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# (c) Jan Gehring <>
# vim: set ts=3 sw=3 tw=0:
# vim: set expandtab:

package Rex::Apache::Inject::Command;



This is a (R)?ex module to ease the deployments of PHP, Perl or other languages.


use strict;
use warnings;

use Rex::Commands::Run;
use Rex::Commands::Fs;
use Rex::Commands::Upload;
use Rex::Commands;
use File::Basename qw(dirname basename);
use Cwd qw(getcwd);

#require Exporter;
#use base qw(Exporter);

use vars qw(@EXPORT $inject_command);
@EXPORT = qw(inject

my $work_dir = getcwd;

############ deploy functions ################

sub inject {
   my ($to, @options) = @_;

   my $option = { @options };

   my $cmd1 = sprintf (_get_extract_command($to), "../$to");
   my $cmd2 = sprintf (_get_pack_command($to), "../$to", ".");

   run $cmd1;

   for my $opt ($option->{"inject"}) {
      run sprintf($inject_command, $opt->{"key"}, $opt->{"value"});

   if(exists $option->{"pre_pack_hook"}) {
      &{ $option->{"pre_pack_hook"} };

   run $cmd2;

   if(exists $option->{"post_pack_hook"}) {
      &{ $option->{"post_pack_hook"} };

   system("rm -rf tmp");

############ configuration functions #############

sub inject_command {
   $inject_command = shift;

############ helper functions #############

sub _get_extract_command {
   my ($file) = @_;

   if($file =~ m/\.tar\.gz$/) {
      return "tar xzf %s";
   } elsif($file =~ m/\.zip$/) {
      return "unzip %s";
   } elsif($file =~ m/\.tar\.bz2$/) {
      return "tar xjf %s";
   } elsif($file =~ m/\.war$/) {
      return "unzip %s";
   } elsif($file =~ m/\.jar$/) {
      return "unzip %s";

   die("Unknown Archive Format.");

sub _get_pack_command {
   my ($file) = @_;

   if($file =~ m/\.tar\.gz$/) {
      return "tar czf %s %s";
   } elsif($file =~ m/\.zip$/) {
      return "zip -r %s %s";
   } elsif($file =~ m/\.tar\.bz2$/) {
      return "tar cjf %s %s";
   } elsif($file =~ m/\.war$/) {
      return "zip -r %s %s";
   } elsif($file =~ m/\.jar$/) {
      return "zip -r %s %s";

   die("Unknown Archive Format.");

sub _get_ext {
   my ($file) = @_;

   if($file =~ m/\.tar\.gz$/) {
      return ".tar.gz";
   } elsif($file =~ m/\.zip$/) {
      return ".zip";
   } elsif($file =~ m/\.tar\.bz2$/) {
      return ".tar.bz2";
   } elsif($file =~ m/\.war$/) {
      return ".war";
   } elsif($file =~ m/\.jar$/) {
      return ".jar";

   die("Unknown Archive Format.");


####### import function #######

sub import {

   no strict 'refs';
   for my $func (@EXPORT) {
      Rex::Logger::debug("Registering main::$func");
      *{"$_[1]::$func"} = \&$func;

