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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=0:
# vim: set expandtab:

=head1 NAME

Rex::Commands::Iptables - Iptable Management Commands


With this Module you can manage basic Iptables rules.

Version <= 1.0: All these functions will not be reported.

Only I<open_port> and I<close_port> are idempotent.


 use Rex::Commands::Iptables;
 task "firewall", sub {
   open_port 22;
   open_port [22, 80] => {
     dev => "eth0",
   close_port 22 => {
     dev => "eth0",
   close_port "all";
   redirect_port 80 => 10080;
   redirect_port 80 => {
     dev => "eth0",
     to  => 10080,
   default_state_rule dev => "eth0";
   iptables t => "nat",
         A => "POSTROUTING",
         o => "eth0",
         j => "MASQUERADE";

   # The 'iptables' function also accepts long options,
   # however, options with dashes need to be quoted
   iptables table => "nat",
         accept          => "POSTROUTING",
         "out-interface" => "eth0",
         jump            => "MASQUERADE";

   # Version of IP can be specified in the first argument
   # of any function: -4 or -6 (defaults to -4)
   iptables_clear -6;

   open_port -6, [22, 80];
   close_port -6, "all";
   redirect_port -6, 80 => 10080;
   default_state_rule -6;

   iptables -6, "flush";
   iptables -6,
         t     => "filter",
         A     => "INPUT",
         i     => "eth0",
         m     => "state",
         state => "RELATED,ESTABLISHED",
         j     => "ACCEPT";



package Rex::Commands::Iptables;

use strict;
use warnings;
use version;

our $VERSION = '1.6.0'; # VERSION

require Rex::Exporter;
use Data::Dumper;

use base qw(Rex::Exporter);

use vars qw(@EXPORT);

use Rex::Commands::Sysctl;
use Rex::Commands::Gather;
use Rex::Commands::Fs;
use Rex::Commands::Run;
use Rex::Helper::Run;

use Rex::Logger;

@EXPORT = qw(iptables is_nat_gateway iptables_list iptables_clear
  open_port close_port redirect_port

sub iptables;

=head2 open_port($port, $option)

Open a port for inbound connections.

 task "firewall", sub {
   open_port 22;
   open_port [22, 80];
   open_port [22, 80],
     dev => "eth1";
 task "firewall", sub {
  open_port 22,
    dev    => "eth1",
    only_if => "test -f /etc/firewall.managed";
} ;


sub open_port {
  my @params     = @_;
  my $ip_version = _get_ip_version( \@params );
  my ( $port, $option ) = @params;

  my %option_h;
  if ( ref $option ne "HASH" ) {
    ( $port, %option_h ) = @params;

    if ( exists $option_h{only_if} ) {
      i_run( $option_h{only_if}, fail_ok => 1 );
      if ( $? != 0 ) {

    delete $option_h{only_if};
    $option = {%option_h};
  _open_or_close_port( $ip_version, "i", "I", "INPUT", "ACCEPT", $port,
    $option );


=head2 close_port($port, $option)

Close a port for inbound connections.

 task "firewall", sub {
   close_port 22;
   close_port [22, 80];
   close_port [22, 80],
     dev    => "eth0",
     only_if => "test -f /etc/firewall.managed";


sub close_port {
  my @params     = @_;
  my $ip_version = _get_ip_version( \@params );
  my ( $port, $option ) = @params;

  my %option_h;
  if ( ref $option ne "HASH" ) {
    ( $port, %option_h ) = @params;

    if ( exists $option_h{only_if} ) {
      i_run( $option_h{only_if}, fail_ok => 1 );
      if ( $? != 0 ) {

    delete $option_h{only_if};
    $option = {%option_h};

  _open_or_close_port( $ip_version, "i", "A", "INPUT", "DROP", $port, $option );


=head2 redirect_port($in_port, $option)

Redirect $in_port to another local port.

 task "redirects", sub {
   redirect_port 80 => 10080;
   redirect_port 80 => {
     to  => 10080,
     dev => "eth0",


sub redirect_port {
  my @params     = @_;
  my $ip_version = _get_ip_version( \@params );
  if ( $ip_version == -6 ) {
    my $iptables_version = _iptables_version($ip_version);
    if ( $iptables_version < v1.4.18 ) {
      Rex::Logger::info("iptables < v1.4.18 doesn't support NAT for IPv6");
      die("iptables < v1.4.18 doesn't support NAT for IPv6");

  my ( $in_port, $option ) = @params;
  my @opts;

  push( @opts, "t", "nat" );

  if ( !ref($option) ) {
    my $net_info = network_interfaces();
    my @devs     = keys %{$net_info};

    for my $dev (@devs) {
          dev => $dev,
          to  => $option,


  unless ( exists $option->{"dev"} ) {
    my $net_info = network_interfaces();
    my @devs     = keys %{$net_info};

    for my $dev (@devs) {
      $option->{"dev"} = $dev;
      redirect_port( $in_port, $option );


  if ( $option->{"to"} =~ m/^\d+$/ ) {
    $option->{"proto"} ||= "tcp";

    push( @opts,
      "I", "PREROUTING",       "i", $option->{"dev"},
      "p", $option->{"proto"}, "m", $option->{"proto"} );
    push( @opts,
      "dport", $in_port, "j", "REDIRECT", "to-ports", $option->{"to"} );

  else {
      "Redirect to other hosts isn't supported right now. Please do it by hand."

  iptables $ip_version, @opts;

=head2 iptables(@params)

Write standard iptable comands.

Note that there is a short form for the iptables C<--flush> option; when you
pass the option of C<-F|"flush"> as the only argument, the command
C<iptables -F> is run on the connected host.  With the two argument form of
C<flush> shown in the examples below, the second argument is table you want to

 task "firewall", sub {
   iptables t => "nat", A => "POSTROUTING", o => "eth0", j => "MASQUERADE";
   iptables t => "filter", i => "eth0", m => "state", state => "RELATED,ESTABLISHED", j => "ACCEPT";
   # automatically flushes all tables; equivalent to 'iptables -F'
   iptables "flush";
   iptables -F;

   # flush only the "filter" table
   iptables flush => "filter";
   iptables -F => "filter";

 # Note: options with dashes "-" need to be quoted to escape them from Perl
 task "long_form_firewall", sub {
   iptables table => "nat",
        append          => "POSTROUTING",
        "out-interface" => "eth0",
        jump            => "MASQUERADE";
   iptables table => "filter",
        "in-interface" => "eth0",
        match          => "state",
        state          => "RELATED,ESTABLISHED",
        jump           => "ACCEPT";


sub iptables {
  my @params   = @_;
  my $iptables = _get_executable( \@params );

  if ( $params[0] eq "flush" || $params[0] eq "-flush" || $params[0] eq "-F" ) {
    if ( $params[1] ) {
      i_run "$iptables -F -t $params[1]";
    else {
      i_run "$iptables -F";


  my $cmd = "";
  my $n   = -1;
  while ( $params[ ++$n ] ) {
    my ( $key, $val ) = reverse @params[ $n, $n++ ];

    if ( ref($key) eq "ARRAY" ) {
      $cmd .= join( " ", @{$key} );

    if ( length($key) == 1 ) {
      $cmd .= "-$key $val ";
    else {
      $cmd .= "--$key '$val' ";

  my $output = i_run "$iptables $cmd", fail_ok => 1;

  if ( $? != 0 ) {
    Rex::Logger::info( "Error setting iptable rule: $cmd", "warn" );
    die("Error setting iptable rule: $cmd; command output: $output");

=head2 is_nat_gateway

This function creates a NAT gateway for the device the default route points to.

 task "make-gateway", sub {
   is_nat_gateway -6;


sub is_nat_gateway {
  my @params     = @_;
  my $ip_version = _get_ip_version( \@params );

  Rex::Logger::debug("Changing this system to a nat gateway.");

  if ( my $ip = can_run("ip") ) {

    my @iptables_option = ();

    my ($default_line) = i_run "$ip $ip_version r |grep ^default";
    my ($dev)          = ( $default_line =~ m/dev ([a-z0-9]+)/i );
    Rex::Logger::debug("Default GW Device is $dev");

    if ( $ip_version == -6 ) {
      die "NAT for IPv6 supported by iptables >= v1.4.18"
        if _iptables_version($ip_version) < v1.4.18;
      sysctl "net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding",     1;
      sysctl "net.ipv6.conf.default.forwarding", 1;
      iptables $ip_version,
        t => "nat",
        A => "POSTROUTING",
        o => $dev,
        j => "MASQUERADE";
    else {
      sysctl "net.ipv4.ip_forward" => 1;
      iptables t => "nat", A => "POSTROUTING", o => $dev, j => "MASQUERADE";
  else {

    Rex::Logger::info("No ip command found.");



=head2 default_state_rule(%option)

Set the default state rules for the given device.

 task "firewall", sub {
   default_state_rule(dev => "eth0");


sub default_state_rule {
  my @params     = @_;
  my $ip_version = _get_ip_version( \@params );
  my (%option)   = @params;

  unless ( exists $option{"dev"} ) {
    my $net_info = network_interfaces();
    my @devs     = keys %{$net_info};

    for my $dev (@devs) {
      default_state_rule( dev => $dev );


  iptables $ip_version,
    t     => "filter",
    A     => "INPUT",
    i     => $option{"dev"},
    m     => "state",
    j     => "ACCEPT";

=head2 iptables_list

List all iptables rules.

 task "list-iptables", sub {
   print Dumper iptables_list;
   print Dumper iptables_list -6;


sub iptables_list {
  my @params   = @_;
  my $iptables = _get_executable( \@params );
  my @lines    = i_run "$iptables-save", valid_retval => [ 0, 1 ];

sub _iptables_list {
  my ( %tables, $ret );
  my @lines = @_;

  my ($current_table);
  for my $line (@lines) {
    chomp $line;

    next if ( $line eq "COMMIT" );
    next if ( $line =~ m/^#/ );
    next if ( $line =~ m/^:/ );

    if ( $line =~ m/^\*([a-z]+)$/ ) {
      $current_table = $1;
      $tables{$current_table} = [];

#my @parts = grep { ! /^\s+$/ && ! /^$/ } split (/(\-\-?[^\s]+\s[^\s]+)/i, $line);
    my @parts = grep { !/^\s+$/ && !/^$/ } split( /^\-\-?|\s+\-\-?/i, $line );

    my @option = ();
    for my $part (@parts) {
      my ( $key, $value ) = split( /\s/, $part, 2 );

      #$key =~ s/^\-+//;
      push( @option, $key => $value );

    push( @{ $ret->{$current_table} }, \@option );


  return $ret;

=head2 iptables_clear

Remove all iptables rules.

 task "no-firewall", sub {


sub iptables_clear {
  my @params     = @_;
  my $ip_version = _get_ip_version( \@params );
  my %tables_of  = (
    -4 => "/proc/net/ip_tables_names",
    -6 => "/proc/net/ip6_tables_names",

  if ( is_file("$tables_of{$ip_version}") ) {
    my @tables = i_run( "cat $tables_of{$ip_version}", fail_ok => 1 );
    for my $table (@tables) {
      iptables $ip_version, t => $table, F => '';
      iptables $ip_version, t => $table, X => '';

  for my $p (qw/INPUT FORWARD OUTPUT/) {
    iptables $ip_version, P => $p, ["ACCEPT"];


sub _open_or_close_port {
  my ( $ip_version, $dev_type, $push_type, $chain, $jump, $port, $option ) = @_;

  my @opts;

  push( @opts, "t", "filter", "$push_type", "$chain" );

  unless ( exists $option->{"dev"} ) {
    my $net_info = network_interfaces();
    my @dev      = keys %{$net_info};
    $option->{"dev"} = \@dev;

  if ( exists $option->{"dev"} && !ref( $option->{"dev"} ) ) {
    push( @opts, "$dev_type", $option->{"dev"} );
  elsif ( ref( $option->{"dev"} ) eq "ARRAY" ) {
    for my $dev ( @{ $option->{"dev"} } ) {
      my $new_option = $option;
      $new_option->{"dev"} = $dev;

      _open_or_close_port( $ip_version, $dev_type, $push_type, $chain, $jump,
        $port, $new_option );


  if ( exists $option->{"proto"} ) {
    push( @opts, "p", $option->{"proto"} );
    push( @opts, "m", $option->{"proto"} );
  else {
    push( @opts, "p", "tcp" );
    push( @opts, "m", "tcp" );

  if ( $port eq "all" ) {
    push( @opts, "j", "$jump" );
  else {
    if ( ref($port) eq "ARRAY" ) {
      for my $port_num ( @{$port} ) {
        _open_or_close_port( $ip_version, $dev_type, $push_type, $chain, $jump,
          $port_num, $option );

    push( @opts, "dport", $port );
    push( @opts, "j",     $jump );

  if ( _rule_exists( $ip_version, @opts ) ) {
    Rex::Logger::debug("iptables rule already exists. skipping...");

  iptables $ip_version, @opts;


sub _rule_exists {
  my ( $ip_version, @check_rule ) = @_;

  if ( $check_rule[0] eq "t" ) {
    shift @check_rule;
    shift @check_rule;

  if ( $check_rule[0] eq "D" || $check_rule[0] eq "A" ) {
    shift @check_rule;

  my $str_check_rule = join( " ", "A", @check_rule );

  my $current_tables = iptables_list($ip_version);
  if ( exists $current_tables->{filter} ) {
    for my $rule ( @{ $current_tables->{filter} } ) {
      my $str_rule = join( " ", @{$rule} );
      $str_rule =~ s/\s$//;

      Rex::Logger::debug("comparing: '$str_rule' == '$str_check_rule'");
      if ( $str_rule eq $str_check_rule ) {
        return 1;

  return 0;

sub _get_ip_version {
  my ($params) = @_;
  if ( defined $params->[0] && !ref $params->[0] ) {
    if ( $params->[0] eq "-4" || $params->[0] eq "-6" ) {
      return shift @$params;
  return -4;

sub _get_executable {
  my ($params)       = @_;
  my $ip_version     = _get_ip_version($params);
  my $cache          = Rex::get_cache();
  my $cache_key_name = "iptables.$ip_version.executable";
  return $cache->get($cache_key_name) if $cache->valid($cache_key_name);

  my $binary = $ip_version == -6 ? "ip6tables" : "iptables";
  my $executable = can_run($binary);
  die "Can't find $binary in PATH" if $executable eq '';
  $cache->set( $cache_key_name, $executable );

  return $executable;

sub _iptables_version {
  my @params         = @_;
  my $ip_version     = _get_ip_version( \@params );
  my $cache          = Rex::get_cache();
  my $cache_key_name = "iptables.$ip_version.version";
  return version->parse( $cache->get($cache_key_name) )
    if $cache->valid($cache_key_name);

  my $iptables = _get_executable( \@params );
  my $out = i_run( "$iptables -V", fail_ok => 1 );
  if ( $out =~ /v([.\d]+)/ms ) {
    my $version = version->parse($1);
    $cache->set( $cache_key_name, "$version" );
    return $version;
  else {
    die "Can't parse `$iptables -V' output `$out'";
