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# This script generates "unfcan.h", "unfcpt.h", "unfcmb.h",
# "unfcmp.h", and "unfexc.h" 
# from,, CompExcl.txt
# in lib/unicore or unicode directory
# for Unicode::Normalize.xs. (cf. Makefile.PL)
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;

our $PACKAGE = 'Unicode::Normalize, mkheader';

our $Combin = do "unicore/"
  || do "unicode/"
  || croak "$PACKAGE: not found";

our $Decomp = do "unicore/"
  || do "unicode/"
  || croak "$PACKAGE: not found";

our %Combin; # $codepoint => $number      : combination class
our %Canon;  # $codepoint => $hexstring   : canonical decomp.
our %Compat; # $codepoint => $hexstring   : compat. decomp.
our %Compos; # $string    => $codepoint   : composite

our %Exclus; # $codepoint => 1            : composition exclusions

  my($f, $fh);
  foreach my $d (@INC) {
    use File::Spec;
    $f = File::Spec->catfile($d, "unicore", "CompositionExclusions.txt");
    last if open($fh, $f);
    $f = File::Spec->catfile($d, "unicode", "CompExcl.txt");
    last if open($fh, $f);
    $f = undef;
  croak "$PACKAGE: CompExcl.txt not found in @INC" unless defined $f;
  while(<$fh>) {
    next if /^#/ or /^$/;
    $Exclus{ hex($1) } =1 if /([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/;
  close $fh;

while($Combin =~ /(.+)/g) {
  my @tab = split /\t/, $1;
  my $ini = hex $tab[0];
  if($tab[1] eq '') {
    $Combin{ $ini } = $tab[2];
  } else {
    $Combin{ $_ } = $tab[2] foreach $ini .. hex($tab[1]);

while($Decomp =~ /(.+)/g) {
  my @tab = split /\t/, $1;
  my $compat = $tab[2] =~ s/<[^>]+>//;
  my $dec = [ _getHexArray($tab[2]) ]; # decomposition
  my $com = pack('U*', @$dec); # composable sequence
  my $ini = hex($tab[0]);
  if($tab[1] eq '') {
    $Compat{ $ini } = $dec;
    if(! $compat) {
      $Canon{  $ini } = $dec;
      $Compos{ $com } = $ini if @$dec > 1;
  } else {
    foreach my $u ($ini .. hex($tab[1])){
      $Compat{ $u } = $dec;
      if(! $compat){
        $Canon{  $u }   = $dec;
        $Compos{ $com } = $ini if @$dec > 1;

# exhaustive decomposition
foreach my $key (keys %Canon) {
  $Canon{$key}  = [ getCanonList($key) ];

# exhaustive decomposition
foreach my $key (keys %Compat) { 
  $Compat{$key} = [ getCompatList($key) ];

sub getCanonList {
  my @src = @_;
  my @dec = map $Canon{$_} ? @{ $Canon{$_} } : $_, @src;
  join(" ",@src) eq join(" ",@dec) ? @dec : getCanonList(@dec);
  # condition @src == @dec is not ok.

sub getCompatList {
  my @src = @_;
  my @dec = map $Compat{$_} ? @{ $Compat{$_} } : $_, @src;
  join(" ",@src) eq join(" ",@dec) ? @dec : getCompatList(@dec);
  # condition @src == @dec is not ok.

sub _getHexArray {
  my $str = shift;
  map hex(), $str =~ /([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/g;

sub _U_stringify {
  sprintf '"%s"', join '',
    map sprintf("\\x%02x", $_), unpack 'C*', pack 'U*', @_;

foreach my $hash (\%Canon, \%Compat) {
  foreach my $key (keys %$hash) {
    $hash->{$key} = _U_stringify( @{ $hash->{$key} } );

my $prefix = "UNF_";

my $structname = "${prefix}complist";

our (%Comp1st, %CompList);

foreach(sort keys %Compos) {
  my @a = unpack('U*', $_);
  my $val = $Compos{$_};
  my $name = sprintf "${structname}_%06x", $a[0];
  $Comp1st{ $a[0] } = $name;
  $CompList{ $name }{ $a[1] } = $val;

my $compinit =
  "typedef struct { UV nextchar; UV composite; } $structname;\n\n";

foreach my $i (sort keys %CompList) {
  $compinit .= "$structname $i [] = {\n";
  $compinit .= join ",\n", 
    map sprintf("\t{ %d, %d }", $_, $CompList{$i}{$_}),
    sort {$a <=> $b } keys %{ $CompList{$i} };
  $compinit .= ",\n{0,0}\n};\n\n"; # with sentinel


my @Exclus = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %Exclus;

my $file = "unfexc.h";
open FH, ">$file" or croak "$PACKAGE: $file can't be made";
binmode FH; select FH;

print "bool isExclusion (UV uv) \n{\nreturn\n\t";

while(@Exclus) {
  my $cur = shift @Exclus;
  if(@Exclus && $cur + 1 == $Exclus[0]) {
    print "($cur <= uv && uv <= ";
    while(@Exclus && $cur + 1 == $Exclus[0]) {
      $cur = shift @Exclus;
    print "$cur)";
    print "\n\t|| " if @Exclus;
  } else {
    print "uv == $cur";
    print "\n\t|| " if @Exclus;

print "\n\t? TRUE : FALSE;\n}\n\n";
close FH;


my @tripletable = (
    file => "unfcmb",
    name => "combin",
    type => "STDCHAR",
    hash => \%Combin,
    null =>  0,
    file => "unfcan",
    name => "canon",
    type => "char*",
    hash => \%Canon,
    null => "NULL",
    file => "unfcpt",
    name => "compat",
    type => "char*",
    hash => \%Compat,
    null => "NULL",
    file => "unfcmp",
    name => "compos",
    type => "$structname *",
    hash => \%Comp1st,
    null => "NULL",
    init => $compinit,

foreach my $tbl (@tripletable) {
  my $file = "$tbl->{file}.h";
  my $head = "${prefix}$tbl->{name}";
  my $type = $tbl->{type};
  my $hash = $tbl->{hash};
  my $null = $tbl->{null};
  my $init = $tbl->{init};

  open FH, ">$file" or croak "$PACKAGE: $file can't be made";
  binmode FH; select FH;
  my %val;

  print FH << 'EOF';
 * This file is auto-generated by mkheader.
 * Any changes here will be lost!

  print $init if defined $init;

  foreach my $uv (keys %$hash) {
    my @c = unpack 'CCCC', pack 'N', $uv;
    $val{ $c[1] }{ $c[2] }{ $c[3] } = $hash->{$uv};

  foreach my $p (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %val) {
    next if ! $val{ $p };
    for(my $r = 0; $r < 256; $r++){
      next if ! $val{ $p }{ $r };
      printf "$type ${head}_%02x_%02x [256] = {\n", $p, $r;
      for(my $c = 0; $c < 256; $c++){
        print "\t", defined $val{$p}{$r}{$c}
	  ? "($type)".$val{$p}{$r}{$c} : $null;
        print ','  if $c != 255;
        print "\n" if $c % 8 == 7;
      print "};\n\n";
  foreach my $p (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %val) {
    next if ! $val{ $p };
    printf "$type* ${head}_%02x [256] = {\n", $p;
    for(my $r = 0; $r < 256; $r++){
      print $val{ $p }{ $r } ? sprintf("${head}_%02x_%02x", $p, $r) : "NULL";
      print ','  if $r != 255;
      print "\n" if $val{ $p }{ $r } || ($r+1) % 8 == 0;
    print "};\n\n";
  print "$type** $head [] = {\n";
  for(my $p = 0; $p <= 0x10; $p++){
    print $val{ $p } ? sprintf("${head}_%02x", $p) : "NULL";
    print ','  if $p != 0x10;
    print "\n";
  print "};\n\n";
  close FH;
