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<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">
<TITLE>vsDB Tutorial</TITLE>

<P><FONT face=Arial size=4><STRONG> Tutorial</STRONG> </FONT> </P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>vsDB is a 
Perl module that provides Perl programmers with a simple object-oriented 
interface for text-delimited data files.&nbsp; The object model is very similar 
to Microsoft's ADO RecordSet object, so if you've used that, vsDB will be a bit 
familiar to 
you.&nbsp; The primary difference is that you don't use SQL commands to retrieve data.&nbsp; 
Instead, all data&nbsp;is loaded from&nbsp;flat files.&nbsp; You use a 
Filter method to find individual or groups of records, and the Sort method to 
order your results.</FONT>             
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>     If you have 
experience with data driven applications&nbsp;you may be&nbsp;wondering why you 
would choose vsDB as     opposed 
to the Perl DBI modules, which support a wide range of database back-ends?&nbsp; 
vsDB fits a particular niche that I have discovered while writing small applications 
to distribute as freeware.&nbsp; Most end-users of Perl scripts fit one of 
two profiles: 1) webmasters with an account on a virtual 
server, 2) webmasters with their own personal Windows server.&nbsp; Although&nbsp;installing DBI and a database&nbsp;server 
is not terribly difficult, it is beyond what the average 
webmaster is willing to do (and/or has the server permissions to do),&nbsp; especially for 
a small utility-type application.&nbsp; Furthermore, a full-featured database system may be overkill for 
a script to&nbsp;store&nbsp;a small mailing list, product listing,&nbsp;etc.</FONT>&nbsp;           
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>vsDB is 
perfect for small&nbsp;applications, but&nbsp;I've used it with files of over 
20,000 records.&nbsp; It is fairly fast and has all the features needed for 
single-table applications.&nbsp; Relational databases can even be simulated with clever 
programming.&nbsp; Also, with some Perl trickery on your part, the end-user of 
your script does not even&nbsp;need server permissions to install new Perl modules.&nbsp; You can 
create a simple data-driven application in minutes&nbsp;that will run on just about any 
server with no complicated installation.</FONT>            
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2><STRONG>Example 1: Create a new database file and add two 
records</STRONG>       </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>The following 
program will create a new database with two fields "Name" and "Age."&nbsp; It 
will add two records to the database, set the values for each record's fields, 
and save it to C:\database.txt.&nbsp; You can copy/paste this code 
to a Perl script, or even run it directly from the Perl command line.&nbsp; 
(If you are using a UNIX server, you should change C:\database.txt to 
an appropriate file path)&nbsp; We'll use this datafile for the other examples, so keep the datafile 
that it creates.&nbsp; This program is meant to run from the command 
line - not through web browser.</FONT></P>
use vsDB;

# first create the database object
my ($objDB) = new vsDB;

# specify the filepath for our new file 

#this is a new database - add two columns 

# now add a new record and set the field values 

# let's add a second record

# looks good - lets save it to disk and close the database 

<FONT face = Arial size =2>
Example 2: Retrieve 

<FONT face=Arial size=2>
Now that 
you have created the database with the first program, we can retrieve some 
records and print them to the screen.&nbsp; Make sure
that&nbsp;you have a file called&nbsp;database.txt on your C:\ drive (or wherever you saved
it)</FONT>&nbsp; </P>
use vsDB;

# first create the database object
my ($objDB) = new vsDB; 

# specify the file path and open the file 

# now loop through all the records, printing them one per line 
until($objDB-&gt;EOF) { 
    print"Name: " . $objDB-&gt;FieldValue("Name") . " "; 
    print "Age:" . $objDB-&gt;FieldValue("Age") . "\n"; 

# all done - close the database

<p><FONT face=Arial size=2>
What we have done is open the datafile, then loop through all of the 
records in the file.&nbsp; If you were running this at the command line, you 
would have seen the two&nbsp;records that we added to the datafile in Example 1.&nbsp; If you 
tried to run this in a browser, you probably got a cgi error, because we didn't 
print the "Content-type text/html\n\n" header.
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>The most interesting part of this script is where we 
are looping through the records.&nbsp; Notice that the <EM>until</EM> command 
loops until <EM>$objDB-&gt;EOF</EM>.&nbsp; What the heck does this 
mean??!!&nbsp; Well, EOF is a property of the vsDB object that stands for End Of 
File.&nbsp; This means that when <EM>$objDB-&gt;EOF</EM> returns a <EM>True</EM> 
 value, we have reached the end of our datafile.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>vsDB uses the 
database concept of a "curser."&nbsp; You move your computer's curser up and 
down in a document&nbsp;using the up and down arrows on your keypad.&nbsp; Well, 
you can move the database "curser" up and down from one record to the 
next.&nbsp; To do this, you simple call the method <EM>$objDB-&gt;MoveNext</EM> 
to move&nbsp;down one line to the next record.&nbsp; In case you're curious, there's another 
method not used in this example called <EM>$objDB-&gt;MovePrevious</EM>.&nbsp; That, of course, moves 
the cursor up one line to the previous record.&nbsp; If you know exacly what row 
you want, you can call the AbsolutePosition method.&nbsp; For 
example,&nbsp;<EM>$objDB-&gt;AbsolutePosition(2)</EM> would move the cursor directly&nbsp;to record number 2.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>So, using the cursor we are able to retrieve the 
entire datafile - one record at a time.&nbsp; When we want to move to the next 
record, we call the <EM>MoveNext</EM>   method.&nbsp;&nbsp;Each time we check the 
<EM>EOF</EM> property.&nbsp; When <EM>EOF</EM> is <EM>True</EM>, then we know 
we have reached the end of 
the datafile -&nbsp;there are no more records.</FONT></P>

<P><FONT face=Arial size=2><STRONG>Example 3: Update a record</STRONG>       </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>This third example will open our datafile
and update one of the records.</FONT></P>
use vsDB;

# first create the database object
my ($objDB) = new vsDB; 

# specify the file path for data file and open it 

# move the cursor to a specific record 

# update the field values

# save it to disk and close the database 
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>If you open the datafile, you'll 
see that the second record has been changed from Jim, Age 9 to Jerry, Age 10. We 
updated record number 2. </FONT> 
<p><FONT face=Arial size=2>
You might have noticed that the <EM>FieldValue</EM> method is used differently in
Example 2.  Example 2 has one parameter, which is our field name ("Name") and ("Age").
In Example 1 and 3, though, it has two parameters ("Name", "Jerry").
When you submit only 1 parameter, vsDB assumes that you want to see
what the value is for that field.  When you submit 2 parameters, vsDB
assumes that you want to <EM>change</EM> the value of that field. </FONT>     

<p><STRONG><FONT face=Arial 
size=2>Notes:</FONT></STRONG></p><FONT face=Arial size=2>The above examples show 
you the 3 main features that you would normally need from a datafile. Inserting 
data, retrieving data, and updating data. In addition, Example 1 showed us how 
to create a brand new datafile programmatically. </FONT>

<p><FONT face=Arial size=2>There are several features that 
you will probably need that are not explained here. This includes sorting 
records, searching for one or more records Included with this module are a few 
example scripts. They should provide you with further examples for normal 
database functions. You can also check the documentation for vsDB. </FONT>
<p><FONT face=Arial size=2>One particular thing to notice is 
that the row number is used for locating a particular record in Example 3. 
Basically, we are using the actual file row number as the primary key for the 
data. This works fine as however you have to be careful when deleting or 
re-ordering the datafile, as you can update the wrong record. This method is 
especially dangerous if you're writing an application that more than one person 
will be using simultaneously. A safer way to do this is to create an ID field to 
use as a primary key. You simply increment the ID for each new record. (The Max 
method is helpful for finding the current largest ID). Then you use the Filter 
method to locate the record with the specified ID. This technique is used in the 
included example scripts. </FONT>

<P><FONT face=Arial size=2><STRONG>Perl trickery to allow the script to look in 
the current directory for modules:</STRONG> </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>
One of the best things about using vsDB is that you can create a script
that will run on just about any platform with no administrative access to
the server necessary.  Most people with a virtual host don't have permission
to install Pel modules.  Using the following code, you can tell
your script to look in a specific directory for modules.  This requires two steps.</FONT> </P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>a) Perl modules are generally installed in the Perl 
path somewhere.&nbsp; Not all Perl programmers realize that the Perl path is 
available to your program in an array called @INC.&nbsp; You can add the current 
directory to this array, thus adding the current directory to the Perl 
path!&nbsp; The trick is that you have to put it in the BEGIN clause so that it 
will be compiled by the Perl interpreter before interpreting the rest of the 
script.&nbsp; (Otherwise it would compile the whole script first and would give 
you an error saying that it couldn't find your module!)&nbsp; You can copy/paste 
the following BEGIN clause into your script.&nbsp; All this does is attempt to 
find the current directory and then add it to the Perl path (@INC array).&nbsp; 
You may or may not know that . stands for the current directory on many 
servers.&nbsp; However, Windows servers are more picky, requiring the full 
  my ($currentDirectory);
    my ($scriptPath) = $ENV{'PATH_TRANSLATED'};
    my ($directorySeparator) = "\\";
    $currentDirectory =  substr($scriptPath,0,rindex($scriptPath,$directorySeparator)); 
  } else { 
    $currentDirectory = "."; 
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>b) The next step is just a slight modification of the 
way you would normally include a module for use in your script.&nbsp; Normally, 
you would include a module like so:</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>use vsDB;</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>However, this will execute at compile time and can 
cause an error&nbsp;when Perl doesn't find your module.&nbsp; You can instead 
force the module to load at run-time instead like so:</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face="Courier New" size=2>eval 'use vsDB';</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial size=2>That's it!&nbsp; Now you can just include a copy of along with your script and your end-user only has to save it in the same 
directory as the script.</FONT></P>

<FONT face=Arial size=1>Copyright 2001, </FONT>
  <a href=""><FONT face=Arial 
size=1>Jason M. Hinkle</FONT>  </a>