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# Copyright 2012 Jeffrey Kegler
# This file is part of Marpa::PP.  Marpa::PP is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Marpa::PP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser
# General Public License along with Marpa::PP.  If not, see

package Marpa::PP::Recognizer;

use 5.010;
use warnings;

no warnings    ## no critic (TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoWarnings)

use strict;
use integer;

use English qw( -no_match_vars );

$VERSION        = '0.014000';
## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
## no critic (ValuesAndExpressions::RequireConstantVersion)
    $VERSION = eval $VERSION;

    my $structure = <<'END_OF_STRUCTURE';


    ORDINAL { The ordinal for this set }
    ITEMS { The Earley items for this set. }
    HASH { Hash by origin & state.  To prevent dups. }
    POSTDOT { Index by postdot symbol. }

} ## end BEGIN

# Elements of the EARLEY ITEM structure
# Note that these are Earley items as modified by Aycock & Horspool,
# with AHFA states instead of
# LR(0) items.

# We don't prune the Earley items because we want ORIGIN and SET
# around for debugging.

    my $structure = <<'END_OF_STRUCTURE';


    ID { ID of Earley item.  Unique within recognizer. }
    STATE { The AHFA state. }
    LINKS { A list of the links from the completer step. }

    LEO_LINKS { Leo Links sources -- not necessarily unique.
    No more than one Leo link can come from a single
    But the distance to the origin of this item can be
    "factored" differently between predecessor and cause.
    Each different "factoring" can contribute a Leo
    link. }
    IS_LEO_EXPANDED { Flag indicating if Leo links were expanded }

    ORIGIN { The number of the Earley set with the parent item(s) }
    SET { The set this item is in. For debugging. }

} ## end BEGIN

$LEO_CLASS = 'Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item';

    my $structure = <<'END_OF_STRUCTURE';


    LEO_POSTDOT_SYMBOL { A symbol name.  }
    ORIGIN { The number of the Earley set with the parent item(s) }
    BASE { The Earley item on which this item is based. }
    PREDECESSOR { The Leo item prior in the series to this one. }
    SET { The set this item is in.  }
    TOP_TO_STATE { The AHFA to-state of the top-level transition. }

} ## end BEGIN

# Elements of the RECOGNIZER structure
    my $structure = <<'END_OF_STRUCTURE';


    C { A C structure }

    GRAMMAR { the grammar used }
    EARLEY_SETS { the array of the Earley sets }
    NEXT_EARLEY_ITEM_ID { ID of the next Earley item to be created. }
    FURTHEST_EARLEME { last earley set with something in it }
    LAST_COMPLETED_EARLEME { the current earleme }
    EXHAUSTED { can parse continue? }
    EXPECTED_TERMINALS { terminals which are expected at the
        current earleme }
    USE_LEO { Use Leo items? }
    NEXT_ORDINAL { Ordinal of next Earley set }
    EARLEY_SETS_BY_ORDINAL { Array of Earley sets by ordinal }



    { The following fields must be reinitialized when
    evaluation is reset }

    PARSE_COUNT :{ number of parses in an ambiguous parse :}




    { This is the end of the list of fields which
    must be reinitialized when evaluation is reset }



} ## end BEGIN

package Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer;

use English qw( -no_match_vars );

use constant EARLEME_MASK => ~(0x7fffffff);

use constant DEFAULT_TOO_MANY_EARLEY_ITEMS => 100;

my $parse_number = 0;

# Returns the new parse object or throws an exception
sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::new {
    my ( $class, @arg_hashes ) = @_;
    my $recce = bless [], 'Marpa::PP::Recognizer';

    my $grammar;
    ARG_HASH: for my $arg_hash (@arg_hashes) {
        if ( defined( $grammar = $arg_hash->{grammar} ) ) {
            delete $arg_hash->{grammar};
            last ARG_HASH;
    } ## end for my $arg_hash (@arg_hashes)
    Marpa::PP::exception('No grammar specified') if not defined $grammar;

    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::GRAMMAR] = $grammar;

    my $grammar_class = ref $grammar;
        "${class}::new() grammar arg has wrong class: $grammar_class")
        if not $grammar_class eq 'Marpa::PP::Grammar';

    my $problems = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::PROBLEMS];
    if ($problems) {
            "Attempt to parse grammar with fatal problems\n",
            'Marpa::PP cannot proceed',
    } ## end if ($problems)

    my $phase = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::PHASE];
    if ( $phase != Marpa::PP::Internal::Phase::PRECOMPUTED ) {
            'Attempt to parse grammar in inappropriate phase ',
    } ## end if ( $phase != Marpa::PP::Internal::Phase::PRECOMPUTED)

    # set the defaults
    local $Marpa::PP::Internal::TRACE_FH = my $trace_fh =
        $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACE_FILE_HANDLE] =
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::WARNINGS]       = 1;
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::MODE]           = 'default';
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::RANKING_METHOD] = 'none';
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::USE_LEO]        = 1;
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::MAX_PARSES]     = 0;
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::NEXT_EARLEY_ITEM_ID] = 0;


    if (    $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::HAS_CYCLE]
        and $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::RANKING_METHOD] ne
        and not $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::CYCLE_RANKING_ACTION]
            "The grammar cycles (is infinitely ambiguous)\n",
            "    but it has no 'cycle_ranking_action'.\n",
            "    Either rewrite the grammar to eliminate cycles\n",
            "    or define a 'cycle ranking action'\n"
    } ## end if ( $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::HAS_CYCLE...])

    my $trace_terminals =
        $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACE_TERMINALS] // 0;
    my $trace_tasks = $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACE_TASKS]
        // 0;

    if (not defined
        $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TOO_MANY_EARLEY_ITEMS] )
        my $AHFA_size =
            scalar @{ $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::AHFA] };
        $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TOO_MANY_EARLEY_ITEMS] =
            List::Util::max( ( 2 * $AHFA_size ),
            Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::DEFAULT_TOO_MANY_EARLEY_ITEMS );
    } ## end if ( not defined $recce->[...])

    # Some of this processing -- to find terminals and Leo symbols
    # by state -- should perhaps be done in the grammar.

    my $terminal_names =

    my $AHFA        = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::AHFA];
    my $symbol_hash = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::SYMBOL_HASH];

    my @earley_items = ();

    my $start_states = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::START_STATES];
    my %postdot      = ();

    for my $state ( @{$start_states} ) {
        my $state_id = $state->[Marpa::PP::Internal::AHFA::ID];
        my $name     = sprintf
            $state_id, 0, 0;

        my $item = [];
        $item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::ID] =
        $item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::STATE]  = $state;
        $item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::ORIGIN] = 0;
        $item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::LINKS]  = [];
        $item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::SET]    = 0;

        push @earley_items, $item;

        while ( my ( $transition_symbol, $to_states ) =
            each %{ $state->[Marpa::PP::Internal::AHFA::TRANSITION] } )
            my @to_states = grep {ref} @{$to_states};
            push @{ $postdot{$transition_symbol} }, $item;
        } ## end while ( my ( $transition_symbol, $to_states ) = each %{...})

    } ## end for my $state ( @{$start_states} )

    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::GRAMMAR] = $grammar;
    my $earley_set = [];
    $earley_set->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Set::POSTDOT] = \%postdot;
    $earley_set->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Set::ITEMS]   = \@earley_items;
    $earley_set->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Set::ORDINAL] = 0;
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::EARLEY_SETS]  = [$earley_set];

    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::FURTHEST_EARLEME]       = 0;
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::LAST_COMPLETED_EARLEME] = 0;
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::NEXT_ORDINAL]           = 1;
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::EARLEY_SETS_BY_ORDINAL]->[0] =

    my @terminals_expected = grep { $terminal_names->{$_} } keys %postdot;
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::EXPECTED_TERMINALS] =

    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::EXHAUSTED] =
        scalar @terminals_expected <= 0;

    if ( $trace_terminals > 1 ) {
        for my $terminal ( sort @terminals_expected ) {
            say {$Marpa::PP::Internal::TRACE_FH}
                qq{Expecting "$terminal" at earleme 0}
                or Marpa::PP::exception("Cannot print: $ERRNO");
    } ## end if ( $trace_terminals > 1 )

    return $recce;
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::new

use constant RECOGNIZER_OPTIONS => [

use constant RECOGNIZER_MODES => [qw(default stream)];

sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::reset_evaluation {
    my ($recce) = @_;
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::PARSE_COUNT]       = 0;
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::SINGLE_PARSE_MODE] = undef;
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::AND_NODES]         = [];
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::AND_NODE_HASH]     = {};
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::OR_NODES]          = [];
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::OR_NODE_HASH]      = {};
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::ITERATION_STACK]   = [];
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::EVALUATOR_RULES]   = [];
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::reset_evaluation

sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::set {
    my ( $recce, @arg_hashes ) = @_;

    # This may get changed below
    my $trace_fh =

    for my $args (@arg_hashes) {

        my $ref_type = ref $args;
        if ( not $ref_type or $ref_type ne 'HASH' ) {
                'Marpa::PP Recognizer expects args as ref to HASH, got ',
                ( "ref to $ref_type" || 'non-reference' ),
                ' instead'
        } ## end if ( not $ref_type or $ref_type ne 'HASH' )
        if (my @bad_options =
            grep {
                not $_ ~~ Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::RECOGNIZER_OPTIONS
            keys %{$args}
            Carp::croak( 'Unknown option(s) for Marpa::PP Recognizer: ',
                join q{ }, @bad_options );
        } ## end if ( my @bad_options = grep { not $_ ~~ ...})

        if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'leo'} ) ) {
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::USE_LEO] =
                $value ? 1 : 0;

        if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'max_parses'} ) ) {
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::MAX_PARSES] = $value;

        if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'mode'} ) ) {
            if (not $value ~~
                Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::RECOGNIZER_MODES )
                Carp::croak( 'Unknown mode for Marpa::PP Recognizer: ',
                    $value );
            } ## end if ( not $value ~~ ...)
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::MODE] = $value;
        } ## end if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'mode'} ) )

        if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'ranking_method'} ) ) {
            Marpa::PP::exception(q{ranking_method no longer implemented})
                if not $Marpa::PP::AUTHOR_TEST_ONLY;
                q{ranking_method must be 'constant' or 'none'})
                if not $value ~~ [qw(constant none)];
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::RANKING_METHOD] =
        } ## end if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'ranking_method'} ...))

        if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'trace_fh'} ) ) {
            $trace_fh =
                $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACE_FILE_HANDLE] =

        if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'trace_file_handle'} ) ) {
            $trace_fh =
                $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACE_FILE_HANDLE] =

        if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'trace_actions'} ) ) {
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACE_ACTIONS] = $value;
            ## Do not allow setting this option in recognizer for single parse mode
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::SINGLE_PARSE_MODE] = 0;
            if ($value) {
                say {$trace_fh} 'Setting trace_actions option'
                    or Marpa::PP::exception("Cannot print: $ERRNO");
                $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACING] = 1;
        } ## end if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'trace_actions'} ))

        if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'trace_tasks'} ) ) {
            Marpa::PP::exception('trace_tasks must be set to a number >= 0')
                if $value !~ /\A\d+\z/xms;
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACE_TASKS] =
                $value + 0;
            if ($value) {
                say {$trace_fh} "Setting trace_tasks option to $value"
                    or Marpa::PP::exception("Cannot print: $ERRNO");
                $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACING] = 1;
        } ## end if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'trace_tasks'} ) )

        if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'trace_terminals'} ) ) {
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACE_TERMINALS] =
            if ($value) {
                say {$trace_fh} 'Setting trace_terminals option'
                    or Marpa::PP::exception("Cannot print: $ERRNO");
                $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACING] = 1;
        } ## end if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'trace_terminals'}...))

        if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'trace_earley_sets'} ) ) {
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACE_EARLEY_SETS] =
            if ($value) {
                say {$trace_fh} 'Setting trace_earley_sets option'
                    or Marpa::PP::exception("Cannot print: $ERRNO");
                $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACING] = 1;
        } ## end if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'trace_earley_sets'...}))

        if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'trace_values'} ) ) {
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACE_VALUES] = $value;
            ## Do not allow setting this option in recognizer for single parse mode
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::SINGLE_PARSE_MODE] = 0;
            if ($value) {
                say {$trace_fh} 'Setting trace_values option'
                    or Marpa::PP::exception("Cannot print: $ERRNO");
                $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACING] = 1;
        } ## end if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'trace_values'} ) )

        if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'end'} ) ) {

            # Not allowed once parsing is started
            if ( $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::PARSE_COUNT] > 0 )
                    q{Cannot reset end once parsing has started});
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::END] = $value;
            ## Do not allow setting this option in recognizer for single parse mode
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::SINGLE_PARSE_MODE] = 0;
        } ## end if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'end'} ) )

        if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'closures'} ) ) {

            # Not allowed once parsing is started
            if ( $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::PARSE_COUNT] > 0 )
                    q{Cannot reset end once parsing has started});
            my $closures =
                $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::CLOSURES] = $value;
            ## Do not allow setting this option in recognizer for single parse mode
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::SINGLE_PARSE_MODE] = 0;
            while ( my ( $action, $closure ) = each %{$closures} ) {
                Marpa::PP::exception(qq{Bad closure for action "$action"})
                    if ref $closure ne 'CODE';
        } ## end if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'closures'} ) )

        if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'warnings'} ) ) {
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::WARNINGS] = $value;

        if ( defined( my $value = $args->{'too_many_earley_items'} ) ) {
            $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TOO_MANY_EARLEY_ITEMS] =

    } ## end for my $args (@arg_hashes)

    return 1;
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::set

# Not intended to be documented.
# Returns the size of the last completed earley set.
# For testing, especially that the Leo items
# are doing their job.
sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::earley_set_size {
    my ( $recce, $ordinal ) = @_;
    my $earley_set =
    return if not defined $earley_set;
    return scalar @{ $earley_set->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Set::ITEMS] };
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::earley_set_size

sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::latest_earley_set {
    my ($recce) = @_;
    my $earleme =
    while (1) {

        # Earley set has a defined ORDINAL, so this loop must terminate
        my $earley_set =
        my $ordinal = $earley_set->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Set::ORDINAL];
        return $ordinal if defined $ordinal;
    } ## end while (1)
    die 'Internal error: this line should not be reached';
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::latest_earley_set

sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::check_terminal {
    my ( $recce, $name ) = @_;
    my $grammar = $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::GRAMMAR];
    return $grammar->check_terminal($name);

sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::exhausted {
    return $_[0]->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::EXHAUSTED];

sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::current_earleme {
    return $_[0]->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::LAST_COMPLETED_EARLEME];

sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::terminals_expected {
    return $_[0]->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::EXPECTED_TERMINALS];

# Deprecated -- obsolete
sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::status {
    my ($recce) = @_;
    return ( $recce->current_earleme(), $recce->terminals_expected() )
        if wantarray;
    return $recce->current_earleme();

} ## end sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::status

# Now useless and deprecated
sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::strip { return 1; }

# Viewing methods, for debugging

sub Marpa::PP::show_link_choice {
    my ($link) = @_;
    my ( $predecessor, $cause, $token_name, $value_ref ) = @{$link};
    my @pieces = ();
    if ($predecessor) {
        push @pieces,
            'p=' . Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::name($predecessor);
    if ( not defined $cause ) {
        push @pieces, "s=$token_name";
        my $token_dump = Data::Dumper->new( [$value_ref] )->Terse(1)->Dump;
        chomp $token_dump;
        push @pieces, "t=$token_dump";
    } ## end if ( not defined $cause )
    else {
        push @pieces,
            'c=' . Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::name( $link->[1] );
    return '[' . ( join '; ', @pieces ) . ']';
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::show_link_choice

sub Marpa::PP::show_leo_link_choice {
    my ( $recce,    $leo_link ) = @_;
    my ( $leo_item, $cause )    = @{$leo_link};
    my @link_texts = ();
    if ($leo_item) {
        push @link_texts,
            ( 'l=' . Marpa::PP::leo_item_name( $recce, $leo_item ) );
    push @link_texts, 'c=' . Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::name($cause);
    return '[' . ( join '; ', @link_texts ) . ']';
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::show_leo_link_choice

sub Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::name {
    my ($item) = @_;
    return sprintf 'S%d@%d-%d',
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::name

sub Marpa::PP::show_earley_item {
    my ( $recce, $item ) = @_;
    my $links       = $item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::LINKS];
    my $leo_links   = $item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::LEO_LINKS];
    my $grammar     = $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::GRAMMAR];
    my $symbol_hash = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::SYMBOL_HASH];

    my $text = Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::name($item);

    if ( defined $links and @{$links} ) {
        my @sort_data;
        for my $link ( @{$links} ) {
            my ( $predecessor, $cause, $token_name, $value_ref ) = @{$link};

            # The actual middle of a link with no predecessor
            # is the origin of the Earley item which contains this link,
            # but for sorting purposes any number less than than will do
            my $middle =
                defined $predecessor
                ? $predecessor->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::SET]
                : -1;
            my $cause_state_id =
                defined $cause
                ? $cause->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::STATE]
                : -1;
            my $symbol_id =
                defined $token_name ? $symbol_hash->{$token_name} : -1;
            push @sort_data,
                $middle,    $cause_state_id,
                $symbol_id, Marpa::PP::show_link_choice($link)
        } ## end for my $link ( @{$links} )
        my @sorted_links = map { $_->[-1] } sort {
                   $a->[0] <=> $b->[0]
                || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1]
                || $a->[2] <=> $b->[2]
        } @sort_data;
        $text .= q{ } . join q{ }, @sorted_links;
    } ## end if ( defined $links and @{$links} )
    if ( defined $leo_links and @{$leo_links} ) {
        my @sort_data;
        for my $link ( @{$leo_links} ) {
            my ( $predecessor, $cause ) = @{$link};
            my $middle = $predecessor->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::SET];
            my $cause_state_id =
            my $symbol_name = $predecessor
            my $symbol_id = $symbol_hash->{$symbol_name};
            push @sort_data,
                $middle, $cause_state_id, $symbol_id,
                Marpa::PP::show_leo_link_choice( $recce, $link )
        } ## end for my $link ( @{$leo_links} )
        my @sorted_links = map { $_->[-1] } sort {
                   $a->[0] <=> $b->[0]
                || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1]
                || $a->[2] <=> $b->[2]
        } @sort_data;
        $text .= q{ } . join q{ }, @sorted_links;
    } ## end if ( defined $leo_links and @{$leo_links} )
    return $text;
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::show_earley_item

sub Marpa::PP::leo_item_name {
    my ( $recce, $item ) = @_;
    my $grammar     = $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::GRAMMAR];
    my $symbol_hash = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::SYMBOL_HASH];
    my $set         = $item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::SET];
    my $symbol_name =
    my $symbol_id = $symbol_hash->{$symbol_name};
    return sprintf 'L%d@%d', $symbol_id, $set;
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::leo_item_name

sub Marpa::PP::show_leo_item {
    my ( $recce, $item ) = @_;
    my $base        = $item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::BASE];
    my $predecessor = $item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::PREDECESSOR];
    my $leo_symbol_name =

    my $text = Marpa::PP::leo_item_name( $recce, $item );
    my @link_texts = qq{"$leo_symbol_name"};
    if ($predecessor) {
        push @link_texts, Marpa::PP::leo_item_name( $recce, $predecessor );
    push @link_texts, Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::name($base);
    $text .= ' [' . ( join '; ', @link_texts ) . ']';
    return $text;
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::show_leo_item

sub Marpa::PP::show_earley_set {
    my ( $recce, $earley_set ) = @_;
    my $text  = q{};
    my $items = $earley_set->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Set::ITEMS];
    my @sorted_descriptions = map { $_->[-1] }
        sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
        map {
        [   $_->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::ORIGIN],
            Marpa::PP::show_earley_item( $recce, $_ ) . "\n"
        } @{$items};
    return join q{}, @sorted_descriptions;
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::show_earley_set

sub Marpa::PP::show_postdot_set {
    my ( $recce, $postdot_set ) = @_;
    my $grammar     = $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::GRAMMAR];
    my $symbol_hash = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::SYMBOL_HASH];
    my $text        = q{};
    my @decorated_leo_items = ();
    for my $leo_item (
        grep { ref eq $LEO_CLASS }
        map { @{$_} } values %{$postdot_set}
        my $symbol_name =
        my $symbol_id = $symbol_hash->{$symbol_name};
        push @decorated_leo_items, [ $leo_item, $symbol_id ];
    } ## end for my $leo_item ( grep { ref eq $LEO_CLASS } map { @...})
    my @sorted_leo_items =
        map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @decorated_leo_items;
    for my $postdot_item (@sorted_leo_items) {
        $text .= Marpa::PP::show_leo_item( $recce, $postdot_item ) . "\n";
    return $text;
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::show_postdot_set

sub Marpa::PP::show_earley_set_list {
    my ( $recce, $earley_set_list ) = @_;
    my $text             = q{};
    my $earley_set_count = @{$earley_set_list};
    LIST: for my $ix ( 0 .. $earley_set_count - 1 ) {
        my $set = $earley_set_list->[$ix];
        next LIST if not defined $set;
        $text .= "Earley Set $ix\n"
            . Marpa::PP::show_earley_set( $recce, $set );
        my $postdot_set =
        next LIST if not defined $postdot_set;
        $text .= Marpa::PP::show_postdot_set( $recce, $postdot_set );
    } ## end for my $ix ( 0 .. $earley_set_count - 1 )
    return $text;
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::show_earley_set_list

sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::show_earley_sets {
    my ($recce) = @_;
    my $last_completed_earleme = $recce->[LAST_COMPLETED_EARLEME]
        // 'stripped';
    my $furthest_earleme = $recce->[FURTHEST_EARLEME];
    my $earley_set_list  = $recce->[EARLEY_SETS];
          "Last Completed: $last_completed_earleme; "
        . "Furthest: $furthest_earleme\n"
        . Marpa::PP::show_earley_set_list( $recce, $earley_set_list );

} ## end sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::show_earley_sets

    my $structure = <<'END_OF_STRUCTURE';



} ## end BEGIN

sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::show_progress {
    my ( $recce, $start_ordinal, $end_ordinal ) = @_;
    my $grammar = $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::GRAMMAR];
    my $rules   = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::RULES];

    my $earley_sets_by_ordinal =
    my $last_ordinal = $#{$earley_sets_by_ordinal};

    my $start_ix;
    if ( not defined $start_ordinal ) {
        $start_ix =
    else {
        if ( $start_ordinal < 0 or $start_ordinal > $last_ordinal ) {
                "Marpa::PP::Recognizer::show_progress start index is $start_ordinal, "
                . "must be in range 0-$last_ordinal";
        $start_ix =
    } ## end else [ if ( not defined $start_ordinal ) ]

    my $end_ix;
    if ( not defined $end_ordinal ) {
        $end_ix = $start_ix;
    else {
        my $end_ordinal_argument = $end_ordinal;
        if ( $end_ordinal < 0 ) {
            $end_ordinal += $last_ordinal + 1;
        if ( $end_ordinal < 0 ) {
                "Marpa::PP::Recognizer::show_progress end index is $end_ordinal_argument, "
                . sprintf ' must be in range %d-%d', -( $last_ordinal + 1 ),
        } ## end if ( $end_ordinal < 0 )
        $end_ix =
    } ## end else [ if ( not defined $end_ordinal ) ]

    my $text = q{};
    for my $current ( $start_ix .. $end_ix ) {
        my %by_rule_by_position = ();
        my $reports = report_progress( $recce, $current );

        for my $report ( @{$reports} ) {
            my $rule_id =
            my $position =
            my $origin =

        } ## end for my $report ( @{$reports} )
        for my $rule_id ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %by_rule_by_position ) {
            my $by_position = $by_rule_by_position{$rule_id};
            for my $position ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$by_position} ) {
                my $raw_origins   = $by_position->{$position};
                my @origins       = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$raw_origins};
                my $origins_count = scalar @origins;
                my $origin_desc;
                if ( $origins_count <= 3 ) {
                    $origin_desc = join q{,}, @origins;
                else {
                    $origin_desc = $origins[0] . q{...} . $origins[-1];

                my $rule = $rules->[$rule_id];
                my $rhs_length =
                    scalar @{ $rule->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Rule::RHS] };
                my $item_text;

                # flag indicating whether we need to show the dot in the rule
                if ( $position >= $rhs_length ) {
                    $item_text .= "F$rule_id";
                elsif ($position) {
                    $item_text .= "R$rule_id:$position";
                else {
                    $item_text .= "P$rule_id";
                $item_text .= " x$origins_count" if $origins_count > 1;
                $item_text .= q{ @} . $origin_desc . q{-} . $current . q{ };
                $item_text .= Marpa::PP::show_dotted_rule( $rule, $position );
                $text      .= $item_text . "\n";
            } ## end for my $position ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{...})
        } ## end for my $rule_id ( sort { $a <=> $b } keys ...)
    } ## end for my $current ( $start_ix .. $end_ix )
    return $text;
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::show_progress

sub report_progress {
    my ( $recce, $current ) = @_;

    my $earley_set =
    my $earley_items = $earley_set->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Set::ITEMS];

    # Duplicates are not dealt with here -- they are more easily dealt
    # with when sorting, which is done in the display logic.
    my @worklist = ();
    for my $earley_item ( @{$earley_items} ) {
        my $AHFA_state =
        my $origin = $earley_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::ORIGIN];
        push @worklist, [ $origin, $AHFA_state ];
        my $leo_links =
            $earley_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::LEO_LINKS] // [];
        for my $leo_link ( @{$leo_links} ) {

            # The predecessor is the Leo item, which
            # needs to be expanded
            my $leo_item = $leo_link->[0];
            while ($leo_item) {
                my $leo_symbol_name = $leo_item
                my $leo_base_item =
                my ( undef, $base_to_state ) =
                    @{ $leo_base_item
                        ->{$leo_symbol_name} };
                push @worklist,
                $leo_item =
            } ## end while ($leo_item)
        } ## end for my $leo_link ( @{$leo_links} )
    } ## end for my $earley_item ( @{$earley_items} )

    my @progress_report = ();
    for my $workitem (@worklist) {
        my ( $origin, $AHFA_state ) = @{$workitem};
        my $NFA_states = $AHFA_state->[Marpa::PP::Internal::AHFA::NFA_STATES];
        if ( not $NFA_states ) {
                'Cannot report progress of Marpa::PP::Recognizer: it is stripped'
        NFA_STATE: for my $NFA_state ( @{$NFA_states} ) {
            my $LR0_item   = $NFA_state->[Marpa::PP::Internal::NFA::ITEM];
            my $marpa_rule = $LR0_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::LR0_item::RULE];
            my $marpa_position =

            my $original_rule = $marpa_rule;
            if ( $marpa_rule->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Rule::VIRTUAL_START] ) {
                $original_rule =

            my $original_rhs =

            # position in original rule, to be calculated
            my $original_position;
            if ( my $chaf_start =
                $marpa_rule->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Rule::VIRTUAL_START] )
                my $chaf_rhs = $marpa_rule->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Rule::RHS];
                $original_position =
                    $marpa_position >= scalar @{$chaf_rhs}
                    ? scalar @{$original_rhs}
                    : ( $chaf_start + $marpa_position );
            } ## end if ( my $chaf_start = $marpa_rule->[...])
            $original_position //= $marpa_position;
            my $rule_id = $original_rule->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Rule::ID];
            push @progress_report,
                [ $rule_id, $original_position, $origin, $current ];
        } ## end for my $NFA_state ( @{$NFA_states} )
    } ## end for my $workitem (@worklist)
    return \@progress_report;
} ## end sub report_progress

sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::read {

    # For efficiency, not unpacked
    # my ( $recce, $symbol_name, $value ) = @_;
    my $recce = shift;
        defined $recce->alternative(@_) ? $recce->earleme_complete() : undef;
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::read

sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::alternative {

    my ( $recce, $symbol_name, $value, $length ) = @_;

        'Missing recognizer argument for Marpa::PP::Recognizer::alternative()'
    ) if not defined $recce;

        my $recce_class = ref $recce;
        $recce_class //= 'not defined';
            "recognizer argument of alternative() has wrong class\n",
            'Class of argument is ',
            "Class of argument should be Marpa::PP::Recognizer\n"
        ) if $recce_class ne 'Marpa::PP::Recognizer';

    my $grammar = $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::GRAMMAR];
    local $Marpa::PP::Internal::TRACE_FH = my $trace_fh =
    my $trace_terminals =
    my $warnings = $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::WARNINGS];

    Marpa::PP::exception('Attempt to read token after parsing is finished')
        if $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::FINISHED];

    Marpa::PP::exception('Attempt to read token when parsing is exhausted')
        if $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::EXHAUSTED];

    my $terminal_names =

    my $current_earleme =
    my $earley_set_list =
    my $AHFA        = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::AHFA];
    my $symbols     = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::SYMBOLS];
    my $symbol_hash = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::SYMBOL_HASH];

    my $postdot_here =

    if ( not defined $symbol_name or not $terminal_names->{$symbol_name} ) {
        my $problem =
            defined $symbol_name
            ? qq{Token name "$symbol_name" is not the name of a terminal symbol}
            : q{Undef given, instead of the name of a terminal symbol};
    } ## end if ( not defined $symbol_name or not $terminal_names...)

    $length //= 1;

    # Make sure it's an allowed terminal symbol.
    my $postdot_data = $postdot_here->{$symbol_name};
    if ( not $postdot_data ) {
        if ($trace_terminals) {
            say {$trace_fh} qq{Rejected "$symbol_name" at $current_earleme-}
                . ( $length + $current_earleme )
                or Marpa::PP::exception("Cannot print: $ERRNO");
    } ## end if ( not $postdot_data )

    my $value_ref = \($value);

    if ( $length & Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::EARLEME_MASK ) {
            'Token ' . $symbol_name . " is too long\n",
            "  Token starts at $current_earleme, and its length is $length\n"
    } ## end if ( $length & Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::EARLEME_MASK)

    if ( $length <= 0 ) {
            'Token ' . $symbol_name . ' has non-positive length ' . $length );

    my $end_earleme = $current_earleme + $length;

        'Token ' . $symbol_name . " makes parse too long\n",
        "  Token starts at $current_earleme, and its length is $length\n"
    ) if $end_earleme & Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::EARLEME_MASK;

    my $accepted  = 0;                            # for trace_terminals
    my $target_ix = $current_earleme + $length;
    my $target_earley_set = $earley_set_list->[$target_ix] //= [];
    my $target_earley_items =
        $target_earley_set->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Set::ITEMS] //= [];
    my $target_hash =
        $target_earley_set->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Set::HASH] //= {};

    EARLEY_ITEM: for my $postdot_item ( @{$postdot_data} ) {

        my $origin;
        my @to_states;
        next EARLEY_ITEM if ref $postdot_item eq $LEO_CLASS;
            my $state =
            @to_states =
                grep {ref}
                @{ $state->[Marpa::PP::Internal::AHFA::TRANSITION]
                    ->{$symbol_name} };
            next EARLEY_ITEM if not scalar @to_states;
            $origin =


        TO_STATE: for my $to_state (@to_states) {
            my $reset = $to_state->[Marpa::PP::Internal::AHFA::RESET_ORIGIN];
            my $new_origin  = $reset ? $target_ix : $origin;
            my $to_state_id = $to_state->[Marpa::PP::Internal::AHFA::ID];
            my $hash_key    = join q{:}, $to_state_id, $new_origin;
            my $target_item = $target_hash->{$hash_key};
            if ( defined $target_item ) {
                next TO_STATE if $reset;
                if ($postdot_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::ID] ~~ [
                        map {
                            } @{
                        qq{"$symbol_name" already scanned with length $length at location $current_earleme}
                } ## end if ( $postdot_item->[...])
            } ## end if ( defined $target_item )
            else {

                $target_item = [];
                $target_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::ID] =
                    ->[ Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::NEXT_EARLEY_ITEM_ID
                $target_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::STATE] =
                $target_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::ORIGIN] =
                $target_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::LEO_LINKS] =
                $target_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::LINKS] = [];
                $target_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::SET] =
                $target_hash->{$hash_key} = $target_item;
                push @{$target_earley_items}, $target_item;

            } ## end else [ if ( defined $target_item ) ]

            next TO_STATE if $reset;

            push @{ $target_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::LINKS] },
                [ $postdot_item, undef, $symbol_name, $value_ref ];
        }    # for my $to_state

    } ## end for my $postdot_item ( @{$postdot_data} )

    if (    $accepted
        and $target_ix
        > $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::FURTHEST_EARLEME] )
        $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::FURTHEST_EARLEME] =
    } ## end if ( $accepted and $target_ix > $recce->[...])

    if ($trace_terminals) {
        my $verb = $accepted ? 'Accepted' : 'Rejected';
        say {$trace_fh} qq{$verb "$symbol_name" at $current_earleme-}
            . ( $length + $current_earleme )
            or Marpa::PP::exception("Cannot print: $ERRNO");
    } ## end if ($trace_terminals)

    return $current_earleme;

} ## end sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::alternative

# Deprecated -- obsolete
sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::tokens {

    my ( $recce, $tokens, $token_ix_ref ) = @_;

        'Missing recognizer argument for Marpa::PP::Recognizer::tokens()')
        if not defined $recce;

        my $recce_class = ref $recce;
        $recce_class //= 'not defined';
            "recognizer argument of tokens() has wrong class\n",
            'Class of argument is ',
            "Class of argument should be Marpa::PP::Recognizer\n"
        ) if $recce_class ne 'Marpa::PP::Recognizer';

    Marpa::PP::exception('No tokens arg for Marpa::PP::Recognizer::tokens()')
        if not defined $tokens;

    my $mode = $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::MODE];
    my $interactive;

    if ( defined $token_ix_ref ) {
        my $ref_type = ref $token_ix_ref;
        if ( ref $token_ix_ref ne 'SCALAR' ) {
            my $description = $ref_type ? "ref to $ref_type" : 'not a ref';
                "Token index arg for Marpa::PP::Recognizer::tokens is $description, must be ref to SCALAR"
        } ## end if ( ref $token_ix_ref ne 'SCALAR' )
            q{'Tokens index ref for Marpa::PP::Recognizer::tokens allowed only in 'stream' mode}
        ) if $mode ne 'stream';
        $interactive = 1;
    } ## end if ( defined $token_ix_ref )

    my $grammar = $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::GRAMMAR];
    local $Marpa::PP::Internal::TRACE_FH = my $trace_fh =
    my $trace_terminals =

    Marpa::PP::exception('Attempt to scan tokens after parsing is finished')
        if $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::FINISHED]
            and scalar @{$tokens};

    Marpa::PP::exception('Attempt to scan tokens when parsing is exhausted')
        if $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::EXHAUSTED]
            and scalar @{$tokens};

    my $symbol_hash = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::SYMBOL_HASH];

    my $next_token_earleme = my $last_completed_earleme =

    $token_ix_ref //= \( my $token_ix = 0 );

    my $token_args = $tokens->[ ${$token_ix_ref} ];

    # If the token list is empty, we will go straight to the
    # next token
    if ( not scalar @{$tokens} ) { $next_token_earleme++ }

    EARLEME: while ( ${$token_ix_ref} < scalar @{$tokens} ) {

        my $current_token_earleme = $last_completed_earleme;

        # At this point, typically, $current_token_earleme,
        # $next_token_earleme and $last_completed_earleme are
        # all equal.

        # It's not 100% clear whether it's best to leave
        # the token_ix_ref pointing at the start of the
        # earleme, or at the actual problem token.
        # Right now, we set it at the actual problem
        # token, which is probably what will turn out
        # to be easiest.
        # my $first_ix_of_this_earleme = ${$token_ix_ref};

        # For as long the $next_token_earleme does not advance ...
        TOKEN: while ( $current_token_earleme == $next_token_earleme ) {

            # ... or until we run out of tokens
            last TOKEN if not my $token_args = $tokens->[ ${$token_ix_ref} ];
                'Tokens must be array refs: token #',
                ${$token_ix_ref}, " is $token_args\n",
            ) if ref $token_args ne 'ARRAY';
            my ( $symbol_name, $value, $length, $offset ) = @{$token_args};

                "Attempt to add token '$symbol_name' at location where processing is complete:\n",
                "  Add attempted at $current_token_earleme\n",
                "  Processing complete to $last_completed_earleme\n"
            ) if $current_token_earleme < $last_completed_earleme;

            my $symbol_id = $symbol_hash->{$symbol_name};
            if ( not defined $symbol_id ) {
                say {$trace_fh}
                    qq{Attempted to add non-existent symbol named "$symbol_name" at $last_completed_earleme\n}
                    or Marpa::PP::exception("Cannot print: $ERRNO");

            my $result = $recce->alternative( $symbol_name, $value, $length );

            if ( not defined $result ) {
                if ( not $interactive ) {
                        qq{Terminal "$symbol_name" received when not expected}

                # Current token didn't actually work, so back out
                # the increment

                return $recce->status();
            } ## end if ( not defined $result )

            $offset //= 1;
                'Token ' . $symbol_name . " has negative offset\n",
                "  Token starts at $last_completed_earleme, and its length is $length\n",
                "  Tokens are required to be in sequence by location\n",
            ) if $offset < 0;
            $next_token_earleme += $offset;

        } ## end while ( $current_token_earleme == $next_token_earleme )

        # We've ended the loop for the tokens at $current_token_earleme.
        # It is possible that $next_token_earleme did not advance,
        # and the loop ended when we ran out of tokens in the
        # argument list.
        # We arrange it so that the last descriptor in
        # a tokens call always advances the current earleme by at least one --
        # as if it had incremented $next_token_earleme
        $current_token_earleme = $next_token_earleme
            if $next_token_earleme > $current_token_earleme;


    } ## end while ( ${$token_ix_ref} < scalar @{$tokens} )

    if ( $mode eq 'stream' ) {
        while ( $last_completed_earleme < $next_token_earleme ) {
    } ## end if ( $mode eq 'stream' )

    if ( $mode eq 'default' ) {
        while ( $last_completed_earleme
            < $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::FURTHEST_EARLEME] )
        } ## end while ( $last_completed_earleme < $recce->[...])
        $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::FINISHED] = 1;
    } ## end if ( $mode eq 'default' )

    return $recce->status();

} ## end sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::tokens

# Perform the completion step on an earley set

sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::end_input {
    my ($recce) = @_;
    my $last_completed_earleme =
    my $furthest_earleme =
    while ( $last_completed_earleme < $furthest_earleme ) {
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::FINISHED] = 1;
    return 1;
} ## end sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::end_input

sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::earleme_complete {
    my ($recce) = @_;

    my $recce_c = $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::C];
    local $Marpa::PP::Internal::TRACE_FH =
    my $grammar     = $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::GRAMMAR];
    my $AHFA        = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::AHFA];
    my $symbol_hash = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::SYMBOL_HASH];
    my $symbols     = $grammar->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Grammar::SYMBOLS];
    my $earley_set_list =

    my $terminal_names =
    my $too_many_earley_items =
    my $trace_earley_sets =
    my $trace_terminals =
        $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::TRACE_TERMINALS] // 0;

    my $earleme_to_complete =

    my $earley_set = $earley_set_list->[$earleme_to_complete] //= [];
    my $earley_items =
        $earley_set->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Set::ITEMS] //= [];
    my $earley_hash = $earley_set->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Set::HASH] //=
    my $postdot_here =
        $earley_set->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Set::POSTDOT] //= {};

    # Important: more earley sets can be added in the loop
    my $earley_set_ix = -1;
    EARLEY_ITEM: while (1) {

        my $earley_item = $earley_items->[ ++$earley_set_ix ];
        last EARLEY_ITEM if not defined $earley_item;

        my ( $state, $parent ) = @{$earley_item}[
        my $state_id = $state->[Marpa::PP::Internal::AHFA::ID];

        next EARLEY_ITEM if $earleme_to_complete == $parent;

        for my $lhs_symbol (
            @{ $state->[Marpa::PP::Internal::AHFA::COMPLETE_LHS] } )
            my $postdot_data =
            next LHS_SYMBOL if not defined $postdot_data;
            for my $postdot_item ( @{$postdot_data} ) {
                my $parent_origin;
                my @transition_states;

                my $postdot_item_is_leo = ref $postdot_item eq $LEO_CLASS;
                if ($postdot_item_is_leo) {
                    $parent_origin = $postdot_item
                    @transition_states = $postdot_item
                } ## end if ($postdot_item_is_leo)
                else {
                    my $parent_state = $postdot_item
                    @transition_states =
                        grep {ref}
                        @{ $parent_state
                            ->{$lhs_symbol} };
                    $parent_origin = $postdot_item
                } ## end else [ if ($postdot_item_is_leo) ]

                for my $transition_state (@transition_states) {
                    my $reset = $transition_state
                    my $origin =
                        ? $earleme_to_complete
                        : $parent_origin;
                    my $transition_state_id =
                    my $name = sprintf
                        $transition_state_id, $origin, $earleme_to_complete;
                    my $hash_key = join q{:}, $transition_state_id, $origin;
                    my $target_item = $earley_hash->{$hash_key};
                    if ( not defined $target_item ) {
                        $target_item = [];
                        $target_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::ID] =
                            ->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::STATE] =
                            ->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::ORIGIN] =
                            ->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::LEO_LINKS] =
                            ->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::LINKS] = [];
                            = $earleme_to_complete;
                        $earley_hash->{$hash_key} = $target_item;
                        push @{$earley_items}, $target_item;
                    }    # unless defined $target_item
                    next TRANSITION_STATE if $reset;
                    if ($postdot_item_is_leo) {
                        push @{
                            [ $postdot_item, $earley_item, $lhs_symbol ];

                        # If we do the Leo item, do *ONLY* the Leo item
                        last PARENT_ITEM;
                    } ## end if ($postdot_item_is_leo)
                    else {
                        push @{ $target_item
                                ->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::LINKS] },
                            [ $postdot_item, $earley_item, $lhs_symbol ];
                }    # TRANSITION_STATE

            }    # PARENT_ITEM
        }    # LHS_SYMBOL

    }    # EARLEY_ITEM

    if ( $too_many_earley_items >= 0
        and ( my $item_count = scalar @{$earley_items} )
        >= $too_many_earley_items )
        if ( $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::WARNINGS] ) {
            say {$Marpa::PP::Internal::TRACE_FH}
                "Very large earley set: $item_count items at location $earleme_to_complete"
                or Marpa::PP::exception("Cannot print: $ERRNO");
    } ## end if ( $too_many_earley_items >= 0 and ( my $item_count...))

    # Each possible cause
    # link is only visited once.
    # It may be paired with several different predecessors.
    # The cause may complete several different LHS symbols
    # and Marpa::PP will seek predecessors for each at
    # the parent location.
    # Different completed LHS symbols might be postdot
    # symbols for the same predecessor Earley item.
    # For this reason,
    # predecessor-cause pairs might not be unique
    # within an Earley item.
    # This is not an issue for unambiguous parsing.
    # It *IS* an issue for iterating ambiguous parses.

    if ($trace_earley_sets) {
        print {$Marpa::PP::Internal::TRACE_FH}
            "=== Earley set $earleme_to_complete\n"
            or Marpa::PP::exception("Cannot print: $ERRNO");
        print {$Marpa::PP::Internal::TRACE_FH}
            or Marpa::PP::exception("Cannot print: $ERRNO");
    } ## end if ($trace_earley_sets)

    for my $earley_item ( @{$earley_items} ) {
        my $state  = $earley_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::STATE];
        my $parent = $earley_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::ORIGIN];
        for my $postdot_symbol_name (
            keys %{ $state->[Marpa::PP::Internal::AHFA::TRANSITION] } )
            push @{ $postdot_here->{$postdot_symbol_name} }, $earley_item;
    } ## end for my $earley_item ( @{$earley_items} )

    # Create the unpopulated Leo items, and put them into a worklist
    my @leo_worklist = ();
    if ( $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::USE_LEO] ) {
        SYMBOL: for my $postdot_symbol_name ( keys %{$postdot_here} ) {
            my $postdot_data = $postdot_here->{$postdot_symbol_name};
            next SYMBOL if scalar @{$postdot_data} != 1;
            my $earley_item = $postdot_data->[0];
            my ( $leo_lhs, $base_to_state ) =
                @{ $earley_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::STATE]
                    ->{$postdot_symbol_name} };

            # Only one transition in the Earley set on this symbol,
            # but it is not to a Leo completion.
            next SYMBOL if ref $leo_lhs;

            my $leo_item = bless [], $LEO_CLASS;

            # $leo_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::BASE_TO_STATE] =
            # $base_to_state;
            $leo_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::SET] =
            $leo_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::LEO_POSTDOT_SYMBOL] =
            $leo_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::BASE] = $earley_item;

            unshift @{ $postdot_here->{$postdot_symbol_name} }, $leo_item;
            push @leo_worklist, $postdot_symbol_name;

        } ## end for my $postdot_symbol_name ( keys %{$postdot_here} )
    } ## end if ( $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::USE_LEO...])

    POSTDOT_SYMBOL: for my $postdot_symbol_name (@leo_worklist) {

        my $leo_item = $postdot_here->{$postdot_symbol_name}->[0];
        next POSTDOT_SYMBOL
            defined $leo_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::TOP_TO_STATE];

        # Find the predecessor LIM
        my $base_earley_item =
        my $base_origin =
        my ( $leo_transition_symbol, $top_to_state ) =
            @{ $base_earley_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Item::STATE]
                ->{$postdot_symbol_name} };
        my $predecessor_postdot =
        my $first_postdot_item = $predecessor_postdot->[0];
        my $predecessor_leo_item =
            ref $first_postdot_item eq $LEO_CLASS
            ? $first_postdot_item
            : undef;

        # If there is a predecessor Leo item and it is populated, populate from the predecessor
        # Leo item
        my $predecessor_top_to_state =
            defined $predecessor_leo_item
            ? $predecessor_leo_item
            : undef;
        if ( defined $predecessor_top_to_state ) {
            $leo_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::PREDECESSOR] =
            $leo_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::TOP_TO_STATE] =
            $leo_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::ORIGIN] =
            next POSTDOT_SYMBOL;
        } ## end if ( defined $predecessor_top_to_state )

        # If there is no predecessor Leo item, populate from the base Earley item
        if ( not defined $predecessor_leo_item ) {
            $leo_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::ORIGIN] = $base_origin;
            $leo_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::TOP_TO_STATE] =
            next POSTDOT_SYMBOL;
        } ## end if ( not defined $predecessor_leo_item )

        # If there is a predecessor, but it is not populated, we need to build a
        # predecessor chain of Leo items
        my @leo_chain = ($postdot_symbol_name);
        BUILD_LEO_CHAIN: while (1) {
            my $chain_leo_item              = $predecessor_leo_item;
            my $chain_leo_transition_symbol = $chain_leo_item

            # If this leo item is already on the chain, break here.
            # The predecessor Leo item has not yet been updated
            # (it and the current Leo item are the same)
            # so the predecessor Leo item
            # is still correct for the Leo item at the top of the
            # Leo item chain.
            last BUILD_LEO_CHAIN
                if $chain_leo_transition_symbol ~~ @leo_chain;

            # Find the new predecessor Leo item
            my $chain_base_earley_item =
            my $chain_base_origin = $chain_base_earley_item
            my ( $chain_predecessor_leo_transition_symbol,
                $chain_top_to_state )
                = @{ $chain_base_earley_item
                    ->{$chain_leo_transition_symbol} };
            my $chain_predecessor_postdot =
            my $chain_first_postdot_item = $chain_predecessor_postdot->[0];
            $predecessor_leo_item =
                ref $chain_first_postdot_item eq $LEO_CLASS
                ? $chain_first_postdot_item
                : undef;

            push @leo_chain, $chain_leo_transition_symbol;

            #  No predecessor, so I am forced to break the Leo chain here.
            last BUILD_LEO_CHAIN if not defined $predecessor_leo_item;

            # A populated predecessor, so I can fully populate the Leo chain.
            # Break the Leo chain here.
            last BUILD_LEO_CHAIN
                if defined $predecessor_leo_item
        } ## end while (1)

        while ( my $chain_leo_transition_symbol = pop @leo_chain ) {
            my $chain_leo_item =

            # If there is a predecessor Leo item and it is populated, populate from the predecessor
            # Leo item
            my $chain_predecessor_top_to_state =
                ? $predecessor_leo_item
                : undef;
            if ( defined $chain_predecessor_top_to_state ) {
                    = $predecessor_leo_item;
                    = $chain_predecessor_top_to_state;
                $chain_leo_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::ORIGIN] =
            } ## end if ( defined $chain_predecessor_top_to_state )
            else {
                my $chain_base_earley_item =
                my $chain_base_origin = $chain_base_earley_item
                my ( undef, $chain_top_to_state ) =
                    @{ $chain_base_earley_item
                        ->{$chain_leo_transition_symbol} };
                $chain_leo_item->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Leo_Item::ORIGIN] =
                    = $chain_top_to_state;
            } ## end else [ if ( defined $chain_predecessor_top_to_state ) ]
            $predecessor_leo_item = $chain_leo_item;
        } ## end while ( my $chain_leo_transition_symbol = pop @leo_chain)
    } ## end for my $postdot_symbol_name (@leo_worklist)

    my @terminals_expected =
        grep { $terminal_names->{$_} } keys %{$postdot_here};
    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::EXPECTED_TERMINALS] =

    $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::EXHAUSTED] =
        ( scalar @terminals_expected <= 0 )
        && $earleme_to_complete
        >= $recce->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Recognizer::FURTHEST_EARLEME];

    if ( $trace_terminals > 1 ) {
        for my $terminal ( sort @terminals_expected ) {
            say {$Marpa::PP::Internal::TRACE_FH}
                qq{Expecting "$terminal" at $earleme_to_complete}
                or Marpa::PP::exception("Cannot print: $ERRNO");
    } ## end if ( $trace_terminals > 1 )

    if ( scalar @{$earley_items} > 0 ) {
        my $ordinal =
        $earley_set->[Marpa::PP::Internal::Earley_Set::ORDINAL] = $ordinal;
            ->[$ordinal] = $earley_set;
    } ## end if ( scalar @{$earley_items} > 0 )

    return scalar @terminals_expected;

} ## end sub Marpa::PP::Recognizer::earleme_complete
