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package Yahoo::BBAuth;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(Class::Accessor::Fast);

use Carp;
use CGI;
use URI;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);

our $VERSION = '0.01';

    appid secret userhash appdata timeout token WSSID
    cookie access_credentials_error sig_validation_error


sub new {
    my ($class, %param) = @_;
    croak('appid and secret required')
        if !exists $param{appid} or !exists $param{secret};
    bless {
        appid  => $param{appid},
        secret => $param{secret},
    }, $class;

sub auth_url {
    my ($self, %param) = @_;
    my $url = URI->new($WSLOGIN_PREFIX . 'wslogin');
    my %query = (appid => $self->appid);
    $query{appdata} = $param{appdata} if exists $param{appdata};
    $query{send_userhash} = 1 if exists $param{send_userhash};

sub _create_auth_url {
    my ($self, $url) = @_;
    unless (ref $url) { # not URI object
        $url = URI->new($url);
    my %query = $url->query_form;
    $url->query_form([%query, (ts => time)]);
    my $sig = md5_hex($url->path_query . $self->secret);
    # sig must be last
    $url->as_string . "&sig=$sig";

sub validate_sig {
    my ($self, %param) = @_;
    my $cgi = CGI->new;
    $self->userhash($cgi->param('userhash')) if defined $cgi->param('userhash');
    $self->appdata($cgi->param('appdata'))   if defined $cgi->param('appdata');
    my $ts  = exists $param{ts}  ? $param{ts}  : $cgi->param('ts');
    my $sig = exists $param{sig} ? $param{sig} : $cgi->param('sig');
    my ($relative_url, $get_sig) = $cgi->request_uri =~ /^(.+)&sig=(\w{32})$/;
    unless (defined $get_sig) {
            "Invalid url may have been passed - relative_url: $relative_url"
    if ($get_sig ne $sig) {
            "Invalid sig may have been passed: $get_sig , $sig"
    my $current_time = time;
    my $clock_skew = abs(time - $ts);
    if ($clock_skew >= 600) {
            "Invalid timestamp - clock_skew is $clock_skew seconds, current time is $current_time, ts is $ts"
    my $sig_input = $relative_url . $self->secret;
    my $calculated_sig = md5_hex($sig_input);
    if ($calculated_sig eq $sig) {
        return 1;
    } else {
            "calculated_sig was $calculated_sig, supplied sig was $sig, sig input was $sig_input"

sub _get_access_credentials {
    my $self = shift;
    my $url = $self->_access_url;
    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    my $res = $ua->get($url);
    if ($res->is_error) {
    my $content = $res->content;
    if ($content =~ m!<ErrorCode>(.+)</ErrorCode>!) {
            "Error code returned in XML response: $1"
    if ($content =~ /(Y=.*)/) {
    } else {
        $self->access_credentials_error('No cookie found');
    if ($content =~ m!<WSSID>(.+)</WSSID>!) {
    } else {
        $self->access_credentials_error('No WSSID found');
    if ($content =~ m!<Timeout>(.+)</Timeout>!) {
    } else {
        $self->access_credentials_error('No timeout found');
    return 1;

sub _access_url {
    my $self = shift;
    unless (defined $self->token) {
        my $cgi = CGI->new;
    my $url = URI->new($WSLOGIN_PREFIX. 'wspwtoken_login');
    $url->query_form(token => $self->token, appid => $self->appid);

sub _create_auth_ws_url {
    my ($self, $url) = @_;
    unless (defined $self->cookie) {
        return unless $self->_get_access_credentials;
    unless (ref $url) {
        $url = URI->new($url);
        WSSID => $self->WSSID,
        appid => $self->appid,

sub auth_ws_get_call {
    my ($self, $url) = @_;
    $self->_auth_ws_call($url, 'get');

sub auth_ws_post_call {
    my ($self, $url) = @_;
    $self->_auth_ws_call($url, 'post');

sub _auth_ws_call {
    my ($self, $url, $method) = @_;
    $url = $self->_create_auth_ws_url($url);
    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    $ua->default_header(Cookie => $self->cookie);
    my $res = $ua->$method($url);
    if ($res->is_error) {


=head1 NAME

Yahoo::BBAuth - Perl interface to the Yahoo! Browser-Based Authentication.


  my $bbauth = Yahoo::BBAuth->new(
      appid  => $appid,
      secret => $secret,
  # Create an authentication link
  printf '<a href="%s">Click here to authorize</a>', $bbauth->auth_url; 
  # After the user authenticates successfully, Yahoo returns the user to the page you
  # dictated when you signed up. To verify whether authentication succeeded, you need to
  # validate the signature:
  if ($bbauth->validate_sig()) {
      print 'Authentication Successful';
  } else {
      print 'Authentication Failed. Error is: '.$bbauth->sig_validation_error;
  my $url = '';
  my $xml = $bbauth->auth_ws_get_call($url);
  unless ($xml) {
      print 'WS call setup Failed. Error is: '. $bbauth->access_credentials_error;
  } else {
      print 'Look at response for other errors or success: '.$xml;


This module priovides you an Object Oriented interface for Yahoo! Browser-Based Authentication.

This module is ported from official PHP class library(

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new(appid => $appid, secret => $secret)

Returns an instance of this module.
You must set the your application id and shared secret.

=head2 auth_url(%param)

Create the Login URL used to fetch authentication credentials.
This is the first step in the browser authentication process.

You can set the %param to send_userhash and appdata if you need(optinal).

The appdata typically a session id that Yahoo will transfer to the target application upon successful authentication.

If send_userhash set, the send_userhash=1 request will be appended to the request URL so that the userhash will be returned by Yahoo! after successful authentication.

=head2 validate_sig

Validates the signature returned by Yahoo's browser authentication services.

Returns true if the sig is validated. Returns undef if any error occurs.
If undef is returned, $self->sig_validation_error should contain a string describing the error.

=head2 auth_ws_get_call($url)

Make an authenticated web services call using HTTP GET.
Returns responce if successful, a string is returned containing the web service response which might be XML, JSON, or some other type of text.
If an error occurs, the error is stored in $self->access_credentials_error.

=head2 auth_ws_post_call($url)

Make an authenticated web services call using HTTP POST.

=head2 sig_validation_error

Returns error message when validate_sig failed.

=head2 access_credentials_error

Returns error message when auth_ws_get_call or auth_ws_post_call failed.


=over 4

=item appid

=item secret

=item userhash

=item appdata

=item timeout

=item token

=item WSSID

=item cookie


=head1 AUTHOR

Jiro Nishiguchi E<lt>jiro@cpan.orgE<gt>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item *

