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package ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary;
use strict;
# Contains test subroutines for distribution with ExtUtils::ModuleMaker
local $^W = 1;
use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA @EXPORT_OK );
$VERSION = 0.52;
require Exporter;
@ISA         = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK   = qw(
use Carp;
use Cwd;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use File::Spec;
use File::Temp qw| tempdir |;
*ok = *Test::More::ok;
*is = *Test::More::is;
*like = *Test::More::like;
*copy = *File::Copy::copy;
*move = *File::Copy::move;
use File::Save::Home qw(

=head1 NAME

ExtUtils::ModuleMaker::Auxiliary - Subroutines for testing ExtUtils::ModuleMaker


This package contains subroutines used in one or more F<t/*.t> files in
ExtUtils::ModuleMaker's test suite.  They may prove useful in writing test
suites for distributions which subclass ExtUtils::ModuleMaker.


=head2 C<read_file_string()>

    Function:   Read the contents of a file into a string.
    Argument:   String holding name of a file created by complete_build().
    Returns:    String holding text of the file read.
    Used:       To see whether text of files such as README, Makefile.PL,
                etc. was created correctly by returning a string against which
                a pattern can be matched.


sub read_file_string {
    my $file = shift;
    open my $fh, $file or die "Unable to open filehandle: $!";
    my $filetext = do { local $/; <$fh> };
    close $fh or die "Unable to close filehandle: $!";
    return $filetext;

=head2 C<read_file_array()>

    Function:   Read a file line-by-line  into an array.
    Argument:   String holding name of a file created by complete_build().
    Returns:    Array holding the lines of the file read.
    Used:       To see whether text of files such as README, Makefile.PL,
                etc. was created correctly by returning an array against whose 
                elements patterns can be matched.


sub read_file_array {
    my $file = shift;
    open my $fh, $file or die "Unable to open filehandle: $!";
    my @filetext = <$fh>;
    close $fh or die "Unable to close filehandle: $!";
    return @filetext;

=head2 C<six_file_tests()>

    Function:   Verify that content of MANIFEST and lib/*.pm were created
    Argument:   Two arguments:
                1.  A number predicting the number of entries in the MANIFEST.
                2.  The stem of the lib/*.pm file, i.e., what immediately
                    precedes the .pm.
    Returns:    n/a.
    Used:       To see whether MANIFEST and lib/*.pm have correct text.  
                Runs 6 Test::More tests:
                1.  Number of entries in MANIFEST.
                2.  Change to directory under lib.
                3.  Applies read_file_string to the file.
                4.  Determine whether's POD contains module name and
                5.  Determine whether POD contains a HISTORY head.
                6.  Determine whether POD contains correct author information.


sub six_file_tests {
    my ($manifest_entries, $testmod) = @_;
    my @filetext = read_file_array('MANIFEST');
    is(scalar(@filetext), $manifest_entries,
        'Correct number of entries in MANIFEST');
    my $str;
    ok(chdir 'lib/Alpha', 'Directory is now lib/Alpha');
    ok($str = read_file_string("$"),
        "Able to read $");
    ok($str =~ m|Alpha::$testmod\s-\sTest\sof\sthe\scapacities\sof\sEU::MM|,
        'POD contains module name and abstract');
    ok($str =~ m|=head1\sHISTORY|,
        'POD contains history head');
    ok($str =~ m|
        'POD contains correct author info');

=head2 C<check_MakefilePL()>

    Function:   Verify that content of Makefile.PL was created correctly.
    Argument:   Two arguments:
                1.  A string holding the directory in which the Makefile.PL
                    should have been created.
                2.  A reference to an array holding strings each of which is a
                    prediction as to content of particular lines in Makefile.PL.
    Returns:    n/a.
    Used:       To see whether Makefile.PL created by complete_build() has
                correct entries.  Runs 1 Test::More test which checks NAME,
                VERSION_FROM, AUTHOR and ABSTRACT.  


sub check_MakefilePL {
    my ($topdir, $predictref) = @_;
    my @pred = @$predictref;

    my $mkfl = File::Spec->catfile( $topdir, q{Makefile.PL} );
    local *MAK;
    open MAK, $mkfl or die "Unable to open Makefile.PL: $!";
    my $bigstr = read_file_string($mkfl);
    like($bigstr, qr/
        /sx, "Makefile.PL has predicted values");

sub check_pm_file {
    my ($pmfile, $predictref) = @_;
    my %pred = %$predictref;
    my @pmlines;
    @pmlines = read_file_array($pmfile);
    ok( scalar(@pmlines), ".pm file has content");
    if (defined $pred{'pod_present'}) {
         pod_present(\@pmlines, \%pred);
    if (defined $pred{'constructor_present'}) {
         constructor_present(\@pmlines, \%pred);

sub make_compact {
    my $module_name = shift;
    my ($topdir, $path, $pmfile);
    $topdir = $path = $module_name;
    $topdir =~ s{::}{-}g;
    $path   =~ s{::}{/}g;
    $path .= q{.pm};
    $pmfile = File::Spec->catfile( $topdir, q{lib}, $path );
    return ($topdir, $pmfile);

sub pod_present {
    my $linesref = shift;
    my $predictref = shift;
    my $podcount  = grep {/^=(head|cut)/} @{$linesref};
    if (${$predictref}{'pod_present'} == 0) {  
        is( $podcount, 0, "no POD correctly detected in module");
    } else {
        isnt( $podcount, 0, "POD detected in module");

sub constructor_present {
    my $linesref = shift;
    my $predictref = shift;
    my $constructorcount  = grep {/^=sub new/} @{$linesref};
    if (${$predictref}{'constructor_present'} == 0) {  
        is( $constructorcount, 0, "constructor correctly absent from module");
    } else {
        isnt( $constructorcount, 0, "constructor correctly present in module");

sub failsafe {
    my ($caller, $argslistref, $pattern, $message) = @_;
    my ($tdir, $obj);
    $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1);
    ok(chdir $tdir, 'changed to temp directory for testing');
    local $@ = undef;
    eval { $obj  = $caller->new (@$argslistref); };
    like($@, qr/$pattern/, $message);

sub licensetest {
    my ($caller, $license, $pattern) = @_;
    my ($tdir, $mod);
    $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1);
    ok(chdir $tdir, "changed to temp directory for testing $license");

    ok($mod = $caller->new(
        NAME      => "Alpha::$license",
        LICENSE   => $license,
        COMPACT   => 1,
    ), "object for module Alpha::$license created");
    ok( $mod->complete_build(), 'call complete_build()' );
    ok(chdir "Alpha-$license", "changed to Alpha-$license directory");
    my $licensetext = read_file_string('LICENSE');
    like($licensetext, $pattern, "$license license has predicted content");

sub _process_personal_defaults_file {
    my ($mmkr_dir, $pers_file) = @_;
    my $pers_file_hidden = $pers_file . '.hidden';
    my %pers;
    $pers{full} = File::Spec->catfile( $mmkr_dir, $pers_file );
    $pers{hidden} = File::Spec->catfile( $mmkr_dir, $pers_file_hidden );
    if (-f $pers{full}) {
        $pers{atime}   = (stat($pers{full}))[8];
        $pers{modtime} = (stat($pers{full}))[9];
        rename $pers{full},
            or croak "Unable to rename $pers{full}: $!";
        ok(! -f $pers{full}, 
            "personal defaults file temporarily suppressed");
        ok(-f $pers{hidden}, 
            "personal defaults file now hidden");
    } else {
        ok(! -f $pers{full}, 
            "personal defaults file not found");
        ok(1, "personal defaults file not found");
    return { %pers };

sub _reprocess_personal_defaults_file {
    my $pers_def_ref = shift;;
    if(-f $pers_def_ref->{hidden} ) {
        rename $pers_def_ref->{hidden},
            or croak "Unable to rename $pers_def_ref->{hidden}: $!";
        ok(-f $pers_def_ref->{full}, 
            "personal defaults file re-established");
        ok(! -f $pers_def_ref->{hidden}, 
            "hidden personal defaults now gone");
        ok( (utime $pers_def_ref->{atime}, 
            ), "atime and modtime of personal defaults file restored");
    } else {
        ok(1, "test not relevant");
        ok(1, "test not relevant");
        ok(1, "test not relevant");

sub _get_els {
    my $persref = shift;
    my %pers = %$persref;
    my %pm = %{$pers{pm}};
    my %hidden = %{$pers{hidden}};
    return ( pm => scalar(keys %pm), hidden => scalar(keys %hidden) );

sub _subclass_preparatory_tests {
    my $odir = shift;
    my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1);
    ok(chdir $tdir, 'changed to temp directory for testing');

    my $mmkr_dir_ref = get_subhome_directory_status(".modulemaker");
    my $mmkr_dir = make_subhome_directory($mmkr_dir_ref);
    ok($mmkr_dir, "home/.modulemaker directory now present on system");
    my $eumm = File::Spec->catfile( qw| ExtUtils ModuleMaker | );
    my $eumm_dir = File::Spec->catfile( $mmkr_dir, $eumm );
    unless (-d $eumm_dir) {
            mkpath($eumm_dir) or croak "Unable to make path: $!";
    ok(-d $eumm_dir, "eumm directory now exists");

    my $pers_file = "ExtUtils/ModuleMaker/Personal/";
    my $pers_def_ref = 
        _process_personal_defaults_file( $mmkr_dir, $pers_file );

    my $persref;

    $persref = _identify_pm_files_under_mmkr_dir($eumm_dir);
    my %els1 = _get_els($persref);


    $persref = _identify_pm_files_under_mmkr_dir($eumm_dir);
    my %els2 = _get_els($persref);

    if (! $els1{pm}) {
        is($els1{pm}, $els2{pm}, 
            "no .pm files originally, so no .pm files now");
        is($els1{pm}, $els2{hidden}, 
            "no .pm files originally, so no .pm.hidden files now");
    } elsif ($els1{pm}) {
        is($els2{pm}, 0,
            "original .pm files are now hidden");
        is($els1{pm}, $els2{hidden},
            ".pm.hidden files exist");

    my $sourcedir = File::Spec->catdir( $odir, q{t}, q{testlib}, $eumm );
    ok( -d $sourcedir, "source directory exists");
    ok( -d $eumm_dir, "destination directory exists");
    return {
        mmkr_dir_ref     => $mmkr_dir_ref,
        persref          => $persref,
        pers_def_ref     => $pers_def_ref,
        initial_els_ref  => \%els1,
        sourcedir        => $sourcedir,
        eumm_dir         => $eumm_dir,

sub _subclass_cleanup_tests {
    my $cleanup_ref = shift;
    my $persref         = $cleanup_ref->{persref};
    my $pers_def_ref    = $cleanup_ref->{pers_def_ref};
    my $eumm_dir        = $cleanup_ref->{eumm_dir};
    my %els1            = %{ $cleanup_ref->{initial_els_ref} };
    my $odir            = $cleanup_ref->{odir}; 
    my $mmkr_dir_ref    = $cleanup_ref->{mmkr_dir_ref};


    $persref = _identify_pm_files_under_mmkr_dir($eumm_dir);
    my %els3 = _get_els($persref);

    if (! $els1{pm}) {
        is($els1{pm}, $els3{pm}, 
            "no .pm files originally, so no .pm files now");
        is($els1{pm}, $els3{hidden}, 
            "no .pm files originally, so no .pm.hidden files now");
    } elsif ($els1{pm}) {
        is($els1{pm}, $els3{pm},
            "same number of .pm files as originally");
        is($els3{hidden}, 0,
            "no more .pm.hidden files");


    ok(chdir $odir, 'changed back to original directory after testing');

    ok( restore_subhome_directory_status($mmkr_dir_ref),
        "original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored");

sub _identify_pm_files_under_mmkr_dir {
    my $eumm_dir = shift;
    my (@pm_files, @pm_files_hidden);
    opendir my $dirh, $eumm_dir 
        or croak "Unable to open $eumm_dir for reading: $!";
    while (my $f = readdir($dirh)) {
        if ($f =~ /\.pm$/) {
            push @pm_files, File::Spec->catfile( $eumm_dir, $f );
        } elsif ($f =~ /\.pm\.hidden$/) {
            push @pm_files_hidden, File::Spec->catfile( $eumm_dir, $f );
        } else {
    closedir $dirh or croak "Unable to close $eumm_dir after reading: $!";
    # sanity check:
    # If there are .pm files, there should be no .pm.hidden files
    # and vice versa.
    if ( scalar(@pm_files) and scalar(@pm_files_hidden) )  {
        croak "Both .pm and .pm.hidden files found in $eumm_dir: $!";
    my %pers;
    my %pm;
    foreach my $f (@pm_files) {
        $pm{$f}{atime}   = (stat($f))[8];
        $pm{$f}{modtime} = (stat($f))[9];
    my %hidden;
    foreach my $f (@pm_files_hidden) {
        $hidden{$f}{atime}   = (stat($f))[8];
        $hidden{$f}{modtime} = (stat($f))[9];
    $pers{dir}    = $eumm_dir;;
    $pers{pm}     = \%pm;
    $pers{hidden} = \%hidden;
    return \%pers;

sub _hide_pm_files_under_mmkr_dir {
    my $per_dir_ref = shift;
    my %pers = %{$per_dir_ref};
    my %pm = %{$pers{pm}};
    foreach my $f (keys %pm) {
        my $new = "$f.hidden";
        rename $f, $new or croak "Unable to rename $f: $!";
        utime $pm{$f}{atime}, $pm{$f}{modtime}, $new;

sub _reveal_pm_files_under_mmkr_dir {
    my $per_dir_ref = shift;
    my %pers = %{$per_dir_ref};
    my %hidden = %{$pers{hidden}};
    foreach my $f (keys %hidden) {
        $f =~ m{(.*)\.hidden$};
        my $new = $1;
        rename $f, $new or croak "Unable to rename $f: $!";
        utime $hidden{$f}{atime}, $hidden{$f}{modtime}, $new;

sub _save_pretesting_status {
    my $mmkr_dir_ref = get_subhome_directory_status(".modulemaker");
    my $mmkr_dir = make_subhome_directory($mmkr_dir_ref);
    ok( $mmkr_dir, "personal defaults directory now present on system");
    my $pers_file = "ExtUtils/ModuleMaker/Personal/";
    my $pers_def_ref = _process_personal_defaults_file(
    return {
        cwd             => cwd(),
        mmkr_dir_ref    => $mmkr_dir_ref,
        pers_def_ref    => $pers_def_ref,
        mmkr_dir        => $mmkr_dir,   # needed in make_selections_defaults
        pers_file       => $pers_file,  # needed in make_selections_defaults

sub _restore_pretesting_status {
    my $statusref = shift;
    ok(chdir $statusref->{cwd},
        "changed back to original directory after testing");
    ok( restore_subhome_directory_status($statusref->{mmkr_dir_ref}),
        "original presence/absence of .modulemaker directory restored");

=head1 SEE ALSO


