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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
# vim: set ts=3 sw=3 tw=0:
# vim: set expandtab:

=head1 NAME

Rex::Apache::Deploy::Tomcat - Deploy application to tomcat 6.


With this module you can deploy WAR archives to Tomcat. Currently it works with Tomcat 6.


 use Rex::Apache::Deploy qw/Tomcat/;
 context_path "/myapp";
 task "dodeploy", "tc01", "tc02", sub {
    deploy "myapp.war",
       username => "manager",
       password => "manager",
       port     => 8080;


=over 4


package Rex::Apache::Deploy::Tomcat;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Rex::Commands::Run;
use Rex::Commands::Fs;
use Rex::Commands::Upload;
use Rex::Commands;
use File::Basename qw(dirname basename);
use LWP::UserAgent;

#require Exporter;
#use base qw(Exporter);

use vars qw(@EXPORT $context_path);
@EXPORT = qw(deploy context_path jk);

############ deploy functions ################

=item deploy($file, %option)

This function deploys the given WAR archive. For that it will connect to the Tomcat manager. You have to define username and password for the Tomcat manager in the %option hash. If the Tomcat manager isn't available under its default location /manager you can also define the location with the I<manager_url> option.

 task "dodeploy", "tc01", "tc02", sub {
    deploy "myapp.war",
       username     => "manager",
       password     => "manager",
       manager_url  => "_manager",
       port         => 8080,
       context_path => "/foo";

sub deploy {
   my ($file, %option) = @_;

   if(! %option) {
      if(Rex::Config->get("package_option")) {
         %option = %{ Rex::Config->get("package_option") };

   my $options = \%option;

   no strict;
   no warnings;
   my $rnd_file = get_random(8, a..z, 0..9);
   use strict;
   use warnings;

   if(! exists $options->{"context_path"}) {
      $options->{"context_path"} = $context_path;

   if(exists $options->{"manager_url"}) {
      my $mgr_url = $options->{"manager_url"};
      $mgr_url =~ s{^/}{};
      $options->{"manager_url"} = $mgr_url;
   else {
      $options->{"manager_url"} = "manager";

   upload ($file, "/tmp/$rnd_file.war");
   chmod 644, "/tmp/$rnd_file.war";

   $options->{"file"} = "/tmp/$rnd_file.war";

   # zuerst muss undeployed werden

   # und dann wieder deployen

   unlink "/tmp/$rnd_file.war";

sub jk {
   my ($action, $iname, @opts) = @_;
   my $option = { @opts };
   my $path   = $option->{"path"} || "/jkmanager";
   my $worker = $option->{"worker"} || "";

   my $url = "http://%s%s/?cmd=update&w=$worker&att=vwa&sw=%s&vwa=%i";
   my $server = Rex->get_current_connection()->{"server"};

   if($action eq "disable") {
      $url = sprintf($url, $server, $path, $iname, 1);
   else {
      $url = sprintf($url, $server, $path, $iname, 0);

   my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
   my $response = $ua->get($url);

   if(! $response->is_success) {
      die("Failed $action instance");

############ helper function ##############

sub _deploy {

   my $p = shift;

   my $current_connection = Rex::get_current_connection();

	my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
   my $resp = $ua->get(_get_url($current_connection->{"server"} . ":" . $p->{'port'},
                                 "deploy?path=" . $p->{"context_path"} . "&war=file:" . $p->{"file"}, 
   if($resp->is_success) {
   } else {
      Rex::Logger::info("FAILURE: " . $current_connection->{"server"} . ": " . $resp->status_line);


sub _undeploy {

   my $p = shift;


sub _get_url {
	my $server = shift;
	my $command = shift;
   my $user = shift;
   my $pw = shift;
   my $mgr_path = shift;

   $mgr_path ||= "manager";
	return "http://$user:$pw\@" . "$server/$mgr_path/$command";

sub _do_action {

   my $action = shift;
	my $path   = shift;
   my $port   = shift;
   my $user   = shift;
   my $pw     = shift;
   my $mgr_path = shift;

   $mgr_path ||= "manager";

	my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
   my $current_connection = Rex::get_current_connection();

   my $_url = _get_url($current_connection->{"server"} . ":".$port, "$action?path=$path", $user, $pw, $mgr_path);
   Rex::Logger::debug("Connecting to: $_url");

   my $resp = $ua->get($_url);
   if($resp->is_success) {
   } else {
      Rex::Logger::info("FAILURE: " . $current_connection->{"server"} . ":$port:  " . $resp->status_line);


############ configuration functions #############

=item context_path($path)

This function sets the context path for the application that gets deployed. This is a global setting. If you want to specify a custom context path for your application you can also do this as an option for the I<deploy> function.

 context_path "/myapp";

sub context_path {
   $context_path = shift;

####### import function #######

sub import {

   no strict 'refs';
   for my $func (@EXPORT) {
      Rex::Logger::debug("Registering main::$func");
      *{"$_[1]::$func"} = \&$func;



