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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=0:
# vim: set expandtab:

=head1 NAME

Rex::Shared::Var - Share variables across Rex tasks


Share variables across Rex tasks with the help of Storable, using a C<vars.db.$PID> file in the local directory, where C<$PID> is the PID of the parent process.


 BEGIN {                           # put share in a BEGIN block
   use Rex::Shared::Var;
   share qw($scalar @array %hash); # share the listed variables

=head1 METHODS


package Rex::Shared::Var;

use strict qw(vars subs);
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '1.6.0'; # VERSION

require Exporter;
use base qw(Exporter);
use vars qw(@EXPORT);

@EXPORT = qw(share);

=head2 share

Share the passed list of variables across Rex tasks. Should be used in a C<BEGIN> block.

   use Rex::Shared::Var;
   share qw($error_count);

 task 'count', sub {
   $error_count += run 'wc -l /var/log/syslog';

 after_task_finished 'count', sub {
   say "Total number of errors: $error_count";


sub share {
  my @vars = @_;
  my ( $package, $file, $line ) = caller;

  my ( $sigil, $sym );
  for my $var (@vars) {

    if ( ( $sigil, $sym ) = ( $var =~ /^([\$\@\%\*\&])(.+)/ ) ) {
      $sym = "${package}::$sym";

      if ( $sigil eq "\$" ) {
        eval "use Rex::Shared::Var::Scalar;";
        tie $$sym, "Rex::Shared::Var::Scalar", $sym;
        *$sym = \$$sym;
      elsif ( $sigil eq "\@" ) {
        eval "use Rex::Shared::Var::Array;";
        tie @$sym, "Rex::Shared::Var::Array", $sym;
        *$sym = \@$sym;
      elsif ( $sigil eq "\%" ) {
        eval "use Rex::Shared::Var::Hash;";
        tie %$sym, "Rex::Shared::Var::Hash", $sym;
        *$sym = \%$sym;

