path) ) );

  # fifth, upload the different files

  for my $file (@diff) {
    next if grep { $_ eq $file->{name} } @excluded_files;

    my ($dir)        = ( $file->{path} =~ m/(.*)\/[^\/]+$/ );
    my ($remote_dir) = ( $file->{name} =~ m/\/(.*)\/[^\/]+$/ );

    my ( %dir_stat, %file_stat );
    %dir_stat  = stat($dir);
    %file_stat = stat( $file->{path} );

    LOCAL {
      if ($remote_dir) {
        mkdir "$dest/$remote_dir", mode => $dir_stat{mode};

      "(sync_down) Downloading $file->{path} to $dest/$file->{name}");
    download( $file->{path}, "$dest/$file->{name}" );

    LOCAL {
      chmod $file_stat{mode}, "$dest/$file->{name}";

  if ( exists $options->{on_change}
    && ref $options->{on_change} eq "CODE"
    && scalar(@diff) > 0 )
    Rex::Logger::debug("Calling on_change hook of sync_down");
    if ( substr( $dest, -1 ) eq "/" ) {
      $dest = substr( $dest, 0, -1 );
    $options->{on_change}->( map { $dest . $_->{name} } @diff );


sub _get_local_files {
  my ($source) = @_;

  if ( !-d $source ) { die("$source : no such directory."); }

  my @dirs = ($source);
  my @local_files;
    for my $dir (@dirs) {
      for my $entry ( list_files($dir) ) {
        next if ( $entry eq "." );
        next if ( $entry eq ".." );
        if ( is_dir("$dir/$entry") ) {
          push( @dirs, "$dir/$entry" );

        my $name = "$dir/$entry";
        $name =~ s/^\Q$source\E//;
            name => $name,
            path => "$dir/$entry",
            md5  => md5("$dir/$entry"),


  return @local_files;

sub _get_remote_files {
  my ($dest) = @_;

  if ( !is_dir($dest) ) { die("$dest : no such directory."); }

  my @remote_dirs = ($dest);
  my @remote_files;

  if ( can_run("md5sum") ) {

    # if md5sum executable is available
    # copy a script to the remote host so it is fast to scan
    # the directory.

    my $script = q|
use strict;
use warnings;

unlink $0;

my $dest = $ARGV[0];
my @dirs = ($dest);
my @tree = ();

for my $dir (@dirs) {
  opendir(my $dh, $dir) or die($!);
  while(my $entry = readdir($dh)) {
    next if($entry eq ".");
    next if($entry eq "..");

    if(-d "$dir/$entry") {
      push(@dirs, "$dir/$entry");

    my $name = "$dir/$entry";
    $name =~ s/^\Q$dest\E//;

    my $md5 = qx{md5sum $dir/$entry \| awk ' { print \$1 } '};

    chomp $md5;

    push(@tree, {
      path => "$dir/$entry",
      name => $name,
      md5  => $md5,

print to_json(\@tree);

sub to_json {
  my ($ref) = @_;

  my $s = "";

  if(ref $ref eq "ARRAY") {
    $s .= "[";
    for my $itm (@{ $ref }) {
      if(substr($s, -1) ne "[") {
        $s .= ",";
      $s .= to_json($itm);
    return $s . "]";
  elsif(ref $ref eq "HASH") {
    $s .= "{";
    for my $key (keys %{ $ref }) {
      if(substr($s, -1) ne "{") {
        $s .= ",";
      $s .= "\"$key\": " . to_json($ref->{$key});
    return $s . "}";
  else {
    if($ref =~ /^\d+$/) {
      return $ref;
    else {
      $ref =~ s/'/\\\'/g;
      return "\"$ref\"";

    my $rnd_file = get_tmp_file;
    file $rnd_file, content => $script;
    my $content = run "perl $rnd_file $dest";
    my $ref     = decode_json($content);
    @remote_files = @{$ref};
  else {
    # fallback if no md5sum executable is available
    for my $dir (@remote_dirs) {
      for my $entry ( list_files($dir) ) {
        next if ( $entry eq "." );
        next if ( $entry eq ".." );
        if ( is_dir("$dir/$entry") ) {
          push( @remote_dirs, "$dir/$entry" );

        my $name = "$dir/$entry";
        $name =~ s/^\Q$dest\E//;
            name => $name,
            path => "$dir/$entry",
            md5  => md5("$dir/$entry"),

  return @remote_files;

sub _diff_files {
  my ( $files1, $files2 ) = @_;
  my @diff;

  for my $file1 ( @{$files1} ) {
    my @data = grep {
           ( $_->{name} eq $file1->{name} )
        && ( $_->{md5} eq $file1->{md5} )
    } @{$files2};
    if ( scalar @data == 0 ) {
      push( @diff, $file1 );

  return @diff;
