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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=0:
# vim: set expandtab:

=head1 NAME

Rex::Commands - All the basic commands


This module is the core commands module.


 desc "Task description";

 task "taskname", sub { ... };
 task "taskname", "server1", ..., "server20", sub { ... };

 group "group" => "server1", "server2", ...;

 user "user";

 password "password";

 environment live => sub {
   user "root";
   password "foobar";
   group frontend => "www01", "www02";


=over 4

=item * Cloud Management L<Rex::Commands::Cloud>

=item * Cron Management L<Rex::Commands::Cron>

=item * Database Commands L<Rex::Commands::DB>

=item * SCP Up- and Download L<Rex::Commands::Upload>, L<Rex::Commands::Download>

=item * File Manipulation L<Rex::Commands::File>

=item * Filesystem Manipulation L<Rex::Commands::Fs>

=item * Information Gathering L<Rex::Commands::Gather>

=item * Manipulation of /etc/hosts L<Rex::Commands::Host>

=item * Get an inventory of your Hardware L<Rex::Commands::Inventory>

=item * Manage your iptables rules L<Rex::Commands::Iptables>

=item * Kernel Commands L<Rex::Commands::Kernel>

=item * LVM Commands L<Rex::Commands::LVM>

=item * Package Commands L<Rex::Commands::Pkg>

=item * Process Management L<Rex::Commands::Process>

=item * Rsync Files L<Rex::Commands::Rsync>

=item * Run Remote Commands L<Rex::Commands::Run>

=item * Manage System Services (sysvinit) L<Rex::Commands::Service>

=item * Sysctl Commands L<Rex::Commands::Sysctl>

=item * Live Tail files L<Rex::Commands::Tail>

=item * Manage user and group accounts L<Rex::Commands::User>

=item * Manage your virtual environments L<Rex::Commands::Virtualization>



=over 4


package Rex::Commands;

use strict;
use warnings;

require Rex::Exporter;
use Rex::TaskList;
use Rex::Logger;
use Rex::Config;
use Rex::Profiler;
use Rex::Report;
use Rex;

use vars
  qw(@EXPORT $current_desc $global_no_ssh $environments $dont_register_tasks $profiler);
use base qw(Rex::Exporter);

@EXPORT = qw(task desc group
  user password port sudo_password public_key private_key pass_auth key_auth krb5_auth no_ssh
  get_random batch timeout max_connect_retries parallelism proxy_command
  do_task run_task run_batch needs
  before after around
  logformat log_format
  sayformat say_format


=item no_ssh([$task])

Disable ssh for all tasks or a specified task.

If you want to disable ssh connection for your complete tasks (for example if you only want to use libVirt) put this in the main section of your Rexfile.


If you want to disable ssh connection for a given task, put I<no_ssh> in front of the task definition.

 no_ssh task "mytask", "myserver", sub {
   say "Do something without a ssh connection";


sub no_ssh {
  if (@_) {
    $_[0]->( no_ssh => 1 );
  else {
    $global_no_ssh = 1;

=item task($name [, @servers], $funcref)

This function will create a new task.

=over 4

=item Create a local task (a server independent task)

 task "mytask", sub {
   say "Do something";

If you call this task with (R)?ex it will run on your local machine. You can explicit run this task on other machines if you specify the I<-H> command line parameter.

=item Create a server bound task.

 task "mytask", "server1", sub {
   say "Do something";

You can also specify more than one server.

 task "mytask", "server1", "server2", "server3", sub {
   say "Do something";

Or you can use some expressions to define more than one server.

 task "mytask", "server[1..3]", sub {
   say "Do something";

If you want, you can overwrite the servers with the I<-H> command line parameter.

=item Create a group bound task.

You can define server groups with the I<group> function.

 group "allserver" => "server[1..3]", "workstation[1..10]";

 task "mytask", group => "allserver", sub {
   say "Do something";



sub task {
  my ( $class, $file, @tmp ) = caller;
  my @_ARGS = @_;

  if ( !@_ ) {
    if ( my $t = Rex::get_current_connection ) {
      return $t->{task};

  # for things like
  # no_ssh task ...
  if (wantarray) {
    return sub {
      my %option = @_;

      $option{class} = $class;
      $option{file}  = $file;
      $option{tmp}   = \@tmp;

      task( @_ARGS, \%option );

  if ( ref( $_ARGS[-1] ) eq "HASH" ) {
    if ( $_ARGS[-1]->{class} ) {
      $class = $_ARGS[-1]->{class};

    if ( $_ARGS[-1]->{file} ) {
      $file = $_ARGS[-1]->{file};

    if ( $_ARGS[-1]->{tmp} ) {
      @tmp = @{ $_ARGS[-1]->{tmp} };

  my $task_name      = shift;
  my $task_name_save = $task_name;

  if ( $task_name !~ m/^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/
    && !Rex::Config->get_disable_taskname_warning() )
      "Please use only the following characters for task names:", "warn" );
    Rex::Logger::info( "  A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and _",                      "warn" );
    Rex::Logger::info( "Also the task should start with A-Z or a-z", "warn" );
      "You can disable this warning by setting feature flag: disable_taskname_warning",

  my $options = {};

  if ( ref( $_[-1] ) eq "HASH" ) {
    $options = pop;

  if ($global_no_ssh) {
    $options->{"no_ssh"} = 1;

  if ( $class ne "main" && $class ne "Rex::CLI" ) {
    $task_name = $class . ":" . $task_name;

  $task_name =~ s/^Rex:://;
  $task_name =~ s/::/:/g;

  if ($current_desc) {
    push( @_, $current_desc );
    $current_desc = "";
  else {
    push( @_, "" );

  no strict 'refs';
  no warnings;
  push( @{"${class}::tasks"}, { name => $task_name_save, code => $_[-2] } );
  use strict;
  use warnings;

  if (!$class->can($task_name_save)
    && $task_name_save =~ m/^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/ )
    no strict 'refs';
    Rex::Logger::debug("Registering task: ${class}::$task_name_save");

    my $code = $_[-2];
    *{"${class}::$task_name_save"} = sub {
      Rex::Logger::info("Running task $task_name_save on current connection");
      if ( ref( $_[0] ) eq "HASH" ) {
      else {
          $code->( {@_} );
        else {
    use strict;
  elsif ( ( $class ne "main" && $class ne "Rex::CLI" )
    && !$class->can($task_name_save)
    && $task_name_save =~ m/^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/ )
    # if not in main namespace, register the task as a sub
    no strict 'refs';
      "Registering task (not main namespace): ${class}::$task_name_save");
    my $code = $_[-2];
    *{"${class}::$task_name_save"} = sub {
      if ( ref( $_[0] ) eq "HASH" ) {
      else {
        $code->( {@_} );

    use strict;

  $options->{'dont_register'} ||= $dont_register_tasks;
  Rex::TaskList->create()->create_task( $task_name, @_, $options );

=item desc($description)

Set the description of a task.

 desc "This is a task description of the following task";
 task "mytask", sub {
   say "Do something";


sub desc {
  $current_desc = shift;

=item group($name, @servers)

With this function you can group servers, so that you don't need to write too much ;-)

 group "servergroup", "www1", "www2", "www3", "memcache01", "memcache02", "memcache03";

Or with the expression syntax:

 group "servergroup", "www[1..3]", "memcache[01..03]";

You can also specify server options after a server name with a hash reference:

 group "servergroup", "www1" => { user => "other" }, "www2";


sub group {

# Register set-handler for group
  group => sub {

=item batch($name, @tasks)

With the batch function you can call tasks in a batch.

 batch "name", "task1", "task2", "task3";

And call it with the I<-b> console parameter. I<rex -b name>


sub batch {
  if ($current_desc) {
    push( @_, $current_desc );
    $current_desc = "";
  else {
    push( @_, "" );


=item user($user)

Set the user for the ssh connection.


sub user {

=item password($password)

Set the password for the ssh connection (or for the private key file).


sub password {

=item auth(for => $entity, %data)

With this function you can modify/set special authentication parameters for tasks and groups. If you want to modify a task's or group's authentication you first have to create it.

If you want to set special login information for a group you have to activate that feature first.

 use Rex -feature => 0.31; # activate setting auth for a group

 group frontends => "web[01..10]";
 group backends => "be[01..05]";

 auth for => "frontends" =>
            user => "root",
            password => "foobar";

 auth for => "backends" =>
            user => "admin",
            private_key => "/path/to/id_rsa",
            public_key => "/path/to/",
            sudo => TRUE;

 task "prepare", group => ["frontends", "backends"], sub {
   # do something

 auth for => "prepare" =>
            user => "root";


sub auth {
  my ( $_d, $entity, %data ) = @_;

  my $group = Rex::Group->get_group_object($entity);
  if ( !$group ) {
    Rex::Logger::debug("No group $entity found, looking for a task.");
    if ( ref($entity) eq "Regexp" ) {
      my @tasks = Rex::TaskList->create()->get_tasks;
      my @selected_tasks = grep { m/$entity/ } @tasks;
      for my $t (@selected_tasks) {
        auth( $_d, $t, %data );
    else {
      $group = Rex::TaskList->create()->get_task($entity);

  if ( !$group ) {
    Rex::Logger::info("Group or Task $entity not found.");

  if ( ref($group) eq "Rex::Group" ) {
    Rex::Logger::debug("You're setting special login credentials for a Group.");
      "Please remember that the default auth information/task auth information has precedence."
      "If you want to overwrite this behaviour please use ,,use Rex -feature => 0.31;'' in your Rexfile."

  if ( exists $data{pass_auth} ) {
    $data{auth_type} = "pass";
  if ( exists $data{key_auth} ) {
    $data{auth_type} = "key";
  if ( exists $data{krb5_auth} ) {
    $data{auth_type} = "krb5";

  Rex::Logger::debug( "Setting auth info for " . ref($group) . " $entity" );

=item port($port)

Set the port where the ssh server is listening.


sub port {

=item sudo_password($password)

Set the password for the sudo command.


sub sudo_password {

=item timeout($seconds)

Set the timeout for the ssh connection and other network related stuff.


sub timeout {

=item max_connect_retries($count)

Set the maximum number of connection retries.


sub max_connect_retries {

=item get_random($count, @chars)

Returns a random string of $count characters on the basis of @chars.

 my $rnd = get_random(8, 'a' .. 'z');


sub get_random {
  my $count = shift;
  my @chars = @_;

  my $ret = "";
  for ( 1 .. $count ) {
    $ret .= $chars[ int( rand( scalar(@chars) - 1 ) ) ];

  return $ret;

=item do_task($task)

Call $task from an other task. It will establish a new connection to the server defined in $task and then execute $task there.

 task "task1", "server1", sub {
   say "Running on server1";
   do_task "task2";

 task "task2", "server2", sub {
   say "Running on server2";

You may also use an arrayRef for $task if you want to call multiple tasks.

 do_task [ qw/task1 task2 task3/ ];


sub do_task {
  my $task = shift;

  if ( ref($task) eq "ARRAY" ) {
    for my $t ( @{$task} ) {
  else {
    return Rex::TaskList->create()->run($task);

=item run_task($task_name, %option)

Run a task on a given host.

 my $return = run_task "taskname", on => "";

Do something on server5 if memory is less than 100 MB free on server3.

 task "prepare", "server5", sub {
   my $free_mem = run_task "get_free_mem", on => "server3";
   if($free_mem < 100) {
     say "Less than 100 MB free mem on server3";
     # create a new server instance on server5 to unload server3

 task "get_free_mem", sub {
    return memory->{free};

If called without a hostname the task is run localy.

 # this task will run on server5
 task "prepare", "server5", sub {
   # this will call task check_something. but this task will run on localhost.
   my $check = run_task "check_something";

 task "check_something", "server4", sub {
   return "foo";

If you want to add custom parameters for the task you can do it this way.

 task "prepare", "server5", sub {
  run_task "check_something", on => "foo", params => { param1 => "value1", param2 => "value2" };


sub run_task {
  my ( $task_name, %option ) = @_;

  if ( exists $option{on} ) {
    my $task = Rex::TaskList->create()->get_task($task_name);
    if ( exists $option{params} ) {
      $task->run( $option{on}, params => $option{params} );
    else {
      $task->run( $option{on} );
  else {
    my $task = Rex::TaskList->create()->get_task($task_name);
    if ( exists $option{params} ) {
      $task->run( "<local>", params => $option{params} );
    else {


=item run_batch($batch_name, %option)

Run a batch on a given host.

 my @return = run_batch "batchname", on => "";

It calls internally run_task, and passes it any option given.


sub run_batch {
  my ( $batch_name, %option ) = @_;

  my @tasks = Rex::Batch->get_batch($batch_name);
  my @results;
  for my $task (@tasks) {
    my $return = run_task $task, %option;
    push @results, $return;

  return @results;

=item public_key($key)

Set the public key.


sub public_key {

=item private_key($key)

Set the private key.


sub private_key {

=item pass_auth

If you want to use password authentication, then you need to call I<pass_auth>.

 user "root";
 password "root";



sub pass_auth {
  if (wantarray) { return "pass"; }

=item key_auth

If you want to use pubkey authentication, then you need to call I<key_auth>.

 user "bob";
 private_key "/home/bob/.ssh/id_rsa"; # passphrase-less key
 public_key "/home/bob/.ssh/";



sub key_auth {
  if (wantarray) { return "key"; }

=item krb5_auth

If you want to use kerberos authentication, then you need to call I<krb5_auth>.
This authentication mechanism is only available if you use Net::OpenSSH.

 set connection => "OpenSSH";
 user "root";


sub krb5_auth {
  if (wantarray) { return "krb5"; }

=item parallelism($count)

Will execute the tasks in parallel on the given servers. $count is the thread count to be used.


sub parallelism {
  Rex::Config->set_parallelism( $_[0] );

=item proxy_command($cmd)

Set a proxy command to use for the connection. This is only possible with OpenSSH connection method.

 set connection => "OpenSSH";
 proxy_command "ssh user@jumphost nc %h %p 2>/dev/null";

sub proxy_command {

=item set_distributor($distributor)

This sets the task distribution module. Default is "Base".

Possible values are: Base, Gearman, Parallel_ForkManager


sub set_distributor {
  Rex::Config->set_distributor( $_[0] );

=item template_function(sub { ... })

This function sets the template processing function. So it is possible to change the template engine. For example to Template::Toolkit.


sub template_function {
  Rex::Config->set_template_function( $_[0] );

=item logging

With this function you can define the logging behaviour of (R)?ex.

=over 4

=item Logging to a file

 logging to_file => "rex.log";

=item Logging to syslog

 logging to_syslog => $facility;



sub logging {
  my $args;

  if ( $_[0] eq "-nolog" || $_[0] eq "nolog" ) {
    $Rex::Logger::silent = 1 unless $Rex::Logger::debug;
  else {
    $args = {@_};

  if ( exists $args->{'to_file'} ) {
    Rex::Config->set_log_filename( $args->{'to_file'} );
  elsif ( exists $args->{'to_syslog'} ) {
    Rex::Config->set_log_facility( $args->{'to_syslog'} );
  else {

=item needs($package [, @tasks])

With I<needs> you can define dependencies between tasks. The "needed" tasks will be called with the same server configuration as the calling task.

I<needs> will not execute before, around and after hooks.

=over 4

=item Depend on all tasks in a given package.

Depend on all tasks in the package MyPkg. All tasks will be called with the server I<server1>.

 task "mytask", "server1", sub {
   needs MyPkg;

=item Depend on a single task in a given package.

Depend on the I<uname> task in the package MyPkg. The I<uname> task will be called with the server I<server1>.

 task "mytask", "server1", sub {
   needs MyPkg "uname";

=item To call tasks defined in the Rexfile from within a module

 task "mytask", "server1", sub {
   needs main "uname";



sub needs {
  my ( $self, @args ) = @_;

  # if no namespace is given, use the current one
  if ( ref($self) eq "ARRAY" ) {
    @args = @{$self};
    ($self) = caller;

  if ( $self eq "main" ) {
    $self = "Rex::CLI";

  no strict 'refs';
  my @maybe_tasks_to_run = @{"${self}::tasks"};
  use strict;

  if ( !@args && !@maybe_tasks_to_run ) {
    @args = ($self);
    ($self) = caller;

  if ( ref( $args[0] ) eq "ARRAY" ) {
    @args = @{ $args[0] };

  Rex::Logger::debug("need to call tasks from $self");

  no strict 'refs';
  my @tasks_to_run = @{"${self}::tasks"};
  use strict;

  my %opts = Rex::Args->get;

  for my $task (@tasks_to_run) {
    my $task_name = $task->{"name"};
    if ( @args && grep ( /^$task_name$/, @args ) ) {
      Rex::Logger::debug( "Calling " . $task->{"name"} );
      &{ $task->{"code"} }( \%opts );
    elsif ( !@args ) {
      Rex::Logger::debug( "Calling " . $task->{"name"} );
      &{ $task->{"code"} }( \%opts );


# register needs in main namespace
  my ($caller_pkg) = caller(1);
  if ( $caller_pkg eq "Rex::CLI" ) {
    no strict 'refs';
    *{"main::needs"} = \&needs;
    use strict;

=item include Module::Name

Include a module without registering its tasks.

  include qw/


sub include {
  my (@mods) = @_;

  my $old_val = $dont_register_tasks;
  $dont_register_tasks = 1;
  for my $mod (@mods) {
    eval "require $mod";
    if ($@) { die $@; }
  $dont_register_tasks = $old_val;

=item environment($name => $code)

Define an environment. With environments one can use the same task for different hosts. For example if you want to use the same task on your integration-, test- and production servers.

 # define default user/password
 user "root";
 password "foobar";

 # define default frontend group containing only testwww01.
 group frontend => "testwww01";

 # define live environment, with different user/password
 # and a frontend server group containing www01, www02 and www03.
 environment live => sub {
   user "root";
   password "livefoo";

   group frontend => "www01", "www02", "www03";

 # define stage environment with default user and password. but with
 # a own frontend group containing only stagewww01.
 environment stage => sub {
   group frontend => "stagewww01";

 task "prepare", group => "frontend", sub {
    say run "hostname";

Calling this task I<rex prepare> will execute on testwww01.
Calling this task with I<rex -E live prepare> will execute on www01, www02, www03.
Calling this task I<rex -E stage prepare> will execute on stagewww01.

You can call the function within a task to get the current environment.

 task "prepare", group => "frontend", sub {
   if(environment() eq "dev") {
     say "i'm in the dev environment";


sub environment {
  if (@_) {
    my ( $name, $code ) = @_;
    $environments->{$name} = {
      code        => $code,
      description => $current_desc || '',
      name        => $name,
    $current_desc = "";

    if ( Rex::Config->get_environment eq $name ) {

    return 1;
  else {
    return Rex::Config->get_environment || "default";

=item LOCAL(&)

With the LOCAL function you can do local commands within a task that is defined to work on remote servers.

 task "mytask", "server1", "server2", sub {
    # this will call 'uptime' on the servers 'server1' and 'server2'
    say run "uptime";

    # this will call 'uptime' on the local machine.
    LOCAL {
      say run "uptime";


sub LOCAL (&) {
  my $cur_conn      = Rex::get_current_connection();
  my $local_connect = Rex::Interface::Connection->create("Local");

      conn     => $local_connect,
      ssh      => 0,
      server   => $cur_conn->{server},
      cache    => Rex::Interface::Cache->create(),
      task     => task(),
      reporter => Rex::Report->create( Rex::Config->get_report_type ),
      notify   => Rex::Notify->new(),

  my $ret = $_[0]->();


  return $ret;

=item path(@path)

Set the execution path for all commands.

 path "/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin", "/usr/pkg/bin", "/usr/pkg/sbin";


sub path {
  Rex::Config->set_path( [@_] );

=item set($key, $value)

Set a configuration parameter. These Variables can be used in templates as well.

 set database => "db01";

 task "prepare", sub {
   my $db = get "database";

Or in a template

 DB: <%= $::database %>


sub set {
  my ( $key, @value ) = @_;
  Rex::Config->set( $key, @value );

=item get($key, $value)

Get a configuration parameter.

 set database => "db01";

 task "prepare", sub {
   my $db = get "database";

Or in a template

 DB: <%= $::database %>


sub get {
  my ($key) = @_;

  if ( ref($key) eq "Rex::Value" ) {
    return $key->value;

  return Rex::Config->get($key);

=item before($task => sub {})

Run code before executing the specified task. The special taskname 'ALL' can be used to run code before all tasks.
If called repeatedly, each sub will be appended to a list of 'before' functions.

Note: must come after the definition of the specified task

 before mytask => sub {
  my ($server) = @_;
  run "vzctl start vm$server";


sub before {
  my ( $task, $code ) = @_;

  if ( $task eq "ALL" ) {
    $task = qr{.*};

  my ( $package, $file, $line ) = caller;
    ->modify( 'before', $task, $code, $package, $file, $line );

=item after($task => sub {})

Run code after the task is finished. The special taskname 'ALL' can be used to run code after all tasks.
If called repeatedly, each sub will be appended to a list of 'after' functions.

Note: must come after the definition of the specified task

 after mytask => sub {
  my ($server, $failed) = @_;
  if($failed) { say "Connection to $server failed."; }

  run "vzctl stop vm$server";


sub after {
  my ( $task, $code ) = @_;

  if ( $task eq "ALL" ) {
    $task = qr{.*};

  my ( $package, $file, $line ) = caller;

    ->modify( 'after', $task, $code, $package, $file, $line );

=item around($task => sub {})

Run code before and after the task is finished. The special taskname 'ALL' can be used to run code around all tasks.
If called repeatedly, each sub will be appended to a list of 'around' functions.

Note: must come after the definition of the specified task

 around mytask => sub {
  my ($server, $position) = @_;

  unless($position) {
    say "Before Task\n";
  else {
    say "After Task\n";


sub around {
  my ( $task, $code ) = @_;

  if ( $task eq "ALL" ) {
    $task = qr{.*};

  my ( $package, $file, $line ) = caller;

    ->modify( 'around', $task, $code, $package, $file, $line );

=item logformat($format)

You can define the logging format with the following parameters.

%D - Appends the current date yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss

%h - The target host

%p - The pid of the running process

%l - Loglevel (INFO or DEBUG)

%s - The Logstring

Default is: [%D] %l - %s


sub logformat {
  my ($format) = @_;
  $Rex::Logger::format = $format;

sub log_format { logformat(@_); }

=item connection

This function returns the current connection object.

 task "foo", group => "baz", sub {
   say "Current Server: " . connection->server;


sub connection {
  return Rex::get_current_connection()->{conn};

=item cache

This function returns the current cache object.


sub cache {
  my ($type) = @_;

  if ( !$type ) {
    return Rex::get_cache();


=item profiler

Returns the profiler object for the current connection.


sub profiler {
  my $c_profiler = Rex::get_current_connection()->{"profiler"};
  unless ($c_profiler) {
    $c_profiler = $profiler || Rex::Profiler->new;
    $profiler = $c_profiler;

  return $c_profiler;

=item report($switch, $type)

This function will initialize the reporting.

 report -on => "YAML";


sub report {
  my ( $str, $type ) = @_;

  $type ||= "Base";

  if ( $str && ( $str eq "-on" || $str eq "on" ) ) {
  elsif ( $str && ( $str eq "-off" || $str eq "off" ) ) {

  return Rex::get_current_connection()->{reporter};

=item source_global_profile(0|1)

If this option is set, every run() command will first source /etc/profile before getting executed.


sub source_global_profile {
  my ($source) = @_;

=item last_command_output

This function returns the output of the last "run" command.

On a debian system this example will return the output of I<apt-get install foobar>.

 task "mytask", "myserver", sub {
   install "foobar";
   say last_command_output();


sub last_command_output {
  return $Rex::Commands::Run::LAST_OUTPUT->[0];

=item case($compare, $option)

This is a function to compare a string with some given options.

 task "mytask", "myserver", sub {
   my $ntp_service = case operating_sytem, {
                 Debian  => "ntp",
                 default => "ntpd",

   my $ntp_service = case operating_sytem, {
                 qr{debian}i => "ntp",
                 default    => "ntpd",

   my $ntp_service = case operating_sytem, {
                 qr{debian}i => "ntp",
                 default    => sub { return "foo"; },


sub case {
  my ( $compare, $option ) = @_;

  my $to_return = undef;

  if ( exists $option->{$compare} ) {
    $to_return = $option->{$compare};
  else {
    for my $key ( keys %{$option} ) {
      if ( $compare =~ $key ) {
        $to_return = $option->{$key};

  if ( exists $option->{default} && !$to_return ) {
    $to_return = $option->{default};

  if ( ref $to_return eq "CODE" ) {
    $to_return = &$to_return();

  return $to_return;

=item set_executor_for($type, $executor)

Set the executor for a special type. This is primary used for the upload_and_run helper function.

 set_executor_for perl => "/opt/local/bin/perl";


sub set_executor_for {

=item tmp_dir($tmp_dir)

Set the tmp directory on the remote host to store temporary files.


sub tmp_dir {

=item inspect($varRef)

This function dumps the contents of a variable to STDOUT.

task "mytask", "myserver", sub {
  my $myvar = {
    name => "foo",
    sys  => "bar",

  inspect $myvar;


my $depth = 0;

sub _dump_hash {
  my ( $hash, $option ) = @_;

  unless ( $depth == 0 && exists $option->{no_root} && $option->{no_root} ) {
    print "{\n";

  for my $key ( keys %{$hash} ) {
    if ( exists $option->{prepend_key} ) { print $option->{prepend_key}; }
    print "$key"
      . ( exists $option->{key_value_sep} ? $option->{key_value_sep} : " => " );
    _dump_var( $hash->{$key} );


  unless ( $depth == 0 && exists $option->{no_root} && $option->{no_root} ) {
    print "}\n";

sub _dump_array {
  my ( $array, $option ) = @_;

  unless ( $depth == 0 && exists $option->{no_root} && $option->{no_root} ) {
    print "[\n";

  for my $itm ( @{$array} ) {


  unless ( $depth == 0 && exists $option->{no_root} && $option->{no_root} ) {
    print "]\n";

sub _print_indent {
  my ($option) = @_;
  unless ( $depth == 1 && exists $option->{no_root} && $option->{no_root} ) {
    print "  " x $depth;

sub _dump_var {
  my ( $var, $option ) = @_;

  if ( ref $var eq "HASH" ) {
    _dump_hash( $var, $option );
  elsif ( ref $var eq "ARRAY" ) {
    _dump_array( $var, $option );
  else {
    if ( defined $var ) {
      $var =~ s/\n/\\n/gms;
      $var =~ s/\r/\\r/gms;
      $var =~ s/'/\\'/gms;

      print "'$var'\n";
    else {
      print "no value\n";

sub inspect {

######### private functions

sub evaluate_hostname {
  my $str = shift;
  return unless $str;

  my ( $start, $from, $to, $dummy, $step, $end ) =
    $str =~ m/^([0-9\.\w\-:]+)\[(\d+)..(\d+)(\/(\d+))?\]([0-9\w\.\-:]+)?$/;

  unless ($start) {
    return $str;

  $end  ||= '';
  $step ||= 1;

  my $strict_length = 0;
  if ( length $from == length $to ) {
    $strict_length = length $to;

  my @ret = ();
  for ( ; $from <= $to ; $from += $step ) {
    my $format = "%0" . $strict_length . "i";
    push @ret, $start . sprintf( $format, $from ) . $end;

  return @ret;

sub exit {
  Rex::Logger::info("Exiting Rex...");
  Rex::Logger::info("Cleaning up...");

  unlink("$::rexfile.lock") if ($::rexfile);
  CORE::exit( $_[0] || 0 );

sub get_environment {
  my ( $class, $env ) = @_;

  if ( exists $environments->{$env} ) {
    return $environments->{$env};

sub get_environments {
  my $class = shift;

  return sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$environments};

=item sayformat($format)

You can define the format of the say() function.

%D - The current date yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss

%h - The target host

%p - The pid of the running process

%s - The Logstring

You can also define the following values:

default - the default behaviour.

asis - will print every single parameter in its own line. This is usefull if you want to print the output of a command.


sub sayformat {
  my ($format) = @_;

sub say_format { sayformat(@_); }

sub say {
  my (@data) = @_;

  return unless defined $_[0];

  my $format = Rex::Config->get_say_format;
  if ( !defined $format || $format eq "default" ) {
    print @_, "\n";

  if ( $format eq "asis" ) {
    print join( "\n", @_ );

  for my $line (@data) {
    print _format_string( $format, $line ) . "\n";


# %D - Date
# %h - Host
# %s - Logstring
sub _format_string {
  my ( $format, $line ) = @_;

  my $date = _get_timestamp();
  my $host =
    ? Rex::get_current_connection()->{conn}->server
    : "<local>";
  my $pid = $$;

  $format =~ s/\%D/$date/gms;
  $format =~ s/\%h/$host/gms;
  $format =~ s/\%s/$line/gms;
  $format =~ s/\%p/$pid/gms;

  return $format;

sub _get_timestamp {
  my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) =
  $year += 1900;

    . sprintf( "%02i", $mon ) . "-"
    . sprintf( "%02i", $mday ) . " "
    . sprintf( "%02i", $hour ) . ":"
    . sprintf( "%02i", $min ) . ":"
    . sprintf( "%02i", $sec );

sub TRUE {
  return 1;

sub FALSE {
  return 0;

sub make(&) {
  return $_[0];


