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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=0:
# vim: set expandtab:

package Rex::CLI;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '1.1.0'; # VERSION

use FindBin;
use File::Basename;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use Cwd qw(getcwd);
use List::Util qw(max);

use Rex;
use Rex::Config;
use Rex::Group;
use Rex::Batch;
use Rex::TaskList;
use Rex::Logger;
use YAML;

use Data::Dumper;

my $no_color = 0;
eval "use Term::ANSIColor";
if ($@) { $no_color = 1; }

# no colors under windows
if ( $^O =~ m/MSWin/ ) {
  $no_color = 1;

# preload some modules
use Rex -base;


my ( %opts, @help, @exit );

if ( $#ARGV < 0 ) {
  @ARGV = qw(-h);

require Rex::Args;

sub new {
  my $that  = shift;
  my $proto = ref($that) || $that;
  my $self  = {@_};

  bless( $self, $proto );

  return $self;

sub __run__ {

  my ( $self, %more_args ) = @_;

    C => {},
    c => {},
    q => {},
    Q => {},
    F => {},
    T => {},
    h => {},
    v => {},
    d => {},
    s => {},
    m => {},
    y => {},
    w => {},
    S => { type => "string" },
    E => { type => "string" },
    o => { type => "string" },
    f => { type => "string" },
    M => { type => "string" },
    b => { type => "string" },
    e => { type => "string" },
    H => { type => "string" },
    u => { type => "string" },
    p => { type => "string" },
    P => { type => "string" },
    K => { type => "string" },
    G => { type => "string" },
    g => { type => "string" },
    z => { type => "string" },
    O => { type => "string" },
    t => { type => "integer" },

  %opts = Rex::Args->getopts;

  if ( $opts{'Q'} ) {
    my ( $stdout, $stderr );
    open( my $newout, '>', \$stdout );
    select $newout;

  if ( $opts{'m'} ) {
    $no_color              = 1;
    $Rex::Logger::no_color = 1;

  if ( $opts{'d'} ) {
    $Rex::Logger::debug  = $opts{'d'};
    $Rex::Logger::silent = 0;

  if ( $opts{"c"} ) {

    #  Rex::Config->set_use_cache(1);
    # since 0.46 just a pseudo option
    # cache is enabled by default
  elsif ( $opts{"C"} ) {

  Rex::Logger::debug("This is Rex version: $Rex::VERSION");
  Rex::Logger::debug("Command Line Parameters");
  for my $param ( keys %opts ) {
    Rex::Logger::debug( "\t$param = " . $opts{$param} );

  if ( $opts{'h'} ) {
  elsif ( $opts{'v'} && !$opts{'T'} ) {

  if ( $opts{'q'} ) {
    $::QUIET = 1;
    if ( $opts{'w'} ) {
      $::QUIET = 2;

  $::rexfile = "Rexfile";
  if ( $opts{'f'} ) {
    Rex::Logger::debug( "Using Rexfile: " . $opts{'f'} );
    $::rexfile = $opts{'f'};
  else {
    if ( ( !-e $::rexfile ) && ( $ARGV[0] && $ARGV[0] =~ /:/ ) ) {

#if there is no Rexfile, and the user asks for a longer path task, see if we can use it as the Rexfile
#eg: rex -H $host Misc:Example:prepare --bar=baz
      $::rexfile = $ARGV[0];
      $::rexfile =~ s/:[^:]*$//;
      $::rexfile =~ s{:}{/}g;
      $::rexfile = 'Rex/' . $::rexfile . '.pm';


    if ( $opts{'H'} ) {
      if ( $opts{'H'} =~ m/^perl:(.*)/ ) {
        my $host_eval = eval($1);

        if ( ref($host_eval) eq "ARRAY" ) {
          $::FORCE_SERVER = join( " ", @{$host_eval} );
        else {
          die("Perl Code have to return an array reference.");
      else {
        $::FORCE_SERVER = $opts{'H'};


  if ( $opts{'z'} ) {
    my $host_eval = eval { `$opts{'z'}`; };
    if ( $host_eval =~ m/\S/xms ) {
      $::FORCE_SERVER = join( " ", split /\n|,|;/, $host_eval );
    else {
      $::FORCE_SERVER = $opts{'H'};

  if ( $opts{'z'} ) {
    my $host_eval = eval { `$opts{'z'}`; };
    if ( $host_eval =~ m/\S/xms ) {
      $::FORCE_SERVER = join( " ", split /\n|,|;/, $host_eval );
    else {
      Rex::Logger::info("You must give a valid command.");

  if ( $opts{'o'} ) {
    Rex::Output->get( $opts{'o'} );

  # Load Rexfile before exec in order to suppport group exec
  if ( -f $::rexfile ) {
    Rex::Logger::debug("$::rexfile exists");

    Rex::Logger::debug("Checking Rexfile Syntax...");

    if ( !exists $ENV{PAR_TEMP} ) {

      # don't check syntax under PAR

      my $out =
        qx{$^X -MRex::Commands -MRex::Commands::Run -MRex::Commands::Fs -MRex::Commands::Download -MRex::Commands::Upload -MRex::Commands::File -MRex::Commands::Gather -MRex::Commands::Kernel -MRex::Commands::Pkg -MRex::Commands::Service -MRex::Commands::Sysctl -MRex::Commands::Tail -MRex::Commands::Process -c $::rexfile 2>&1};
      if ( $? > 0 ) {
        print $out;

      if ( $? != 0 ) {
        exit 1;


    if ( $^O !~ m/^MSWin/ ) {
      if ( -f "$::rexfile.lock" && !exists $opts{'F'} ) {
        Rex::Logger::debug("Found $::rexfile.lock");
        my $pid = eval { local ( @ARGV, $/ ) = ("$::rexfile.lock"); <>; };
          "ps aux | awk -F' ' ' { print \$2 } ' | grep $pid >/dev/null 2>&1");
        if ( $? == 0 ) {
          Rex::Logger::info("Rexfile is in use by $pid.");
          CORE::exit 1;
        else {
          Rex::Logger::debug("Found stale lock file. Removing it.");

      Rex::Logger::debug("Creating lock-file ($::rexfile.lock)");
      open( my $f, ">", "$::rexfile.lock" ) or die($!);
      print $f $$;
    else {
      Rex::Logger::debug("Running on windows. Disabled syntax checking.");
      Rex::Logger::debug("Running on windows. Disabled lock file support.");

    Rex::Logger::debug("Including/Parsing $::rexfile");

    Rex::Config->set_environment( $opts{"E"} ) if ( $opts{"E"} );

    if ( $opts{'g'} || $opts{'G'} ) {

      #$::FORCE_SERVER = "\0" . $opts{'g'};
      $opts{'g'} ||= $opts{'G'};

      if ( ref $opts{'g'} ne "ARRAY" ) {
        $::FORCE_SERVER = [ $opts{'g'} ];
      else {
        $::FORCE_SERVER = $opts{'g'};

    if ( -f "vars.db" ) {

    if ( -f "vars.db.lock" ) {

    eval {
      my $env             = environment;
      my $ini_dir         = dirname($::rexfile);
      my $server_ini_file = "$ini_dir/server.$env.ini";
      $server_ini_file = "$ini_dir/server.ini"
        if !-f $server_ini_file;
      if ( -f $server_ini_file && Rex::Group::Lookup::INI->is_loadable ) {
      my $ok = do($::rexfile);

      if ( !$ok ) {

        # read rexfile
        my $content = eval { local ( @ARGV, $/ ) = ($::rexfile); <>; };

        # and try to evaluate it
        my @rex_code = ("package Rex::Test::Rexfile::Syntax;");
        if ( $content !~ m/use Rex \-.*;/ ) {
          push @rex_code, "use Rex -base;";
        push @rex_code, "my \$b=\$Rex::Commands::dont_register_tasks;";
        push @rex_code, "\$Rex::Commands::dont_register_tasks = 1;";
        push @rex_code, "$content";
        push @rex_code, "\$Rex::Commands::dont_register_tasks = \$b;";
        push @rex_code, "1;";

        eval join( "\n", @rex_code );

        if ($@) {
          $ok = 0;
        else {
            "We can't load your Rexfile but the syntax seems to be correct.");
            "This happens if the Rexfile doesn't return a true value.");
            "Please append a '1;' at the very end of your Rexfile.");
          $ok = 1;

      Rex::Logger::debug("eval your Rexfile.");
      if ( !$ok ) {
          "There seems to be an error on some of your required files. $@",
          "error" );

        if ( !exists $ENV{PAR_TEMP} ) {

          my @dir = ( dirname($::rexfile) );
          for my $d (@dir) {
            opendir( my $dh, $d ) or die($!);
            while ( my $entry = readdir($dh) ) {
              if ( $entry =~ m/^\./ ) {

              if ( -d "$d/$entry" ) {
                push( @dir, "$d/$entry" );

              if ( $entry =~ m/Rexfile/ || $entry =~ m/\.pm$/ ) {

                # check files for syntax errors
                my $check_out =
                  qx{$^X -MRex::Commands -MRex::Commands::Run -MRex::Commands::Fs -MRex::Commands::Download -MRex::Commands::Upload -MRex::Commands::File -MRex::Commands::Gather -MRex::Commands::Kernel -MRex::Commands::Pkg -MRex::Commands::Service -MRex::Commands::Sysctl -MRex::Commands::Tail -MRex::Commands::Process -c $d/$entry 2>&1};
                if ( $? > 0 ) {
                  print "$d/$entry\n";
                  print $check_out;
                  print "\n";


        exit 1;

    if ($@) { print $@ . "\n"; exit 1; }

  else {
    Rex::Logger::info( "No Rexfile found.", "warn" );
      "Please create a file named 'Rexfile' inside this directory,", "warn" );
    Rex::Logger::info( "or specify the file you want to use with:", "warn" );
    Rex::Logger::info( "   rex -f file_to_use task_to_run",         "warn" );

  #### check if some parameters should be overwritten from the command line

    my $pass_auth = 0;

    if ( $opts{'u'} ) {
      Rex::Commands::user( $opts{'u'} );
      for my $task ( Rex::TaskList->create()->get_tasks ) {
        Rex::TaskList->create()->get_task($task)->set_user( $opts{'u'} );

    if ( $opts{'p'} ) {
      Rex::Commands::password( $opts{'p'} );

      unless ( $opts{'P'} ) {
        $pass_auth = 1;

      for my $task ( Rex::TaskList->create()->get_tasks ) {
        Rex::TaskList->create()->get_task($task)->set_password( $opts{'p'} );


    if ( $opts{'P'} ) {
      Rex::Commands::private_key( $opts{'P'} );

      for my $task ( Rex::TaskList->create()->get_tasks ) {
        $task->set_auth( "private_key", $opts{'P'} );
          ->set_auth( "private_key", $opts{'P'} );

    if ( $opts{'K'} ) {
      Rex::Commands::public_key( $opts{'K'} );

      for my $task ( Rex::TaskList->create()->get_tasks ) {
          ->set_auth( "public_key", $opts{'K'} );

    if ($pass_auth) {


  Rex::Logger::debug("Initializing Logger from parameters found in $::rexfile");

  if ( $opts{'T'} && $opts{'m'} ) {

    # create machine readable tasklist
    my @tasks = Rex::TaskList->create()->get_tasks;
    for my $task (@tasks) {
      my $desc = Rex::TaskList->create()->get_desc($task);
      $desc =~ s/'/\\'/gms;
      print "'$task'" . " = '$desc'\n";
  elsif ( $opts{'T'} && $opts{'y'} ) {
    my @tasks  = Rex::TaskList->create()->get_tasks;
    my @envs   = Rex::Commands->get_environments();
    my %groups = Rex::Group->get_groups;

    my %real_groups;

    for my $group ( keys %groups ) {
      my @servers = map { $_->get_servers }
      $real_groups{$group} = \@servers;

    print YAML::Dump(
        tasks  => \@tasks,
        envs   => \@envs,
        groups => \%real_groups,
  elsif ( $opts{'T'} ) {
    Rex::Logger::debug("Listing Tasks and Batches");
    _print_color( "Tasks\n", "yellow" );
    my @tasks = Rex::TaskList->create()->get_tasks;
    unless (@tasks) {
      print "  no tasks defined.\n";
    if ( defined $ARGV[0] ) {
      @tasks = map { Rex::TaskList->create()->is_task($_) ? $_ : () } @ARGV;

    # Warn the user if they pass in arguments to '-T' and no task names
    # were found that match those arguments
    if ( scalar(@tasks) == 0 ) {
      foreach my $task_warn (@ARGV) {
        Rex::Logger::info( "No task matching '$task_warn' found.", "error" );
    else {
      my $max_task_str = max map { length } @tasks;
      for my $task (@tasks) {
        my $padding = $max_task_str - length($task);
        print " $task  "
          . ' ' x $padding . " "
          . Rex::TaskList->create()->get_desc($task) . "\n";
        if ( $opts{'v'} ) {
            "    Servers: "
              . join( ", ",
              @{ Rex::TaskList->create()->get_task($task)->server } )
              . "\n"
    _print_color( "Batches\n", 'yellow' ) if ( Rex::Batch->get_batchs );
    for my $batch ( Rex::Batch->get_batchs ) {
      printf "  %-30s %s\n", $batch, Rex::Batch->get_desc($batch);
      if ( $opts{'v'} ) {
          "    " . join( " ", Rex::Batch->get_batch($batch) ) . "\n" );
    my @envs = map { Rex::Commands->get_environment($_) }
    _print_color( "Environments\n", "yellow" ) if scalar @envs;
    for my $e (@envs) {
      printf "  %-30s %s\n", $e->{name}, $e->{description};

    my %groups = Rex::Group->get_groups;
    _print_color( "Server Groups\n", "yellow" ) if ( keys %groups );
    for my $group ( keys %groups ) {
      printf "  %-30s %s\n", $group, join( ", ", @{ $groups{$group} } );

    Rex::Logger::debug("Removing lockfile") if ( !exists $opts{'F'} );
    CORE::unlink("$::rexfile.lock") if ( !exists $opts{'F'} );
    CORE::exit 0;

  # turn sudo on with cli option s is used
  if ( exists $opts{'s'} ) {
  if ( exists $opts{'S'} ) {
    sudo_password( $opts{'S'} );

  if ( exists $opts{'t'} ) {
    parallelism( $opts{'t'} );

  if ( $opts{'e'} ) {
    Rex::Logger::debug("Executing command line code");
    Rex::Logger::debug( "\t" . $opts{'e'} );

    # execute the given code
    my $code = "sub { \n";
    $code .= $opts{'e'} . "\n";
    $code .= "}";

    $code = eval($code);

    if ($@) {
      Rex::Logger::info( "Error in eval line: $@\n", "warn" );
      exit 1;

    if ( exists $opts{'t'} ) {
      parallelism( $opts{'t'} );

    my $pass_auth = 0;

    if ( $opts{'u'} ) {
      Rex::Commands::user( $opts{'u'} );

    if ( $opts{'p'} ) {
      Rex::Commands::password( $opts{'p'} );

      unless ( $opts{'P'} ) {
        $pass_auth = 1;

    if ( $opts{'P'} ) {
      Rex::Commands::private_key( $opts{'P'} );

    if ( $opts{'K'} ) {
      Rex::Commands::public_key( $opts{'K'} );

    if ($pass_auth) {

    my @params = ();
    if ( $opts{'H'} ) {
      push @params, split( /\s+/, $opts{'H'} );
    push @params, $code;
    push @params, "eval-line-desc";
    push @params, {};

    Rex::TaskList->create()->create_task( "eval-line", @params );
  elsif ( $opts{'M'} ) {
    Rex::Logger::debug( "Loading Rex-Module: " . $opts{'M'} );
    my $mod = $opts{'M'};
    $mod =~ s{::}{/}g;
    require "$";

  eval {
    if ( $opts{'b'} ) {
      Rex::Logger::debug( "Running batch: " . $opts{'b'} );
      my $batch = $opts{'b'};
      if ( Rex::Batch->is_batch($batch) ) {

    if ( defined $ARGV[0] ) {
      for my $task (@ARGV) {
        if ( Rex::TaskList->create()->is_task($task) ) {
          Rex::Logger::debug("Running task: $task");
        elsif ( $task =~ m/^\-\-/ || $task =~ m/=/ ) {

          # skip, is parameter
        else {
            "No task named '$task' found. Task names are case sensitive and the module delimiter is a single colon.",

  if ($@) {

    # this is always the child
    Rex::Logger::info( "Error running task/batch: $@", "warn" );

  my @exit_codes;

  if ($Rex::WITH_EXIT_STATUS) {
    @exit_codes = Rex::TaskList->create()->get_exit_codes();

  #print ">> $$\n";
  #print Dumper(\@exit_codes);
  # lock loeschen
  Rex::Logger::debug("Removing lockfile") if ( !exists $opts{'F'} );
  CORE::unlink("$::rexfile.lock") if ( !exists $opts{'F'} );

  # delete shared variable db
  if ( -f "vars.db" ) {

  if ( -f "vars.db.lock" ) {

  select STDOUT;

  for my $exit_hook (@exit) {

  if ( $opts{'o'} && defined( Rex::Output->get ) ) {

  if ($Rex::WITH_EXIT_STATUS) {
    for my $exit_code (@exit_codes) {
      if ( $exit_code != 0 ) {
  else {

sub _print_color {
  my ( $msg, $color ) = @_;
  $color = 'green' if !defined($color);

  if ($no_color) {
    print $msg;
  else {
    print colored( [$color], $msg );

sub __help__ {

  print "(R)?ex - (Remote)? Execution\n";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-b", "Run batch";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-e", "Run the given code fragment";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-E", "Execute task on the given environment";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-H", "Execute task on these hosts";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-z",
    "Execute task on hosts from this command's output";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-G|-g", "Execute task on these group";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-u",    "Username for the ssh connection";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-p",    "Password for the ssh connection";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-P",    "Private Keyfile for the ssh connection";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-K",    "Public Keyfile for the ssh connection";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-T",    "List all known tasks.";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-Tm",
    "List all known tasks, in machine-readable format.";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-Ty", "List all known tasks, in YAML format.";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-Tv", "List all known tasks with all information.";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-f",  "Use this file instead of Rexfile";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-h",  "Display this help";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-m",  "Monochrome output. No colors";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-M",  "Load Module instead of Rexfile";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-v",  "Display (R)?ex Version";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-F",  "Force. Don't regard lock file";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-s",  "Use sudo for every command";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-S",  "Password for sudo";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-d",  "Debug";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-dd", "More Debug (includes Profiling Output)";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-o",  "Output Format";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-c",  "Turn cache ON";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-C",  "Turn cache OFF";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-q",  "Quiet mode. No Logging output";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-qw", "Quiet mode. Only output warnings and errors";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-Q",  "Really quiet. Output nothing.";
  printf "  %-15s %s\n", "-t",
    "Number of threads to use (aka 'parallelism' param)";
  print "\n";

  for my $code (@help) {

  CORE::exit 0;


sub add_help {
  my ( $self, $code ) = @_;
  push( @help, $code );

sub add_exit {
  my ( $self, $code ) = @_;
  push( @exit, $code );

sub __version__ {
  print "(R)?ex " . $Rex::VERSION . "\n";
  CORE::exit 0;
