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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
# vim: set ts=3 sw=3 tw=0:
# vim: set expandtab:

=head1 NAME

Rex::Apache::Build::deb - Build deb packages


With this module you can build Debian packages to distribute your application.


 build "my-software",
    type    => "deb",
    version => "1.0",
    source  => "/path/to/your/software",
    path    => "/path/to/deploy/target",
    # below this, it is all optional
    description    => "some description of your package",
    url            => "website of the package",
    depends        => [qw/apache2 perl/],
    release        => 1,
    epoch          => 1,
    vendor         => "some vendor",
    license        => "your license for ex. GPL2",
    section        => "some/section",
    conflicts      => [qw/somepkg/],
    provides       => "some-package-name",
    arch           => "amd64",
    target         => "linux / the platform",
    post_install   => "filename or script to run after installation",
    pre_install    => "filename or script to run before installation",
    post_uninstall => "filename or script to run after uninstall",
    pre_uninstall  => "filename or script to run before uninstall",
    exclude        => [qw/file1 file2/],
    maintainer     => "your name",
    priority       => "optional",
    config_files   => [qw/special files for configuration mostly for etc directory/];


package Rex::Apache::Build::deb;

use strict;
use warnings;
use attributes;

use Cwd qw(getcwd);
use Digest::MD5;
use Rex -base;
use Rex::Template;
use Data::Dumper;

$Rex::Template::DO_CHOMP = TRUE;

use Rex::Apache::Build::Base;
use base qw(Rex::Apache::Build::Base);

sub new {
   my $that = shift;
   my $proto = ref($that) || $that;
   my $self = $proto->SUPER::new(@_);

   bless($self, $proto);

   if($self->{arch} eq "x86_64") {
      $self->{arch} = "amd64";

   $self->{priority} ||= "optional";
   $self->{exclude}  ||= [];

   push(@{ $self->{exclude} }, qr{^Rexfile$}, qr{^Rexfile\.lock$}, qr{^\.git}, qr{^\.svn}, qr{.*~$}, qr{\.sw[a-z]$}, qr{\.deb$});

   return $self;

sub build {
   my ($self, $name) = @_;

   $name ||= $self->{name};
   my $version = $self->version;

   my $old_dir = getcwd;

   mkdir "temp-deb-build";
   mkdir "temp-deb-build/control";
   mkdir "temp-deb-build/tree";


   file "temp-deb-build/debian-binary",
      content => "2.0\n";

   file "temp-deb-build/control/control",
      content => template('@control.file', pkg => $self);

   file "temp-deb-build/control/md5sums",
      content => $self->get_md5sums;



   rmdir "temp-deb-build/tree";
   rmdir "temp-deb-build/control";

   chdir "temp-deb-build";

   my $arch = $self->{arch};
   my $package_name = "${name}_${version}_${arch}.deb";
   run "ar -qc ../$package_name debian-binary control.tar.gz data.tar.gz";
   chdir "..";

   rmdir "temp-deb-build";

   Rex::Logger::info("Your build is now available: $package_name");

   return $package_name;

sub create_config_files {
   my ($self) = @_;

   if($self->{config_files}) {
      file "temp-deb-build/control/conffiles",
         content => join("\n", @{ $self->{config_files} });

sub create_scripts {
   my ($self) = @_;

   if($self->{post_install}) {
      my $post_install = $self->{post_install};
      if($post_install !~ m/\n/sim && -f $post_install) {
         $post_install = eval { local(@ARGV, $/) = ($post_install); <>; };

      file "temp-deb-build/control/postinst",
         content => $post_install,
         mode    => 755;

   if($self->{pre_install}) {
      my $pre_install = $self->{pre_install};
      if($pre_install !~ m/\n/sim && -f $pre_install) {
         $pre_install = eval { local(@ARGV, $/) = ($pre_install); <>; };

      file "temp-deb-build/control/preinst",
         content => $pre_install,
         mode    => 755;

   if($self->{post_uninstall}) {
      my $post_uninstall = $self->{post_uninstall};
      if($post_uninstall !~ m/\n/sim && -f $post_uninstall) {
         $post_uninstall = eval { local(@ARGV, $/) = ($post_uninstall); <>; };

      file "temp-deb-build/control/postrm",
         content => $post_uninstall,
         mode    => 755;

   if($self->{pre_uninstall}) {
      my $pre_uninstall = $self->{pre_uninstall};
      if($pre_uninstall !~ m/\n/sim && -f $pre_uninstall) {
         $pre_uninstall = eval { local(@ARGV, $/) = ($pre_uninstall); <>; };

      file "temp-deb-build/control/prerm",
         content => $pre_uninstall,
         mode    => 755;


sub package_data {
   my ($self) = @_;

   chdir "temp-deb-build/tree";
   run "tar czf ../data.tar.gz .";
   chdir "../../";

sub package_control {
   my ($self) = @_;

   chdir "temp-deb-build/control";
   run "tar czf ../control.tar.gz .";
   chdir "../../";

sub copy_files_to_tmp {
   my ($self) = @_;

   my $prefix = $self->prefix || ".";
   mkdir "temp-deb-build/tree/$prefix";

   my @dirs = ($self->{source});

   for my $dir (@dirs) {
      opendir(my $dh, $dir) or die($!);

      DIR_ENTRY: while(my $entry = readdir($dh)) {
         next if ($entry eq "." or $entry eq ".." or $entry eq "temp-deb-build");

         for my $ex (@{ $self->exclude }) {
            if($entry =~ m/$ex/) {
               next DIR_ENTRY;

         my $new_dir = "$dir/$entry";
         $new_dir =~ s/^$dirs[0]//;
         $new_dir =~ s/^\///;

         if(-d "$dir/$entry") {
            mkdir "temp-deb-build/tree$prefix/$new_dir";

            push(@dirs, "$dir/$entry");
            next DIR_ENTRY;

         cp "$dir/$entry", "temp-deb-build/tree$prefix/$new_dir";
      } # DIR_ENTRY



sub get_md5sums {
   my ($self) = @_;

   my @s = ();
   chdir "temp-deb-build/tree";

   my @dirs = (".");
   for my $dir (@dirs) {
      opendir(my $dh, $dir);
      while(my $entry = readdir($dh)) {
         next if($entry eq ".");
         next if($entry eq "..");

         my $file = "$dir/$entry";

         if(-d $file) {
            push(@dirs, $file);

         my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
         open(my $fh, "<", $file) or die($!);
         $file =~ s/^\.\///;
         push(@s, $md5->hexdigest . "  " . $file);


   chdir "../..";

   return join("\n", @s);


sub description {
   my ($self, $desc) = @_;

   if($desc) {
      $self->{description} = $desc;

   my $s = "";

   my @lines = split(/\n/, $self->{description});
   $s = shift(@lines);

   for (@lines) {
      $s .= " $_";

   return $s;

sub depends {
   my ($self, $dep) = @_;

   if($dep) {
      $self->{depends} = $dep;

   my @s = ();

   for my $dep (@{ $self->{depends} }) {
      if(ref($dep)) {
         my ($pkg) = keys %{ $dep };
         my ($ver) = values %{ $dep };

         push(@s, $pkg . "($ver)");
      else {
         push(@s, $dep);

   return join(", ", @s);

sub installed_size {
   my ($self) = @_;

   my $size = 0;

   chdir "temp-deb-build/tree";

   my @dirs = (".");
   for my $dir (@dirs) {
      opendir(my $dh, $dir);
      while(my $entry = readdir($dh)) {
         next if($entry eq ".");
         next if($entry eq "..");

         my $file = "$dir/$entry";

         if(-d $file) {
            push(@dirs, $file);
         $size += -s $file;


   chdir "../..";

   return $size;



Package: <%= $::pkg->name %>
Version: <% if($::pkg->epoch) { %><%= $::pkg->epoch %>:<% } %><%= $::pkg->version %><% if($::pkg->release) { %><%= $::pkg->release %><% } %>
License: <% if($::pkg->license) { %><%= $::pkg->license %><% } else { %>unknown<% } %>
Vendor: <% if($::pkg->vendor) { %><%= $::pkg->vendor %><% } else { %>unknown<% } %>
Architecture: <% if($::pkg->arch) { %><%= $::pkg->arch %><% } else { %>all<% } %>
Maintainer: <%= $::pkg->maintainer  %>
Installed-Size: <%= $::pkg->installed_size %>
<% if($::pkg->depends) { %>
Depends: <%= $::pkg->depends %>
<% } %>
<% if($::pkg->conflicts) { %>
Conflicts: <%= join(", ", @{ $::pkg->conflicts }) %>
<% } %>
<% if($::pkg->provides) { %>
Provides: <%= join(", ", @{ $::pkg->provides }) %>
<% } %>
Section: <%= $::pkg->section %>
Priority: <%= $::pkg->priority %>
Homepage: <%= $::pkg->url %>
Description: <%= $::pkg->description %>