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#! /usr/bin/perl

# Copyright 2007 Jon Schutz, all rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

# Main functional test for Sphinx::Search
# Loads data into mysql, runs indexer, starts searchd, validates results.

use strict;
use warnings;

use DBI;
use Test::More;
use File::SearchPath qw/searchpath/;
use Path::Class;
use Sphinx::Search;
use Socket;
use Data::Dumper;

my $searchd = $ENV{SPHINX_SEARCHD} || searchpath('searchd');
my $indexer = $ENV{SPHINX_INDEXER} || searchpath('indexer');
unless ($searchd && -e $searchd) {
    plan skip_all => "Can't find searchd; set SPHINX_SEARCHD to location of searchd binary in order to run these tests";
$indexer = Path::Class::file($searchd)->dir->file('indexer')->stringify unless $indexer;
unless ($indexer && -e $indexer) {
    plan skip_all => "Can't find indexer; set SPHINX_INDEXER to location of indexer binary in order to run these tests";

my $dbtable = 'sphinx_test_jjs_092348792';
my $dsn = $ENV{SPHINX_DSN} || "dbi:mysql:database=test";
my $dbuser = $ENV{SPHINX_DBUSER} || "root";
my $dbpass = $ENV{SPHINX_DBPASS} || "";
my $dbname = ( $dsn =~ m!database=([^;]+)! ) ? $1 : "test";
my $dbhost = ( $dsn =~ m!host=([^;]+)! ) ? $1 : "localhost";
my $dbport = ( $dsn =~ m!port=([^;]+)! ) ? $1 : "";
my $dbsock = ( $dsn =~ m!socket=([^;]+)! ) ? $1 : "";
my $sph_port = $ENV{SPHINX_PORT} || int(rand(20000));

my $dbi = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass, { RaiseError => 0 });
unless ($dbi) {
    plan skip_all => "Failed to connect to database; set SPHINX_DSN, SPHINX_DBUSER, SPHINX_DBPASS appropriately to run these tests";
unless (create_db($dbi)) {
    plan skip_all => "Failed to create database table; set SPHINX_DSN, SPHINX_DBUSER, SPHINX_DBPASS appropriately to run these tests";

my $testdir = Path::Class::dir("data")->absolute;
eval { $testdir->mkpath };
if ($@) {
    plan skip_all => "Failed to create 'data' directory; skipping tests. Fix permissions to run test";

my $pidfile = $testdir->file('');
my $configfile = $testdir->file('sphinx.conf');
unless (write_config($configfile)) {
    plan skip_all => "Failed to write config file; skipping tests.  Fix permissions to run test";

our @pids;
unless (run_indexer($configfile)) {
    plan skip_all => "Failed to run indexer; skipping tests.";

unless (run_searchd($configfile)) {
    plan skip_all => "Failed to run searchd; skipping tests.";

# Everything is in place; run the tests
plan tests => 105;

my $sphinx = Sphinx::Search->new({ port => $sph_port });
ok($sphinx, "Constructor");


sub run_all_tests {
# Basic test on 'a'
my $results = $sphinx->Query("a");
ok($results, "Results for 'a'");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok($results->{total_found} == 4, "total_found for 'a'");
ok($results->{total} == 4, "total for 'a'");
ok(@{$results->{matches}} == 4, "matches for 'a'");
	      'a' => {
		  'hits' => 4,
		  'docs' => 4
	  "words for 'a'");
is_deeply($results->{'fields'}, [ qw/field1 field2/ ], "fields for 'a'");
is_deeply($results->{'attrs'}, { attr1 => 1, lat => 5, long => 5 }, "attributes for 'a'");
my $weights = 1;
$weights *= $_->{weight} for @{$results->{matches}};
ok($weights == 1, "weights for 'a'");

# Rank order test on 'bb'
$results = $sphinx->Query("bb");
ok($results, "Results for 'bb'");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok(@{$results->{matches}} == 5, "matches for 'bb'");
my $order_ok = 1;
for (1 .. @{$results->{matches}} - 1) {
    $order_ok = 0, last unless $results->{matches}->[$_ - 1]->{weight} >= $results->{matches}->[$_]->{weight};
ok($order_ok, 'SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE');

# Phrase on "ccc dddd"
    ->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC, "attr1");
$results = $sphinx->Query("ccc dddd");
ok($results, "Results for 'ccc dddd'");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok(@{$results->{matches}} == 3, "matches for 'ccc dddd'");
$order_ok = 1;
for (1 .. @{$results->{matches}} - 1) {
    $order_ok = 0, last unless $results->{matches}->[$_ - 1]->{attr1} <= $results->{matches}->[$_]->{attr1};
ok($order_ok, 'SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC');

# Boolean on "bb ccc"
    ->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, "attr1");
$results = $sphinx->Query("bb ccc");
ok($results, "Results for 'bb ccc'");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok(@{$results->{matches}} == 4, "matches for 'bb ccc'");
$order_ok = 1;
for (1 .. @{$results->{matches}} - 1) {
    $order_ok = 0, last unless $results->{matches}->[$_ - 1]->{attr1} >= $results->{matches}->[$_]->{attr1};
ok($order_ok, 'SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC');

# Any on "bb ccc"
    ->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, '@relevance DESC, attr1 ASC');
$results = $sphinx->Query("bb ccc");
ok($results, "Results for 'bb ccc' ANY");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok(@{$results->{matches}} == 5, "matches for 'bb ccc' ANY");
$order_ok = 1;
for (1 .. @{$results->{matches}} - 1) {
    $order_ok = 0, last unless
	($results->{matches}->[$_]->{weight} <=> $results->{matches}->[$_-1]->{weight} || 
	 $results->{matches}->[$_ - 1]->{attr1} <=> $results->{matches}->[$_]->{attr1}) <= 0;
ok($order_ok, 'SPH_SORT_EXTENDED');

$results = $sphinx->Query("bb");
ok($results, "Results for 'bb' with limit");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok(@{$results->{matches}} == 2, "matches for 'bb'");

# Extended on "bb ccc"
$results = $sphinx->Query('@field1 bb @field2 ccc');
ok($results, "Results for 'bb ccc' EXTENDED");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok(@{$results->{matches}} == 2, "matches for 'bb ccc' EXTENDED");
ok($results->{matches}->[0]->{doc} =~ m/^(?:4|5)$/ &&
   $results->{matches}->[1]->{doc} =~ m/^(?:4|5)$/, "matched docs for 'bb ccc' EXTENDED");

# SetWeights
    ->SetWeights([10, 2]);
$results = $sphinx->Query("bb ccc");
ok($results, "Results for 'bb ccc'");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
$order_ok = 1;
for (1 .. @{$results->{matches}} - 1) {
    $order_ok = 0, last unless $results->{matches}->[$_ - 1]->{weight} >= $results->{matches}->[$_]->{weight} && $results->{matches}->[$_]->{weight} > 1;
ok($order_ok, 'Weighted relevance');

# SetIndexWeights
    ->SetIndexWeights({ test_jjs_index => 2});
$results = $sphinx->Query("bb ccc");
ok($results, "Results for 'bb ccc'");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
$order_ok = 1;
for (1 .. @{$results->{matches}} - 1) {
    $order_ok = 0, last unless $results->{matches}->[$_ - 1]->{weight} >= $results->{matches}->[$_]->{weight} && $results->{matches}->[$_]->{weight} > 1;
ok($order_ok, 'Weighted index');

# SetFieldWeights
    ->SetFieldWeights({ field2 => 2, field1 => 10 });
$results = $sphinx->Query("bb ccc");
ok($results, "Results for 'bb ccc'");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
$order_ok = 1;
for (1 .. @{$results->{matches}} - 1) {
    $order_ok = 0, last unless $results->{matches}->[$_ - 1]->{weight} >= $results->{matches}->[$_]->{weight} && $results->{matches}->[$_]->{weight} > 1;
ok($order_ok, 'Field-weighted relevance');

# Excerpts
$results = $sphinx->BuildExcerpts([ "bb bb ccc dddd", "bb ccc dddd" ],
		       "ccc dddd");
is_deeply($results, [ 'bb bb <b>ccc</b> <b>dddd</b>', 'bb <b>ccc</b> <b>dddd</b>' ],

# Keywords
$results = $sphinx->BuildKeywords("bb-dddd",  "test_jjs_index", 1);
is_deeply($results, [
			 'hits' => 8,
			 'docs' => 5,
			 'tokenized' => 'bb',
			 'normalized' => 'bb'
			 'hits' => 3,
			 'docs' => 3,
			 'tokenized' => 'dddd',
			 'normalized' => 'dddd'

# EscapeString
$results = $sphinx->EscapeString(q{abcde!@#$%});
is($results, 'abcde\!\@\#\$\%', "EscapeString");

# Update
$sphinx->UpdateAttributes("test_jjs_index", [ qw/attr1/ ], 
			      1 => [ 10 ],
			      2 => [ 10 ],
			      3 => [ 20 ],
			      4 => [ 20 ],
# Verify update with grouped search
    ->SetGroupBy("attr1", SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR);
$results = $sphinx->Query("bb");
ok($results, "Results for 'bb'");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok($results->{total} == 3, "Update attributes, grouping");

# Attribute filters
    ->SetFilter("attr1", [ 10 ]);
$results = $sphinx->Query("bb");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok($results->{total} == 2, "Filter");

# Attribute exclude
$sphinx->ResetFilters->SetFilter("attr1", [ 10 ], 1);
$results = $sphinx->Query("bb");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok($results->{total} == 3, "Filter exclude");

# Range filters
$sphinx->ResetFilters->SetFilterRange("attr1", 2, 11);
$results = $sphinx->Query("bb");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok($results->{total} == 3, "Range filter");

# Range filters exclude
$sphinx->ResetFilters->SetFilterRange("attr1", 2, 11, 1);
$results = $sphinx->Query("bb");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok($results->{total} == 2, "Range filter exclude");

# Float range filters
$sphinx->ResetFilters->SetFilterFloatRange("lat", 0.2, 0.4);
$results = $sphinx->Query("a");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok($results->{total} == 3, "Float range filter");

# Float range filters exclude
$sphinx->ResetFilters->SetFilterFloatRange("lat", 0.2, 0.4, 1);
$results = $sphinx->Query("a");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok($results->{total} == 1, "Float range filter exclude");

# ID Range
$sphinx->ResetFilters->SetIDRange(2, 4);
$results = $sphinx->Query("bb");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok($results->{total} == 3, "ID range");

# Geodistance
$sphinx->SetGeoAnchor('lat', 'long', 0.4, 0.4)->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED)->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, '@geodist desc')->SetFilterFloatRange('@geodist', 0,  1934127);
$results = $sphinx->Query('a');
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok($results->{total} == 2, "SetGeoAnchor");

# UTF-8 test
$sphinx->ResetFilters->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE)->SetIDRange(0, 0xFFFFFFFF);
$results = $sphinx->Query("bb\x{2122}");
ok($results, "UTF-8");
print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
ok($results->{total} == 5, "UTF-8 results count");

# Batch interface
$results = $sphinx->RunQueries;
ok(@$results == 2, "Results for batch query");

# Batch interface with error
$sphinx->AddQuery("ccc \@dddd");
$results = $sphinx->RunQueries;
ok(@$results == 2, "Results for batch query with error");
ok($results->[0]->{error}, "Error result");

# 64 bit ID
	->SetIDRange(0, '18446744073709551615')
    $results = $sphinx->Query("xx");
    skip "64 bit IDs not supported", 3 if !$results && $sphinx->GetLastError =~ m/zero-sized/;
    ok($results, "Results for 'xx'");
    print $sphinx->GetLastError unless $results;
    ok($results->{total} == 1, "ID 64 results count");
    is($results->{matches}->[0]->{doc}, '9223372036854775807', "ID 64");
#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper($results);

sub create_db {
    my ($dbi) = @_;

    eval {
	$dbi->do(qq{DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \`$dbtable\`});
	$dbi->do(qq{CREATE TABLE \`$dbtable\` (
					     \`id\` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
					     \`field1\` TEXT,
					     \`field2\` TEXT,
				             \`attr1\` INT NOT NULL,
				             \`lat\` FLOAT NOT NULL,
				             \`long\` FLOAT NOT NULL,
					     PRIMARY KEY (\`id\`))});
    $dbi->do(qq{INSERT INTO \`$dbtable\` (\`id\`,\`field1\`,\`field2\`,\`attr1\`,\`lat\`,\`long\`) VALUES
		   (1, 'a', 'bb', 2, 0.35, 0.70),
		   (2, 'a', 'bb ccc', 4, 0.70, 0.35),
		   (3, 'a', 'bb ccc dddd', 1, 0.35, 0.70),
		   (4, 'a bb', 'bb ccc dddd', 5, 0.35, 0.70),
		   (5, 'bb', 'bb bb ccc dddd', 3, 1.5, 1.5),
		   ('9223372036854775807', 'xx', 'xx', 9000, 150, 150)
    if ($@) {
	print STDERR "Failed to create/load database table: $@\n";
	return 0;

    return 1;

sub write_config {
    my $configfile = shift;

    eval {
	my $config = <<EOF;

    source test_jjs_src {
	type = mysql
	sql_host = $dbhost
	sql_user = $dbuser
	sql_pass = $dbpass
	sql_db = $dbname
	sql_port = $dbport
	sql_sock = $dbsock
	sql_query = SELECT * FROM $dbtable
	sql_attr_uint = attr1
	sql_attr_float = lat
	sql_attr_float = long
    index test_jjs_index {
	source = test_jjs_src
	path = $testdir/test_jjs
	html_strip = 0
	min_word_len = 1
	charset_type = utf-8
    searchd {
	port = $sph_port
	log = $testdir/searchd.log
	query_log = $testdir/query.log
	pid_file = $pidfile
    $config =~ s/sql_sock.*// unless $dbsock;
    $config =~ s/sql_port.*// unless $dbport;

    open(CONFIG, ">$configfile");
    print CONFIG $config;
    if ($@) {
	print STDERR "While writing config: $@\n";
	return 0;
    return 1;

sub run_indexer {
    my $configfile = shift;

    my $res = `$indexer --config $configfile test_jjs_index`;
    if ($? != 0 || $res =~ m!ERROR!) {
	print STDERR "Indexer returned $?: $res";
	return 0;
    return 1;

sub run_searchd {
    my $configfile = shift;

    my ($pid) = run_forks(sub {
	exec("$searchd --config $configfile");

    my $fp;
    unless (socket($fp, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'))) {
	print STDERR "Failed to create socket: $!";
	return 0;
    my $dest = sockaddr_in($sph_port, inet_aton("localhost"));
    for (0..3) {
	last if -f "$pidfile";
    for (0..3) {
	if (connect($fp, $dest)) {
	    return 1;
	else {
    return 0;

sub death_handler {
    if (@pids) {
	kill(15, $_) for @pids;
    if ($pidfile) {
	my $pid = $pidfile->slurp;
	kill(15, $pid);

sub run_forks {
    my ($forks) = @_;

    my @newpids;
    if ($forks) {
	$forks = [ $forks ] unless (ref($forks) eq "ARRAY");
	for my $f (@{$forks}) {
	    my $pid = fork();
	    die "Fork failed: $!" unless defined $pid;
	    if ($pid == 0) {
		@pids = ();	# prevent child from killing siblings
		# Child process
		if (ref($f) eq "CODE") {
		else {
		    print STDERR "Don't know how to run test $f\n";
	    # Push PID for killing.
	    push(@pids, $pid);
	    push(@newpids, $pid);

	$SIG{INT} = \&death_handler;
	$SIG{KILL} = \&death_handler;
	$SIG{TERM} = \&death_handler;
	$SIG{QUIT} = \&death_handler;
    return @newpids;

END { 