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# Copyright 2014 Jeffrey Kegler
# This file is part of Marpa::R2.  Marpa::R2 is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Marpa::R2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser
# General Public License along with Marpa::R2.  If not, see

package Marpa::R2::HTML::Config::Compile;

use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;

$VERSION        = '2.088000';
## no critic(BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
## use critic

use Data::Dumper;
use English qw( -no_match_vars );

use Marpa::R2::HTML::Config::Core;
use Marpa::R2::Thin::Trace;

# Indexes into the symbol table
use constant CONTEXT_CLOSED  => 0;
use constant CONTENTS_CLOSED => 1;
use constant CONTEXT         => 2;
use constant CONTENTS        => 3;

sub do_is_included_statement {
    my ( $self, $external_element, undef, undef, undef, $external_group ) = @_;
    my $tag = $external_element;
    $tag =~ s/\A [<] \s* //xms;
    $tag =~ s/\s* [>] \z //xms;
    my $element = 'ELE_' . $tag;
    ( my $group_name = $external_group ) =~ s/\A [%] //xms;
    my $group         = 'GRP_' . $group_name;

    my $symbol_table = $self->{symbol_table};
    my $element_entry = $symbol_table->{$element} //= [];
    my $group_entry   = $symbol_table->{$group};

    # For now, new groups cannot be defined
        qq{Group "$group" does not exist\n},
        qq{  Problem was in this line: }, $Marpa::R2::HTML::Config::Compile::LINE
    ) if not defined $group_entry;

    my $closed_reason = $element_entry->[CONTEXT_CLOSED];
    if ($closed_reason) {
            qq{Context of "$element" cannot be changed:\n},
            qq{  Reason: $closed_reason\n},
            qq{  Problem was in this line: }, $Marpa::R2::HTML::Config::Compile::LINE
    } ## end if ($closed_reason)
    $closed_reason = $group_entry->[CONTENTS_CLOSED];
    if ($closed_reason) {
            qq{Contents of "$group" cannot be changed:\n},
            qq{  Reason: $closed_reason\n},
            qq{  Problem was in this line: }, $Marpa::R2::HTML::Config::Compile::LINE
    } ## end if ($closed_reason)

    # If this is the first, it sets the primary group
    my $primary_group_by_tag = $self->{primary_group_by_tag};
    $primary_group_by_tag->{$tag} //= $group;
    push @{ $element_entry->[CONTEXT] }, $group;


} ## end sub do_is_included

sub do_is_a_included_statement {
    my ( $self, $external_element, undef, undef, $external_flow, undef, undef, $external_group ) = @_;
    my $tag = $external_element;
    $tag =~ s/\A [<] \s* //xms;
    $tag =~ s/\s* [>] \z //xms;
    ( my $flow_name  = $external_flow )  =~ s/\A [*] //xms;
    ( my $group_name = $external_group ) =~ s/\A [%] //xms;
    my $flow          = 'FLO_' . $flow_name;
    my $group         = 'GRP_' . $group_name;
    my $element       = 'ELE_' . $tag;
    my $symbol_table = $self->{symbol_table};
    my $element_entry = $symbol_table->{$element} //= [];
    my $group_entry   = $symbol_table->{$group};
    my $flow_entry    = $symbol_table->{$flow};

    # For now, new flows and groups cannot be defined
        qq{Group "$group" does not exist\n},
            qq{  Problem was in this line: }, $Marpa::R2::HTML::Config::Compile::LINE
    ) if not defined $group_entry;
        qq{Flow "$flow" does not exist\n},
            qq{  Problem was in this line: }, $Marpa::R2::HTML::Config::Compile::LINE
    ) if not defined $flow_entry;

    my $closed_reason = $element_entry->[CONTEXT_CLOSED];
    if ($closed_reason) {
            qq{Context of "$element" cannot be changed:\n},
            qq{  Reason: $closed_reason\n},
            qq{  Problem was in this line: }, $Marpa::R2::HTML::Config::Compile::LINE
    } ## end if ($closed_reason)
    $closed_reason = $element_entry->[CONTENTS_CLOSED];
    if ($closed_reason) {
            qq{Contents of "$element" cannot be changed:\n},
            qq{  Reason: $closed_reason\n},
            qq{  Problem was in this line: }, $Marpa::R2::HTML::Config::Compile::LINE
    } ## end if ($closed_reason)
    $closed_reason = $flow_entry->[CONTEXT_CLOSED];
    if ($closed_reason) {
            qq{Context of "$flow" cannot be changed:\n},
            qq{  Reason: $closed_reason\n},
            qq{  Problem was in this line: }, $Marpa::R2::HTML::Config::Compile::LINE
    } ## end if ($closed_reason)
    $closed_reason = $group_entry->[CONTENTS_CLOSED];
    if ($closed_reason) {
            qq{Contents of "$group" cannot be changed:\n},
            qq{  Reason: $closed_reason\n},
            qq{  Problem was in this line: }, $Marpa::R2::HTML::Config::Compile::LINE
    } ## end if ($closed_reason)

        qq{Contents of "$element" are already being defined:\n},
        qq{  Problem was in this line: },
    ) if defined $element_entry->[CONTENTS];
        qq{Context of "$element" is already being defined:\n},
        qq{  Problem was in this line: },
    ) if defined $element_entry->[CONTEXT];

    # Always sets the primary group
    my $primary_group_by_tag = $self->{primary_group_by_tag};
    $primary_group_by_tag->{$tag}      = $group;
    $element_entry->[CONTENTS]       = $flow;
    $element_entry->[CONTEXT]        = $group;
    $element_entry->[CONTEXT_CLOSED] = $element_entry->[CONTENTS_CLOSED] =
        'Element is already fully defined';

} ## end sub do_is_a_included

sub do_is_statement {

    my ( $self, $external_element, undef, $external_flow ) = @_;
    my $tag = $external_element;
    $tag =~ s/\A [<] \s* //xms;
    $tag =~ s/\s* [>] \z //xms;
    ( my $flow_name = $external_flow ) =~ s/\A [*] //xms;
    my $flow          = 'FLO_' . $flow_name;
    my $element       = 'ELE_' . $tag;
    my $symbol_table  = $self->{symbol_table};
    my $element_entry = $symbol_table->{$element} //= [];
    my $flow_entry    = $symbol_table->{$flow};

    # For now, new flows cannot be defined
        qq{Flow "$flow" does not exist\n},
        qq{  Problem was in this line: },
    ) if not defined $flow_entry;

    my $closed_reason = $element_entry->[CONTENTS_CLOSED];
    if ($closed_reason) {
            qq{Contents of "$element" cannot be changed:\n},
            qq{  Reason: $closed_reason\n},
            qq{  Problem was in this line: },
    } ## end if ($closed_reason)
    $closed_reason = $flow_entry->[CONTEXT_CLOSED];
    if ($closed_reason) {
            qq{Context of "$flow" cannot be changed:\n},
            qq{  Reason: $closed_reason\n},
            qq{  Problem was in this line: },
    } ## end if ($closed_reason)

        qq{Contents of "$element" are already being defined:\n},
        qq{  Problem was in this line: },
    ) if defined $element_entry->[CONTENTS];

    $element_entry->[CONTENTS] = $flow;
    $element_entry->[CONTENTS_CLOSED] =
        'Contents of Element are already defined';

} ## end sub do_is

sub problem_in_rule {
    my ($string) = @_;
    Marpa::R2::Context::bail( [ 'rule', $string, Marpa::R2::Context::location() ] );

sub do_contains_statement {
    my ( $self, $external_element, undef, $external_contents ) = @_;

    # Production is Element with custom flow
    my $tag = $external_element;
    $tag =~ s/\A [<] \s* //xms;
    $tag =~ s/\s* [>] \z //xms;
    my $element_symbol = 'ELE_' . $tag;
    my $symbol_table   = $self->{symbol_table};
    my $element_entry  = $symbol_table->{$element_symbol} //= [];
    my $closed_reason  = $element_entry->[CONTENTS_CLOSED];
    if ($closed_reason) {
            qq{Contents of "$element_symbol" cannot be changed:\n},
            qq{  Reason: $closed_reason\n},
            qq{  Problem was in this line: },
    } ## end if ($closed_reason)

    my @contents = ();

    for my $external_content_symbol (@{$external_contents}) {
        my $content_symbol;
        if ( $external_content_symbol =~ /\A [<] (\w+) [>] \z/xms ) {
            $content_symbol = 'ELE_' . $1;
        if ( $external_content_symbol =~ /\A [%] (\w+)  \z/xms ) {
            $content_symbol = 'GRP_' . $1;
        $content_symbol //= $external_content_symbol;
        my $content_entry = $symbol_table->{$content_symbol};
        if ( not defined $content_entry ) {
            if ( not $content_symbol =~ /\A ELE_ /xms ) {
                    qq{Symbol "$external_content_symbol" is undefined\n});
            $content_entry = [];
        } ## end if ( not defined $content_entry )
        $closed_reason = $content_entry->[CONTEXT_CLOSED];
        if ($closed_reason) {
                qq{Context of "$external_content_symbol" cannot be changed:\n},
                qq{  Reason: $closed_reason\n},
                qq{  Problem was in this line: },
        } ## end if ($closed_reason)
        push @contents, $content_symbol;
    } ## end CONTAINED_SYMBOL: for my $external_content_symbol (@external_contents)

    push @{ $element_entry->[CONTENTS] }, @contents;


} ## end sub do_contains

sub do_array_assignment {
    my ( $self, $external_list, undef, $external_members ) = @_;
    ( my $new_list = $external_list ) =~ s/\A [@] //xms;
    my $lists = $self->{lists};
        "Problem in line: ", $Marpa::R2::HTML::Config::Compile::LINE,
        "\n",                'list @' . $new_list . ' is already defined'
    ) if defined $lists->{$new_list};
    my @members = ();
    RAW_MEMBER: for my $raw_member (@{$external_members}) {
        if ( $raw_member =~ / \A [@] (.*) \z/xms ) {
            my $member_list = $1;
                "Problem in line: ",
                'member list @' . $member_list . ' is not yet defined'
            ) if not defined $lists->{$member_list};
            push @members, @{ $lists->{$member_list} };
            next RAW_MEMBER;
        } ## end if ( $raw_member =~ / \A [@] (.*) \z/xms )
        push @members, $raw_member;
    } ## end RAW_MEMBER: for my $raw_member (@{$external_members})
    $lists->{$new_list} = \@members;
} ## end sub do_array_assignment

sub do_ruby_statement {
    my ( $self, $external_reject_symbol, undef, $external_candidates ) = @_;
    my $lists = $self->{lists};
    my @symbols = ($external_reject_symbol);
    RAW_CANDIDATE: for my $raw_candidate ( @{$external_candidates} ) {
        if ( $raw_candidate =~ / \A [@] (.*) \z/xms ) {
            my $list = $1;
                "Problem in line: ",
                "\n", 'candidate list @' . $list . ' is not yet defined'
            ) if not defined $lists->{$list};
            push @symbols, @{ $lists->{$list} };
            next RAW_CANDIDATE;
        } ## end if ( $raw_candidate =~ / \A [@] (.*) \z/xms )
        push @symbols, $raw_candidate;
    } ## end RAW_CANDIDATE: for my $raw_candidate ( @{$external_candidates} )
    my @internal_symbols = ();
    SYMBOL: for my $symbol (@symbols) {
        if ( $symbol eq 'CDATA' or $symbol eq 'PCDATA' ) {
            push @internal_symbols, $symbol;
            next SYMBOL;
        if ( $symbol =~ /\A ( [<] [%] (inline|head|block) [>] ) \z/xms ) {
            my $special_symbol = $1;
            push @internal_symbols, $special_symbol;
            next SYMBOL;
        if ( $symbol =~ m{\A ( [<] [/] [%] (inline|head|block) [>] ) \z}xms )
            my $special_symbol = $1;
            push @internal_symbols, $special_symbol;
            next SYMBOL;
        } ## end if ( $symbol =~ ...)
        if ( $symbol =~ m{\A ( [<] [*] [>] ) \z}xms ) {
            my $special_symbol = $1;
            push @internal_symbols, $special_symbol;
            next SYMBOL;
        if ( $symbol =~ m{\A ( [<] [/] [*] [>] ) \z}xms ) {
            my $special_symbol = $1;
            push @internal_symbols, $special_symbol;
            next SYMBOL;
        if ( $symbol =~ /\A [<] (\w+) [>] \z/xms ) {
            my $start_tag = 'S_' . $1;
            push @internal_symbols, $start_tag;
            next SYMBOL;
        if ( $symbol =~ m{\A [<] [/](\w+) [>] \z}xms ) {
            my $end_tag = 'E_' . $1;
            push @internal_symbols, $end_tag;
            next SYMBOL;
            "Problem in line: ",
            "\n", qq{Misformed symbol "$symbol"}
    } ## end SYMBOL: for my $symbol (@symbols)
    my $rejected_symbol = shift @internal_symbols;
    $self->{ruby_config}->{$rejected_symbol} = \@internal_symbols;
} ## end sub do_ruby_statement

sub die_on_read_problem {
    my ( $rec, $t, $token_value, $string, $position ) = @_;
    say $rec->show_progress() or die "say failed: $ERRNO";
    my $problem_position = $position - length $1;
    my $before_start     = $problem_position - 40;
    $before_start = 0 if $before_start < 0;
    my $before_length = $problem_position - $before_start;
    die "Problem near position $problem_position\n",
        q{Problem is here: "},
        ( substr $string, $before_start, $before_length + 40 ),
        ( q{ } x ( $before_length + 18 ) ), qq{^\n},
        q{Token rejected, "}, $t->[0], qq{", "$token_value"},
} ## end sub die_on_read_problem

sub do_array { shift; return [@_]; }

sub do_what_I_mean {

    # The first argument is the per-parse variable.
    # At this stage, just throw it away

    # Throw away any undef's
    my @children = grep { defined } @_;

    # Return what's left
    return scalar @children > 1 ? \@children : shift @children;

# Order matters !!
my @terminals = (
    [ kw_CDATA => qr/CDATA\b/xms ],
    [ kw_PCDATA => qr/PCDATA\b/xms ],
    [ kw_is => qr/is\b/ixms ],
    [ kw_a => qr/a\b/ixms ],
    [ kw_contains => qr/contains\b/ixms ],
    [ kw_included => qr/included\b/ixms ],
    [ kw_in => qr/in\b/ixms ],
    [ flow => qr/[*]\w+\b/xms ],
    [ group => qr/[%]\w+\b/xms ],
    [ list => qr/[@]\w+\b/xms ],
    [ start_tag => qr/[<]\w+[>]/xms ],
    [ end_tag => qr{[<][/]\w+[>]}xms ],
    [ wildcard_start_tag => qr/[<][*][>]/xms ],
    [ wildcard_end_tag => qr{[<][/][*][>]}xms ],
    [ group_start_tag => qr/[<][%]\w+[>]/xms ],
    [ group_end_tag => qr/[<][%]\w+[>]/xms ],
    [ op_assign =>     qr/[=]/xms ],
    [ op_ruby   =>   qr/[-][>]/xms ],
    [ semi_colon   =>   qr/[;]/xms ],

sub create_grammar {

my $source = <<'END_OF_GRAMMAR';
translation_unit ::= statement*
statement ::= is_included_statement
    | is_a_included_statement
    | is_statement
    | contains_statement
    | list_assignment
    | ruby_statement
is_included_statement ::= element kw_is kw_included kw_in <group>
    action => do_is_included_statement
element ::= start_tag
is_a_included_statement ::= element kw_is kw_a flow kw_included kw_in <group>
    action => do_is_a_included_statement
is_statement ::= element kw_is flow
    action => do_is_statement
contains_statement ::= element kw_contains contents
    action => do_contains_statement
contents ::= content_item*
    action => do_array
list_assignment ::= list op_assign list_members
    action => do_array_assignment
list_members ::= list_member*
    action => do_array
list_member ::= ruby_symbol
list_member ::= list
content_item ::= element | <group> | kw_PCDATA | kw_CDATA
ruby_statement ::= ruby_symbol op_ruby ruby_symbol_list
    action => do_ruby_statement
ruby_symbol_list ::= ruby_symbol*
    action => do_array
ruby_symbol ::= kw_PCDATA | kw_CDATA
  | start_tag | group_start_tag | wildcard_start_tag
  | end_tag | group_end_tag | wildcard_end_tag
  | list
    my $grammar = Marpa::R2::Grammar->new(
       { start => 'translation_unit',
       action_object => __PACKAGE__,
       rules =>$source,
       default_action => 'do_what_I_mean'
   return $grammar;

sub source_by_location_range {
    my ( $self, $start, $end ) = @_;
    my $positions = $self->{positions};
    my $start_pos = $start > 0 ? $positions->[$start] : 0;
    my $end_pos   = $positions->[$end];
    return substr ${ $self->{source_ref} }, $start_pos, $end_pos - $start_pos;
} ## end sub source_by_location_range

sub compile {
    my ($source_ref) = @_;

    # A quasi-object, not used outside this routine
    my $self = bless {}, __PACKAGE__;

    my %species_handler = (
        cruft      => 'SPE_CRUFT',
        comment    => 'SPE_COMMENT',
        pi         => 'SPE_PI',
        decl       => 'SPE_DECL',
        document   => 'SPE_TOP',
        whitespace => 'SPE_WHITESPACE',
        pcdata     => 'SPE_PCDATA',
        cdata      => 'SPE_CDATA',
        prolog     => 'SPE_PROLOG',
        trailer    => 'SPE_TRAILER',

    my @core_rules           = ();
    my %runtime_tag          = ();
    my %primary_group_by_tag = ();
    $self->{primary_group_by_tag} = \%primary_group_by_tag;

        for my $line ( split /\n/xms,
            $Marpa::R2::HTML::Internal::Core::CORE_BNF )
            my $definition = $line;
            chomp $definition;
            $definition =~ s/ [#] .* //xms;    # Remove comments
            next LINE
                if not $definition =~ / \S /xms;  # ignore all-whitespace line
            my $sequence = ( $definition =~ s/ [*] \s* $//xms );
            if ( $definition =~ s/ \s* [:][:][=] \s* / /xms ) {

                # Production is Ordinary BNF rule
                my @symbols         = ( split q{ }, $definition );
                my $lhs             = shift @symbols;
                my %rule_descriptor = (
                    lhs => $lhs,
                    rhs => \@symbols,
                if ($sequence) {
                    $rule_descriptor{min} = 0;
                if ( my $handler = $species_handler{$lhs} ) {
                    $rule_descriptor{action} = $handler;
                elsif ( $lhs =~ /^ELE_/xms ) {
                    $rule_descriptor{action} = "$lhs";
                push @core_rules, \%rule_descriptor;
                next LINE;
            } ## end if ( $definition =~ s/ \s* [:][:][=] \s* / /xms )
            die "Badly formed line in grammar description: $line";
        } ## end LINE: for my $line ( split /\n/xms, ...)

    my @core_symbols = map { ( $_->{lhs}, @{ $_->{rhs} } ) } @core_rules;

    # Start out by closing the context and contents of everything
    my %symbol_table = map {
        $_ =>
            [ 'Reserved by the core grammar', 'Reserved by the core grammar' ]
    } @core_symbols;
    $self->{symbol_table} = \%symbol_table;

    # A few token symbols are allowed as contents -- most non-element
    # tokens are included via the SGML group
    for my $token_symbol (qw(cdata pcdata)) {
        $symbol_table{$token_symbol}->[CONTEXT_CLOSED] = 0;

    # Many groups are defined to to be used
    for my $group_symbol (
        qw( GRP_anywhere GRP_pcdata GRP_cdata GRP_mixed GRP_block GRP_head GRP_inline)
        $symbol_table{$group_symbol}->[CONTEXT_CLOSED] = 0;
    } ## end for my $group_symbol ( ...)

    # Flow symbols are almost all allowed as contents
    for my $flow_symbol ( grep { $_ =~ m/\A FLO_ /xms } @core_symbols ) {

        # The SGML flow is included automatically as needed
        # and should not be explicity specified
        next FLOW_SYMBOL if $flow_symbol eq 'FLO_SGML';
        $symbol_table{$flow_symbol}->[CONTEXT_CLOSED] = 0;
    } ## end for my $flow_symbol ( grep { $_ =~ m/\A FLO_ /xms } ...)

    # A few groups are also extensible
    for my $group_symbol (qw( GRP_anywhere GRP_block GRP_head GRP_inline )) {
        $symbol_table{$group_symbol}->[CONTENTS_CLOSED] = 0;

    # As very special cases the contents of the <head> and <body>
    # elements can be changed
    for my $element_symbol (qw( ELE_head ELE_body )) {
        $symbol_table{$element_symbol}->[CONTENTS_CLOSED] = 0;

        # Make sure everything for which we have a handler was defined in
        # the core grammar
        my @species_not_defined = grep { not defined $symbol_table{$_} }
            keys %species_handler;
        if ( scalar @species_not_defined ) {
                'Definitions for the following required text components are missing: ',
                join q{ }, @species_not_defined;

    my %ruby_config = ();
    my %lists       = ();
    $self->{ruby_config} = \%ruby_config;
    $self->{lists} = \%lists;
    $self->{source_ref} = $source_ref;
    my @positions = (0);
    $self->{positions} = \@positions;

    state $grammar = create_grammar();
    my $recce = Marpa::R2::Recognizer->new({ grammar => $grammar});
    my $string = ${$source_ref};
    my $length = length $string;
    pos $string = 0;
    TOKEN: while ( pos $string < $length ) {

        # skip comment
        next TOKEN if $string =~ m/\G \s* [#] [^\n]* \n/gcxms;

        # skip whitespace
        next TOKEN if $string =~ m/\G\s+/gcxms;

        # read other tokens
        TOKEN_TYPE: for my $t (@terminals) {
            next TOKEN_TYPE if not $string =~ m/\G($t->[1])/gcxms;
            # say join " ", $t->[0], '->', $1;
            if ( not defined $recce->read( $t->[0], $1 ) ) {
                die_on_read_problem( $recce, $t, $1, $string, pos $string );
            my $latest_earley_set = $recce->latest_earley_set();
            $positions[$latest_earley_set] = pos $string;
            next TOKEN;
        } ## end TOKEN_TYPE: for my $t (@terminals)

        die q{No token at "}, ( substr $string, pos $string, 40 ),
            q{", position }, pos $string;
    } ## end TOKEN: while ( pos $string < $length )

    # Value not used
    my $parse_value_ref;
    my $eval_ok = eval {

        # Have the new() just return the current $self
        local *new = sub { return $self };
        $parse_value_ref = $recce->value();
    if ( not defined $eval_ok ) {
        my $eval_ref_type = ref $EVAL_ERROR;
        die $EVAL_ERROR if not $eval_ref_type;
        if ( $eval_ref_type eq 'ARRAY' and $EVAL_ERROR->[0] eq 'rule' ) {
            my ( undef, $message, $start, $end ) = @{$EVAL_ERROR};
            chomp $message;
            die $message, "\n",
                "Rule with problem was: ",
                $self->source_by_location_range( $start, $end ), "\n";
        } ## end if ( $eval_ref_type eq 'ARRAY' and $EVAL_ERROR->[0] ...)
        die "Unknown exception: ", Data::Dumper::Dumper($EVAL_ERROR);
    } ## end if ( not defined $eval_ok )
    if ( not defined $parse_value_ref ) {
        die "Compile of HTML configuration failed: source did not parse";

    my %sgml_flow_included = ();
    SYMBOL: for my $element_symbol ( keys %symbol_table ) {
        next SYMBOL if not 'ELE_' eq substr $element_symbol, 0, 4;
        my $tag      = substr $element_symbol, 4;
        my $entry    = $symbol_table{$element_symbol};
        my $context  = $entry->[CONTEXT];
        my $contents = $entry->[CONTENTS];
        next SYMBOL if not defined $context and not defined $contents;
        if ( defined $context and not defined $contents ) {
                qq{Element <$tag> was defined but was never given any contents}

        # Contents without context are OK at this point
        # We will check later for elements defined but not used
        $context //= [];

        # The special case where both are defined and both
        # are scalars is for elements to be created at runtime
        if ( not ref $context and not ref $contents ) {
            $runtime_tag{$tag} = $contents;
            next SYMBOL;

        if ( ref $contents ) {
            my $contents_symbol = 'Contents_ELE_' . $tag;
            my $item_symbol     = 'GRP_ELE_' . $tag;
            push @core_rules,
                lhs    => $element_symbol,
                rhs    => [ "S_$tag", $contents_symbol, "E_$tag" ],
                action => $element_symbol,
                lhs => $contents_symbol,
                rhs => [$item_symbol],
                min => 0
            for my $content_item ( @{$contents} ) {
                push @core_rules,
                    lhs => $item_symbol,
                    rhs => [$content_item],
            } ## end for my $content_item ( @{$contents} )
            if ( !$sgml_flow_included{$item_symbol} ) {
                $sgml_flow_included{$item_symbol} = 1;
                push @core_rules,
                    lhs => $item_symbol,
                    rhs => ['GRP_SGML'],
            } ## end if ( !$sgml_flow_included{$item_symbol} )
        } ## end if ( ref $contents )
        else {
            push @core_rules,
                lhs    => $element_symbol,
                rhs    => [ "S_$tag", $contents, "E_$tag" ],
                action => $element_symbol,
        } ## end else [ if ( ref $contents ) ]

        $context = [$context] if not ref $context;
        for my $context_item ( @{$context} ) {
            push @core_rules,
                lhs => $context_item,
                rhs => [$element_symbol],
        } ## end for my $context_item ( @{$context} )
    } ## end SYMBOL: for my $element_symbol ( keys %symbol_table )

    # Finish out the Ruby Slippers configuration
    # Make sure the last resort defaults are always defined
    for my $required_rubies_desc (qw( <*> </*> <!element> )) {
        $ruby_config{$required_rubies_desc} //= [];

    DESC: for my $rubies_desc ( keys %ruby_config ) {
        my $candidates = $ruby_config{$rubies_desc};
        next DESC if grep { '</*>' eq $_ } @{$candidates};
        $ruby_config{$rubies_desc} = [ @{$candidates}, '</*>' ];

    my %is_empty_element = ();
        for my $tag ( keys %runtime_tag ) {
            my $contents = $runtime_tag{$tag};
            $is_empty_element{$tag} = 1 if $contents eq 'FLO_empty';
        RULE: for my $rule (@core_rules) {
            my $lhs = $rule->{lhs};
            next RULE if not 'ELE_' eq substr $lhs, 0, 4;
            my $contents = $rule->{rhs}->[1];
            $is_empty_element{ substr $lhs, 4 } = 1
                if $contents eq 'FLO_empty';
        } ## end RULE: for my $rule (@core_rules)

        # Make sure no ruby candidates or rejected symbols are
        # end tags of empty elements
        SYMBOL: for my $rejected_symbol ( keys %ruby_config ) {
            next SYMBOL if 'E_' ne substr $rejected_symbol, 0, 2;
            my $tag = substr $rejected_symbol, 2;
            next SYMBOL if not $is_empty_element{$tag};
                qq{Ruby Slippers alternatives specified for </$tag>\n},
                qq{  "$tag" is an empty element and this is not allowed"}
        } ## end SYMBOL: for my $rejected_symbol ( keys %ruby_config )
        for my $candidate_symbol ( map { @{$_} } values %ruby_config ) {
            next SYMBOL if 'E_' ne substr $candidate_symbol, 0, 2;
            my $tag = substr $candidate_symbol, 2;
            next SYMBOL if not $is_empty_element{$tag};
                qq{Tag </$tag> specified as a Ruby Slippers alternative\n},
                qq{  "$tag" is an empty element and this is not allowed"}
        } ## end for my $candidate_symbol ( map { @{$_} } values ...)

    # Special case the EOF Ruby Slippers treatment
        @{ $ruby_config{EOF} } =
            qw( S_html S_head S_body </*> E_body E_html );

        # Find the tag descriptors which refer to required
        # elements and add them

        # Required elements are those which we may have to
        # supply even though they are not in the physical input

        # Anything which has a start tag among the ruby candidates
        # is required, since we may be required to create a
        # non-physical one
        my @ruby_start_tags =
            grep { ( substr $_, 0, 2 ) eq 'S_' }
            map { @{$_} } values %ruby_config;

        my %defined_in_core_rules =
            map { ( substr $_, 4 ) => 'core' }
            grep {m/\A ELE_ /xms} map { $_->{lhs} } @core_rules;

        my %required_tags = map { ( substr $_, 2 ) => 1 } @ruby_start_tags;
        TAG: for my $tag ( keys %required_tags ) {
            next TAG if $defined_in_core_rules{$tag};
            my $flow = $runtime_tag{$tag};
            die qq{Required element "ELE_$tag" was never defined}
                if not defined $flow;
            my $group   = $primary_group_by_tag{$tag};
            my $element = 'ELE_' . $tag;
            push @core_rules,
                lhs    => $element,
                rhs    => [ "S_$tag", $flow, "E_$tag" ],
                action => $element
                lhs => $group,
                rhs => [$element],
            delete $runtime_tag{$tag};
        } ## end TAG: for my $tag ( keys %required_tags )

        my @mentioned_in_core =
            map { substr $_, 4 }
            grep {m/\A ELE_ /xms} map { @{ $_->{rhs} } } @core_rules;
        my %defined_in_core =
            map { ( substr $_, 4 ) => 'core' }
            grep {m/\A ELE_ /xms} map { $_->{lhs} } @core_rules;
        my @symbols_with_no_ruby_status =
            grep { !$defined_in_core{$_} and !$runtime_tag{$_} }
        die 'symbols with no ruby status: ', join q{ },
            if scalar @symbols_with_no_ruby_status;

    # Calculate the numeric Ruby ranks
    my %ruby_rank = ();
    for my $rejected_symbol ( keys %ruby_config ) {
        my $rank = 1;
        for my $candidate ( reverse @{ $ruby_config{$rejected_symbol} } ) {
            $ruby_rank{$rejected_symbol}{$candidate} = $rank++;
    } ## end for my $rejected_symbol ( keys %ruby_config )

        my %element_used =
            map { ( $_ => 1 ) }
            grep {m/\A ELE_ /xms} map { @{ $_->{rhs} } } @core_rules;
        my @elements_defined_but_not_used =
            grep { !$element_used{$_} }
            grep {m/\A ELE_ /xms} map { $_->{lhs} } @core_rules;
        die 'elements defined but never used: ', join q{ },
            if scalar @elements_defined_but_not_used;

        my %seen = ();
        for my $rule (@core_rules) {
            my $lhs  = $rule->{lhs};
            my $rhs  = $rule->{rhs};
            my $desc = join q{ }, $lhs, '::=', @{$rhs};
            if ( $seen{$desc} ) {
                Carp::croak("Duplicate rule: $desc");
        } ## end for my $rule (@core_rules)

    return {
        rules                      => \@core_rules,
        runtime_tag                => \%runtime_tag,
        ruby_slippers_rank_by_name => \%ruby_rank,
        is_empty_element           => \%is_empty_element,
        primary_group_by_tag       => \%primary_group_by_tag

} ## end sub compile


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