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use Mojo::Base -strict;
use Mojo::File 'path';
use Test::More;
use Test::Mojo;

my $home = path();
$home = path($home->dirname) if $home->basename eq 'blib';
$ENV{MOJO_CONFIG} = $home->child(qw(t log.conf))->to_string;
plan skip_all => "MOJO_CONFIG=$ENV{MOJO_CONFIG}" unless -r $ENV{MOJO_CONFIG};

my $log_file = $home->child(qw(t log.log))->to_string;

$ENV{MOJO_LOG_LEVEL} = 'debug';
unlink $log_file;
my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Toadfarm');
my %log;

  '/with-request-base' => sub {
    my $c = shift;
    my $base = $c->req->param('X-Request-Base') || '';

    $c->req->url->base(Mojo::URL->new($base)) if $base;
    $c->render(text => $base);

  '/with/identity' => sub {
    my $c = shift;
    $c->tx->req->env->{identity} = 'user1';
    $c->render(text => '123');

  '/stream/timeout' => sub {
    my $c = shift->render_later;

$t->app->routes->get('/stream/close' => sub { shift->render_later });


  local $TODO = 'Not sure how to get this to fail and still be ok';
    start => sub {
      my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
        0.02 => sub {

ok -e $log_file, 'log file was created';
ok -s $log_file > 400, 'log file was written to';

open my $FH, '<', $log_file;
while (<$FH>) {
  diag "$.: $_" if $ENV{HARNESS_IS_VERBOSE};

  #[info] GET 404 0.0145s
  #[info] user1 GET 200 0.0012s

  $log{without_identity} = $_ if m!info\W+\S+ GET http://[\w\.]+:\d+/yikes 404 [\d.]+s$!;
  $log{with_identity}    = $_ if m!info\W+user1 GET http://[\w\.]+:\d+/with/identity 200 [\d.]+s$!;
  $log{with_prefix}      = $_ if m!info.*X-Request-Base!;
  $log{with_close}       = $_ if m!/close\s\d+!;
  $log{with_timeout}     = $_ if m!/timeout.*504!;

like $log{with_identity},    qr{\buser1\b.*identity},                         'got access log line with identity';
like $log{without_identity}, qr{GET.*yikes},                                  'got access log line without userinfo';
like $log{with_prefix},      qr{http://thorsen\.pm/prefix/with-request-base}, 'got access log line base url prefix';
like $log{with_timeout},     qr{GET.*/timeout\s504\s},                        'got timeout';
ok !$log{with_close}, 'do not log when client close' or diag $log{with_close};

unlink $log_file unless $ENV{KEEP_LOG_FILE};