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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=0:
# vim: set expandtab:

=head1 NAME

Rex::Commands::Run - Execute a remote command


With this module you can run a command.


 my $output = run "ls -l";
 sudo "id";


=over 4


package Rex::Commands::Run;

use strict;
use warnings;

#require Exporter;
require Rex::Exporter;
use Data::Dumper;
use Rex;
use Rex::Logger;
use Rex::Helper::SSH2;
use Rex::Helper::Run;
use Rex::Helper::SSH2::Expect;
use Rex::Config;
use Rex::Interface::Exec;
use Rex::Interface::Fs;

  if ( $^O !~ m/^MSWin/ ) {
    eval "use Expect";
  else {
    # this fails sometimes on windows...
    eval {
      Rex::Logger::debug("Running under windows, Expect not supported."); };

use vars qw(@EXPORT);
use base qw(Rex::Exporter);

@EXPORT = qw(run can_run sudo);

=item run($command [, $callback])

This function will execute the given command and returns the output. In scalar context it returns the raw output as is, and in list context it returns the list of output lines.

 task "uptime", "server01", sub {
   say run "uptime";
   run "uptime", sub {
     my ($stdout, $stderr) = @_;
     my $server = Rex::get_current_connection()->{server};
     say "[$server] $stdout\n";

If you only want to run a command in special cases, you can queue the command
and notify it when you want to run it.

 task "prepare", sub {
   run "extract-something",
     command     => "tar -C /foo -xzf /tmp/foo.tgz",
     only_notified => TRUE;

   # some code ...

   notify "run", "extract-something";  # now the command gets executed

If you only want to run a command if an other command succeed or fail, you can use
I<only_if> or I<unless> option.

 run "some-command",
   only_if => "ps -ef | grep -q httpd";   # only run if httpd is running

 run "some-other-command",
   unless => "ps -ef | grep -q httpd";    # only run if httpd is not running

If you want to set custom environment variables you can do this like this:

 run "my_command",
   env => {
     env_var_1 => "the value for 1",
     env_var_2 => "the value for 2",


our $LAST_OUTPUT;    # this variable stores the last output of a run.
    # so that it is possible to get for example the output of an apt-get update
    # that is called through >> install "foo" <<

sub run {
  my $cmd = shift;
  my ( $code, $option );
  if ( ref $_[0] eq "CODE" ) {
    $code = shift;
  if ( scalar @_ > 0 ) {
    $option = {@_};

  my $res_cmd = $cmd;

  if ( exists $option->{only_notified} && $option->{only_notified} ) {
      "This command runs only if notified. Passing by. ($cmd, $option->{command})"
    my $notify = Rex::get_current_connection()->{notify};
      type    => "run",
      name    => $cmd,
      options => $option,
      cb      => sub {
        my ($option) = shift;
          "Running notified command: $cmd ($option->{command})");
        run( $option->{command} );


  if ( exists $option->{command} ) {
    $cmd = $option->{command};

    ->report_resource_start( type => "run", name => $res_cmd );

  my $changed = 1;    # default for run() is 1

  if ( exists $option->{creates} ) {
    my $fs = Rex::Interface::Fs->create();
    if ( $fs->is_file( $option->{creates} ) ) {
        "File $option->{creates} already exists. Not executing $cmd.");
      $changed = 0;

  if ( exists $option->{only_if} ) {
    run( $option->{only_if} );
    if ( $? != 0 ) {
        "Don't executing $cmd because $option->{only_if} return $?.");
      $changed = 0;

  if ( exists $option->{unless} ) {
    run( $option->{unless} );
    if ( $? == 0 ) {
        "Don't executing $cmd because $option->{unless} return $?.");
      $changed = 0;

  my $out_ret;

  if ($changed) {
    my $path;

    if ( !Rex::Config->get_no_path_cleanup() ) {
      $path = join( ":", Rex::Config->get_path() );

    my ( $out, $err );
    my $exec = Rex::Interface::Exec->create;

    if ( exists $option->{timeout} && $option->{timeout} > 0 ) {
      eval {
        local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die("timeout"); };
        alarm $option->{timeout};
        ( $out, $err ) = $exec->exec( $cmd, $path, $option );
        alarm 0;

      if ( $@ =~ m/^timeout at/ ) {
        Rex::Logger::info( "Timeout executing $cmd.", "error" );
        $? = 300;
    else {
      ( $out, $err ) = $exec->exec( $cmd, $path, $option );

    chomp $out if $out;
    chomp $err if $err;

    $LAST_OUTPUT = [ $out, $err ];

    if ( !defined $out ) {
      $out = "";

    if ( !defined $err ) {
      $err = "";

    if ( $? == 127 ) {
      Rex::Logger::info( "$cmd: Command not found.", "error" )
        if ( Rex::Config->get_verbose_run );
    elsif ( $? != 0 && $? != 300 ) {
      Rex::Logger::info( "Error executing $cmd: Return-Code: $?", "warn" )
        if ( Rex::Config->get_verbose_run );
    elsif ( $? == 0 ) {
      Rex::Logger::info("Successfully executed $cmd.")
        if ( Rex::Config->get_verbose_run );

    if ($code) {
      $out_ret = &$code( $out, $err );

    else {
      $out_ret = $out;

      changed => 1,
      message => "Command ($cmd) executed. Return-Code: $?"
  else {
    Rex::get_current_connection()->{reporter}->report( changed => 0, );

    ->report_resource_end( type => "run", name => $res_cmd );

  if ( Rex::Config->get_exec_autodie()
    && Rex::Config->get_exec_autodie() == 1 )
    if ( $? != 0 ) {
      die("Error executing: $cmd.\nOutput:\n$out_ret");

  if (wantarray && defined $out_ret) {
    return split( /\r?\n/, $out_ret );

  return $out_ret;

=item can_run($command)

This function checks if a command is in the path or is available. You can
specify multiple commands, the first command found will be returned.

 task "uptime", sub {
   if( my $cmd = can_run("uptime", "downtime") ) {
     say run $cmd;


sub can_run {
  my @cmds = @_;

  if ( !Rex::is_ssh() && $^O =~ m/^MSWin/ ) {
    return 1;

  for my $cmd (@cmds) {
    my @ret = i_run "which $cmd";
    next if ( $? != 0 );

    if ( grep { /^no.*in/ } @ret ) {
    else {
      return $ret[0];

  return 0;

=item sudo

Run a command with I<sudo>. Define the password for sudo with I<sudo_password>.

You can use this function to run one command with sudo privileges or to turn on sudo globaly.

 user "unprivuser";
 sudo_password "f00b4r";
 sudo -on;  # turn sudo globaly on

 task prepare => sub {
   install "apache2";
   file "/etc/ntp.conf",
     source => "files/etc/ntp.conf",
     owner  => "root",
     mode  => 640;

Or, if you don't turning sudo globaly on.

 task prepare => sub {
   file "/tmp/foo.txt",
     content => "this file was written without sudo privileges\n";

   # everything in this section will be executed with sudo privileges
   sudo sub {
     install "apache2";
     file "/tmp/foo2.txt",
       content => "this file was written with sudo privileges\n";

Run only one command within sudo.

 task "eth1-down", sub {
  sudo "ifconfig eth1 down";


sub sudo {
  my ($cmd) = @_;

  my $options;
  if ( ref $cmd eq "HASH" ) {
    $options = $cmd;
    $cmd     = $options->{command};

  if ( $cmd eq "on" || $cmd eq "-on" || $cmd eq "1" ) {
    Rex::Logger::debug("Turning sudo globaly on");
  elsif ( $cmd eq "0" ) {
    Rex::Logger::debug("Turning sudo globaly off");

  my $old_sudo    = Rex::get_current_connection()->{use_sudo}     || 0;
  my $old_options = Rex::get_current_connection()->{sudo_options} || {};
  Rex::get_current_connection()->{use_sudo}     = 1;
  Rex::get_current_connection()->{sudo_options} = $options;

  my $ret;

  # if sudo is used with a code block
  if ( ref($cmd) eq "CODE" ) {
    $ret = &$cmd();
  else {
    $ret = i_run($cmd);

  Rex::get_current_connection()->{use_sudo}     = $old_sudo;
  Rex::get_current_connection()->{sudo_options} = $old_options;

  return $ret;


