pragma - A pragma for controlling other user pragmas

    The "pragma" pragma is a module which influences other user pragmata
    such as lint. With Perl 5.10 you can create user pragmata and the
    "pragma" pragma can modify and peek at other pragmata.

A basic example
    Assume you're using the "myint" pragma mentioned in perlpragma. For
    ease, that pragma is duplicated here. You'll see it sets the "myint"
    value to 1 when on and 0 when off.

        package myint;
    use strict;
        use warnings;
    sub import {
            $^H{myint} = 1;
    sub unimport {
            $^H{myint} = 0;

    Other code might casually wish to dip into "myint":

        no pragma 'myint';      # delete $^H{myint}
        use pragma myint => 42; # $^H{myint} = 42

        print pragma->peek( 'myint' ); # prints '42'

    The above could have been written without the "pragma" module as:

        BEGIN { delete $^H{myint} }
        BEGIN { $^H{myint} = 42 }

        print $^H{myint};

    "use pragma PRAGMA => VALUE"
    "pragma->import( PRAGMA => VALUE )"
    "pragma->poke( PRAGMA => VALUE )"
        Sets "PRAGMA"'s value to "VALUE".

    "no pragma PRAGMA"
    "pragma->unimport( PRAGMA )"
        Unsets "PRAGMA".

    "pragma->peek( PRAGMA )"
        Returns the current value of "PRAGMA".

    All methods may be subclassed.