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# Marpa::R3 is Copyright (C) 2017, Jeffrey Kegler.
# This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl 5.10.1. For more details, see the full text
# of the licenses in the directory LICENSES.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
# useful, but it is provided "as is" and without any express
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# of the licenses in the directory LICENSES.

=head1 Name

Marpa::R3::ASF - Marpa's abstract syntax forests (ASF's)

=head1 Synopsis

We want to "diagram" the following sentence.

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF synopsis input
normalize-whitespace: 1

    my $sentence = 'a panda eats shoots and leaves.';

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

Here's the result we are looking for.  It is in Penntag form:

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF synopsis output
partial: 1
remove-display-indent: 1
remove-blank-last-line: 1

    (S (NP (DT a) (NN panda))
       (VP (VBZ eats) (NP (NNS shoots) (CC and) (NNS leaves)))
       (. .))
    (S (NP (DT a) (NN panda))
       (VP (VP (VBZ eats) (NP (NNS shoots))) (CC and) (VP (VBZ leaves)))
       (. .))
    (S (NP (DT a) (NN panda))
       (VP (VP (VBZ eats)) (VP (VBZ shoots)) (CC and) (VP (VBZ leaves)))
       (. .))

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

Here is the grammar.

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF synopsis grammar
normalize-whitespace: 1
remove-display-indent: 1
remove-blank-last-line: 1

    :default ::= action => [ values ] bless => ::lhs
    lexeme default = action => [ value ] bless => ::name

    S   ::= NP  VP  period  bless => S

    NP  ::= NN              bless => NP
        |   NNS          bless => NP
        |   DT  NN          bless => NP
        |   NN  NNS         bless => NP
        |   NNS CC NNS  bless => NP

    VP  ::= VBZ NP          bless => VP
        | VP VBZ NNS        bless => VP
        | VP CC VP bless => VP
        | VP VP CC VP bless => VP
        | VBZ bless => VP

    period ~ '.'

    :discard ~ whitespace
    whitespace ~ [\s]+

    CC ~ 'and'
    DT  ~ 'a' | 'an'
    NN  ~ 'panda'
    NNS  ~ 'shoots' | 'leaves'
    VBZ ~ 'eats' | 'shoots' | 'leaves'

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

Here's the code. It actually does two traversals, one that produces the full result as
shown above, and another which "prunes" the forest down to a single tree.

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF synopsis code
normalize-whitespace: 1

    my $panda_grammar = Marpa::R3::Scanless::G->new(
        { source => \$dsl, bless_package => 'PennTags', } );
    my $panda_recce = Marpa::R3::Scanless::R->new( { grammar => $panda_grammar } );
    $panda_recce->read( \$sentence );
    my $asf = Marpa::R3::ASF->new( { slr=>$panda_recce } );
    my $full_result = $asf->traverse( {}, \&full_traverser );
    my $pruned_result = $asf->traverse( {}, \&pruning_traverser );

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

The code for the full traverser is in an appendix.
The pruning code is simpler.  Here it is:

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF synopsis pruning traverser code
normalize-whitespace: 1

    sub penn_tag {
       my ($symbol_name) = @_;
       return q{.} if $symbol_name eq 'period';
       return $symbol_name;

    sub pruning_traverser {

    # This routine converts the glade into a list of Penn-tagged elements.  It is called recursively.
        my ( $glade, $scratch ) = @_;
        my $rule_id     = $glade->rule_id();
        my $symbol_id   = $glade->symbol_id();
        my $symbol_name = $panda_grammar->g1_symbol_name($symbol_id);

        # A token is a single choice, and we know enough to fully Penn-tag it
        if ( not defined $rule_id ) {
            my $literal  = $glade->literal();
            my $penn_tag = penn_tag($symbol_name);
            return "($penn_tag $literal)";

        my $length = $glade->rh_length();
        my @return_value = map { $glade->rh_value($_) } 0 .. $length - 1;

        # Special case for the start rule
        return ( join q{ }, @return_value ) . "\n" if $symbol_name eq '[:start]';

        my $join_ws = q{ };
        $join_ws = qq{\n   } if $symbol_name eq 'S';
        my $penn_tag = penn_tag($symbol_name);
        return "($penn_tag " . ( join $join_ws, @return_value ) . ')';


=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

Here is the "pruned" output:

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF pruned synopsis output
remove-display-indent: 1
remove-blank-last-line: 1

    (S (NP (DT a) (NN panda))
       (VP (VBZ eats) (NP (NNS shoots) (CC and) (NNS leaves)))
       (. .))

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

=head1 About this document

This document describes the abstract syntax forests (ASF's) of
Marpa's SLIF interface.
An ASF is an efficient and practical way to represent multiple abstract syntax trees (AST's).

=head1 Constructor

=head2 new()

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF low-level calls synopsis, code part 1
normalize-whitespace: 1
partial: 1

    my $asf = Marpa::R3::ASF->new( { slr => $slr } );
    die 'No ASF' if not defined $asf;

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

Creates a new ASF object.
Must be called with a list of one or more hashes of named arguments.
Currently only one named argument is allowed, the C<slr> argument, and
that argument is required.
The value of the C<slr> argument must be a SLIF recognizer object.

Returns the new ASF object, or C<undef> if there was a problem.

=head1 Accessor

=head2 grammar()

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF low-level calls synopsis, code part 2
normalize-whitespace: 1
partial: 1

    my $grammar     = $asf->grammar();

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

Returns the SLIF grammar associated with the ASF.
This can be convenient when using SLIF grammar methods
while examining an ASF.
All failures are thrown as exceptions.

=head1 The traverser method

=head2 traverse()

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF synopsis code
normalize-whitespace: 1
partial: 1

    my $full_result = $asf->traverse( {}, \&full_traverser );

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

Performs a traversal of the ASF.
Returns the value of the traversal,
which is computed as described below.
It requires two arguments.
The first is a per-traversal object, which must be a Perl reference.
The second argument must be a reference to a traverser function,
Discussion of how to write a traverser follows.
The C<traverse()> method may be called repeatedly for an ASF,
with the same traverser, or with different ones.

=head1 How to write a traverser

The process of
writing a traverser will be familiar if you have experience with
traversing trees.
The traverser may be called at every node of the forest.
(These nodes are called B<glades>.)
The traverser must return a value,
which may not be an C<undef>.
The value returned by the traverser becomes the value of the glade.
The value of the topmost glade (called the B<peak>) becomes the value
of the traversal, and will be the value returned by
L<the C<traverse()> method|/"traverse()">.

The traverser is always invoked once for the peak.
The traverser is also invoked once for any glade whose
value is required.
It may or may not be invoked for other glades.
The traverser is never invoked twice for the same glade.
If more than one attempt to made
to retrieve the value of a glade,
the traverser will only be invoked for the first one --
all subsequent attempts will return a memoized value.

The traverser is always invoked with two arguments.
The first argument will be a B<glade object>.
Methods of the glade object are used to find information about
the glade, and to move around in it.

The second of the two arguments to a traverser is
the per-traversal object, which will be shared by all calls
in the traversal.
The per-traversal object
may be used as a "scratch pad" for information
that it is not convenient to pass via return values.
Prefer the per-traversal object to the use of globals.

"Moving around" in a glade means visiting its B<parse alternatives>.
(Parse alternatives are usually called B<alternatives>,
when the meaning is clear.)
If a glade has exactly one alternative, it is called a B<trivial glade>.
When invoked, the traverser points at the first alternative.
Alternatives after the first may be visited using
the L<C<next()>|/"next()"> glade method.

Parse alternatives may be either token
alternatives or rule alternatives.
Rule and token alternatives may be distnguished
the L<C<rule_id()>|/"rule_id()"> glade method,
which returns C<undef> if and only if the glade is positioned at a token

As a special case,
a glade representing a nulled symbol is always a trivial glade,
containing only one token alternative.
This means that a nulled symbol is always treated as a token
in this context,
even when it actually is the LHS symbol of a nulled rule.

At all alternatives,
the L<C<span()>|/"span()"> and
the L<C<literal()>|/"literal()"> glade methods
are of use.
The L<C<symbol_id()>|/"symbol_id()"> glade method is
also always of use,
although its meaning varies.
At token alteratives, the L<C<symbol_id()>|/"symbol_id()"> method returns the
ID of the token symbol.
At rule alteratives, the L<C<symbol_id()>|/"symbol_id()"> method returns the
ID of the LHS symbol of the rule.

At rule alternatives,
the L<C<rh_length()>|/"rh_length()"> and
the L<C<rh_value()>|/"rh_value()"> glade methods
are of use.
The C<rh_length()> method returns the length of the RHS,
and the C<rh_value()> method returns the value of one of the
RHS children, as determined using the traverser.

At the peak of the ASF, the symbol will be named 'C<[:start]>'.
This case often requires special treatment.
Note that it is entirely possible for the peak glade to be non-trivial.

=head1 Glade methods

These are methods of the glade object.
Glade objects are passed as arguments to the traversal routine,
and are only valid within its scope.

=head2 literal()

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF synopsis full traverser code
normalize-whitespace: 1
partial: 1

    my $literal = $glade->literal();

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

Returns the B<glade literal>, a string in the input which corresponds to this glade.
The glade literal remains constant inside a glade.
The C<literal()> method accepts no arguments.

=head2 g1_span()

=for Marpa::R3::Display::Start
name: ASF g1_span() traverser method example
normalize-whitespace: 1
partial: 1

    my ( $g1_start, $g1_length ) = $glade->g1_span();

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

Returns the B<G1 glade span>.
The first number will be the start of the span, as
an offset in the input stream.
The second number will be its length.
Both will be in G1 location terms.
The glade span remains constant within a glade.
The C<g1_span()> method accepts no arguments.

The "end" G1 location of the span, when defined, may be calculated as
its start plus its length, minus one.
Applications should note that glades representing nulled symbols
are special cases.
They will have a length of zero and,
properly speaking,
their literals are zero length and
do not have defined first (start) and last (end) characters.

=head2 symbol_id()

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF synopsis full traverser code
normalize-whitespace: 1
partial: 1

    my $symbol_id   = $glade->symbol_id();

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

Returns the B<glade symbol>.
For a token alternative, the glade symbol is the token
For a rule alternative, the glade symbol is the LHS symbol of
the rule.
The symbol ID remains constant within a glade.
The C<symbol_id()> method accepts no arguments.

=head2 rule_id()

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF synopsis full traverser code
normalize-whitespace: 1
partial: 1

    my $rule_id     = $glade->rule_id();

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

Returns the ID of the rule for the current
The ID will be a non-negative number,
or C<undef>.
(Note that,
for alternatives in this interface, both zero and
C<undef> are considered valid rule IDs.)
Returns C<undef> if and only if the current
alternative is a token alternative.
The C<rule_id()> method accepts no arguments.

=head2 rh_length()

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF synopsis full traverser code
normalize-whitespace: 1
partial: 1

    my $length = $glade->rh_length();

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

Returns the number of RHS children of the current rule.
On success, this will always be an integer greater than zero.
The C<rh_length()> method accepts no arguments.
It is a fatal error to call C<rh_length()> for a glade
that currently points to a token alternative.

=head2 rh_value()

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF synopsis full traverser code
normalize-whitespace: 1
partial: 1

    my $child_value = $glade->rh_value($rh_ix);

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

Requires exactly one argument, C<$rh_ix>, which must be the zero-based
index of a RHS child of the current rule instance.
Returns the value of the child
at index C<$rh_ix>
of the current rule instance.
For convenient iteration,
returns C<undef> if the value of the C<$rh_ix> is greater than or equal to the RHS length.
It is a fatal error to call C<rh_value()> for a glade
that currently points to a token alternative.

=head2 rh_values()

=for Marpa::R3::Display::Start
name: ASF rh_values() traverser method example
normalize-whitespace: 1
partial: 1

    my @return_value = $glade->rh_values();

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

Returns the RHS children of the current rule.
The C<rh_values()> method accepts no arguments.
It is a fatal error to call C<rh_values()> for a glade
that currently points to a token alternative.

=head2 all_choices()

=for Marpa::R3::Display::Start
name: ASF all_choices() traverser method example
normalize-whitespace: 1
partial: 1

    my @results = $glade->all_choices();

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

C<all_choices()> expects to be called by a traverser
which always return its parse results as a reference
to an array of choices.
returns the Cartesian product of the lists of choices
at the current position.

For example, suppose there were 3 child values,


=item * C<A> was the only choice for the first child value;

=item * C<B>, C<C> and C<D> were the 3 choices for the value
of the second child; and

=item * C<E> was the only choice for the third child value.


We would then expect the traverser to return parse results
that were references to arrays of the choices:

=for Marpa::R3::Display
ignore: 1


=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

and the result of C<all_choices()> would be their
Cartesian product:

=for Marpa::R3::Display
ignore: 1


=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

If a parse result is not an unblessed array,
C<all_choices()> will treat it as if it
was the only choice for that child value.
That is, if the parse result is C<X>,
where C<X> is not an unblessed array,
then effect would be the same as if C<[ X ]>,
a reference to an array whose only
element is C<X>,
had been the parse result.

=head2 next()

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF synopsis full traverser code
normalize-whitespace: 1
partial: 1

    last CHOICE if not defined $glade->next();

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End

Points the glade at the next alternative.
If there is no next alternative, returns C<undef>.
On success, returns a defined value.
One of the values returned on success may be
the integer zero, so applications using
this method to control an interation
should be careful to check for a Perl defined value,
and not for a Perl true value.

In addition, because
the L<C<rule_id()> method|/"rule_id()">
remains constant only within a symch, and
the L<C<next()> method|/"next()"> may
change the current symch,
L<C<rule_id()> method|/"rule_id()">
must always be called to obtain the current rule ID
in a C<while> loop that is controlled by
the L<C<next()> method|/"next()">.

=head1 Details

This section contains additional explanations, not essential to understanding
the rest of this document.
Often they are formal or mathematical.
While some people find these helpful, others find them distracting,
which is why
they are segregated here.

=head2 Symches and factorings

B<Symch> and B<factoring> are terms which are
useful for some advanced applications.
For the purposes of this document,
the reader can consider the term "factoring" as a synonym
for "parse alternative".
A symch is either a rule symch or a token alternative.
A rule symch is a series of rule alternatives (factorings) which share the same rule ID and the same glade.
A glade's token alternative is a symch all by itself.
The term B<symch> is shorthand for "symbolic choice".

The value that each glade accessor
returns can be classified as


=item * remaining constant inside a glade;

=item * remaining constant within a symch; or

=item * potentially varying with each factoring.


The values of the
L<C<span()>|/"span()">, and
L<C<symbol_id()>|/"symbol_id()"> methods
remain constant inside each glade.
The L<C<rule_id()> method|/"rule_id()"> remains constant within a symch --
in fact, the rule ID and the glade define a symch.
(Recall that for alternatives in the ASF interface,
C<undef> is considered a rule ID.)
The values of the
L<C<rh_length()> method|/"rh_length()">
and the values of the
L<C<rh_value()> method|/"rh_value()"> method
may vary with each alternative (factoring).

When moving through a glade using
the L<C<next()> method|/"next()">,
alternatives within the same symch are visited
as a group.
More precisely, let
the "current rule ID" be defined as
the rule ID of the alternative at which the glade is
currently pointing.
L<C<next()>|/"next()"> glade method guarantees that,
any alternative with a rule ID different from the current rule ID
is visited,
all of the so-far-unvisited alternatives that share the current rule ID will be

=head1 Appendix: full traverser code

This code is not fully
Applications will often not be able to use it
exactly as is.
Instead, this C<full_traverser()>,
and the C<pruning_traverser()>,
are intended to be used as templates.
An application adopting this C<full_traverser()>
will often want to introduce some pruning,
as well as some processing of each child value.
For example, the volumes of data processed is often
quite large, and an application may wish to compact each
child value in some way.

=for Marpa::R3::Display
name: ASF synopsis full traverser code
normalize-whitespace: 1

    sub full_traverser {

        # This routine converts the glade into a list of Penn-tagged elements.
        # It is called recursively.
        my ( $glade, $scratch ) = @_;
        my $rule_id     = $glade->rule_id();
        my $symbol_id   = $glade->symbol_id();
        my $symbol_name = $panda_grammar->g1_symbol_name($symbol_id);

        # A token is a single choice, and we know enough to fully Penn-tag it
        if ( not defined $rule_id ) {
            my $literal  = $glade->literal();
            my $penn_tag = penn_tag($symbol_name);
            return ["($penn_tag $literal)"];
        } ## end if ( not defined $rule_id )

        # Our result will be a list of choices
        my @return_value = ();

      CHOICE: while (1) {

            # The results at each position are a list of choices, so
            # to produce a new result list, we need to take a Cartesian
            # product of all the choices
            my $length = $glade->rh_length();
            my @results = ( [] );
            for my $rh_ix ( 0 .. $length - 1 ) {
                my @new_results = ();
                for my $old_result (@results) {
                    my $child_value = $glade->rh_value($rh_ix);
                    for my $new_value ( @{$child_value} ) {
                        push @new_results, [ @{$old_result}, $new_value ];
                @results = @new_results;
            } ## end for my $rh_ix ( 0 .. $length - 1 )

            # Special case for the start rule
            if ( $symbol_name eq '[:start]' ) {
                return [ map { join q{}, @{$_} } @results ];

            # Now we have a list of choices, as a list of lists.  Each sub list
            # is a list of Penn-tagged elements, which we need to join into
            # a single Penn-tagged element.  The result will be to collapse
            # one level of lists, and leave us with a list of Penn-tagged
            # elements
            my $join_ws = q{ };
            $join_ws = qq{\n   } if $symbol_name eq 'S';
            push @return_value, map {
                  . penn_tag($symbol_name) . q{ }
                  . ( join $join_ws, @{$_} ) . ')'
            } @results;

            # Look at the next alternative in this glade, or end the
            # loop if there is none
            last CHOICE if not defined $glade->next();

        } ## end CHOICE: while (1)

        # Return the list of Penn-tagged elements for this glade
        return \@return_value;

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End


=for Marpa::R3::Display
ignore: 1

  Marpa::R3 is Copyright (C) 2017, Jeffrey Kegler.

  This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  under the same terms as Perl 5.10.1. For more details, see the full text
  of the licenses in the directory LICENSES.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
  useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied
  warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

=for Marpa::R3::Display::End


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