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use MooseX::Declare;
use 5.008008;

our $VERSION = '0.999007';

=head1 NAME
WWW::Getsy - Command line interface to Etsy V2 OAuth API


Command line interface to Etsy V2 OAuth API

Register for a developer account here:
Then register your app for a V2 Sandbox key:

Then define your consumer key and secret environment variables

    export OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY='your_key'
    export OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET='your_secret'

Finally start making some api calls

Get a list of all methods

    getsy --sandbox --path '/'

Get your user info

    getsy --sandbox --path '/users/__SELF__'

You can use the --method paramter to make post, put, and delete calls (get is default)
and --params to pass in a JSON string of parameters

    getsy --sandbox --path '/listings/51455722' --params '{"title" : "changing the title"}' --method put

A full list of methods available here


class WWW::Getsy with MooseX::Getopt {
    use WWW::Getsy::OAuth;
    use File::HomeDir qw(home);
    use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);
    use JSON::XS;
    use MooseX::Getopt;
    use MooseX::Types::Moose qw/Str HashRef/;
    use WWW::Getsy::Types qw(
    use Data::Dumper;

    has 'sandbox' => (
        is => 'rw', 
        isa => 'Bool',
        default => 0,

    has 'debug' => (
        is => 'rw', 
        isa => 'Bool',
        default => 0,

    has 'path' => (
        is => 'rw', 
        isa => Str, 
        required => 1

    has 'url' => (
        metaclass => 'NoGetopt',
        is => 'rw', 
        isa => Str, 
        required => 1,
        lazy => 1,
        default => method {
            return "http://". $self->api_domain ."/v2/private".$self->path;

    has 'api_domain' => (
        metaclass => 'NoGetopt',
        is => 'ro',
        isa => Str,
        required => 1,
        lazy => 1,
        default => method {
            my $api_domain = '';
            if ($self->sandbox) {
                $api_domain = '';
            return $api_domain;

    has 'params' => (
        is => 'rw', 
        isa => RequestParams, 
        coerce => 1,
        required => 0,
        default => sub { {} }

    has 'method' => (
        is => 'rw', 
        isa => RequestMethod, 
        coerce => 1,
        required => 1,
        default => "get",

    has 'conf_file' => (
        metaclass => 'NoGetopt',
        isa => Str,
        is => 'ro',
        lazy => 1,
        default => method { 
            my $configfile = ".getsy";
            if ($self->sandbox) {
                $configfile .= "_sandbox";
            catfile( home(), $configfile ) 

    has 'consumer_key' => ( 
        metaclass => 'NoGetopt',
        isa => EnvConsumerKey, 
        is => 'ro', 
        default => sub {

    has 'consumer_secret' => (
        metaclass => 'NoGetopt',
        isa => EnvConsumerSecret, 
        is => 'ro', 
        default => sub {

    has 'oauth_client' => ( 
        metaclass => 'NoGetopt',
        isa => 'WWW::Getsy::OAuth',
        is => 'ro', 
        lazy_build => 1,
        handles => [qw/ 

    method _build_oauth_client {
            tokens => {
                consumer_key => $self->consumer_key,
                consumer_secret => $self->consumer_secret,
            protocol_version => '1.0a',
            urls   => {
                authorization_url => "",
                request_token_url => "http://". $self->api_domain ."/v2/oauth/request_token",
                access_token_url  => "http://". $self->api_domain ."/v2/oauth/access_token",
            callback => 'oob',

    before authorized { 
        my %tokens = $self->oauth_client->load_tokens($self->conf_file);

        if (grep {defined && length} %tokens) {
            $self->oauth_client->{'tokens'}->{'access_token'} = $tokens{'access_token'};
            $self->oauth_client->{'tokens'}->{'access_token_secret'} = $tokens{'access_secret'};
        } else {

    method get_access_tokens {
        print "Go to ".$self->oauth_client->get_authorization_url(callback => 'oob') ."\n";
        print "Then enter the verifier token\n";
        my $verifier = <STDIN>;
        chomp $verifier;

        my ($access_token, $access_secret) = $self->oauth_client->request_access_token(verifier => $verifier);

        # Now save those values
        $self->oauth_client->save_tokens($self->conf_file, access_token=>$access_token, access_secret=>$access_secret);


    method oauth_request() {
        if ($self->debug) {
            print "request: ". uc($self->method) ." ". $self->url."\n";
            print "params: ". (%{$self->params} ? Dumper($self->params) : "none") ."\n";
        my $method = 'oauth_'. $self->method;

    method oauth_get() {
        return $self->oauth_client->make_restricted_request($self->url, 'GET', %{$self->params});

    method oauth_post() {
        return $self->oauth_client->make_restricted_request($self->url, 'POST', %{$self->params});

    method oauth_put() {
        return $self->oauth_client->make_restricted_request($self->url, 'PUT', %{$self->params});

    method oauth_delete() {
        return $self->oauth_client->make_restricted_request($self->url, 'DELETE', %{$self->params});

    method decode(Str $json) {
        decode_json $json;

    method encode(HashRef $json) {

    method pretty_print(Str $json) {
        print $self->encode($self->decode($json));


=head1 AUTHOR

John Goulah, C<< <jgoulah at> >>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-www-getsy at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc WWW::Getsy

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN





Copyright 2012 John Goulah.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.
