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package Math::Brent;

use 5.010001;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
	all => [qw(
		Brent Minimise1D
	) ],

@EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{all} } );

our $VERSION = 1.00;

use Math::VecStat qw(max min);
use Math::Utils qw(:fortran);
use Carp;
#use Smart::Comments ('###', '####');  # 3 for variables, 4 for 'here we are'.

=head1 NAME

Math::Brent - Brent's single dimensional function minimisation, and Brent's zero finder.


    use Math::Brent qw(Minimise1D);

    my $tolerance = 1e-7;
    my $itmax = 80;

    sub sinc {
      my $x = shift ;
      return $x ? sin($x)/$x: 1;

    my($x, $y) = Minimise1D(1, 1, \&sinc, $tolerance, $itmax);

    print "Minimum is at sinc($x) = $y\n";


    use Math::Brent qw(BracketMinimum Brent);

    my $tolerance = 1e-7;
    my $itmax = 80;

    # If you want to use the separate functions
    # instead of a single call to Minimise1D().
    my($ax, $bx, $cx, $fa, $fb, $fc) = BracketMinimum($ax, $bx, \&sinc);
    my($x, $y) = Brent($ax, $bx, $cx, \&sinc, $tolerance, $itmax);

    print "Minimum is at sinc($x) = $y\n";

In either case the output will be C<Minimum is at sinc(4.4934094397196) = -.217233628211222>

This module has implementations of Brent's method for one-dimensional
minimisation of a function without using derivatives. This algorithm
cleverly uses both the Golden Section Search and parabolic

Anonymous subroutines may also be used as the function reference:

    my $cubic_ref = sub {my($x) = @_; return 6.25 + $x*$x*(-24 + $x*8));};

    my($x, $y) = Minimise1D(3, 1, $cubic_ref);
    print "Minimum of the cubic at $x = $y\n";

In addition to finding the minimum, there is also an implementation of the
Van Wijngaarden-Dekker-Brent Method, used to find a function's root without
using derivatives.

    use Math::Brent qw(Brentzero);

    my $tolerance = 1e-7;
    my $itmax = 80;

    sub wobble
        my($t) = @_;
        return $t - cos($t);

    # Find the zero somewhere between .5 and 1.
    $r = Brentzero(0.5, 1.0, \&wobble, $tolerance, $itmax);

=head1 EXPORT

Each function can be exported by name, or all may be exported by using the tag 'all'.


The functions may be imported by name, or by using the export
tag "all".


=head3 Minimise1D()

Provides a simple interface to the L</BracketMinimum()> and L</Brent()>

Given a function, an initial guess for the function's
minimum, and its scaling, this routine converges
to the function's minimum using Brent's method.

    ($x, $y) = Minimise1D($guess, $scale, \&func);

The minimum is reached within a certain tolerance (defaulting 1e-7), and
attempts to do so within a maximum number of iterations (defaulting to 100).
You may override them by providing alternate values:

    ($x, $y) = Minimise1D($guess, $scale, \&func, 1.5e-8, 120);


sub Minimise1D
    my ($guess, $scale, $func, $tol, $itmax) = @_;
    my ($a, $b, $c) = BracketMinimum($guess - $scale, $guess + $scale, $func);

    return Brent($a, $b, $c, $func, $tol, $itmax);

# BracketMinimum
# BracketMinimum is MNBRAK minimum bracketing routine from section 10.1
# of Numerical Recipies

my $GOLD = 0.5 + sqrt(1.25); # Default magnification ratio for intervals is phi.
my $GLIMIT = 100.0; # Max magnification for parabolic fit step
my $TINY = 1E-20;

=head3 BracketMinimum()

    ($ax, $bx, $cx, $fa, $fb, $fc) = BracketMinimum($ax, $bx);

Given a function reference B<\&func> and distinct initial points B<$ax>
and B<$bx>, this routine searches in the downhill direction and returns
a list of the three points B<$ax>, B<$bx>, B<$cx> which bracket the
minimum of the function, along with the function values at those three
points, $fa, $fb, $fc.

The points B<$ax>, B<$bx>, B<$cx> may then be used in the function Brent().


sub BracketMinimum
    my ($ax, $bx, $func) = @_;
    my ($fa, $fb) = (&$func($ax), &$func($bx));

    # Swap the a and b values if we weren't going in
    # a downhill direction.
    if ($fb > $fa)
	my $t = $ax; $ax = $bx; $bx = $t;
	$t = $fa; $fa = $fb; $fb = $t;

    my $cx = $bx + $GOLD * ($bx - $ax);
    my $fc = &$func($cx);

    # Loop here until we bracket
    while ($fb >= $fc)
	# Compute U by parabolic extrapolation from
	# a, b, c. TINY used to prevent div by zero
	my $r = ($bx - $ax) * ($fb - $fc);
	my $q = ($bx - $cx) * ($fb - $fa);
	my $u = $bx - (($bx - $cx) * $q - ($bx - $ax) * $r)/
	    (2.0 * copysign(max(abs($q - $r), $TINY), $q - $r));

	my $ulim = $bx + $GLIMIT * ($cx - $bx); # We won't go further than this
	my $fu;

	# Parabolic U between B and C - try it.
	if (($bx - $u) * ($u - $cx) > 0.0)
	    $fu = &$func($u);

	    if ($fu < $fc)
		# Minimum between B and C
		$ax = $bx; $fa = $fb; $bx = $u;  $fb = $fu;
	    elsif ($fu > $fb)
		# Minimum between A and U
		$cx = $u; $fc = $fu;

	    $u = $cx + $GOLD * ($cx - $bx);
	    $fu = &$func($u);
	elsif (($cx - $u) * ($u - $ulim) > 0)
	    # parabolic  fit between C and limit
	    $fu = &$func($u);

	    if ($fu < $fc)
		$bx = $cx; $cx = $u;
		$u = $cx + $GOLD * ($cx - $bx);
		$fb = $fc; $fc = $fu;
		$fu = &$func($u);
	elsif (($u - $ulim) * ($ulim - $cx) >= 0)
	    # Limit parabolic U to maximum
	    $u = $ulim;
	    $fu = &$func($u);
	    # eject parabolic U, use default magnification
	    $u = $cx + $GOLD * ($cx - $bx);
	    $fu = &$func($u);

	# Eliminate oldest point and continue
	$ax = $bx; $bx = $cx; $cx = $u;
	$fa = $fb; $fb = $fc; $fc = $fu;

    return ($ax, $bx, $cx, $fa, $fb, $fc);

# The complementary step is (3 - sqrt(5))/2, which resolves to 2 - phi.
my $CGOLD = 2 - $GOLD;
my $ZEPS = 1e-10;

=head3 Brent()

Given a function and a triplet of abcissas B<$ax>, B<$bx>, B<$cx>, such that

=over 4

=item 1. B<$bx> is between B<$ax> and B<$cx>, and

=item 2. B<func($bx)> is less than both B<func($ax)> and B<func($cx)>),


Brent() isolates the minimum to a fractional precision of about B<$tol>
using Brent's method.

A maximum number of iterations B<$itmax> may be specified for this search - it
defaults to 100. Returned is a list consisting of the abcissa of the minum
and the function value there.


sub Brent
    my ($ax, $bx, $cx, $func, $tol, $ITMAX) = @_;
    my ($d, $u, $x, $w, $v); # ordinates
    my ($fu, $fx, $fw, $fv); # function evaluations

    $ITMAX //= 100;
    $tol //= 1e-8;

    my $a = min($ax, $cx);
    my $b = max($ax, $cx);

    $x = $w = $v = $bx;
    $fx = $fw = $fv = &$func($x);
    my $e = 0.0; # will be distance moved on the step before last
    my $iter = 0;

    while ($iter < $ITMAX)
	my $xm = 0.5 * ($a + $b);
	my $tol1 = $tol * abs($x) + $ZEPS;
	my $tol2 = 2.0 * $tol1;

	last if (abs($x - $xm) <= ($tol2 - 0.5 * ($b - $a)));

	if (abs($e) > $tol1)
	    my $r = ($x-$w) * ($fx-$fv);
	    my $q = ($x-$v) * ($fx-$fw);
	    my $p = ($x-$v) * $q-($x-$w)*$r;

	    $p = -$p if (($q = 2 * ($q - $r)) > 0.0);

	    $q = abs($q);
	    my $etemp = $e;
	    $e = $d;

	    unless ( (abs($p) >= abs(0.5 * $q * $etemp)) or
		($p <= $q * ($a - $x)) or ($p >= $q * ($b - $x)) )
	        # Parabolic step OK here - take it.
	        $d = $p/$q;
	        $u = $x + $d;

	        if ( (($u - $a) < $tol2) or (($b - $u) < $tol2) )
		    $d = copysign($tol1, $xm - $x);
	        goto dcomp; # Skip the golden section step.

        # Golden section step.
	$e = (($x >= $xm) ? $a : $b) - $x;
	$d = $CGOLD * $e;

        # We arrive here with d from Golden section or parabolic step.
	$u = $x + ((abs($d) >= $tol1) ? $d : copysign($tol1, $d));
	$fu = &$func($u); # 1 &$function evaluation per iteration

	# Decide what to do with &$function evaluation
	if ($fu <= $fx)
	    if ($u >= $x)
                $a = $x;
                $b = $x;
	    $v = $w; $fv = $fw;
	    $w = $x; $fw = $fx;
	    $x = $u; $fx = $fu;
	    if ($u < $x)
		    $a = $u;
		    $b = $u;

	    if ($fu <= $fw or $w == $x)
		$v = $w; $fv = $fw;
		$w = $u; $fw = $fu;
	    elsif ( $fu <= $fv or $v == $x or $v == $w )
		    $v = $u; $fv = $fu;


    carp "Brent Exceed Maximum Iterations.\n" if ($iter >= $ITMAX);
    return ($x, $fx);

sub Brentzero
	my($a, $b, $func, $tol, $ITMAX) = @_;
	my $fa = &$func($a);
	my $fb = &$func($b);

	if (($fa > 0.0 and $fb > 0.0) or ($fa < 0.0 and $fb < 0.0))
		carp "Brentzero(): root was not bracketed by [$a, $b].";
		return undef;

	$ITMAX //= 100;
	$tol //= 1e-8;

	my($c, $fc) = ($b, $fb);
	my($d, $e);
	my $iter = 0;

	while ($iter < $ITMAX)
		# Adjust bounding interval $d.
		### iteration: $iter
		### a: $a
		### b: $b
		### fa: $fa
		### fb: $fb
		### fc: $fc
		if (($fb > 0.0 and $fc > 0.0) or ($fb < 0.0 and $fc < 0.0))
			$fc = $fa;
			$c = $a;
			$d = $b - $a;
			$e = $d;

		if (abs($fc) < abs($fb))
			$a = $b;
			$b = $c;
			$c = $a;
			$fa = $fb;
			$fb = $fc;
			$fc = $fa;

		# Convergence check.
		### a: $a
		### b: $b
		### c: $c
		### d: $d
		### fa: $fa
		### fb: $fb
		### fc: $fc
		my $xm = ($c - $b) * 0.5;
		my $tol1 = 2.0 * $ZEPS * abs($b) + ($tol * 0.5);

		### tol1: $tol1
		### xm: $xm
		return $b if (abs($xm) <= $tol1 or $fb == 0.0);

		if (abs($e) >= $tol1 and abs($fa) > abs($fb))
			# Attempt inverse quadratic interpolation.
			#### Branch (abs(e) >= tol1 and abs(fa) > abs(fb))
			my($p, $q);
			my $s = $fb/$fa;

			if ($a == $c)
				#### Branch (a == c)
				$p = 2.0 * $xm * $s;
				$q = 1.0 - $s;
				#### Branch (a != c)
				my $r = $fb/$fc;
				$q = $fa/$fc;
				$p = $s * (2.0 * $xm * $q * ($q - $r) -
					($b - $a) * ($r - 1.0));
				$q = ($q - 1.0) * ($r - 1.0) * ($s - 1.0);

			# Check if in bounds.
			### q: $q
			### p: $p
			### s: $s
			### e: $e
			$q = - $q if ($p > 0.0);
			$p = abs($p);
			my $min1 = 3.0 * $xm * $q - abs($tol1 * $q);
			my $min2 = abs($e * $q);

			if (2.0 * $p < min($min1, $min2))
				# Interpolation worked, use it.
				#### Branch (2.0 * p < min(min1, min2))
				$e = $d;
				$d = $p/$q;
				# Interpolation failed, use bisection.
				#### Branch (2.0 * p >= min(min1, min2))
				$d = $xm;
				$e = $d;
			# Bounds decreasing too slowly for
			# quadratic interpolation, use bisection.
			$d = $xm;
			$e = $d;

		# Move last best guess to $a.
		$a = $b;
		$fa = $fb;

		# Calculate the next guess.
		$b += (abs($d) > $tol1)? $d: copysign($tol1, $xm);
		$fb = &$func($b);

	carp "Brentzero Exceed Maximum Iterations.\n" if ($iter >= $ITMAX);
	return $a;



=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests via Github's
L<issues link|>

=head1 AUTHOR

John A.R. Williams B<>

John M. Gamble B<> (current maintainer)

=head1 SEE ALSO

"Numerical Recipies: The Art of Scientific Computing"
W.H. Press, B.P. Flannery, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling.
Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0 521 30811 9.

Richard P. Brent, L<Algorithms for Minimization Without Derivatives|>

Professor (Emeritus) Richard Brent has a web page at
