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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=0:
# vim: set expandtab:

=head1 NAME

Rex::Task - The Task Object


The Task Object. Typically you only need this class if you want to manipulate tasks after their initial creation.


 use Rex::Task
  my $task = Rex::Task->new(name => "testtask");
  $task->set_code(sub { say "Hello"; });
  $task->modify("no_ssh", 1);

=head1 METHODS


package Rex::Task;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);

our $VERSION = '1.3.0'; # VERSION

use Rex::Logger;
use Rex::TaskList;
use Rex::Interface::Connection;
use Rex::Interface::Executor;
use Rex::Group::Entry::Server;
use Rex::Profiler;
use Rex::Hardware;
use Rex::Interface::Cache;
use Rex::Report;
use Rex::Helper::Run;
use Rex::Helper::Path;
use Rex::Notify;
use Carp;

require Rex::Commands;

require Rex::Args;

=head2 new

This is the constructor.

  $task = Rex::Task->new(
    func => sub { some_code_here },
    server => [ @server ],
    desc => $description,
    no_ssh => $no_ssh,
    hidden => $hidden,
    auth => {
      user      => $user,
      password   => $password,
      private_key => $private_key,
      public_key  => $public_key,
    before => [sub {}, sub {}, ...],
    after  => [sub {}, sub {}, ...],
    around => [sub {}, sub {}, ...],
    before_task_start => [sub {}, sub {}, ...],
    after_task_finished => [sub {}, sub {}, ...],
    name => $task_name,
    executor => Rex::Interface::Executor->create,


sub new {
  my $that  = shift;
  my $proto = ref($that) || $that;
  my $self  = {@_};

  bless( $self, $proto );

  if ( !exists $self->{name} ) {
    die("You have to define a task name.");

  $self->{no_ssh}   ||= 0;
  $self->{func}     ||= sub { };
  $self->{executor} ||= Rex::Interface::Executor->create;

  $self->{connection} = undef;

  # set to true as default
  if ( !exists $self->{exit_on_connect_fail} ) {
    $self->{exit_on_connect_fail} = 1;

  return $self;

=head2 connection

Returns the current connection object.


sub connection {
  my ($self) = @_;
  if ( !exists $self->{connection} || !$self->{connection} ) {
    $self->{connection} =
      Rex::Interface::Connection->create( $self->get_connection_type );


=head2 executor

Returns the current executor object.


sub executor {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{executor};

=head2 hidden

Returns true if the task is hidden. (Should not be displayed on ,,rex -T''.)


sub hidden {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{hidden};

=head2 server

Returns the servers on which the task should be executed as an ArrayRef.


sub server {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my @server = @{ $self->{server} };
  my @ret    = ();

  if ( ref( $server[-1] ) eq "HASH" ) {
      undef, "0.40",
      "Defining extra credentials within the task creation is deprecated.",
      "Please use set auth => task => 'taskname' instead."

    # use extra defined credentials
    my $data = pop(@server);
    $self->set_auth( "user",     $data->{'user'} );
    $self->set_auth( "password", $data->{'password'} );

    if ( exists $data->{"private_key"} ) {
      $self->set_auth( "private_key", $data->{"private_key"} );
      $self->set_auth( "public_key",  $data->{"public_key"} );

  if ( ref( $self->{server} ) eq "ARRAY" && scalar( @{ $self->{server} } ) > 0 )
    for my $srv ( @{ $self->{server} } ) {
      if ( ref($srv) eq "CODE" ) {
        push( @ret, &$srv() );
      else {
        if ( ref $srv && $srv->isa("Rex::Group::Entry::Server") ) {
          push( @ret, $srv->get_servers );
        else {
          push( @ret, $srv );
  elsif ( ref( $self->{server} ) eq "CODE" ) {
    push( @ret, &{ $self->{server} }() );
  else {
    push( @ret, Rex::Group::Entry::Server->new( name => "<local>" ) );

  return [@ret];

=head2 set_server(@server)

With this method you can set new servers on which the task should be executed on.


sub set_server {
  my ( $self, @server ) = @_;
  $self->{server} = \@server;

=head2 delete_server

Delete every server registered to the task.


sub delete_server {
  my ($self) = @_;
  delete $self->{current_server};
  delete $self->{server};

=head2 current_server

Returns the current server on which the tasks gets executed right now.


sub current_server {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{current_server}
    || Rex::Group::Entry::Server->new( name => "<local>" );

=head2 desc

Returns the description of a task.


sub desc {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{desc};

=head2 set_desc($description)

Set the description of a task.


sub set_desc {
  my ( $self, $desc ) = @_;
  $self->{desc} = $desc;

=head2 is_remote

Returns true (1) if the task will be executed remotely.


sub is_remote {
  my ($self) = @_;
  if ( exists $self->{current_server} ) {
    if ( $self->{current_server} ne '<local>' ) {
      return 1;
  else {
    if ( exists $self->{server} && scalar( @{ $self->{server} } ) > 0 ) {
      return 1;

  return 0;

=head2 is_local

Returns true (1) if the task gets executed on the local host.


sub is_local {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->is_remote() == 0 ? 1 : 0;

=head2 is_http

Returns true (1) if the task gets executed over http protocol.


sub is_http {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return ( $self->{"connection_type"}
      && lc( $self->{"connection_type"} ) eq "http" );

sub is_https {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return ( $self->{"connection_type"}
      && lc( $self->{"connection_type"} ) eq "https" );

sub is_openssh {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return ( $self->{"connection_type"}
      && lc( $self->{"connection_type"} ) eq "openssh" );

=head2 want_connect

Returns true (1) if the task will establish a connection to a remote system.


sub want_connect {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{no_ssh} == 0 ? 1 : 0;

=head2 get_connection_type

This method tries to guess the right connection type for the task and returns it.

Current return values are SSH, Fake and Local.

SSH - will create a ssh connection to the remote server

Local - will not create any connections

Fake - will not create any connections. But it populates the connection properties so you can use this type to iterate over a list of remote hosts but don't let rex build a connection. For example if you want to use Sys::Virt or other modules.


sub get_connection_type {
  my ($self) = @_;

  if ( $self->is_http ) {
    return "HTTP";
  elsif ( $self->is_https ) {
    return "HTTPS";
  elsif ( $self->is_remote && $self->is_openssh && $self->want_connect ) {
    return "OpenSSH";
  elsif ( $self->is_remote && $self->want_connect ) {
    return Rex::Config->get_connection_type();
  elsif ( $self->is_remote ) {
    return "Fake";
  else {
    return "Local";

=head2 modify($key, $value)

With this method you can modify values of the task.


sub modify {
  my ( $self, $key, $value ) = @_;

  if ( ref( $self->{$key} ) eq "ARRAY" ) {
    push( @{ $self->{$key} }, $value );
  else {
    $self->{$key} = $value;


sub rethink_connection {
  my ($self) = @_;
  delete $self->{connection};

=head2 user

Returns the current user the task will use.


sub user {
  my ($self) = @_;
  if ( exists $self->{auth} && $self->{auth}->{user} ) {
    return $self->{auth}->{user};

=head2 set_user($user)

Set the user of a task.


sub set_user {
  my ( $self, $user ) = @_;
  $self->{auth}->{user} = $user;

=head2 password

Returns the password that will be used.


sub password {
  my ($self) = @_;
  if ( exists $self->{auth} && $self->{auth}->{password} ) {
    return $self->{auth}->{password};

=head2 set_password($password)

Set the password of the task.


sub set_password {
  my ( $self, $password ) = @_;
  $self->{auth}->{password} = $password;

=head2 name

Returns the name of the task.


sub name {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{name};

=head2 code

Returns the code of the task.


sub code {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{func};

=head2 set_code(\&code_ref)

Set the code of the task.


sub set_code {
  my ( $self, $code ) = @_;
  $self->{func} = $code;

=head2 run_hook($server, $hook)

This method is used internally to execute the specified hooks.


sub run_hook {
  my ( $self, $server, $hook, @more_args ) = @_;

  for my $code ( @{ $self->{$hook} } ) {
    if ( $hook eq "after" ) { # special case for after hooks
        ( $self->{"__was_authenticated"} ? undef : 1 ),
        { Rex::Args->get }, @more_args
    else {
      my $old_server = $$server if $server;
      &$code( $$server, $server, { Rex::Args->get }, @more_args );
      if ( $old_server && $old_server ne $$server ) {
        $self->{current_server} = $$server;

=head2 set_auth($key, $value)

Set the authentication of the task.

 $task->set_auth("user", "foo");
 $task->set_auth("password", "bar");


sub set_auth {
  my ( $self, $key, $value ) = @_;

  if ( scalar(@_) > 3 ) {
    my $_d = shift;
    $self->{auth} = {@_};
  else {
    $self->{auth}->{$key} = $value;

=head2 merge_auth($server)

Merges the authentication information from $server into the task.
Tasks authentication information have precedence.


sub merge_auth {
  my ( $self, $server ) = @_;

  # merge auth hashs
  # task auth as precedence
  my %auth = $server->merge_auth( $self->{auth} );

  return \%auth;

sub get_sudo_password {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $server = $self->connection->server;
  my %auth   = $server->merge_auth( $self->{auth} );

  return $auth{sudo_password};

=head2 parallelism

Get the parallelism count of a task.


sub parallelism {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{parallelism};

=head2 set_parallelism($count)

Set the parallelism of the task.


sub set_parallelism {
  my ( $self, $para ) = @_;
  $self->{parallelism} = $para;

=head2 connect($server)

Initiate the connection to $server.


sub connect {
  my ( $self, $server, %override ) = @_;

  if ( !ref $server ) {
    $server = Rex::Group::Entry::Server->new( name => $server );
  $self->{current_server} = $server;

  my $user = $self->user;

  #print Dumper($self);
  my $auth = $self->merge_auth($server);

  if ( exists $override{auth} ) {
    $auth = $override{auth};
    $user = $auth->{user};

  my $rex_int_conf = Rex::Commands::get("rex_internals");
  Rex::Logger::debug( Dumper($rex_int_conf) );
  Rex::Logger::debug("Auth-Information inside Task:");
  for my $key ( keys %{$auth} ) {
    my $data = $auth->{$key};
    if ( $key eq "password" ) {
      $data = Rex::Logger::masq( "%s", $data );

    $data ||= "";

    Rex::Logger::debug("$key => [[$data]]");

  $auth->{public_key} = resolv_path( $auth->{public_key}, 1 )
    if ( $auth->{public_key} );
  $auth->{private_key} = resolv_path( $auth->{private_key}, 1 )
    if ( $auth->{private_key} );

  my $profiler = Rex::Profiler->new;

  # task specific auth rules over all
  my %connect_hash = %{$auth};
  $connect_hash{server} = $server;

  # need to get rid of this
      conn     => $self->connection,
      ssh      => $self->connection->get_connection_object,
      server   => $server,
      cache    => Rex::Interface::Cache->create(),
      task     => $self,
      profiler => $profiler,
      reporter => Rex::Report->create( Rex::Config->get_report_type ),
      notify   => Rex::Notify->new(),

  eval {
  } or do {
    if ( !defined Rex::Config->get_fallback_auth ) {
      croak $@;

  if ( !$self->connection->is_connected ) {
    croak("Couldn't connect to $server.");
  elsif ( !$self->connection->is_authenticated ) {
    my $message = "Wrong username/password or wrong key on $server.";
    $message .= " Or root is not permitted to login over SSH."
      if ( $connect_hash{user} eq 'root' );

    if ( !exists $override{auth} ) {
      my $fallback_auth = Rex::Config->get_fallback_auth;
      if ( ref $fallback_auth eq "ARRAY" ) {
        my $ret_eval;
        for my $fallback_a ( @{$fallback_auth} ) {
          $ret_eval = eval { $self->connect( $server, auth => $fallback_a ); };

        return $ret_eval if $ret_eval;

  else {
    Rex::Logger::info("Successfully authenticated on $server.")
      if ( $self->connection->get_connection_type ne "Local" );
    $self->{"__was_authenticated"} = 1;

  $self->run_hook( \$server, "around" );

  return 1;

=head2 disconnect

Disconnect from the current connection.


sub disconnect {
  my ( $self, $server ) = @_;

  $self->run_hook( \$server, "around", 1 );

  my %args = Rex::Args->getopts;

  if ( defined $args{'d'} && $args{'d'} > 2 ) {

  delete $self->{connection};

  # need to get rid of this

sub get_data {
  my ($self) = @_;

  return {
    func            => $self->{func},
    server          => $self->{server},
    desc            => $self->{desc},
    no_ssh          => $self->{no_ssh},
    hidden          => $self->{hidden},
    auth            => $self->{auth},
    before          => $self->{before},
    after           => $self->{after},
    around          => $self->{around},
    name            => $self->{name},
    executor        => $self->{executor},
    connection_type => $self->{connection_type},

# deprecated functions
# for compatibility

=head2 run($server, %options)

Run the task on $server.


sub run {

  # someone used this function directly... bail out
  if ( ref( $_[0] ) ) {
    my ( $self, $server, %options ) = @_;

    if ( !ref $server ) {
      $server = Rex::Group::Entry::Server->new( name => $server );

    if ( !$_[1] ) {

      # run is called without any server.
      # so just connect to any servers.
      return Rex::TaskList->create()->run( $self->name, %options );

    # this is a method call
    # so run the task

    my $in_transaction = $options{in_transaction};

    $self->run_hook( \$server, "before" );

    my $start_time = time;

    if ( Rex::Args->is_opt("c") ) {

      # get and cache all os info
      if ( !Rex::get_cache()->load() ) {
        Rex::Logger::debug("No cache found, need to collect new data.");

    if ( !$server->test_perl ) {
        "There is no perl interpreter found on this system. Some commands may not work. Sudo won't work.",
      sleep 3;

    # execute code
    my $ret;

    eval {
      $ret = $self->executor->exec( $options{params} );
      my $notify = Rex::get_current_connection()->{notify};
    } or do {
      if ($@) {
        my $error = $@;

          ->report_resource_failed( message => $error );

          failed     => 1,
          start_time => $start_time,
          end_time   => time,
          message    => $error,



    if ( Rex::Args->is_opt("c") ) {

      # get and cache all os info

      failed     => 0,
      start_time => $start_time,
      end_time   => time,


    $self->disconnect($server) unless ($in_transaction);
    $self->run_hook( \$server, "after" );

    return $ret;

  else {
    my ( $class, $task, $server_overwrite, $params ) = @_;
    Rex::deprecated( "Rex::Task->run()", "0.40" );

    if ($server_overwrite) {

    # this is a deprecated static call
    Rex::TaskList->create()->run( $task, params => $params );

sub modify_task {
  my $class = shift;
  my $task  = shift;
  my $key   = shift;
  my $value = shift;

  Rex::TaskList->create()->get_task($task)->modify( $key => $value );

sub is_task {
  my ( $class, $task ) = @_;
  return Rex::TaskList->create()->is_task($task);

sub get_tasks {
  my ( $class, @tmp ) = @_;
  return Rex::TaskList->create()->get_tasks(@tmp);

sub get_desc {
  my ( $class, @tmp ) = @_;
  return Rex::TaskList->create()->get_desc(@tmp);

=head2 exit_on_connect_fail()

Returns true if rex should exit on connect failure.


sub exit_on_connect_fail {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{exit_on_connect_fail};

sub set_exit_on_connect_fail {
  my ( $self, $exit ) = @_;
  $self->{exit_on_connect_fail} = $exit;
