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use Test::More tests => 5;

my %have_mods = ( 'Digest::HMAC_SHA1' => 1, );

for my $m ( keys %have_mods ) {
  my $have_mod = 1;
  eval "use $m;";
  if ($@) {
    $have_mods{$m} = 0;

  diag "You need Digest::HMAC_SHA1 module to use the Amazon Cloud module."
    unless $have_mod{'Digest::HMAC_SHA1'};
  skip "You need Digest::HMAC_SHA1 module to use the Amazon Cloud module.", 1
    unless $have_mod{'Digest::HMAC_SHA1'};
  use_ok 'Rex::Cloud::Amazon';

use_ok 'Rex::Cloud::Base';
use_ok 'Rex::Cloud::Jiffybox';
use_ok 'Rex::Cloud::OpenStack';
use_ok 'Rex::Cloud';