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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=0:
# vim: set expandtab:

package Rex::Helper::INI;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '1.2.1'; # VERSION

BEGIN { String::Escape->use('string2hash'); }

sub parse {
  my (@lines) = @_;
  my $ini;

  my $section;
  for (@lines) {

    (/^#|^;|^\s*$/) && (next);

    if (/^\[(.*)\]/) {

      # check for inheritance
      $section = $1;
      $ini->{$section} = {};

      if ( $section =~ /</ ) {
        delete $ini->{$section};
        my @inherit = split( /</, $section );
        s/^\s*|\s*$//g for @inherit;
        $section = shift @inherit;

        for my $is (@inherit) {
          for my $ik ( keys %{ $ini->{$is} } ) {
            $ini->{$section}->{$ik} = $ini->{$is}->{$ik};


    my ( $key, $val ) = split( /[= ]/, $_, 2 );
    $key =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g if $key;
    $val =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g if $val;

    my @splitted;
    if ( !$val ) {
      $val      = $key;
      @splitted = ($key);

    # commented out due to #184
    else {
      #@splitted = split(/\./, $key);
      @splitted = ($key);

    my $ref  = $ini->{$section};
    my $last = pop @splitted;
    for my $sub (@splitted) {

      unless ( exists $ini->{$section}->{$sub} ) {
        $ini->{$section}->{$sub} = {};

      $ref = $ini->{$section}->{$sub};

    # include other group
    if ( $key =~ m/^\@(.*)/ ) {
      for my $ik ( keys %{ $ini->{$1} } ) {
        $ini->{$section}->{$ik} = $ini->{$1}->{$ik};

    if ( $val =~ m/\$\{(.*)\}/ ) {
      my $var_name = $1;
      my $ref      = $ini;
      my @splitted = split( /\./, $var_name );
      for my $s (@splitted) {
        $ref = $ref->{$s};

      $val = $ref;

    if ( $val =~ m/=/ ) {
      $val = { string2hash($val) };

    $ref->{$last} = $val;


  return $ini;
