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#!perl -T

use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 't/tlib';
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use Test::Mock::Redis;

x   DEL
o   KEYS   <-- could use a lot more tests, doesn't escape meta-chars
x   MOVE
x   TTL
o   TYPE   <-- only 1 type tested here
    SORT   <-- TODO, requires list/set/sorted set

ok(my $r = Test::Mock::Redis->new, 'pretended to connect to our test redis-server');
my @redi = ($r);

my ( $guard, $srv );
    ($guard, $srv) = redis();
    ok(my $r = Redis->new(server => $srv), 'connected to our test redis-server');
    unshift @redi, $r

foreach my $r (@redi){
    diag("testing $r") if $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING};

    ok(!$r->exists('foo'), "exists returns false for key that doesn't exist");

    ok($r->set('foo', 'foobar'), 'can set foo');

    ok($r->exists('foo'), 'exists returns true for key that exists');

    is($r->randomkey, 'foo', "randomkey returns foo, because it's all we have");

    ok($r->set('bar', 'barfoo'), 'can set bar');
    ok($r->set('baz', 'bazbaz'), 'can set baz');

    is_deeply([ sort $r->keys('ba*') ], [qw/bar baz/], 'keys ba* matches bar and baz');
    is_deeply([ sort $r->keys('ba?') ], [qw/bar baz/], 'keys ba? matches bar and baz');
    is_deeply([ sort $r->keys('?a?') ], [qw/bar baz/], 'keys ?a? matches bar and baz');
    is_deeply([ sort $r->keys('ba[rz]') ], [qw/bar baz/], 'keys ba[rz] matches bar and baz');
    # TODO: more keys() tests

    ok(! $r->del('quizlebub'), "del on a key that doesn't exist returns false");
    ok($r->del('foo'), 'del on a key that exists returns true');

    is($r->get('bar'), 'barfoo', 'get returns correct value');

    ok($r->set('foo', 'foobar'), 'can set foo again');

    my $rand = $r->randomkey;

    ok(grep { $_ eq $rand } qw/foo bar baz/, 'random returned one of our keys');

    throws_ok { $r->rename('foo', 'foo') } qr/^\Q[rename] ERR source and destination objects are the same\E/,
        'rename with identical source and dest returns false';

    throws_ok { $r->rename('quizlebub', 'foo') } qr/^\Q[rename] ERR no such key\E/,
         "rename with source that doesn't exist returns false";

    ok($r->rename('foo', 'newfoo'), 'rename returns true on success');

    is( $r->get('newfoo'), 'foobar', 'rename worked');

    is_deeply([sort $r->keys('*')],  [qw/bar baz newfoo/], 'rename removed foo');

    throws_ok { $r->keys } qr/^\Q[KEYS] ERR wrong number of arguments for 'keys' command\E/,
        'keys with no argument complains';

    $r->set('foo', 'foobar');
    ok(! $r->renamenx('newfoo', 'foo'), 'renamenx returns false when destination key exists');

    ok($r->renamenx('newfoo', 'newfoo2'), 'renamenx returns true on success');
    is( $r->get('newfoo2'), 'foobar', 'renamenx worked');

    is($r->ttl('newfoo2'), -1, 'ttl for key with no timeout is -1');
    is($r->ttl('quizlebub'), -1, "ttl for key that doesn't exist is -1");

    $r->expire('newfoo2', 3);
    ok($r->ttl('newfoo2') >= 2, 'ttl for newfoo2 is at least 2');

    is($r->type('foo'), 'string', 'type works for simple key/value');

    ok($r->move('foo', 1), 'move returns true on success');
    ok(! $r->get('foo'), 'move moved foo');
    ok(! $r->move('foo', 1), 'move returns false when key does not exist in source');
    ok($r->select(1), 'select returns true on success');
    ok($r->exists('foo'), 'move moved foo and exists found it');
    ok($r->select(0), 'select returns true on success');
    $r->set('foo', 'foobar');  # put it back in db0
    ok(! $r->move('foo', 1), 'move returns false when key already exists in destination');
