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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=0:
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=head1 NAME

Rex::Commands::Service - Manage System Services


With this module you can manage Linux services.


 use Rex::Commands::Service

 service apache2 => "start";

 service apache2 => "stop";

 service apache2 => "restart";

 service apache2 => "status";

 service apache2 => "reload";

 service apache2 => "ensure", "started";

 service apache2 => "ensure", "stopped";


=over 4


package Rex::Commands::Service;
  $Rex::Commands::Service::VERSION = '0.53.1';

use strict;
use warnings;

require Rex::Exporter;

use vars qw(@EXPORT);
use base qw(Rex::Exporter);

use Rex::Service;
use Rex::Logger;
use Rex::Config;
use Rex::Hook;
use Carp;

@EXPORT = qw(service service_provider_for);

=item service($service, $action, [$option])

The service function accepts 2 parameters. The first is the service name and the second the action you want to perform.

=over 4

=item starting a service

 task "start-service", "server01", sub {
   service apache2 => "start";

=item stopping a service

 task "stop-service", "server01", sub {
   service apache2 => "stop";

=item restarting a service

 task "restart-service", "server01", sub {
   service apache2 => "restart";

=item checking status of a service

 task "status-service", "server01", sub {
   if( service apache2 => "status" ) {
     say "Apache2 is running";
   else {
     say "Apache2 is not running";

=item reloading a service

 task "reload-service", "server01", sub {
   service apache2 => "reload";

=item ensure that a service will started at boot time

 task "prepare", sub {
   service "apache2",
     ensure => "started";

=item ensure that a service will NOT be started.

 task "prepare", sub {
   service "apache2",
     ensure => "stopped";

If you need to define a custom command for start, stop, restart, reload or status you can do this with the corresponding options.

 task "prepare", sub {
   service "apache2",
     ensure  => "started",
     start   => "/usr/local/bin/httpd -f /etc/my/httpd.conf",
     stop    => "killall httpd",
     status  => "ps -efww | grep httpd",
     restart => "killall httpd && /usr/local/bin/httpd -f /etc/my/httpd.conf",
     reload  => "killall httpd && /usr/local/bin/httpd -f /etc/my/httpd.conf";

This function supports the following hooks:

=over 8

=item before_I<action>

For example: before_start, before_stop, before_restart

This gets executed right before the service action.

=item after_I<action>

For example: after_start, after_stop, after_restart

This gets executed right after the service action.




sub service {
  my ( $services, $action, @_options ) = @_;

  my $opt_ref = {};
  if ( scalar @_options >= 1 ) {
    $opt_ref = { $action, @_options };
  else {
    $opt_ref = { ensure => $action, no_boot => 1 };

  # $opt_ref = {
  #    ensure  => "start(ed)",
  #    no_boot => 1,
  #    ...     => ...,
  # }

  if (wantarray) {

    # func-ref zurueckgeben
    return sub {
      service( $services, $action );


  my $is_multiple = 1;
  unless ( ref($services) ) {
    $services    = [$services];
    $is_multiple = 0;

  my $srvc = Rex::Service->get;

  my $changed = 0;
  my $return  = 1;
  for my $res_service (@$services) {

    my $service = $res_service;
    if ( exists $opt_ref->{name} ) {
      $service = $opt_ref->{name};

    my $notify = Rex::get_current_connection()->{notify};
      type     => "service",
      name     => $service,
      postpone => 1,
      options  => {},
      cb       => sub {
        my ($option) = shift;
        Rex::Logger::debug("Restarting notified service: $service");
        service( $service => "restart" );

    #### check and run before_$action hook
    Rex::Hook::run_hook( service => "before_$action", @_ );

    if ( scalar @_ == 2 ) {
      return old_service( $service, $action );

    ####### new service code

      ->report_resource_start( type => "service", name => $res_service );

    my $b_status = $srvc->status($service);
    my $return;

    if ( $opt_ref->{ensure} =~ m/^(start|run|enable)/ ) {
      if ( exists $opt_ref->{no_boot} && $opt_ref->{no_boot} ) {
        $return = $srvc->start( $service, $opt_ref );
      else {
        $return = $srvc->ensure( $service, $opt_ref );
    elsif ( $opt_ref->{ensure} =~ m/^(stop|disable)/ ) {
      if ( exists $opt_ref->{no_boot} && $opt_ref->{no_boot} ) {
        $return = $srvc->stop( $service, $opt_ref );
      else {
        $return = $srvc->ensure( $service, $opt_ref );
    else {
      Rex::Logger::info( "$opt_ref->{ensure} unknown ensure value.", "error" );
      confess "$opt_ref->{ensure} unknown ensure value.";

    my $a_status = $srvc->status( $service, $opt_ref );

    $changed = 0;
    if ( $a_status != $b_status ) {
      $changed = 1;

    #### check and run after_$action hook
      service => "after_$action",
      @_, { changed => $changed, ret => $return }

    if ($changed) {
        changed => 1,
        message => "Service $service changed status to $opt_ref->{ensure}."
    else {
      Rex::get_current_connection()->{reporter}->report( changed => 0, );

      ->report_resource_end( type => "service", name => $res_service );


sub old_service {

  my ( $service, $action, $options ) = @_;

  my $srvc = Rex::Service->get;
  my $changed;
  my $is_multiple = 0;
  my $return;

    ->report_resource_start( type => "service", name => $service );

  if ( $action eq "start" ) {

    unless ( $srvc->status($service) ) {
      $changed = 1;
      if ( $srvc->start($service) ) {
        Rex::Logger::info("Service $service started.");
        $return = 1 if !$is_multiple;
      else {
        Rex::Logger::info( "Error starting $service.", "warn" );
        $return = 0 if !$is_multiple;


  elsif ( $action eq "restart" ) {
    $changed = 1;

    if ( $srvc->restart($service) ) {
      Rex::Logger::info("Service $service restarted.");
      $return = 1 if !$is_multiple;
    else {
      Rex::Logger::info( "Error restarting $service.", "warn" );
      $return = 0 if !$is_multiple;


  elsif ( $action eq "stop" ) {

    if ( $srvc->status($service) ) {    # it runs
      $changed = 1;
      if ( $srvc->stop($service) ) {
        Rex::Logger::info("Service $service stopped.");
        $return = 1 if !$is_multiple;
      else {
        Rex::Logger::info( "Error stopping $service.", "warn" );
        $return = 0 if !$is_multiple;


  elsif ( $action eq "reload" ) {
    $changed = 1;
    if ( $srvc->reload($service) ) {
      Rex::Logger::info("Service $service is reloaded.");
      $return = 1 if !$is_multiple;
    else {
      Rex::Logger::info( "Error $service does not support reload", "warn" );
      $return = 0 if !$is_multiple;


  elsif ( $action eq "status" ) {

    $changed = 100;
    if ( $srvc->status($service) ) {
      Rex::Logger::info("Service $service is running.");
      $return = 1 if !$is_multiple;
    else {
      Rex::Logger::info("$service is stopped");
      $return = 0 if !$is_multiple;


  elsif ( $action eq "ensure" ) {

    if ( $srvc->ensure( $service, { ensure => $options } ) ) {
      $changed = 0;
      $return = 1 if !$is_multiple;
    else {
      $return = 0 if !$is_multiple;
      Rex::Logger::info("Error ensuring $service to $options");

  else {
    Rex::Logger::info("Execution action $action on $service.");
    $srvc->action( $service, $action );
    $changed = 100;

  if ($changed) {
      ->report( changed => $changed, message => "Service executed $action." );
  else {
    Rex::get_current_connection()->{reporter}->report( changed => 0, );

    ->report_resource_end( type => "service", name => $service );

  return $return;

=item service_provider_for $os => $type;

To set an other service provider as the default, use this function.

 user "root";

 group "db" => "db[01..10]";
 service_provider_for SunOS => "svcadm";

 task "start", group => "db", sub {
    service ssh => "restart";

This example will restart the I<ssh> service via svcadm (but only on SunOS, on other operating systems it will use the default).


sub service_provider_for {
  my ( $os, $provider ) = @_;
  Rex::Logger::debug("setting service provider for $os to $provider");
  Rex::Config->set( "service_provider", { $os => $provider } );


