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use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '1.2.1'; # VERSION

use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
use Rex::Repositorio;

use common::sense;
use Carp;
use Config::General;
use Log::Dispatch;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;

use lib '/usr/lib/rex/perl/share/perl5/vendor_perl';

my %cli;
  \%cli,       "mirror",          "tag=s",         "repo=s",
  "help",      "update-metadata", "update-files",  "no-update-files",
  "list",      "add-file=s",      "remove-file=s", "init",
  "server",    "errata",          "update-errata", "package=s",
  "version=s", "arch=s",          "clonetag=s",    "force",
  "checksums", "loglevel=s",

my @config_file_locations = (
  "./repositorio.conf", "/etc/rex/repositorio.conf",

my ($config_file) = grep { -f $_ } @config_file_locations;

if ( !$config_file ) {
  confess "No configuration file found.\nLocations: "
    . join( ", ", @config_file_locations );

my $conf_o = Config::General->new(
    -ConfigFile         => $config_file,
    -UseApacheInclude   => 1,
    -IncludeDirectories => 1,
    -IncludeGlob        => 1,
    -IncludeRelative    => 1,
    -IncludeAgain       => 1,
    -AllowMultiOptions  => 0,

my %conf   = $conf_o->getall;

my $log_file       = $conf{LogFile} || undef;
my $log_file_level = $conf{LogFileLevel}    || 'info';
my $screen_level   = $conf{ScreenLevel} || 'info';
$screen_level      = $cli{'loglevel'} if $cli{'loglevel'};

my $log_outputs = [[ 'Screen', 'min_level' => $screen_level, stderr => 0, newline => 1, ]];
push @{$log_outputs}, [ 'File', 'min_level' => $log_file_level, filename => $log_file, newline => 1, mode => '>>'] if $log_file;
my $logger = Log::Dispatch->new(outputs => $log_outputs);

$logger->info("repositorio started.");
$logger->debug("Logger initialized.");
$logger->debug("Configuration Dump:");
$logger->debug( Dumper( \%conf ) );

my $app = Rex::Repositorio->new( config => \%conf, logger => $logger );



=head1 - Linux Repository Management is a tool to create and manage linux repositories.
You can mirror online repositories so that you don't need to download the
package every time you set up a new server. You can also secure your servers
behind a firewall and disable outgoing http traffic.

With it is easy to create custom repositories for your own
packages. With the integration of a configuration management tool you can
create consistant installations of your server.


=over 4

=item * Web Site: L<>

=item * IRC: #rex (RexOps IRC Channel)

=item * Bug Tracker: L<>

=item * Twitter: L<>



=over 4

=item --mirror            mirror a configured repository (needs --repo, use "all" for all repos)

=item --tag=tagname       tag a repository (needs --repo)

=item --clonetag=tagname  clones a tag in a repository (needs --repo and new  --tag)

=item --repo=reponame     the name of the repository to use

=item --update-metadata   update the metadata of a repository

=item --update-files      download files even if they are already downloaded

=item --init              initialize an empty repository

=item --add-file=file     add a file to a repository (needs --repo)

=item --remove-file=file  remove a file from a repository (needs --repo)

=item --list              list known repositories

=item --server            start a server for file delivery. (not available for all repository types)

=item --update-errata     updates the errata database for a repo (needs --repo)",

=item --errata            query errata for a package (needs --repo, --package, --version, --arch)",

=item --package=pkg       for which package the errata should be queries",

=item --version=ver       for which version of a package the errata should be queries",

=item --arch=arch         for which architecture of a package the errata should be queries",

=item --help              display this help message



To configure create a configuration file
 RepositoryRoot = /srv/html/repo/

 # log4perl configuration file
   config = /etc/rex/io/log4perl.conf

 # create a mirror of the nightly rex repository
 # the files will be stored in
 # /srv/html/repo/head/rex-centos-6-x86-64/CentOS/6/rex/x86_64/
 <Repository rex-centos-6-x86-64>
   url   =
   local = rex-centos-6-x86-64/CentOS/6/rex/x86_64/
   type  = Yum

 # create a mirror of centos 6
 # and download the pxe boot files, too.
 <Repository centos-6-x86-64>
   url    =
   local  = centos-6-x86-64/CentOS/6/os/x86_64/
   type   = Yum
   images = true

 # create a custom repository
 <Repository centos-6-x86-64-mixed>
   local = centos-6-x86-64-mixed/mixed/6/x86_64/
   type  = Yum

If you want to sign your custom repositories you have to configure the gpg key to use.
repositorio automatically exports the public key into the root of the repository, so it can be imported from the clients.
If you don't specify the gpg password repositorio will ask you for the password.

An example for YUM repositories:

 <Repository centos-6-x86-64-mixed>
   local = centos-6-x86-64-mixed/mixed/6/x86_64/
   type  = Yum
     key      = DA95F273
     password = test

An example for APT repositories:

 <Repository debian-7-x86-64-mixed>
   local     = debian-7-x86-64-mixed/debian
   type      = Apt
   arch      = amd64
   dist      = wheezy
   component = mixed
     key      = DA95F273
     password = test

An example log4perl.conf file:

 log4perl.rootLogger                    = DEBUG, FileAppndr1

 log4perl.appender.FileAppndr1          = Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
 log4perl.appender.FileAppndr1.filename = /var/log/repositorio.log
 log4perl.appender.FileAppndr1.layout   = Log::Log4perl::Layout::SimpleLayout