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# -*- Perl -*-
# "Copian" tension analysis for 12-pitch material in equal temperament.

package Music::Tension::Cope;

use 5.010000;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp qw/croak/;
use Music::Tension ();
use Scalar::Util qw/looks_like_number/;

our @ISA     = qw(Music::Tension);
our $VERSION = '1.02';

my $DEG_IN_SCALE = 12;


sub new {
    my ( $class, %param ) = @_;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%param);

    if ( exists $param{duration_weight} ) {
        croak "duration_weight must be a number"
          if !looks_like_number $param{duration_weight};
        $self->{_duration_weight} = $param{duration_weight};
    } else {
        $self->{_duration_weight} = 0.1;

    if ( exists $param{metric_weight} ) {
        croak "metric_weight must be a number"
          if !looks_like_number $param{metric_weight};
        $self->{_metric_weight} = $param{metric_weight};
    } else {
        $self->{_metric_weight} = 0.1;

    if ( exists $param{octave_adjust} ) {
        croak "octave_adjust must be a number"
          if !looks_like_number $param{octave_adjust};
        $self->{_octave_adjust} = $param{octave_adjust};
    } else {
        $self->{_octave_adjust} = -0.02;

    if ( exists $param{tensions} ) {
        croak "tensions must be hash reference" if ref $param{tensions} ne 'HASH';
        for my $i ( 0 .. 11 ) {
            croak "tensions must include all intervals from 0 through 11"
              if !exists $param{tensions}->{$i};
        $self->{_tensions} = $param{tensions};
    } else {
        # Default interval tensions taken from "Computer Models of
        # Musical Creativity", Cope, p.229-230, from least tension (0.0)
        # to greatest (1.0), less if greater than an octave.
        $self->{_tensions} = {
            0  => 0.0,
            1  => 1.0,
            2  => 0.8,
            3  => 0.225,
            4  => 0.2,
            5  => 0.55,
            6  => 0.65,
            7  => 0.1,
            8  => 0.275,
            9  => 0.25,
            10 => 0.7,
            11 => 0.9,

    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

# Approach tension - horizontal tension, I'm assuming harmonic function,
# therefore limit to intervals in same register.
sub approach {
    my ( $self, $p1 ) = @_;
    croak "pitch is required" if !defined $p1;
    croak "pitch must be integer" if $p1 !~ m/^-?\d+$/;

    $self->pitches( 0, abs($p1) % $DEG_IN_SCALE );

# Tension over durations
sub duration {
    my ( $self, $input, $duration ) = @_;

    croak "duration must be a positive value"
      if !looks_like_number($duration)
      or $duration <= 0;

    my $tension;
    if ( ref $input eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        $tension = $self->vertical($input);
    } elsif ( looks_like_number($input) ) {
        $tension = $input;
    } else {
        croak "unknown pitch set or prior tension value '$input'";

    # p.232-233 [Cope 2005] - this result "is then added to any grouping's
    #   accumulated tension weighting"
    return $self->{_duration_weight} * $duration +
      $self->{_duration_weight} * $tension;

# KLUGE things into whatever is closest equal temperament for now
sub frequencies {
    my ( $self, $f1, $f2 ) = @_;
    croak "two frequencies required" if !defined $f1 or !defined $f2;
    croak "frequencies must be positive numbers"
      if !looks_like_number $f1
      or !looks_like_number $f2
      or $f1 < 0
      or $f2 < 0;

    $self->pitches( map $self->freq2pitch($_), $f1, $f2 );

# Tension based on where note is within measure p.232 [Cope 2005]
sub metric {
    my ( $self, $b, $v ) = @_;
    croak "input must be positive numeric"
      if !looks_like_number($b)
      or $b <= 0
      or !looks_like_number($v)
      or $v <= 0;

    return ( $b * $self->{_metric_weight} ) / $v;

# Tension for two pitches
sub pitches {
    my ( $self, $p1, $p2 ) = @_;
    croak "two pitches required" if !defined $p1 or !defined $p2;
    croak "pitches must be integers"
      if $p1 !~ m/^-?\d+$/
      or $p2 !~ m/^-?\d+$/;

    my $interval = abs( $p2 - $p1 );
    my $octave   = int( $interval / $DEG_IN_SCALE );
    my $tension =
      $self->{_tensions}->{ $interval % $DEG_IN_SCALE } +
      ( $octave > 0 ? $self->{_octave_adjust} : 0 );
    $tension = 0 if $tension < 0;

    return $tension;

# Tension from first note to all others above it in a passed pitch set.
# Returns sum, min, max, and array ref of tensions, unless just the sum
# is desired by context.
sub vertical {
    my ( $self, $pset ) = @_;
    croak "pitch set must be array ref" unless ref $pset eq 'ARRAY';
    croak "pitch set must contain multiple elements" if @$pset < 2;
    my @pcs = @$pset;

    # Reposition pitches upwards if subsequent lower than the initial pitch
    for my $i ( 1 .. $#pcs ) {
        if ( $pcs[$i] < $pcs[0] ) {
            $pcs[$i] += $DEG_IN_SCALE +
              ( int( ( $pcs[0] - $pcs[$i] - 1 ) / $DEG_IN_SCALE ) ) * $DEG_IN_SCALE;

    my $min = ~0;
    my $max = 0;
    my ( @tensions, $sum );
    for my $j ( 1 .. $#pcs ) {
        my $t = $self->pitches( $pcs[0], $pcs[$j] );
        $sum += $t;
        $min = $t if $t < $min;
        $max = $t if $t > $max;
        push @tensions, $t;

    return wantarray ? ( $sum, $min, $max, \@tensions ) : $sum;


=head1 NAME

Music::Tension::Cope - tension analysis for equal temperament music


  use Music::Tension::Cope;
  my $tension = Music::Tension::Cope->new;

  my $value = $tension->pitches(4, 17);

  my $sum                     = $tension->vertical([qw/0 4 7/]);
  my ($sum, $min, $max, $ref) = $tension->vertical([qw/0 4 7/]);

  $tension->duration( $sum,        1/4 );
  $tension->duration( [qw/0 4 7/], 1/8 );

  $tension->metric(1, 2);  # beat 1, with custom value 2

  $tension->approach(7);   # motion by perfect fifth from prev.


This module offers tension analysis of equal temperament 12-pitch music,
using the method outlined by David Cope in the text "Computer Models of
Musical Creativity". The various methods will calculate the tension of
verticals (simultaneous pitches), tension over a given duration, and so
forth. Larger numbers indicate greater tension (dissonance) and smaller
numbers consonance.

Cope uses the sum of the methods B<approach>, B<duration>, B<metric>,
and B<vertical> to calculate the overall tension for each beat in an
example Chorale. B<approach> and B<metric> will be the trickiest to
implement, as they rely on knowing the interval of the harmonic change
between the beats or having a lookup table available to calculate
tension for random beats in random time signatures.

Various details are not captured by the tension analysis, notably if a
particular pitch is chromatic (implying an underlying key that is
being diverged from), musical style, dynamics, the sonic envelope, and
so forth. If these are important, they should be included in the
tension analysis.

Tension results may change between releases due to code changes. Be sure
to update all old tension values before starting any new analysis or
composition. This may require storing the original intervals or pitch
sets along with the tension numbers.

Parsing music into a form suitable for use by this module and practical
uses of the results are left as an exercise to the reader.

=head1 CAVEATS

See L<> (doi:
10.1073/pnas.1207989109) - "The basis of musical consonance as revealed
by congenital amusia" for more thoughts on consonance. This article in
particular shows a control group (presumably Western) rating an
augmented triad as less pleasant than a diminished triad, while the
numbers in this module will rate an augmented triad as only slightly
more tense than the major and minor triads, and well less tense than a
diminished triad (due to the tritone present in that).

=head1 METHODS

Any method may B<croak> if something is awry with the input. Methods are
inherited from the parent class, L<Music::Tension>.

=over 4

=item B<new> I<optional params>

Constructor. Accepts optional parameters that specify alternate values
instead of using the Cope-derived defaults.

  my $tension = Music::Tension::Cope->new(
    duration_weight => 0.42,
    metric_weight   => 0.42,
    octave_adjust   => 0.42,
    tensions        => { 0 => 0.42, 1 => 0.42, ... },

=over 4

=item *

I<duration_weight> adjusts the weighting given to B<duration> tensions.

=item *

I<metric_weight> adjusts the weighting given to B<metric> tensions.

=item *

I<octave_adjust> is a number to adjust intervals greater than an octave
by. Intervals a single or multiple registers above the root will receive
the same adjustment.

=item *

I<tensions> must be a hash reference that must contain all intervals
from (unison) to 11 (major seventh) inclusive. The default values are a
distillation of an involved consideration of the overtone series by
Cope; see the references below for the gory details.


=item B<approach> I<pitch1>

Presently a thin wrapper around B<pitches>, where I<pitch1> is relative
to unison (0), and will be mapped to that register, regardless of sign
or direction of the music. Used for horizontal tensions. Cope indicates
this is for "root motions" which from the example provided appears to be
the harmonic changes, not specific interval leaps, so tension of unison
for a tonic extension, tension of fifth for I-V6-I stasis or trips up or
down the circle of fifths, and so forth:

  $tension->approach( 0 );    # stasis (tonic -> tonic)
  $tension->approach( 5 );    # perfect fourth (tonic -> pre-dominant)
  $tension->approach( 7 );    # fifth (tonic -> dominant)

Something else may be necessary to account for other root motions;
Schoenberg (in "Theory of Harmony") favors rising fourths and falling
thirds over the weaker falling fourth and rising thirds, and points out
the weaker motions can be rectified over a longer phrase. Also relevant
is whether the music is melodically rising or falling, and harmonically
rising or falling (these can go in parallel or opposite directions,

=item B<duration> I<pitch_set_or_tension>, I<duration>

Calculates and returns the duration tension of a given pitch set
reference or prior tension value for a given duration. The duration
tension increases in proportion to the input tension and magnitude of
the duration.

The exact value of the duration parameter is largely irrelevant as long
as shorter durations use smaller values, and that the durations used are
consistent over an analysis or composition. It could be a value in
seconds, or a fraction 1/16 for a 16th note and then 1 for a whole note,
or whatever. If using notes, be sure to factor in tempo if there are
significant alterations to that over the course of a work.

The duration tension may also need adjustment depending on how well the
instrument involved sustains; consider a xylophone vs. a piano vs. a
piano with the sustain pedal down vs. a church organ.

=item B<frequencies> I<f1>, I<f2>

Calculates tension between two given frequencies (Hz), via crude
conversion of the frequencies to whatever-are-the-closest MIDI pitch
numbers, and then calling B<pitches> on those pitches. Mostly for
interface compatibility with L<Music::Tension::PlompLevelt>; presumably
could be replaced with mathematical expression Cope uses to avoid the

=item B<metric> I<beat_number>, I<beat_value>

Tension calculation based on the position in a measure. The beat number
should be an positive integer (1 for first beat of measure, 2 for
second, etc) and the value a non-zero number used to adjust the results.

Cope indicates the use of a lookup table to provide the value, due to
the complexity of where the weightings occur depending on the meter
(e.g. 3/4 stresses the first (and perhaps second) beats, while 6/8 has
stress on first and fourth). Lilypond auto-beaming should show one
opinion on how notes are grouped and therefore where the stresses are,
among other sources. Cope's tension values are lower on the beat, and
higher towards the end of the measure:

            4/4 time
  beat     | 1     2     3     4
  value    | 2     2     6     2
  tension  | 0.05  0.10  0.05  0.20

=item B<vertical> I<pitch_set_reference>

B<vertical> accepts an array reference of pitches (integers), and
tallies tensions between the initial pitch to each subsequent.
B<vertical> will move subsequent pitches up a register if they are below
the first pitch:

  <10 0 4 7> is considered as <10 12 16 19>

Unisons with the initial pitch will not be adjusted upwards. Octaves
below the initial pitch will be adjusted to unison. If the
adjustments are a problem, ensure that the first pitch is the lowest
of the pitch set.

B<vertical> returns the tension, minimum tension, maximum tension, and a
reference to a list of tensions for each interval. Except in scalar
context, where just the tension value is returned.

An alternative method would be to perform tension checks on each pitch
to any higher pitches, such that C<0 3 4 5> would also count the
intervals present above the root (3 to 4, 3 to 5, and 4 to 5), instead
of just the minor 3rd, major 3rd, and perfect fourth up from the root.
An earlier version of this module did so, but the current code is trying
to follow what Cope does as closely as possible.

=item B<pitches> I<pitch1>, I<pitch2>

Accepts two pitches (integers) and returns the tension of the interval
formed between those two pitches.


=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item *

L<App::MusicTools> - command line music composition and analysis tools
that make use of this module.

=item *

"Computer Models of Musical Creativity", David Cope, 2005, p.229-235.

=item *

"The Craft of Musical Composition", Paul Hindemith, 1942.

=item *

"Theory of Harmony", Arnold Schoenberg, 1983.

=item *

L<Music::Chord::Note> - obtain pitch sets for common chord names.

=item *

L<Music::Tension::PlompLevelt> - alternative tension algorithm based on
work of William Sethares.


=head1 AUTHOR

thrig - Jeremy Mates (cpan:JMATES) C<< <jmates at> >>


Copyright (C) 2012,2017,2018 by Jeremy Mates
