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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=0:
# vim: set expandtab:

package Rex::TaskList::Base;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;
use Rex::Logger;
use Rex::Task;
use Rex::Config;
use Rex::Interface::Executor;
use Rex::Fork::Manager;
use Rex::Report;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);

sub new {
  my $that  = shift;
  my $proto = ref($that) || $that;
  my $self  = {@_};

  bless( $self, $proto );

  $self->{IN_TRANSACTION} = 0;
  $self->{DEFAULT_AUTH}   = 1;
  $self->{tasks}          = {};

  return $self;

sub create_task {
  my $self      = shift;
  my $task_name = shift;
  my $options   = pop;
  my $desc      = pop;

  if ( exists $self->{tasks}->{$task_name} ) {
    Rex::Logger::info( "Task $task_name already exists. Overwriting...",
      "warn" );

  Rex::Logger::debug("Creating task: $task_name");

  my $func;
  if ( ref($desc) eq "CODE" ) {
    $func = $desc;
    $desc = "";
  else {
    $func = pop;

  my @server = ();

  if ($::FORCE_SERVER) {

    if ( $::FORCE_SERVER =~ m/^\0/ ) {
      my $group_name = substr( $::FORCE_SERVER, 1 );

      if ( !Rex::Group->is_group($group_name) ) {
        Rex::Logger::info( "No group $group_name defined.", "error" );
        exit 1;

      push( @server,
        map { Rex::Group::Entry::Server->new( name => $_ ); }
          Rex::Group->get_group($group_name) );
    else {
      my @servers = split( /\s+/, $::FORCE_SERVER );
      push( @server,
        map { Rex::Group::Entry::Server->new( name => $_ ); } @servers );

      Rex::Logger::debug("\tserver: $_") for @server;


  else {

    if ( scalar(@_) >= 1 ) {
      if ( $_[0] eq "group" ) {
        my $groups;
        if ( ref( $_[1] ) eq "ARRAY" ) {
          $groups = $_[1];
        else {
          $groups = [ $_[1] ];

        for my $group ( @{$groups} ) {
          if ( Rex::Group->is_group($group) ) {
            my @group_server = Rex::Group->get_group($group);

            # check if the group is empty. this is mostly due to a failure.
            # so report it, and exit.
            if ( scalar @group_server == 0
              && Rex::Config->get_allow_empty_groups() == 0 )
                "The group $group is empty. This is mostly due to a failure.",
                "warn" );
                "If this is an expected behaviour, please add the feature flag 'empty_groups'.",
            push( @server, @group_server );
      else {
        for my $entry (@_) {
              ref($entry) eq "Rex::Group::Entry"
              ? $entry
              : Rex::Group::Entry::Server->new( name => $entry )


  my %task_hash = (
    func                 => $func,
    server               => [@server],
    desc                 => $desc,
    no_ssh               => ( $options->{"no_ssh"} ? 1 : 0 ),
    hidden               => ( $options->{"dont_register"} ? 1 : 0 ),
    exit_on_connect_fail => (
      exists $options->{exit_on_connect_fail}
      ? $options->{exit_on_connect_fail}
      : 1
    before          => [],
    after           => [],
    around          => [],
    name            => $task_name,
    executor        => Rex::Interface::Executor->create,
    connection_type => Rex::Config->get_connection_type,

  if ( $self->{DEFAULT_AUTH} ) {
    $task_hash{auth} = {
      user          => Rex::Config->get_user,
      password      => Rex::Config->get_password,
      private_key   => Rex::Config->get_private_key,
      public_key    => Rex::Config->get_public_key,
      sudo_password => Rex::Config->get_sudo_password,

  $self->{tasks}->{$task_name} = Rex::Task->new(%task_hash);


sub get_tasks {
  my $self = shift;
  return grep { $self->{tasks}->{$_}->hidden() == 0 }
    sort      { $a cmp $b } keys %{ $self->{tasks} };

sub get_all_tasks {
  my $self   = shift;
  my $regexp = shift;

  return grep { $_ =~ $regexp }
    keys %{ $self->{tasks} };

sub get_tasks_for {
  my $self = shift;
  my $host = shift;

  my @tasks;
  for my $task_name ( keys %{ $self->{tasks} } ) {
    my @servers = @{ $self->{tasks}->{$task_name}->server() };

    if ( ( grep { /^$host$/ } @servers ) || $#servers == -1 ) {
      push @tasks, $task_name;

  return sort { $a cmp $b } @tasks;

sub get_task {
  my ( $self, $task ) = @_;
  return $self->{tasks}->{$task};

sub clear_tasks {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{tasks} = {};

sub get_desc {
  my $self = shift;
  my $task = shift;

  return $self->{tasks}->{$task}->desc();

sub is_task {
  my $self = shift;
  my $task = shift;

  if ( exists $self->{tasks}->{$task} ) { return 1; }
  return 0;

sub run {
  my ( $self, $task_name, %option ) = @_;
  my $task = $self->get_task($task_name);

  $option{params} ||= { Rex::Args->get };

  my @all_server = @{ $task->server };

  my $fm = Rex::Fork::Manager->new( max => $task->parallelism
      || Rex::Config->get_parallelism );

  for my $server (@all_server) {

    my $forked_sub = sub {


      # create a single task object for the run on $server

      Rex::Logger::info("Running task $task_name on $server");
      my $run_task = Rex::Task->new( %{ $task->get_data } );

        in_transaction => $self->{IN_TRANSACTION},
        params         => $option{params}

      # destroy cached os info
      Rex::Logger::debug("Destroying all cached os information");



    # add the worker (forked_sub) to the fork queue
    unless ( $self->{IN_TRANSACTION} ) {

      # not inside a transaction, so lets fork happyly...
      $fm->add( $forked_sub, 1 );
    else {
# inside a transaction, no little small funny kids, ... and no chance to get zombies :(


  Rex::Logger::debug("Waiting for children to finish");
  my $ret = $fm->wait_for_all;


  return $ret;

sub modify {
  my ( $self, $type, $task, $code, $package, $file, $line ) = @_;

  if ( $package ne "main" && $package ne "Rex::CLI" ) {
    if ( $task !~ m/:/ ) {

      #do we need to detect for base -Rex ?
      $package =~ s/^Rex:://;
      $package =~ s/::/:/g;

  my @all_tasks = map { $self->get_task($_); } grep {
    if ( $package ne "main" && $package ne "Rex::CLI" ) {
      $_ =~ m/^\Q$package\E:/;
    else {
      $_ !~ m/:/;
  } $self->get_all_tasks($task);

  if ( !@all_tasks ) {
      "Can't add $type $task, as it is not yet defined\nsee $file line $line");

  for my $taskref (@all_tasks) {
    $taskref->modify( $type => $code );

sub set_default_auth {
  my ( $self, $auth ) = @_;
  $self->{DEFAULT_AUTH} = $auth;

sub is_default_auth {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{DEFAULT_AUTH};

sub set_in_transaction {
  my ( $self, $val ) = @_;
  $self->{IN_TRANSACTION} = $val;

sub is_transaction {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{IN_TRANSACTION};

sub get_exit_codes {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return @Rex::Fork::Task::PROCESS_LIST;
